Paul McCartney / Under The Staircase / 1DVD

Paul McCartney / Under The Staircase / 1DVD / Non Label

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Live in Studio 2 at Abbey Road Studios, London, UK 23rd July 2018 With the Best Audio Master. Pro-shot

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“UNDER THE STAIRCASE” gig at Abbey Road Studio which now has become a must-see and must-see live image. Of course, many items are produced, but with regard to the audio of the video it is a delivery dilemma or a rather high regional texture strongly and some items were “crispy” and recorded with a bitter and rigid sound quality It was about. On the other hand, as for the voice, the version that was originally delivered is a sound quality like mp3 of a decade ago, and this is also a difficult state. However, the ease of delivery gained popularity or the songs were increased afterwards, the sound quality improved at a stroke and the initial version of the stigma was cleared up. In that case, it is the audio of the video which is unnecessary.
In the first place there was a throwing motion as it got widespread at the stage of the spreading of the picture, or things in the state of being reflected as funny, and there were items that were released without solving this problem. However, this issue was solved at a stroke in the “UNDER THE STAIRCASE” CD-R & Dual DVD-R set released several weeks ago, and the state which it enjoyed comparatively to the version released so far is popular I did it. That’s why will not you give out the voice in the upper state? Such a voice was given as a matter of course. Although the above-mentioned triple CD-R & dual DVD-R version was surely popular, will not you be able to cover the sound of the song increase version version to the movie well? There is no doubt that it will become. This release will make mania’s feelings such worlds true.

“UNDER THE STAIRCASE” Paig’s live live video alongside the “UNDER THE STAIRCASE” gigs at Grand Central Station was done at the timing consistent with the release of the album “EGYPT STATION”, whereas from the release of the album Gigs more than a month ago. Besides, many celebrities including Johnny Depp and others are invited, both of which are special gigs, but their qualities are totally different. The gig at Grand Central Station was as if condensing the main part of “FRESHEN UP” tour, but here is a selection with a strong secret · gig color. It seems as if it is reminiscent of the Budokan in the last year. Still it is a unique taste that “EGYPT STATION” recorded songs are featured everywhere.
When the album was released and the “FRESHEN UP” tour began, “Confidante” which was played at Abbey Road Studio is not included in the set list. This song is a tune that can be counted in the genealogy of acoustic numbers such as “Friends To Go” and “On My Way To Work” released by Paul in recent years. Therefore it is not picked up in the tour in front of the big crowd, it is very attractive that you can see and hear the live version of the sound board recording and pro shot here. Such simple and incompetent songs are such things as wanting to listen to live performances.

He is also the son of George Martin, now work related to the releases related to the Beatles, as the scene where Girls who took over his father was introduced to Paul and symbolizes the scene, MC’s longer episodes talk about songs etc. It is a scene that seems to be a gig that it will progress in a relaxed atmosphere rather than a normal live. It is obvious that the intervals between songs are edited everywhere in the video released due to that, but when releasing the limited press DVD this time, the momentary silence caused by the cut is thoroughly picked up. Of course it is a bit of a mistake, but if you are a maniac, those unnatural blanks will disappear and you will be able to appreciate it more stressfully.
There is only thing that takes time from recording to publication rather than gig at the central station, and editing sense of cut division etc. is outstanding. For example, in “Junior’s Farm”, the goodness of editing sense that seems to be groaned is striking, such as where the drummer Ave captures the scene where he picked up the microphone for the chorus. That is, the degree of completeness as a live image is very high, and even if it is released as it is, it is not inferior to anything. The way of appearance of the song name that is reflected when the performance starts is also very refined and finished in a first-class visual work.
And the sound quality is completely different than anything else. Unlike the sound of the video in which the high range is conspicuous, low frequencies including Paul’s baseline echoes firmly. In addition, the degree of echo added to his voice has texture that reminds me of the image of Budokan three years ago. A special gig made at Abbey Road studio which is deeply connected from the Beatles era. Of course, I want to play back even with the best sound quality, as well as images with smooth and extremely clear image quality, which is different from other items that have appeared so far. The best version of the latest live video that is most suitable for the practice before coming to Japan, with the video “LIVE FROM NYC 2018” of the previously released Grand Central Station with the press of the stable press please!

★ We guarantee the highest quality of the world in both image quality and sound.

今や最新かつ必見のライブ映像と化した感があるアビーロード・スタジオでの「UNDER THE STAIRCASE」ギグ。当然ながら多くのアイテムを輩出していますが、映像の音声に関しては配信のジレンマか、かなり高域寄りな質感が強くアイテムによっては「カリカリ」なほど刺々しく硬質な音質で収録されてしまったほどでした。一方で音声の方は当初配信されたバージョンがまるで一昔前のmp3のような音質であり、こちらもまた難のある状態。ところが配信の手軽さが好評を受けてか後に曲が増量されたバージョンでは音質が一気に向上、当初のバージョンの汚名を晴らしてくれました。そうなると余計に気になるのが映像の音声。
そもそも映像が広まった段階で動きがスロー、あるいはカクカクと映ってしまう状態のものなどがあり、この問題を解決しないままリリースされたアイテムまでありました。しかし数週間前にリリースされた「UNDER THE STAIRCASE」CD-R&デュアルDVD-Rセットではこの問題が一気に解決されており、それまでにリリースされていたバージョンとは比べものにならないほど楽しめた状態が好評を博しました。だからこそ音声もアッパーな状態で出してもらえないだろうか。そんな声が当然の如く寄せられたのです。先に挙げた三枚組CD-R&デュアルDVD-Rバージョンは確かに好評でしたが、いっそのこと映像に曲数増量バージョンの音を被せてもらえないだろうか…そうすればさらに楽しめるライブ映像になってくれることは間違いない。そんな世界中のマニアの思いを叶えるのが今回のリリース。

「UNDER THE STAIRCASE」ギグと並ぶポールの最新ライブ映像であるグランド・セントラル駅でのギグはアルバム「EGYPT STATION」のリリースに合わせたタイミングで行われていたのに対し、こちらはアルバムのリリースからは一か月以上も前のギグ。おまけにジョニー・デップを始めとしたセレブも多数招かれるなど、どちらもスペシャルなギグでありながら、その性質がまったく違う。グランド・セントラル駅のギグは「FRESHEN UP」ツアー本編を凝縮したかのような内容でしたが、こちらはシークレット・ギグ色の強い選曲。序盤などはそれこそ昨年の武道館を彷彿とさせるかのよう。それでいて「EGYPT STATION」収録曲が随所でフィーチャーされているというのが独特の味わい。
アルバムがリリースされ、いざ「FRESHEN UP」ツアーが始まってみればアビーロード・スタジオで演奏されていた「Confidante」はセットリストに含まれず。この曲は近年のポールがリリースした「Friends To Go」や「On My Way To Work」といったアコースティック・ナンバーの系譜に数えられる曲調。それ故に大観衆を前にしたツアー本編では取り上げられることがなく、ここでサウンドボード録音かつプロショット映像のライブ・バージョンが見聞きできるというのが非常に魅力的。こういった飾り気のないシンプルな曲こそマニアはライブで聞きたいというものです。

セントラル駅でのギグよりも収録から公開までに時間をかけているだけのことはあり、カット割りの編集センスなども抜群。例えば「Junior’s Farm」において、ドラマーのエイヴがコーラス用のマイクを手繰り寄せた場面を捉えているところなど、見ていて唸らされてしまうような編集センスの良さが際立ちます。つまりライブ映像としての完成度が非常に高く、このままソフトとしてリリースされたとしても何ら遜色がない。演奏が始まった時に映し出される曲名の登場の仕方なども非常に洗練されていて一級品の映像作品に仕上がっている。
そして何よりも音質がまったく違う。高域が目立つ映像の音声と違い、ポールのベースラインを始めとした低域がしっかりと響き渡る。おまけに彼の声に加えられたエコーの度合いなどは三年前の武道館の映像のそれを思い起こさせるような質感があります。何と言ってもビートルズ時代から縁の深いアビーロード・スタジオで行われたスペシャル・ギグ。これまでに登場した他アイテムとは違う動きの滑らかで極めてクリアーな画質の映像はもちろん、やっぱり最高の音質でもプレイバックしたいというもの。来日前の予行練習に最適な最新ライブ映像のベスト・バージョン、先にリリース済のグランド・セントラル駅の映像「LIVE FROM NYC 2018」と共に安定のプレスのDVDで揃えてください!



1. Intro. 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Juniors Farm 4. One After 909 5. Drive My Car 6. Come On To Me
7. I’ve Got A Feeling 8. I’ve Just Seen A Face 9. Confidante 10. Love Me Do 11. We Can Work It Out
12. My Valentine 13. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five 14. Lady Madonna 15. Who Cares
16. Got To Get You Into My Life 17. Fuh You 18. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da 19. I Wanna Be Your Man
20. Back In The U.S.S.R 21. Birthday 22. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
23. Helter Skelter


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