Paul McCartney & Wings / Live In New Castle 1973 / 2CD Wx OBI Strip & Book

Paul McCartney & Wings / Live In New Castle 1973 / 2CD Wx OBI Strip & Book / Misterclaudel

Translated Text:

Live At The City Hall New Castle Upon-Tyne.UK 10 JULY 1973. SBD & Aud.


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■ Ultra high-quality sound board sound source of new master use! !
■ first appearance audience source also simultaneous included! !
■ state of between songs, of course, “Say You Do not Mind” such as first appearance song! !
■ with pamphlet of valuable 1973 UK tour!

Mania latest must-have of Mr. Crow Dell label is Newcastle performances of 1973! ! Although it is once performances that had been released from M Claudel, although at the time the release was the best, this time, using a new New master, much of the sound quality up to realize, it became carry re-release! ! Originally recorded for official release, it is live album of vision that has become shelved while being made to acetate. Goodness of the sound quality, but was some time proven, this time of the sound source, is referred to as the thickness of the more sound than that of the conventional, called the spread, in many, plump sound image, high sound degree of perfection you much established as this remains a live album I am finished. Although I tried to compare them with the previous work, the sound quality difference is evident, you can assert that just is not any more of sound quality. From powerful vocals that have been recorded in on from the sound of bass, it is really amazing the best sound quality.

The stage in “Soily” at the time unreleased beginning, name board “Red Rose Speedway” from the “Big Barn Bed”, “When The Night”, etc., set of dreams song of The Beatles is not considered in the current which is the main list. Significantly different from the arrangement, “Maybe I’m Amazed” and “Live And Let Die”, and the last encore is “Long Tall Sally”. Paul, not Yara cool excitement, again and again and repeat the ending, how are continued endlessly play is a masterpiece! Older movies of M Claudel, of course, to surpass all of its outstanding board, and I have just been recorded in official class quality! !

And it does not quite reckoned also audience sound source of the disk 2. I content of the audience did not sound unique to hear questions and by the sound board. The above all sound board sound source first was unreleased “Say You Do not Mind” is a point which has been recorded. To play even two songs the song has of Denny, although there was occasionally, it is the first time find the facts in this work to have been sung here Newcastle. Also on this day seemed one of the staff was birthday, “Happy Birthday” was played. What Denny are you playing the guitar, what Henry, and I like, such as reminiscent of the “Stars and Stripes Forever” of Jimi Hendrix, Gui-in as distorted guitar, has played with Gui ~ tion. Perhaps the Woodstock is affecting (laughs). Familiar Denny sideshow “Turkey In The Straw” has also been recorded in full. These have not been recorded in the sound board sound source all, I can say that an important part of concert warm atmosphere is reflected in vividly. Others, such as chat between songs, the state of the day that could not know ask in sound board sound source only, and is a valuable audience sound source can you tell by further supplement.

Newcastle performances July 10 from 1973 short UK tour, disk 1 is recorded in the official class of sound board sound source in an ultra-high sound quality. Furthermore disc 2 recorded in first appearance audience sound the same performance. Sound on board sound source has been recorded songs and part of unreleased is plenty, you can listen digs deeper into Newcastle performances. Furthermore miniature Tour pamphlet of 1973 UK tour has been sealed in this time also all set. Unlike the relatively large amount of printed world tour, pamphlet of this ’73 UK tour people often rare thing you are looking for in mania. Tour photos and a member of the Rare photo is packed. Newcastle sound source would be Uchidome in this work! ! ! Permanent preservation Athletic Press board of beautiful picture disc specification. Japanese band and with tour pamphlet!

■曲間の様子はもちろん「Say You Don’t Mind」など初登場曲!!

マニア必携のミスタークローデル・レーベルの最新作は、1973年のニューキャッスル公演です!! かつてMクローデルからリリースされていた公演ですが、リリース当時はベストであったものの、今回、新たなニューマスターを使用し、格段の音質アップが実現、再リリースの運びとなりました!! 元々オフィシャル・リリースのためにレコーディングされ、アセテートまで作られながらお蔵入りとなった幻のライヴ・アルバムです。その音質の良さはかねてから折り紙付きでしたが、今回の音源は、従来のものより更に音の厚みといい、広がりといい、実にふくよかな音像で、このままライブ・アルバムとして成立するくらい完成度の高い音に仕上がっています。旧作と聴き比べてみましたが、音質差は歴然としており、まさにこれ以上の音質はないと断言できます。低音の響きからオンで収録されている力強いヴォーカルから、実に素晴らしい最高の音質です。

当時未発表の「Soily」でステージは始まり、名盤『Red Rose Speedway』から「Big Barn Bed」「When The Night」など、ビートルズの曲がメインとなっている現在では考えられない夢のセット・リスト。アレンジの大幅に異なる「Maybe I’m Amazed」や「Live And Let Die」、そして最後アンコールは「Long Tall Sally」です。興奮冷めやらぬポールは、何度も何度もエンディングを繰り返し、延々と演奏が続けられる様子は圧巻です! Mクローデルの旧作はもちろん、全ての既発盤を凌駕する、まさにオフィシャル級のクオリティで収録されているのです!!

そしてディスク2のオーディエンス音源もなかなか侮れません。サウンドボードでは聴けなかったオーディエンス音源ならではの内容が満載なのです。まず何よりサウンドボード音源には未収録だった「Say You Don’t Mind」が収録されている点。デニーの持ち歌を2曲も演奏するのは、たまにありましたが、ここニューキャッスルでも歌われていたとは本作で初めて判明した事実です。またこの日はスタッフのひとりが誕生日だったらしく、「ハッピーバースディ」が演奏されました。ギターを弾いているのはデニーでしょうか、ヘンリーでしょうか、まるでジミヘンの「星条旗よ永遠なれ」を彷彿させるような、歪んだギターでグイ~ン、グイ~ンと奏でているのです。ウッドストックが影響しているのかもしれませんね(笑)。お馴染みデニーの余興「Turkey In The Straw」もフルで収録されています。これらは全てサウンドボード音源には収録されていない、コンサートの暖かい雰囲気が如実に表れている大切な部分と言えます。その他、曲間のおしゃべりなど、サウンドボード音源のみでは伺い知ることが出来なかった当日の様子を、さらに補完して伝えてくれる貴重なオーディエンス音源です。



01. Introduction
02. Soily
03. Big Barn Bed
04. When The Night
05. Seaside Woman
06. Wild Life
07. Little Woman Love – C Moon
08. Maybe I’m Amazed
09. My Love
10. Live And Let Die
11. Go Now
12. The Mess
13. Hi Hi Hi
14. Long Tall Sally


01. Soily
02. Big Barn Bed
03. When The Night
04. Seaside Woman
05. Wild Life
06. Turkey In The Straw
07. Little Woman Love – C Moon
08. Maybe I’m Amazed
09. My Love
10. Live And Let Die
11. Go Now
12. Happy Birthday
13. Say You Don’t Mind
14. The Mess
15. Hi Hi Hi
16. Long Tall Sally

Misterclaudel. MCCD-490/491

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