Paul McCartney & Wings / LA Forum 1976 Final Night Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD

Paul McCartney & Wings / LA Forum 1976 Final Night Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD / Non Label
The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 23rd June 1976

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Speaking of Paul’s LA Forum recording by legendary taper Mike Millard, “LA FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES” was just released a few months ago, but for many enthusiasts the 1976 Wings. , It is a sound source that captured the LA Forum on June 23, which is the Chiaki Raku of the Over America Tour. There may be many enthusiasts who have been waiting for the release of this sound source since the release of the Mirrored Master by JEMS began.
Now it’s June 23 (the date will be doubled with ZEP’s LA forum a year later!) Speaking of sound sources, it seems that Millard’s sound source has become firmly established among enthusiasts, but before that, the legendary LP box It was a well-known performance with the sound source heard there as “WINGS FROM THE WINGS”, but here is the one that became major at once since the beginning of the CD era. Its first release is by the ancient dynamite studio board “WINGS OVER AMERICA II”. After that, the mirrored sound source became the mainstream of the item on June 23, and it became customary that the mirrored sound source was released under the name of “WINGS FROM THE WINGS”.
Speaking of Mirrored’s LA Forum sound source, “LISTEN TO THIS, EDDIE” is a timeless masterpiece, but the recording of Wings, which was done a year ago, is also excellent. It is a level that can be called artistic as an audience recording in 1976, making full use of the characteristics of his favorite machine AKG 451 such as the closeness of the sound image and the fact that it hardly picks up the noise of the surroundings. There is no dispute that it is a recording just like a “sound board”, and it is a rare masterpiece recording that everyone from beginners to enthusiasts can listen to with peace of mind.
At the time of this release, the episode at the time of recording was also clarified. First of all, Millard performed a “preliminary” of the Wings show at the San Diego performance a week ago (listen to the original sound source “SAN DIEGO 1976”), and performed a recording simulation. On top of that, on the 23rd, he lined up for tickets all night to secure a good position.

In this way, it is a mirrored sound source that became a standard on June 23 after entering the 21st century, but one of the few drawbacks of this famous recording is that the left channel turns off as soon as Paul sings “Magne to And Titanium Man”. To become.
This is a problem that arose from “WINGS OVER AMERICA II”, which seems to have been based on a copy of cassette dubbing. After that, the item on June 23 was based on the version that Millard dropped to VHS from the first generation copy made for trading instead of the master, but the same phenomenon occurred with the items recorded from there. This part was made into a product to make it inconspicuous.
As for the master this time, JEMS has made that part inconspicuous from the time of its release. In other words, this master proved that it was a trouble from the time of recording.
However, the sound quality itself is a wonderful upper feeling that you can understand at a glance. Really refreshing and natural. Besides, the level of hiss noise is low. In addition, the versions that have been released so far have more or less the noise of VHS-specific boon. Of course, this version doesn’t have that either. I just realized the power of the master tape.

Speaking of this tour, there is an official movie “ROCK SHOW” in the live album “WINGS OVER AMERICA”, but even with them, the reason why the value of mirrored recording does not fade at all is not limited to sound quality. After all, those officials replaced Linda and Denny Laine’s backing choruses in the studio at the time of release, and they seemed to be too beautiful than the two backing choruses heard on the actual stage.
When you listen to the actual chorus and harmony with this sound source, there are certainly loose and dangerous scenes, but this is a live performance. Also, while both releases were edited versions that interweave recordings from multiple performances, it is also highly valuable to listen to one genuine performance. Especially when it comes to the final day of the hugely successful Over America Tour.
In fact, the performance here is a majestic performance suitable for Chiakigaku, a tour that swept the United States in 1976. It is famous that Paul shouts “Feedback!” To howling that echoed in the middle of “Let Me Roll It”, but such a margin is unique to the last day of the tour. In addition, the performance and the tone of the instrument are more vivid than the official ones throughout, and the mirrored recording is a big hit, and the best audience recording that breathed in the air of the LA Forum on June 23, 1976 is exceptional.
The tension of the members of Wings including Paul is also quite high, and if that is the last day of the tour, and if it becomes both encore songs, it will be a crazy tension. Paul’s enthusiastic singing such as complete combustion itself is terrible, and his voice is just humming at the finale “Soily”. In each official, the encore part did not adopt the take on June 23, but I would like Paul’s enthusiasm to be released. In addition, Joe English’s powerful drumming feels more vivid than the previous official, which is unique to Millard’s finest audience.
It is a mirrored sound source on June 23, which seems to have become the standard sound source of the Over America Tour, but the recording from the master cassette that enthusiasts all over the world have been waiting for is finally realized. Its striking upper is really amazing. For that reason, at the time of this limited press CD release, we have promoted to a state where you can enjoy the finest sound source with even more peace of mind, even though it is a fine level such as fine-tuning the pitch. The world’s long-awaited release of the master version of the famous recording of the Mirrored century that captured the pinnacle of Wings with the highest sound quality!

伝説のテーパー、マイク・ミラードによるポールのLAフォーラムでの録音と言えば「LA FORUM 1989 FINAL NIGHT MIKE MILLARD MASTER TAPES」が数か月前にリリースされたばかりですが、多くのマニアにとっては1976年のウイングス、オーバー・アメリカ・ツアーの千秋楽である6月23日のLAフォーラムを捉えた音源でしょう。JEMSによるミラード・マスターの公開が始まって以来、この音源の公開を待ちわびていたマニアが沢山おられるのでは。
今でこそ6月23日(一年後のZEPのLAフォーラムと日付がダブりますね!)音源と言えばミラードのそれがマニア間ですっかり定着した感がありますが、それ以前は伝説のLPボックス「WINGS FROM THE WINGS」とそこで聞かれた音源で知れ渡った公演でしたが、CDの時代に入ってから一気にメジャーになったのがこちら。その最初のリリースはいにしえのダイナマイト・スタジオ盤「WINGS OVER AMERICA II」によって。その後はミラード音源が6月23日アイテムの主流となり、果ては「WINGS FROM THE WINGS」の名のもとでミラード音源がリリースされることが恒例となったのです。
ミラードのLAフォーラム音源と言えば「LISTEN TO THIS, EDDIE」が不朽の名作な訳ですが、その一年前に敢行されたウイングスの録音がまた絶品。音像の近さや周囲の騒がしさをほとんど拾っていないという点など、彼の愛機AKG 451の特性がフルに生かされた、76年のオーディエンス録音としては芸術的だとすら呼べるレベル。正に「まるでサウンドボード」のような録音であり、初心者からマニアまで安心して聞きこめる稀代の名録音であることに異論はないでしょう。
今回の公開に際して録音時のエピソードも明らかとなっています。まずミラードは一週間前のサンディエゴ公演(独自入手音源「SAN DIEGO 1976」で聞けます)でウイングス・ショーの「下見」を行い、録音シミュレーションを行ったそう。その上で23日に関してはグッド・ポジションを確保すべく徹夜でチケットに並んだとも。

こうして21世紀を迎えてから6月23日の定番と化したミラード音源ですが、この名録音の数少ない欠点の一つが「Magneto And Titanium Man」をポールが歌い出した途端に左チャンネルがオフになってしまうこと。
これに関してはカセット・ダビングのジェネ落ちコピーを元にしていたとおぼしき「WINGS OVER AMERICA II」から生じていた問題です。その後の6月23日アイテムはミラードがマスターでなくトレード用にこしらえたファースト・ジェネレーション・コピーからVHSに落としたバージョンを元にしていましたが、そこから収録されたアイテムでも同様の現象が起きており、この個所をモノ化して目立たなくしていたものです。

このツアーと言えば「WINGS OVER AMERICA」というライブアルバムに映画「ROCK SHOW」というオフィシャルが存在する訳ですが、それらがあってもミラード録音の価値がまったく色褪せない理由は音質だけにとどまりません。何といってもそれらオフィシャルはリリースに際してリンダとデニー・レインのバックコーラスをスタジオで総取っ替えしており、実際のステージで聞かれた二人のバックコーラスよりも奇麗すぎるきらいがありました。
実際ここでの演奏は1976年のアメリカを席捲したツアーの千秋楽に相応しい堂々たるもの。「Let Me Roll It」の途中で響いたハウリングに対してポールが「フィードバック!」と叫ぶ場面は有名ですが、そんな余裕もツアー最終日ならでは。それに全体を通してオフィシャルよりも演奏や楽器の音色が生々しいのもミラード録音の面目躍如といったところで、やはり1976年6月23日LAフォーラムの空気をたっぷりと吸い込んだ極上オーディエンス録音というのは格別。


Disc 1 (68:13)
1. Intro
2. Venus And Mars
3. Rock Show
4. Jet
5. Let Me Roll It
6. Spirits Of Ancient Egypt
7. Medicine Jar
8. Maybe I’m Amazed
9. Call Me Back Again
10. Lady Madonna
11. The Long And Winding Road
12. Live And Let Die
13. Picasso’s Last Words (Drink To Me)
14. Richard Cory
15. Bluebird
16. I’ve Just Seen A Face
17. Blackbird
18. Yesterday

Disc 2 (65:43)
1. MC
2. You Gave Me The Answer
3. Magneto And Titanium Man
4. Go Now
5. My Love
6. Listen To What The Man Said
7. Let ‘Em In
8. Time To Hide
9. Silly Love Songs
10. Beware My Love
11. Brass Introductions
12. Letting Go
13. Band On The Run
14. Hi, Hi, Hi
15. Soily

Paul McCartney – vocals, bass guitar, guitar, piano
Linda McCartney – vocals, keyboards
Denny Laine – vocals, guitar, bass, piano
Jimmy McCulloch – vocals, guitar, bass
Joe English – vocals, drums, percussion

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