Pink Floyd / Philadelphia 1977 2nd Night / 2CD 

Pink Floyd / Philadelphia 1977 2nd Night / 2CD / Sigma
Live at The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 29th June 1977

Play sample :

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The first appearance sound source beyond the space-time of 45 years is newly excavated! With the high-precision mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” that makes full use of separate recording, it is the first time that the longest and highest peak is decided to be permanently preserved.
“June 29, 1977 Philadelphia performance” was recorded in the first appearance sound source. It’s a vintage audience recording. Speaking of the biggest attraction of this work, it is the show itself that most people will hear for the first time, and the tension of the tingling era that it became the driving force of “The Wall”. When was the show? First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and imagine the position.

“January 21st release of” Animals “”
・ January 23-February 4: Europe # 1 (9 performances)
・ February 17th-March 1st: Europe # 2 (11 performances)
・ March 15-31: UK (9 performances)
・ April 22nd-May 12th: North America # 1 (12 performances)
・ June 15-July 6: North America # 2 (14 performances) ← ★ Coco ★

This is the 1977 “IN THE FLESH Tour”. The Philadelphia performance is set for the final edition “North America # 2” for two consecutive days, and this work is the ninth performance, which is the second day. Yes, it was a concert after two performances of the super-famous board “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977 (Sigma 226)” representing the tour.

[New excavation where you can experience a show you have never heard before] Such a show was also an unexplored night that only core enthusiasts had ever heard. It hasn’t been on the trade list for a long time as a “show without recordings” and wasn’t of the quality that was talked about when the first recordings were found over 10 years ago (actually, the sound itself wasn’t bad). However, it took a lot of repairs to immerse yourself in the sense of stability and enjoy it). As a result, it became a secret show where the completer filled the holes in the schedule.
However! The situation changed completely at the end of last year. “Recorder 2”, which is completely different from the conventional recording (Recorder 1), has been newly discovered. The quality is truly exquisite. It would be a problem if you imagine the super vivid sound of the Boston performance, but the powerful core clearly penetrates the space, and the glossy sound vividly colors the mood peculiar to “IN THE FLESH Tour”. The most wonderful thing is the natural on-site feeling. The freshness of the master, which is stable and vivid, is wonderful, and the neat taste of the recording itself is beautifully preserved in every detail. Of course, “Recorder 1” is the difference between the clouds and mud, and it is a recording of beauty that makes you want to immerse yourself forever even if it is unprocessed.
Even if it is “sufficient to remain unprocessed”, it is humanity that makes you want to pursue it as long as there is room for growth. In this work, we have honed it firmly with high-definition mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. Of course, it’s not an unreasonable sound pressure earner or a flashy decoration. Strict pitch correction and phase correction, balance adjustment by frequency analysis, noise processing, and so on, we made adjustments to bring out the goodness of recording, not processing, while making full use of all means.

[A tense full show heading towards The Wall] And the longer one is longer than that. The cuts such as tape changes are supplemented with “Recorder 1”, and the live album is finished so that you can experience almost the whole view of the show seamlessly (strictly speaking, only the beginning of “Sheep” is missing in both recordings. However, the others are completely recorded). You might imagine, “I’m disappointed with Recorder 1 for bad recordings,” but don’t worry. As I mentioned earlier, the recording of “Recorder 1” is not bad … no, it’s rather good. However, the uneven rotation of the tape was severe, and repairing the entire show was in a state of considerable difficulty. However, even if it is impossible to do everything, it is possible if it is only a complementary part. Especially noteworthy is the last “Us And Them”. This song uses “Recorder 1” in its entirety, but it sounds so wonderful that you can’t tell the difference from the newly excavated “Recorder 2”. If you’re experiencing “Recorder 1”, you probably don’t think it’s the same recording.
The sound of such beauty is drawn by a full show that I have never heard before. This is also wonderful. First of all, the band is in good shape. Good condition from the opening “Sheep”. There is momentum in the beat, and the groove that draws in with Guigui is cool. And the must-listen is “Pigs On The Wing (Part 1)”. It starts with a moist acoustic guitar investigation, but some customers ring firecrackers, probably because of the smooth performance of the previous song. Roger Waters, who was offended by it, stopped playing. He calls out, “Ask. Stop.” The performance quickly recovered and proceeded as if nothing had happened, while the idiots rang firecrackers and the surrounding spectators tried to boo.
Fortunately, Roger never stopped the show again, but when you think about it, the scene of this work is about a week before the famous “Montreal spitting incident”. Roger’s frustration and alienation that created “The Wall” wasn’t just for that one day, but for every day. The sound of this work makes you experience the tingling tension.
It has been 45 years since the site of “IN THE FLESH Tour”. You can still experience a new full show. How many treasure audiences are sleeping on this earth? A surprising new excavation that reminds us of the depth of such guest recording culture. Please enjoy it to the fullest with the permanent storage press 2CD finished to the longest and highest peak.

★ Newly excavated audience recording of “June 29, 1977 Philadelphia Performance”. It is a show that has hardly been known until now, but it is the longest and highest peak board that complements the recording omission part with the extremely rare “Recorder 1”, centering on “Recorder 2” released at the end of 2021. The main “Recorder 2” is a famous recording with a powerful core that penetrates the space clearly and has a wonderful glossy sound. High-definition mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” maximizes the potential of the original sound while giving a natural on-site feeling. Also comfortable. This is a new masterpiece where you can really enjoy the tingling tension of “Pigs On The Wing (Part 1)”, which stops playing to squeeze the firecrackers.

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(Remaster memo)

★ The main is Rec2 (monaural Aud), which seems to have started to be distributed recently. Rec1 (which seems to have been distributed in the 2000s) is used for compensation.

★ Phase correction and pitch correction are applied as appropriate to make up for missing parts. The performance part is completely recorded except for the intro of Sheep.

★ In US AND THEM, the main Rec2 is a fragment of about 1 minute, so this is not used and is a whole sub Rec1.
However, Rec1 corrects what originally had uneven rotation, so this is considerably better than the original sound source due to the difference in cloudiness.

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Disc 1 (51:46)
1. Sheep ★ Start cut-in, but no compensation because the sub sauce is shorter
★ Compensation with Rec1 cut between songs

45年の時空を超えた初登場音源が新発掘! 別録音まで駆使した「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の高精度マスタリングにより、初にして最長・最高峰を極めた決定盤仕様で永久保存決定です。


これが1977年の“IN THE FLESH Tour”。フィラデルフィア公演は最終盤「北米#2」に2日連続で設定されており、本作はその2日目である9公演目。そう、ツアーを代表する超名盤『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977(Sigma 226)』の2公演後にあたるコンサートでした。

ところが! その状況が一変したのが昨年末。従来の今イチ録音(Recorder 1)とはまったく別の「Recorder 2」が新発掘されたのです。そのクオリティは、まさに絶品。さすがにボストン公演の超ビビッド・サウンドをイメージされると困ってしまうのですが、力強い芯がくっきりと空間を貫き、艶やかな鳴りが“IN THE FLESH Tour”独特のムードを鮮明に彩る。何より素晴らしいのは、ナチュラルな現場感。ビシッと安定したマスター鮮度が素晴らしく、録音自体の端正な味わいを美細部まで綺麗に残しているのです。もちろん「Recorder 1」とは雲泥の差であり、無加工なままでもいつまでも浸っていたくなる美の録音なのです。
ただ「無加工なままで十分」であっても、伸びしろがある以上は追究したくなるのが人情というもの。本作では「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による高精細マスタリングでしっかりと磨き込みました。もちろん、無闇矢鱈な音圧稼ぎやド派手な飾り立てではありません。厳正なピッチ補正と位相修正、それに周波数分析によるバランス調整、ノイズ処理……と、あらゆる手段を駆使しながらも加工ではなく録音の良さを引き出す調整を施していったのです。

そして、それ以上に大きいのが最長化。テープチェンジ等のカットを「Recorder 1」で補足し、ショウのほぼ全景をシームレスに体験できるライヴアルバムに仕上げているのです(厳密いに言いますと「Sheep」の出だしだけ両録音とも欠けていますが、他は完全収録です)。ここで「ダメ録音のRecorder 1でガッカリするんだろうな」と想像されるかも知れませんが、その心配は無用。先ほども述べましたが、「Recorder 1」は録音自体は悪くない……いや、わりと良い。ただテープの回転ムラが厳しく、ショウ全編を補修するのはかなりの難行を強いられる状態だったのです。しかし、全部は無理でも補完パートだけなら可能。特に注目していただきたいのはラストの「Us And Them」。この曲は丸ごと「Recorder 1」を使用しているのですが、新発掘「Recorder 2」との違いが分からないほど素晴らしいサウンドで聴ける。もし「Recorder 1」を体験されているなら、同じ録音とは思えないことでしょう。
そんな美のサウンドで描かれるのは、これまで聴いた事のなかったフルショウ。これがまた何とも素晴らしい。まず、何と言ってもバンドの調子が良い。オープニングの「Sheep」からして快調。ビートに勢いがあり、グイグイと引き込むようなグルーヴが格好いい。そして、必聴なのが続く「Pigs On The Wing (Part 1)」。しっとりとしたアコギの調べで始まるのですが、前曲の快調な演奏に煽られたのか、一部の客が爆竹を鳴らす。それに気分を害したロジャー・ウォーターズが演奏をストップ。「頼む。止めてくれ」と呼びかけるのです。演奏はすぐに回復して何事もなかったように進むのですが、その間も馬鹿者たちは爆竹を鳴らし、周囲の観客達がブーイングで鎮めようとするのです。
“IN THE FLESH Tour”の現場から、今年で45年。未だに新たなフルショウを体験できるとは。この地球上には、どれだけの秘宝オーディエンスが眠っているのでしょうか。そんな客録文化の奥深さまで思い知らされる驚きの新発掘。最長・最高峰に仕上げた永久保存プレス2CDで存分にお楽しみください。

★「1977年6月29日フィラデルフィア公演」の新発掘オーディエンス録音。これまでほとんど知られてこなかったショウですが、2021年末に公開された「Recorder 2」をメインに、録音漏れパートを激レアな「Recorder 1」で補完した最長・最高峰盤。メインの「Recorder 2」は力強い芯がくっきりと空間を貫き、艶やかな鳴りが素晴らしい名録音で、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による高精細マスタリングで原音の可能性を最大限に引き出しつつ、ナチュラルな現場感も心地よい。爆竹をたしなめるために演奏を止める「Pigs On The Wing (Part 1)」のピリピリとした緊張感もリアルに味わえる新名盤です。




★位相修正とピッチ修正を適宜施し、欠落部を補填。 演奏部分は、出だしSheepのイントロ以外は完全収録を実現。

★US AND THEMは、メインのRec2は1分ほどの断片のため、これは使用せず丸ごとサブのRec1です。


Disc 1 (51:46)
1. Sheep ★出だしカットインだがサブソースの方が短いため補填なし

2. Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) ★0:00-0:02Rec1で補填 ★0:14付近爆竹で演奏ストップ
3. Dogs
4. Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) ★2:10以降(曲間)Rec1で補填
5. Pigs (Three Different Ones) ★0:00-0:37Rec1で補填

Disc 2 (74:28)
1. Audience
2. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5) ★0:00-0:14Rec1で補填
3. Welcome To The Machine ★7:53以降(曲間) Rec1で補填
4. Have A Cigar ★0:00-0:32Rec1で補填 / 5:13-5:33(曲間SE) Rec1で補填
5. Wish You Were Here
6. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9) ★0:27-2:19Rec1で補填 / 20:50以降(曲間)Rec1で補填
7. Money ★0:00-0:10Rec1で補填 / 9:50(演奏終演付近)以降 Rec1で補填
8. Us And Them ★丸ごとRec1

Sigma 296

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