Paul McCartney & Wings / Wings At The Speed Of Sound Outtakes & More / 1CD

Paul McCartney & Wings / Wings At The Speed Of Sound Outtakes & More / 1CD / Non Label
Trevor Jones Master Cassette Tapes STEREO SBD

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Ten years after the appearance of the Trevor Jones sound source, the shocking upgraded version of the ultra-high quality outtake sound source, which was directly transferred from the cassette master, is finally released! There is no duplication with the outtake of the official archive version!

It was in 2010 that a lot of sound sources owned by a person called Trevor Jones, who had been the band’s roadie since the formation of Wings, was released in a cassette at a stretch. Ten years have passed since the excavation of that mania maniac. The fact that Wing’s rare sound source, which had been limited until then, appeared all at once is like Bon and New Year coming together for maniacs all over the world. It was certainly packed with valuable sound sources, but one of the highlights was the part related to the album “WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND”. Before that, “VENUS AND MARS” had a lot of rare sound sources on the market since the days of LP, but the excavation situation is refreshing at this time. That’s why I was really surprised at the appearance 10 years ago. By the way, Trevor Jones’ appearance in the well-received 1975 Melbourne video “FLY SOUTH NEW MASTER” appeared on stage in full dress before “Band On The Run” started, lighting a candle on the piano It is possible.
The number of sound sources that were excavated were certainly rare, but all of them were originally owned by cassettes, and the descent of Gene that a few times dubbing was created there created “ It is true that the sound quality could not be called as master quality even in flattery, with the addition of “deep sound”, strong hiss noise, and even crackling noise in silent parts. From this, it is speculated that the sound source was leaked in 2010, but a copy for it was made long before.
Among them, the “WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND” part, which was one of the highlights, had a strong tendency, and the labels released at that time were all eager to eliminate noise and muffled mood. In addition, there was a limit to the technology of 10 years ago, and in the end, all I heard was unnaturalness. Still, we were glad to hear back then. After all, the impact of excavation was so great.
However, in the course of 10 years, a version transferred from Jones’ cassette master began to appear only among some core traders. This time, we succeeded in obtaining the upper sound source independently. Wing’s rare sound source upper version from his five cassettes will be released on a limited press CD.

As I mentioned earlier, the part related to “WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND” was one of the highlights 10 years ago, but it was in a rough state. However, the feeling of the upper that this version creates is terrible. Even the expressions such as “fog” and “veiled” are completely lukewarm, and the muddy state is completely eliminated. Very refreshing and clear. Still, the texture is very natural, and the level of hiss noise that comes from the cassette is also natural. From this, it can be proved that no extra equalization has been applied at the time of this release, but above all, the high freshness that shakes off the rough feeling of Gene 10 years ago has surprised maniacs all over the world. Enough to do.
First of all, even if you listen to the two kinds of rough mixes of “Silly Love Songs” recorded at the beginning, you will understand the outstanding upper feeling this time. The scene where Paul hummed the part that the horn section played after he got a big talk 10 years ago is still adorable. The unnatural sound image that was close to the left channel on the previous board was ultra clear without such a thing at this source. What’s more, the single vocal version of Track 1 is a completely new sound source that was not recorded on any Trevor Jones sound source CD in the past! First of all, this is amazing. Perhaps it was cut during the cassette dubbing process. “She’s My Baby” also heard Paul’s whistles and the like, which is only possible with rough mixes, but this song has a particularly high upper degree, and it was rare in the version 10 years ago, but the quality is that kind of maniac I heard. There is no doubt that you will be impressed.

The version in which Paul sang “Must Do Something About It” sung by Joe English on the album was the hottest topic in 2010, but was later recorded in various deluxe editions of “WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND”. It is undeniable that the impact has been halved. However, if you listen carefully, the mix itself is very different, and Paul’s vocals are a different take from the Deluxe Edition. This is a rustic mix with a rough finish that is still attractive enough. It can be compared to the difference between a deluxe edition prepared for release and a pure rough mix.
And with this release, Wings rare sound sources from other times that were recorded in another cassette are also included in the bonus. “Mull Of Kintyre” starting from Paul’s count unfortunately has aged deterioration of the master cassette itself, and there is no difference in sound from the previous version, but other than that, the sound quality of these parts also improves at a stretch. “Richard Cory” from the 1975 tour rehearsal can also be enjoyed with high sound quality. Rather, I put it all together into one fulfilling piece of the Jones sound source. “Daytime Nighttime Suffering” also has perfect sound quality with no minor sound distortion or Lch chatter. Certainly valuable, but a version 10 years ago that never reached the level of excellent. With this sound quality, please listen carefully and enjoy the lively feel of the rough mix. This upper feel is a little shocking! Must be a must-have item for Wings fans!

★ Because it is digitized directly from the master cassette, the sound quality is dramatically improved compared to the existing version.

★ Track 1 “Silly Love Songs (No Strings & Horns, 1st Overdub Vocals)” is the first appearance.


ウイングス結成時からバンドのローディーを務めていたトレバー・ジョーンズという人物がカセットにて所有していた音源の数々が一気に流出したのは2010年のこと。あのマニア狂喜の発掘から早いもので10年が過ぎました。それまで限られていたウイングスのレア音源が一気に登場したことは、世界中のマニアにとって盆と正月が一緒に来たようなもの。確かに貴重な音源が満載だったのですが、その中でも目玉の一つだったのがアルバム「WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND」関連のパートでしょう。その前の「VENUS AND MARS」はLPの時代から豊富なレア音源が出回っていたのに対し、こちらときたら発掘状況はさっぱり。だからこそ10年前の登場には本当に驚かされたものです。ちなみにトレバー・ジョーンズの姿は好評発売中の75年メルボルン映像「FLY SOUTH NEW MASTER」にて、「Band On The Run」が始まる前に正装でステージに現れ、ピアノの上にロウソクを灯す様子が見られます。
中でも目玉の一つであった「WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND」パートはその傾向が強く、当時リリースしたレーベルはどこもノイズ消しやこもりの解消に躍起でした。おまけに10年前のテクノロジーの限界もあり、結局不自然さばかりが耳についていたもの。それでも当時の我々は喜んで聞き込んでいたものです。何しろ発掘の衝撃があまりに大きかったもので。

先にも触れたように「WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND」関連のパートは10年前の目玉の一つだった訳ですが、どうにも状態が粗かった。ところが今回のバージョンが生み出すアッパー感は凄まじい。「霧」や「ベールをかぶった」といった表現すら生ぬるい、あのモコモコした状態がすっかり解消されているのです。実にスッキリかつクリアー。それでいて非常にナチュラルな質感が素晴らしく、カセット故に入るヒスノイズのレベルがまた自然。このことからも今回のリリースに際して余計なイコライズを施していないことを証明できるのですが、何より10年前の粗いジェネ落ち感が完全に振り払われた鮮度の高さは世界中のマニアを驚かせるに十分なもの。
まず冒頭に収録された「Silly Love Songs」二種類のラフミックスを聞いただけでも、今回のずば抜けたアッパー感を理解してもらえることでしょう。10年前にも大きな話題を呼んだ、後にホーンセクションが奏でるあのパートをポールがハミングしている場面は今なお愛らしい。既発盤では左chに寄っていた不自然な音像も今回のソースではそんなことは一切なくウルトラクリアー。しかもトラック1のシングルボーカルバージョンは過去のどのトレバー・ジョーンズ音源CDにも未収録だった完全初登場音源なのです!まずこれだけでも驚き。おそらくカセットのダビングの過程でカットされてしまっていたのでしょう。「She’s My Baby」もラフミックスならではのポールの口笛などが聞かれますが、この曲では特にアッパー度が目覚ましく、10年前のバージョンでレアだけどクオリティはあんなものか…と思いながら聞いていたマニアを感激させること間違いなし。

アルバムではジョー・イングリッシュに歌わせた「Must Do Something About It」をポールが歌うバージョンは2010年当時、最大の話題を呼びましたが、その後「WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND」各種デラックス・エディションに収録されてインパクトが半減してしまった感は否めません。しかしよく聴くとミックス自体は大きく異なっており、ポールのボーカルもデラックス・エディションとは別テイク。こちらの方がいかにもラフミックス然とした素朴な仕上がりで今も十分に魅力的。言うなればリリース用に整えられたデラックス・エディションと純然たるラフミックスとの違いだとも例えられるでしょう。
そして今回のリリースに際しては、別カセットに収録されていた他の時期のウイングス・レア音源もボーナスに収録。ポールのカウントから始まる「Mull Of Kintyre」は残念ながらマスターカセット自体の経年劣化があり、音のヨレが生じるのは過去のバージョンと変わりませんが、それ以外はこれらのパートも一気に音質が向上。75年ツアー・リハーサルからの「Richard Cory」も高音質にて楽しめる。むしろジョーンズ音源のいいとこ取りした充実の一枚へとまとめ上げました。「Daytime Nighttime Suffering」も細かな音ヨレやLchのビビリもなくなり完璧な音質に。確かに貴重ではあったが、どうしてもエクセレントの域には及ばなかった10年前のバージョン。今回の音質でこそ、じっくりと聞き込んでラフミックスならではの生々しい感触をたっぷりと味わってください。このアッパー感はちょっと衝撃です!ウイングス・ファンのマストアイテムになること間違いなし!


★トラック1「Silly Love Songs (No Strings & Horns, 1st Overdub Vocals)」は完全初登場。


01. Silly Love Songs (No Strings & Horns, 1st Vocals Overdub)
02. Silly Love Songs (No Strings & Horns, 2nd Vocals Overdub)
03. The Note You Never Wrote (No Strings)
04. She’s My Baby (Take 1)
05. She’s My Baby (Take 2)
06. Beware My Love (Rough Mix)
07. Wino Junko (Rough Mix)
08. Time To Hide (Backing Track)
09. Must Do Something About It (Paul’s Version)
10. Soily
11. Richard Cory
12. Mull Of Kintyre (with Count-In)
13. Daytime Nighttime Suffering (Rough Mix)

Paul McCartney – vocals, bass, upright bass, piano
Linda McCartney – vocals, keyboards
Denny Laine – vocals, guitar
Jimmy McCulloch – vocals, guitar
Joe English – vocals, drums
Geoff Britton – drums (on Trk 10 “Soily”)


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