Paul McCartney / The Paul McCartney Special / 1DVDR

Paul McCartney /  The Paul McCartney Special / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated text:

Taken from Japanese Original VHS (TT50-1223HI)


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1986, BBC in the UK has been created to suit the album “Press To Play”, history title of Paul. It is the official video softening in the title called “Paul McCartney Special” in 1987, re-release has also been titled “portrait” later in Japan, but since there is no scheduled on DVD in the out of print now , and I think we can say a happy one piece fans unseen. And interview of Paul in the 1986 Abbey Road Studios, those that look back Promo video and live, including the Wings era, the activities of Paul of The Beatles after the dissolution, contents, of Paul says from the point of view of the medium-term 80s There are each very interesting words. For Aru digs the music of many in a frame of 60 minutes originally, and is sorry each is of a recording of piecemeal from time constraints, but (ticker of the era to or wrong quite yet I also era) , the structure of the overall tempo is good, it is affordable to see at once without getting tired in reverse, and finished with a fun piece. In addition the second half, the movie scene you talk about co-operation with Eric Stewart of the original 10cc video of Long Tall Sally and I Saw Her Standing There at Purinshisu Trust of June 1986, in the “Press To Play”, “Give that the evaluation of My Regards to Broad Street “was not sweet, how it has responded to the interview while stuffy little will also say that a piece is immersed in the pole of the medium-term 80s,, long time nostalgic all. There are no plans for official re-release, by all means, please enjoy this opportunity, one piece of nostalgia while contents excellent.

1986年、イギリスのBBCがアルバム「Press To Play」に合わせて制作した、ポールのヒストリー・タイトル。日本では1987年に「ポール・マッカートニー・スペシャル」と言うタイトルで公式ビデオソフト化され、のちに「ポートレイト」というタイトルで再リリースもされていますが、現在は廃盤でDVD化の予定もないため、未見のファンには嬉しい一枚と言えるのではないでしょうか。内容は、ビートルズ解散後のポールの活動を、1986年アビーロード・スタジオでのポールのインタビューと、ウィングス時代を含むライヴやプロモ映像で振り返るというもので、80年代中期の視点から語っているポールの言葉はそれぞれが非常に興味深いものがあります。元々60分という枠の中に多くの楽曲を突っ込んであるため、時間的制約からそれぞれが細切れの収録なのが残念ではありますが(しかも年号のテロップが結構間違ってたりするのも時代ですね)、全体の構成もテンポも良く、逆に飽きずに一気に観るには手頃であり、楽しい一枚に仕上がっています。1986年6月のプリンシス・トラストでのI Saw Her Standing ThereやLong Tall Sallyの映像、「Press To Play」での元10ccのエリック・スチュワートとの共作について語るシーン、更には後半、映画「Give My Regards to Broad Street」の評価が芳しくなかったことに、少々ムッとしながらインタビューに応えてる様子も全てが懐かしく、、久々に80年代中期のポールに浸れる一枚と言えるでしょう。優れた内容ながら公式再リリースの予定が無い、懐かしの一枚を、是非、この機会にお楽しみ下さい。

1. The Mersey Sound (TV Interview 1963)
2. I Saw Her Standing There (Prince Of Wales Trust Concert, Wembley Arena, London, UK 20th June 1986) 
3. Interview 4. Press (Abbey Road Studio) 5. Interview 6. Peggy Sue(Backyard Tapes 1974)
7. Interview 8. Maybe I’m Amazed (from Rockshow) 9. Interview 10. Helen Wheels (Video Clip) 
11. Interview 12. Lucille (Wings’ First Rehearsal, February 1972) 13. Interview 
14. Hi Hi Hi (Hague, Holland 21st August 1972) 15. Interview 
16. Wild Life (Hague, Holland 21st August 1972) 17. Interview 
18. My Love (from James Paul McCartney 1973) 19. Interview 20. Jet (from Rockshow) 
21. Interview 22. Goodnight Tonight (Video Clip) 23. Interview 24. Waterfalls (Video Clip) 
25. Interview 26. Take It Away (Video Clip) 27. Interview 
28. Give My Regards To Broad Street (from Movie) 29. Interview 
30. Long Tall Sally (Prince Of Wales Trust Concert, Wembley Arena, London, UK 20th June 1986)
31. Interview 32. Tug Of War (Video Clip)


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