Pink Floyd / State University Of New York 1970 / 2CD

Pink Floyd / State University Of New York 1970 / 2CD / Sigma

Suny Gymnasium State University Of New York Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, USA 11th April 1970.

Play sample :

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The label’s first appearance sound source is Dengeki Advent!!!
Pink Floyd’s spring 1970 important sound source, which has never been dramatically updated in the last few years, finally comes out from Sigma with amazing high quality + longest recording version!!!

New York, April 11, 1970. Only three days after the start of the spring North American tour, this performance has been known for several titles. The most representative one is “TRADEMARK MOO (Highland HL630)” released from the Highland label in the 1990s. There were other performance titles on the same day such as “STONY BROOK (AVCD0120)”, but I think it was the Highland board that fixed the pattern of this day as the unofficial sound source fan with the best sound. However, this Highland board cuts the tuning scene before the start of the performance and the gap between the performances greatly to pack the show on 1CD, and it is not heard by anyone that it is not a perfect figure It was clear. This situation changed in 2013 when Mr. Neonknight released the DAT source transferred from a considerably younger generation cassette. The part between the songs that had been cut off on the Highland board remained intact, and the longest version of this show that finally appeared was excited by sound source fans all over the world. However, it was also true that the Highland board was still slightly better in terms of sound quality.

However, if you listen carefully and compare carefully, there are some drops in the right channel on the Highland board (*Source 1). On the other hand, the Neonknight release version (* Source 2) had some deterioration in the left channel, and neither was perfect in terms of sound. However, if you use the left channel of Source 1 which is excellent in sound quality as the mother body and restore the scenes and songs between the cut off that were just cut off with the right channel of Source 2 and integrate it, this is wonderful
Isn’t it possible to get good results? By doing this, “Source 1+2”, which has the longest length and sound quality in the past, is made into a press plate, and this Sigma latest work is the label’s first appearance as a new standard that will be the new standard for 70 years New York performance!!

When you press the play button, the state before the performance starts up with a high resolution, but this is the effect of Source 1 + 2 and it will appear with the longest scale ever over 5 minutes. Viewed in seconds, 00:51 ~ 1:05 and 4:56 ~ Track end is Highland
Source 1 with the board as the mother body, and 00:00 to 00:50 and 01:05 to 04:55 other than that are Source 2, and it is an interesting track to understand the difference in the scenes remaining in each source. The superiority of the playing sound also stands out from the beginning of “Astronomy Domine”, and its amazing zero-distance sound can be understood more than it was heard on the Highland board that there was a recording microphone in a fairly good position. In fact, even if I pay attention to the way two voices reach and each instrument, there is no sound that is sinking as one, so I can not think it was recorded 50 years ago. Even after the end of the song, the tuning for about 2 minutes is seamlessly connected by Source 2, so that you can listen to it as it should be in the position where it should be. “Careful with that Ax, Eugene” also hits directly with the sharp sound of the SBD class, which has almost the aggression that can only be achieved by single performance. Source 2 seamlessly compensates for the inter-tune tuning of about 2 minutes after the end of the song, and Dave corrects the slight variation and plays the chord vividly. “Cymbaline” has a slight lack of sound (probably tape change) at 9:58, but there is almost no discomfort because the texture and dynamic feeling of the sound do not change. By the way, the 7 seconds immediately before that, from 9:50 to 57, is a unique section that remains in Source 2, and even such a small section that was missing on the Highland board is made up of all existing sounds. ..

“Atom Heart Mother” corrects the pitch that was crazy in the original sound when making the record this time, and the mysterious floating feeling and blinking of the image due to the guide voice of 2 voices flow with high resolution sound of goose bumps. It is also worth noting that the sound waves that are full of volume due to being monaural are always good, and that the timbre mix woven by each instrument deeply and heavily permeates the ears. The sound image of “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun” changes around 0:13, and a more transparent and powerful sound spreads, but this is probably Dolby at this position when it was originally recorded or copied. It seems to be a trace that the effect was put in. However, thanks to that, the tone that subtly changes the intonation appears more and more vividly, and I am overwhelmed by the repetition of the theme flowing in a deeply transparent sound. Unfortunately, “A Saucerful of Secrets” was recorded halfway due to the tape remaining, and “Interstellar Overdrive” which seems to have been played after that is not recorded. You might wonder, “Why isn’t it recorded until the end?” However, the sensation and lingering depth of the high-precision euphoria of the timbre fills up to the end of the single note that is interrupted. Let’s make a note of what is happening.

Another highlight of this sound source is the talk between the recording person and the two female friends exchanged between the songs. It’s usually annoying to have such a chat included in the recording, but the chats of the three young men and women you can hear here are purely impressed with the performance just finished playing, with intimacy similar to a light romantic feeling. Or, I sympathize with John Lennon’s wonderfulness, and how this recording tape (= this master cassette used in this work) is stored in a time capsule in my (recorder’s) attic , 50 years from now, we are talking about whether we can find it in the emotions of the youth and the show that flow densely. Of course, it’s in English, so there are some hurdles for those who can hear it, but just knowing that the content of the conversation is that kind of thing makes me feel closer to the conversation between these songs. I think, and above all, there is no conversation at all when playing, so it is a big topic that the performance is purely enjoyable.

And now, 2020, when 50 years have passed. The sound derived from the time capsule that may be in the attic somewhere is scrutinized by the latest digital remaster, and we will be 50 years later with a super high resolution sound suitable for the shock of the label’s first appearance Let me slip in time. This week, about two weeks after the New York performance, the Definitive Fillmore West 1970 (Sigma 253), which will be released on April 29th, will be released at the same time. It is a title that is interesting for listening and comparison, where you can feel the changes in expression and show content. Please enjoy it together!!!

★ Source 1 is the main, and the missing parts of the tuning before Astronomy Domine and the mystery are patched with Source 2.


1970年4月11日ニューヨーク。春の北米ツアー開始後僅か3日目のこの公演は以前から幾つかのタイトルが知られていました。一番代表的なものは1990年代にHighlandレーベルから出ていた『TRADEMARK MOO (Highland HL630)』でしょう。他にも『STONY BROOK (AVCD0120)』等の同日公演タイトルもありましたが、この日の模様を一番良い音で非公式音源ファンに定着させたのは前述のHighland盤だったと思います。ただこのHighland盤は開演前のチューニング・シーンや演奏と演奏の合間にある曲間を大幅カットして1CDにショウをギュウ詰めしており、完全な姿をしていない事は誰の耳にも明らかでした。この状況に変化が訪れたのは2013年、かのNeonknight氏がかなり若い世代のカセットから転送したDATソースを公開した時でしょう。これにはHighland盤でばっさり切りられていた曲間部分が完全な状態で残っており、ようやく登場したこのショウの最長バージョンに世界中の音源ファンが沸き立ったものです。但し、音質的にはHighland盤の方がまだ若干優れていたのも事実でした。

とはいえ実際に注意深く聞き比べてみるとHighland盤(※ ソース1)には右チャンネルに若干のドロップが幾つかあるのです。一方のNeonknight公開版(※ ソース2)には左チャンネルに若干の劣化が生じており、どちらもサウンド面で完璧とは言えなかったのです。でも音質的に優れているソース1の左チャンネルを母体にし、ばっさり切り落とされていた開演前のシーンや曲間をソース2の右チャンネルで復元して1本化したら、これは素晴ら
しい結果が得られるのではないでしょうか。これを決行して過去最長の尺と音質を併せ持たせた” ソース1+2 “をプレス音盤化したものがこのSigma最新作、70年ニューヨーク公演の新基準となるレーベル初登場タイトルなのです!!

盤を母体としたソース1、それ以外の00:00~00:50と01:05~04:55がソース2となっており、各ソースに残るシーンの違いが判る興味深いトラックとなっています。演奏音の優位性も「Astronomy Domine」の冒頭から頭角を現し、その驚異的なゼロ距離サウンドはかなりの良位置に録音マイクがあった事がHighland盤で聞く以上に判るでしょう。実際、2声の届き方や各楽器に注目しても1つとして沈んでいる音が無く、とても50年前の録音とは思えないのです。終曲後も約2分間に渡るチューニングがソース2によってシームレスに繋がり、あるべき位置にあるべき姿で聴ける様になっています。「Careful with that Axe, Eugene」も単体演奏ならではの攻撃性が殆どSBDクラスの鋭いサウンドで直撃。終曲後に入る約2分間強ほどの曲間チューニングをソース2でシームレスに補填しており、デイヴが微妙なばらつきを修正してコードを弾く姿が鮮やかに現れます。「Cymbaline」は9:58で僅かに音の欠落(※ 恐らくテープチェンジ)があるのですが、サウンドの質感やダイナミック感は変わらないため殆ど違和感がありません。ちなみにその直前にある9:50~57までの7秒間はソース2に残る独自の区間で、Highland盤では欠落していたこうした僅かな区間も現存する全ての音を使い切って構成しているのです。

「Atom Heart Mother」は収録原音で狂っていたピッチを今回の音盤化にあたって正しく修正、2声のガイドボーカルによる神秘的な浮遊感と心象の明滅が鳥肌モノの高解像音で流れます。またここはモノラル化した事による量感溢れる音の波動が終始良好で、各楽器が織り成す音色の配合が耳に深く重く染み渡ってくる姿にも要注目でしょう。「Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun」は0:13付近で音像が変わり更に透明度の高い威力満点の音が拡がるのですが、これは恐らくオリジナル収録時かコピーされた際のこの位置でドルビー効果が入れられた痕跡だと思われます。ただそのお蔭で微妙に抑揚を変えてゆくトーンがますます鮮やかに出て、主題の反復が彫りの深い透明サウンドで流れ出る姿に圧倒されるのです。「A Saucerful of Secrets」はテープ残量切れのため残念ながら途中までの収録で、その後に演奏したと思われる「Interstellar Overdrive」も未収録です。「なんだ、最後まで録れてないのか」と思われるかもしれませんが、しかしこの高精度な音色の陶酔によって刻まれる聴き応えと余韻の深さは、途切れる最後の1音まで驚きに充ちている事を書き添えておきましょう。

またこの音源を特徴付けるもうひとつの聴きどころとなっているのが、曲間で交わされる録音者と女性2人の友人達によるお喋りでしょう。通常こうしたチャットが録音に含まれていると煩わしいものですが、ここで聞ける若い男女3人のお喋りは軽い恋愛感情に似た親密さの中で今演奏し終えたばかりのパフォーマンスに純粋に感激していたり、ジョン・レノンの素晴らしさについて共感し合っていたり、またこの録音テープ(= 本作に使用しているこのマスターカセット)が自分(=録音者)の屋根裏部屋にあるタイムカプセルにどう収納され、今から50年後に僕らはそれを見付けられるだろうかといった事を、濃密に流れる青年時代とショウの感動の中で喋っているのです。勿論英語なのでその聞き取りが出来る方であればというハードルはあるのですが、しかし会話の内容がそういった類いのものであるという情報を知っているだけでもこの曲間のお喋りに親近感が湧くと思いますし、何より演奏時には全く会話をしていませんので演奏が純粋に愉しめる点も大きなトピックとなっています。

そして本当に50年が過ぎた2020年の現在。どこかの屋根裏部屋にあるであろうそのタイムカプセルから派生した音は最新のデジタルリマスターによって精査され、レーベル初登場の衝撃に相応しい超高解像サウンドで50年後の我々をこの日の会場にタイムスリップさせてくれます。今週はこのニューヨーク公演から約2週間後となる4月29日フィルモアウェスト公演『Definitive Fillmore West 1970 (Sigma 253)』も同時リリースされますが、どちらも日付の近い70年春の重要音源でありながら演奏表現とショウ内容に変化が感じられる、聞き比べの面白さに充ちたタイトルです。是非併せて御愉しみ下さい!!!

★Source 1をメインに、Astronomy Domineや神秘の前のチューニングの欠落箇所をSource 2でパッチ。


Disc 1 (41:48)
1. Tuning
2. Astronomy Domine
3. Careful with that Axe, Eugene
4. Cymbaline

Disc 2 (42:39)
1. Tuning
2. Atom Heart Mother
3. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
4. A Saucerful of Secrets


Sigma 252

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