Pink Floyd / California Stockyard Jon Wizardo Master Cassettes Unprocessed / 2CD

Pink Floyd / California Stockyard Jon Wizardo Master Cassettes Unprocessed / 2CD / Sigma

Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, CA, USA 6th May 1977


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What do you mean … The day will come when the master tape of the masterpiece “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD” that made us aware of the charm of the Animals Tour and American Leg in real time will be unearthed! Isn’t it now that most of the existing sound sources have been released for the 1977 Animals Tour? It seems that the number of items that appeared in 1977, which is real time, is extremely small. In addition, most of them seemed to be concentrated on European tours, especially Wembley in March, and for the United States that followed, “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD” was the only item released in 1977.
It wasn’t until the 1980s that the current classics such as Boston and even Madison Square Garden appeared in Auckland, and on the contrary, the popularity of the Animals Tour itself increased at a stretch in the CD era. ..

Even more so, “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD” was a meaningful title, but it was released by Vicky Vinyl (or Vicki Vinyl) led by female bootlegger Andrea Waters (whose surname was “Waters”). She created a whirlwind with Paul McCartney & Wings’ “WINGS FROM THE WINGS” and made a series of masterpieces in the United States in the late 1970s.
The staff was John Wizard. Of course he was leading the Wizardo label, but at the end of 1976 he was caught with Andrea. Fortunately, however, it was a childish accusation that was unthinkable in Japan, and after a few months, the activity resumed. Of course, I couldn’t do the same activity as before, and instead, as Andrea’s staff, I started recording concerts more than ever from 1977. The product was “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD”, which was released in Andrea’s specialty, multicolor vinyl.

In the first place, the Anaheim Stadium on May 6 recorded in this LP is not a sound source other than LP, and it was at the end of the 90’s that another sound source “recorder 2” finally appeared. It was a meaningful excavation that the whole picture of the day was revealed, including songs that were not heard in “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD”, but the weak point that it was recorded in monaural compared to the stereo LP there were. Even so, it is certain that it was a high-quality sound category in the audience recording of 1977, and the compilation of the 1977 Anaheim sound source named “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD” from SIRENE received high praise from enthusiasts.
Isn’t this the case for Anaheim? It was as if I thought. However, the master tape of the sound source used for LP was finally excavated. The excavation of this maniac madness was published online by Neonknight at the end of last year, but this time from a completely different British Floyd researcher route to a picture of the master cassette owned by John Wizard. I received a version with a pedigree. Therefore, it was named “Unprocessed”.

Even so … this upper feeling is too shocking. At that time, the “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD” LP was thought to have sufficiently high sound quality, but when compared to the master this time, the difference in sound quality just stunned me. That’s because, as John revealed in an interview on Floyd’s fan site last year, his and Andrea releases vary in press factories and vinyl quality. Moreover, in 1977, the two of them had a criminal record, so it was a production situation like a nomadic people. Therefore, it is undeniable that the sound quality has deteriorated at the stage of vinylization, and the power of the master cassette is even more reminded.
This version is just amazingly fresh. I don’t think John kept it secret for nearly 45 years. While this recording is good at playing details, I get the impression that the vocals of Waters and Gilmour are deep, but the stereo feeling of the performance is tremendous. Needless to say, their live venue had a unique speaker installation, which created a three-dimensional sound that other concerts did not have. The great thing about John’s recording is that he captures this stereo sound with a three-dimensional effect.
It is a masterpiece that Rick’s keyboards fly left and right from the “ANIMALS” set in the first half of the live, but this is finally vivid in the second half of the live. When the storm that blows between “Wish You Were Here” and “Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9)” starts to ring from behind my head, if I listen to it with headphones, I’m likely to look back. Realistic.

By revealing the full length version in this way, it became clear why the encore “Money” was not recorded. That’s because John was talking to his friends between songs, and after all, he even went to Mike Check. A female voice also pops out there, but it is highly possible that this is Andrea. Strangely, Mike Millard left his voice when he recorded Floyd in 1975, but John (and even Andrea) left his voice at Floyd’s concert.
And even the end announcement after the song is over is recorded. The scene “Thank you for your hard work today, Floyd will hold a concert here tomorrow, tickets are on sale …” is also outstanding as a document. In addition, there are cuts that seem to have been the timing to change the surface of the cassette in the first half and the second half of the live, but “recorder 2” is supplemented there. This once again made it possible to weigh the outstanding sound quality and breadth of John’s recordings.

“CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD” Anaheim heard with this upper feeling is just intense. What’s more, it’s interesting that the atmosphere of the performance is completely different, even though the rare masterpiece Auckland is just around the corner. In John’s recording, the surroundings were not noisy, which also contributed to the ease of listening, but as Roger was calling attention with a strong tone after the end of the “ANIMALS” set, a skirmish between customers Was happening. Still, it’s interesting to hear the polite performance on the “ANIMALS” set, for example, the solo played by Snowy White on “Pigs On The Wing Pt. 2” has more fluent phrases than Auckland. At the end of the following “Pigs (Three Different Ones)”, the excitement that seems to fold up at once is also different from Auckland.
And after all, the clear sound quality of John’s cassette, which sucked in plenty of air on the day of Anaheim, and the expanse full of stereo feeling (please enjoy it with headphones!) Can only be said to be exquisite. The more enthusiasts you’ve been familiar with LPs, the more you’ll be overwhelmed by this upper feeling. With the release of this title using John Wizard’s own master, the best of the classic animal tour masterpiece “CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD” has finally been renewed!

何ということか…アニマルズ・ツアー、アメリカン・レグの魅力をリアルタイムで知らしめてくれた名盤「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」のマスターテープが発掘される日が来るとは!今でこそ1977年アニマルズ・ツアーは現存している音源のほとんどがリリースされているのでは?と思えるほどですが、リアルタイムである1977年の内に登場したアイテムの数は極端に少ない。おまけにそれらのほとんどがヨーロッパ・ツアー、中でも3月のウェンブリーに集中していた感があり、続いたアメリカに関しては「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」だけが77年当時にリリースされたアイテムだったのです。

なおさら「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」は意義のあるタイトルだった訳ですが、これをリリースしたのは女性ブートレガー、アンドレア・ウォーターズ(奇しくも名字が“ウォーターズ”でした)率いるVicky Vinyl(あるいはVicki Vinyl)。彼女はポール・マッカートニー&ウイングスの「WINGS FROM THE WINGS」で旋風を巻き起こし、1970年代後半のアメリカにおいて名盤を連発します。
その参謀となっていたのがジョン・ウィザード。もちろん彼はWizardoレーベルを率いていた訳ですが、76年の末にアンドレア共々摘発。とはいえ日本では考えられないような稚拙な告発だったことが幸いして数か月後には活動を再開。もちろん以前と同じような活動をするわけにはゆかず、代わりにアンドレアの参謀として77年からコンサートの録音をそれまで以上に敢行したのです。その産物が「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」であり、アンドレアお得意のマルチカラー・ヴィニールにてリリースされたのでした。

そもそも本LPに収録された5月6日のアナハイム・スタジアムはLP以外の音源と言うのがなく、ようやく別の音源「recorder 2」が現れたのは90年代末のこと。「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」では聞かれなかった曲も含め、この日の全貌が明らかになった点は意義ある発掘だったのですが、ステレオだったLPと比べモノラルで録音されていたというウィーク・ポイントがあった。それでも77年のオーディエンス録音の中では高音質な部類であったことも確かで、SIRENEから「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」名を冠した77年アナハイム音源の集大成はマニアから高い評価を得ました。

それにしても…このアッパー感は衝撃的すぎる。当時「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」LPは十分に高音質だと思われていたものですが、今回のマスターと比べてしまうと音質の落差に唖然とさせられてしまうばかり。というのもジョンが昨年フロイドのファンサイトでインタビューに応じてくれたことで明らかになったように、彼やアンドレアのリリースと言うのはプレス工場やビニールの質がまちまち。ましてや77年には二人して前科が付いてしまったことから流浪の民のような製作状況だったのです。よってビニール化された段階で音質が落ちてしまった感が否めず、なおさらマスターカセットの威力を思い知らされるというもの。
ライブ前半の「ANIMALS」セットからしてリックのキーボード類が左右を飛び交う様が捉えられているのが圧巻なのですが、これがライブ後半になるといよいよ生々しい。「Wish You Were Here」から「Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9)」の間に吹きすさぶ嵐が頭の後ろから鳴り始めた時など、もしヘッドフォンで聞いていたら思わず後ろを振り返ってしまいそうなほどリアル。

そして同曲が終わった後の終演アナウンスまでも収録。「今日はお疲れさまでした、明日もフロイドがここでコンサートを開きます、チケットは発売中…」という場面はドキュメントとしてのリアリティも抜群。またライブ前半と後半それぞれにカセットの面を変えるタイミングだったと思われるカットが生じていますが、そこには「recorder 2」を補填。これが改めてジョンの録音の卓越した音質と広がりを比較検討できる結果にもなりました。

このアッパー感を伴って聞く「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」アナハイムはとにかく強烈。おまけに稀代の名演オークランドを直前に控えながら、それでいて演奏の雰囲気がまったく違う点が面白い。ジョンの録音では周囲が騒がしくなく、これがまた聞きやすさに一役買っているのですが、「ANIMALS」セット終了後にロジャーが強い調子で注意を促していたことが物語っていたように客同士の小競り合いが起きていたという。それでもなお「ANIMALS」セットで丁寧な演奏を聞かせるところが面白く、例えば「Pigs On The Wing Pt. 2」でスノーウィー・ホワイトが弾いたソロはオークランドよりも流麗にフレーズがつながっている。続いた「Pigs (Three Different Ones)」の終盤で一気に畳みかけるような盛り上がりもオークランドとは違った力強さがある。
そして何といってもアナハイム当日の空気をたっぷりと吸い込んだジョンのカセットのクリアーな音質とステレオ感に溢れた広がり(是非ヘッドフォンでお楽しみください!)は絶品としか言いようがない。これまでLPに親しんできたマニアであるほど、このアッパー感に打ちのめされるはず。ジョン・ウィザード自身のマスターを使用した本タイトルのリリースによってアニマルズ・ツアーの古典的名作「CALIFORNIA STOCKYARD」のベストが遂に刷新されました!


Disc 1 (54:33)
1. Sheep
2. Pigs On The Wing Pt. 1
3. Dogs
4. Pigs On The Wing Pt. 2 ★2:14 – 最後までRec 2で補填
5. Pigs (Three Different Ones) ★0:00 – 0:28 Rec 2で補填

Disc 2 (68:51)
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5)
2. Welcome To The Machine ★7:26 – 7:45 Rec 2で補填
3. Have A Cigar
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9)
6. Money
7. Closing Announcement

Sigma 272


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