Pink Floyd / An Hour With Pink Floyd Definitive Edition / 1DVD

Pink Floyd / An Hour With Pink Floyd Definitive Edition / 1DVD / Sigma

Translated Text:
KQED TV, Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA. USA 30th April 1970 PRO-SHOT

Click Image To Enlarge

Unpublished scenes banned!
That 1970 “KQED” film image also included in the official version exceeded the years of 48 years, finally appears in the complete version !!!

Pink Floyd Speaking of the 1970 KQED film, it will be a familiar image to the fans anymore. It is the picture that was received at the free studios of Fillmore Auditorium during the first North American tour of 1970, receiving a request from a local small TV station “KQED” in San Francisco, USA. This famous picture also included in the official box set “The Early Years 1965-1972” collected Fund early unreleased sound source and video in 2016 is live recorded by the broadcast camera of the station and outside the facility It was sent to a parked mobile unit (* a huge mobile track of box, car and size holding video recording equipment), and the recording was imported to the 2 inch video tape owned by the station. Although the first broadcast was local locally, it was also known that it was simultaneously broadcasted by KSAN-FM when the video became a narrative grass and broadcast nationwide in 1973.

In the 1970s when household video decks were not popular, a number of unofficial board records that recorded sounds of these radio broadcast versions appeared, but the essential video was in a form accompanied with astonishing image quality and voice What is close up is the credibility of Harvested’s DVD “KQED (HRV DVD 001 RevA)” which had unveiled Floyd unofficial sound source and video on the Internet. Based on beautiful images of VHS tapes that recorded the rebroadcast of 1980, this was synthesized with “3/4” U-Matic sub-master (monaural) “which was in the KQED station, and its high Performance video, sound and finish attracted many fans and was amazing. This was brought to disk by the press board in the beginning of 2009 with DVD + CD, and it gave me great reaction at this label “AN HOUR WITH PINK FLOYD (Sigma 26)”, and after that it became a gift board of the same title (* DVDR + CDR) It became a staple of frequently appearing KQED images.

However, it was the end of November 2017 that the earthquake ran in that situation. KQED released a surprise announcement that it was unveiled a picture of the performance of about 30 minutes which was not included in the actual broadcasting program, although what was photographed for this program at that time but was not included in the actual broadcasting program. In addition, this includes the performance of “Astronomy Domine” that will be released for the first time in history, and the fact that KQED given from the band side given the right to premiere exclusively for this one song was made public on the official website It is still remembered that Floyd fans all over the world have made screams of crazy. Even though only one song, although approved by Floyd, and only KQED official video, its image quality is not only high quality images with origami but also the station engineers clean up as much as possible from the 2 inch original master described above Since it was the appearance of, the audio sound was realizing a wonderful finish.

So this time, this latest work will appear to summarize this series of flows. Based on the latest remastered version of the video, we added the published “Astronomy Domine” to the main volume, and on this basis the song order that had been recombined according to the broadcast contents in each of the already-released boards including the gift title We recorded and sorted in the actual performance order with reference to performances before and after video recording. This is the first attempt of this release. Also the record date that had been so far April 29 was confirmed to be April 30 due to recent research and KQED comment, so credit will also be corrected on April 30 and the historical accuracy is also fantastic I am doing it. As a further upper point, this work has prepared two kinds of sound styles. It is equipped with a pseudo stereo by the 2018 year’s latest remaster which added reverb on the home screen and a sound switching function that can select the original monaural sound !!

The freshness of the sound by the pseudo stereo is vivid from the scene of the title screen at the beginning. That drum-roll that flows behind spreads widely in L / R from the beginning and carves the memory of a brand new unexperienced sound. “Grantchester Meadows” which improved the coloring and vividness of the skin also increased acoustic sound of the two acoustic guitars, and the romantic singing voice of Gilmore raised in resolution and the sweet sound of flute · melotron overlapped with this The hierarchical structure will wake up the unexperienced excitement. And finally appearing “Astronomy Domine” comes the rising chest and euphoria to lose words. The playing formations of this day projected with angles that I have not seen before come up with beautiful images and sounds, and it is natural that each hair up looks beautifully up to each hair, the thin string of guitar also clearly It appears with resolvable resolution. Everyone will be marveled at the appearance of each member who moves with official class video where the lighting is sharp as the light hits the instrument and there is almost no bleeding or discoloration of color. In the scene where the light is closed up in the midfield, the ups of his hand enters a lot, and when you listen to only the sounds you can not tell the melody which the left hand releases, or the adjustment of the sound by the knob turning which is usually difficult to check, and the tone switch Switching timing etc. are reflected clearly, and the secret and the amount of heat of such creative expression which oozes out from the demonstration can be seen as many times as possible to see it.

“Cymbaline” also became a pseudo stereo so that the transparency which is different from the existing sound and the space of the place expand. Where the song starts again after the footsteps, the pale sound of the guitar has been sharply outstanding, and it has come to be more pleasant with more responsive images along with the upgraded image quality of the grade. “Atom Heart Mother” is paying attention to the ensemble of the beginning, here rather than the sound rising rather than rising “wriggling” is raised with a more correct sense of density, the listening feeling of the midrange is quite different from monophonic It is realized. It is also a pleasing topic that you can see the desolate vineyards and swamps of the San Joaquin Valley, which was filmed in the air in the aerial image, even more vividly and the harmony of Gilmore and Lite appearing on the way with even better coloring images. In “Careful With That Ax, Eugene”, a remaster feeling has appeared in the clear tone of the guitar, and the ensemble which moves boldly after the Scream also has a spreading pseudo stereo extending from the mid range to the high range gives a completely different listening response It carries it. In ‘Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun’, the turbulence and flatness peculiar to monaural that was in the low frequency range was improved, and the entire sound became more pleasant with a more stereoscopic and depthy sound image. Gilmore’s appearance of embellished sound using a slide bar is also a feature (* It was a bit somewhat buried), and it sounds similarly tapping Tam with Mallet, and It also appeals to the sight and hearing with the highest quality of the past such as the hammering sound of the gong (* and the vividness of the lighting) comes out with the highest texture of the past.

Of course, conventional monaural version which can be selected by voice switching is also recorded with PCM uncompressed voice. If it is exactly this is perfect, it is finished in one piece I want to keep as handy as a permanent preservation board of KQED image.

Resurrect unknown marvel …. The real pleasure of this newest work is the biggest topic that “Astronomy Domine” which can be enjoyed with excellence can be proficient with special class video and sound. However, including the voice switching function, it is a big jumping force from the past KQED title that the full-fledged re-master unique to Sigma and fresh renewal that can never be ended is realized everywhere . KQED vertex image and vertex sound as a complete version finally reached in the 48th year since the main broadcast, release with the presence of the presence of the Tall case full of presence!

公式版にも収録されたあの1970年” KQED “フィルム映像が48年の年月を超え、遂に完全版で登場です!!!

ピンク・フロイド1970年のKQEDフィルムと言えば、ファンにはもうすっかりお馴染みの映像でしょう。米国サンフランシスコにある地元の小さなTV局” KQED “から依頼を受け、1970年の第一次北米ツアー中にフィルモア・オーディトリアムの空きスタジオで収録されたあの映像です。2016年にフロイド初期の未発表音源や映像を集めた公式ボックス・セット『The Early Years 1965-1972』にも収録されたこの有名な映像は局のブロードキャスト・カメラでライブ録画され、施設の外に駐車されたモバイル・ユニット(※ ビデオ録画機器を保持したボックス・カー・サイズの巨大なモバイルトラック)に送られ、録画は局が所有する2インチのビデオテープに取り込まれました。初回放送こそ地元ローカルなものだったものの、その映像が語り草となって1973年に全国放送された時はKSAN-FMで同時放送された事でも知られています。

家庭用ビデオデッキが普及していなかった1970年代にはこうしたラジオ放送版の音声を収録した非公式盤レコードが幾つも登場したものですが、肝心の映像が驚異的な画質と音声を伴う形でクローズアップされたのは、何と言ってもフロイド非公式音源や映像をネット公開していたHarvestedのDVD『KQED (HRV DVD 001 RevA)』の功績が大きいでしょう。これは1980年の再放送を録画したVHSテープの美麗な映像をベースに、音声をKQED局にあった「3/4″ U-Matic sub-master (モノラル)」で合成したもので、その高性能な映像と音声と仕上がりは多くのファンを魅了し、驚愕させるものでした。これをDVD+CDで2009年初頭にプレス盤でディスク化したものが当レーベルの『AN HOUR WITH PINK FLOYD (Sigma 26)』で大反響を呼び、以後これは同タイトルのギフト盤(※ DVDR+CDR)としても度々登場するKQED映像の定番となりました。

しかしその状況に激震が走ったのは2017年11月末。何と当時この番組の為に撮影収録されたものの、実際の放送プログラムには含まれなかった約30分間に及ぶパフォーマンスの生映像を発掘したという驚きの発表がKQEDから発信されました。しかもこの中には史上完全初登場となる「Astronomy Domine」のパフォーマンスが含まれており、この1曲だけ独占的に初演する権利をバンド側から与えられたKQEDが公式サイトで動画公開した事で、世界中のフロイド・ファンが狂喜の絶叫を上げたのは未だ記憶に新しいところでしょう。1曲だけとはいえフロイド公認の、しかもKQED公式映像なだけにその映像クオリティは折り紙付きの高品質映像なのは勿論のこと、前述した2インチのオリジナル・マスターから局のエンジニアが可能な限りクリーンアップしての登場だった為、オーディオ音声も素晴らしい仕上がりが実現していたのです。

そこでこの度、この一連の流れを総括するべく登場するのが本最新作。映像の最新リマスター版をベースに、公開された「Astronomy Domine」を本編に追加収録し、これを機にギフトタイトルを含む各既発盤では放送内容に準じて組み換えられていた曲順もこの映像収録の前後の公演を参考に実際の演奏順に並べ換えて収録しました。これは今回のリリースが初の試み。またこれまで4月29日とされていた収録日も近年の調査とKQEDのコメントによって4月30日である事が確実となったため、クレジットも4月30日に修正して史実の正確さも磐石にしています。そして更なるアッパーポイントとして本作では2種類のサウンド・スタイルを用意しました。ホーム画面でリバーブを加えた2018年最新リマスターによる疑似ステレオと、オリジナルのモノラル・サウンドを選択出来る音声切り替え機能まで備えているのです!!

その擬似ステレオによるサウンドの一新感は冒頭のタイトル画面のシーンから鮮烈そのもの。後ろで流れるあのドラム・ロールが冒頭からL/Rでワイドに拡がり、真新しい未体験の音の記憶を刻んでくるのです。肌の発色と鮮やかさが向上した「Grantchester Meadows」も2本のアコースティック・ギターの響きが鋭さを増しており、これに解像度が上がったギルモアのロマンティックな歌声とフルート・メロトロンの甘い音色が重なってゆく階層構造が未体験の感動を呼び覚ますでしょう。そして遂に登場する「Astronomy Domine」では言葉を失うほどの胸の高まりと陶酔が訪れます。観た事の無いアングルで映し出されるこの日の演奏フォーメーションが美麗映像と音声で浮かび上がり、各メンバーのアップでは髪の毛の一本一本まで綺麗に見えるのは当たり前、ギターの細い1弦も鮮明に確認出来る解像度で現われるのです。照明が楽器に当たって輝く様子も鋭く、色の滲みや退色がほぼ皆無の公式級映像で動く各メンバーの姿に誰もが驚嘆されるでしょう。中盤でライトがクローズアップされるシーンでは彼の手元のアップが多めに入り、音だけ聴くと殆ど分からない左手が放つ旋律線や、通常では確認し辛いノブ回しによる音の調整とトーン・スイッチの切り替えタイミング等がばっちり映っており、実演から滲み出るこうした創作表現の秘密と熱量が何度でも活目して御覧戴けるのです。

「Cymbaline」も擬似ステレオになった事で既発サウンドとは別格の透明度と場の空間性が拡がります。足音の後に再び曲がスタートするところもギターの淡い音が格段に鋭く出ており、グレードの上がった画質と共にますます手応えある映像で愉しめる様になりました。「Atom Heart Mother」は出だしのアンサンブルに注目で、ここは音が立ち上がるというよりは” 聳え立つ “と書いた方がより正しい密度感で甦っており、モノラルとはまるで違う中音域の聴き心地が実現しています。映像面でも空中撮影されたサンホアキン渓谷の荒涼とした畑や沼地が一層生々しく映え渡り、途中に映るギルモアとライトによるハーモニーも更に発色の良い映像で追える点も嬉しいトピックでしょう。「Careful With That Axe, Eugene」ではギターの澄んだ音色にリマスター感が出ており、スクリーム後に大胆に動くアンサンブルも中音域~高音域にかけて拡がりある擬似ステレオがこれまでとは全く違う聴き応えを運んでくるのです。「Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun」では低音域にあったモノラル特有の濁りと平坦さが改善され、サウンド全体が更に立体的で奥行きある音像で愉しめる様になりました。ギルモアがスライド・バーを使って装飾音を出す様子もグッと浮いた音で出てくるのも特徴(※ これまではやや埋没気味でした)ですし、同様にタムをマレットで叩く音、そして銅鑼の打音も(※ そして照明の鮮やかさも)過去最高の質感で出てくるなど、過去最高のクオリティで視覚と聴覚に訴えてくるのです。


甦る未知の驚嘆・・。本最新作の醍醐味は大発掘の「Astronomy Domine」が特級の映像・音声で堪能出来る事が最大のトピックです。しかし音声切り替え機能も含め、決してそれだけでは終わらせないSigmaならではの本格的なリマスターとフレッシュなリニューアル感が随所で実現している事もまた、過去のKQEDタイトルからの大きな跳躍力となっています。本放送から48年目にして遂に到達した完全版としてのKQED頂点映像と頂点サウンド、存在感溢れるトールケース仕様でのリリースです!!


1. Introduction 2. Grantchester Meadows
3. Astronomy Domine ★最近になって、公式KQEDよりアップされた初登場映像
4. Cymbaline 5. Atom Heart Mother 6. Green Is The Colour 7. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
8. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 9. Outroduction

Audio Setup
Remastered Stereo Mix / Original Mono Mix


Sigma 213

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