Paul McCartney / London 2018 Original Video Master / 1DVD

Paul McCartney / London 2018 Original Video Master / 1DVD / Non Label
Original In-Ear Monitor Recording Live at the O2 Arena, London, UK 16th December 2018 STEREO IEM

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The end of the audience / live video edition from the UK tour at the end of last year is, of course, the O2 arena in London. Anyway, it is a day when a big surprise occurred at the encore, but since the live show was held it was also the final day of the tour in 2018 and a performance attracted attention from maniacs all over the world. It seems that securing the position was extremely difficult because of that. As you can see if you saw the gift DVD-R “LONDON 2018 ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER” that was the basis for the images released this time, the picture of the most brilliant angle in “2018 British trilogy”. This time simultaneous release Glasgow was taken from the arena, but like the starting Liverpool, this is taken from the stand.
Even if the video condition is compared with Liverpool, the angle of Hijiku stands out throughout, and from that point it can be said that the photographer would have had trouble securing the position. However, the good part of this image is extremely clear in image quality, yet it is nearly in front and it is the angle of Hijiki, so if you are watching yourself as the final day of the 2018 fresh-up tour from the O2 Arena stand It will taste realistic realistic like that. Besides, the British trilogy has a sense of stability in the video that is out of the group. Although it may be a benefit unique to shooting from the stand, there is absolutely nothing to be blocked by the audience throughout the live. Certainly this time Glasgow and that bilateral close-up can not be hoped for, but it is also exceptional to be able to see the stress without stress from the opening of the live to the ending.

On the contrary, the audience shot where close-up works is inevitable because angles tend to be biased towards Paul, but rather than the overlooking of the whole stage of the stage, it is rather fresh to see the stage production etc. which is often overlooked. For example, during the performance of “I’ve Got a Feeling”, such as the representation that a lot of speakers are displayed on the stage screen. Especially in the first half of the live it will be stolen from the production of the whole stage.
And from the part of the acoustic song, the frequency of close-ups can also be raised for more enjoyment. As a matter of course, although it is Paul, it is fresh to see what the band members usually tend to be out of the screen can be seen. Among them, Wix who blows harmonica with “From Me To You” is showing a pretty awkward movement in the place where there is no turn. Before starting this song Paul’s appearance that explains using the epochal “Gm” code as a pop song at the time was also funny.
However speaking of anything speaking of London it is a surprise at encore. Although it was the opening of “Wonderful Christmastime”, this time I asked for a chorus to Capital · Children · Choir. It seems to me that the stage on the stage is filled with kids’ kiree firmly with the composition unique to this angle, it is spectacular anymore. As a matter of course, in synchronizing the upgrade to the limited press DVD of this time, the sound is synchronized with the stereo / earphone sound source of “LONDON 2018”, and the lively chorus team will feel more realistically. Since the original image sound of the gift DVD – R was a recording lacking in thickness and a sound image far, this is already the difference of muddy.
And “Get Back” from apple and Ronnie Wood appearance which maniacs around the world celebrated, but in the image which can look like the whole in this way, it is well understood that the apple drum kit was specially installed on the stage , It is as interesting as it is a position like an isolated island on the stage. And this release includes bonus as YouTube videos that pleased maniacs by catching this surprise scene with a more close angle at the bonus. Certainly angles are nearly dramatic, but the freshness of the video itself is clearly above the main video this time. Therefore it is a press DVD release similar to the other two performances, please enjoy the document which reproduces O2 arena which finished the last of the last year tour from both visual and sound thoroughly the document!

昨年末のイギリス・ツアーからのオーディエンス・ライブ映像編を締めくくるのは、もちろんロンドンはO2アリーナ。何と言ってもアンコールで大サプライズが起きた日ですが、ライブが行われる以前から2018年のツアー最終日ということもあって世界中のマニアからの注目を集めた公演。そのせいでポジション確保は困難を極めたようです。今回リリースされる映像の元になったギフトDVD-R「LONDON 2018 ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER」を見られた方なら分かるように「2018イギリス三部作」の中ではもっともヒキなアングルの映像。今回同時リリースのグラスゴーはアリーナから撮影が敢行されていましたが、先発のリバプールと同じようにこちらはスタンドからの撮影。

逆にクローズアップが効くオーディエンスショットはどうしてもアングルがポールに偏りがちなのですが、むしろステージの全貌が見渡せるおかげで普段なら見落としがちな舞台演出などがむしろ新鮮に映るのではないでしょうか。例えば「I’ve Got a Feeling」を演奏中、ステージのスクリーンに大量のスピーカーが映し出される演出などがその典型かと。ライブ前半は特にそうしたステージ全体の演出に目を奪われることでしょう。
そしてアコースティック・ソングのパートからはクローズアップの頻度も上がってより楽しめる。やはりポールはもちろんですが、普段は画面から外れがちなバンドメンバーの様子が見られるのは見ていて新鮮。中でも「From Me To You」でハーモニカを吹くウィックスが出番のないところではかなりひょうきんな動きを見せていて微笑ましい。この曲を始める前に当時のポップソングとしては画期的な「Gm」というコードを使ったことを説明してくれるポールの姿も同様に微笑ましいものでした。
しかし何と言ってもロンドンと言えばアンコールでのサプライズ。その幕開けとなった「Wonderful Christmastime」ですが、今度はキャピタル・チルドレンズ・クワイヤーに合唱を依頼。ステージ上が子供たちのクワイヤーで埋め尽くされる様もこのアングルならではの構図でしっかり捉えており、それはもう壮観。言わずもがなですが、今回の限定プレスDVDへのバージョンアップに際して音声は「LONDON 2018」のステレオ・イヤモニ音源をシンクロさせたことで、賑やかなコーラス隊がさらにリアルに感じられるでしょう。ギフトDVD-Rのオリジナル映像音声は厚みを欠いてなおかつ音像が遠い録音でしたので、これはもう雲泥の差。
そして世界中のマニアが歓喜したリンゴとロニー・ウッド登場からの「Get Back」ですが、こうして全体を見渡せる映像では、リンゴ用のドラムキットがステージ上で特別に設置されていたことがよく解る一方、それはまるでステージ上の孤島のような位置なのが何とも面白い。そして今回のリリースではボーナスにこのサプライズ場面をよりクローズアップなアングルで捉えてくれたことでマニアを喜ばせたYouTube動画をボーナスとして収録。確かにアングルはこちらの方が俄然近いのですが、映像の鮮度自体は今回のメイン映像の方が明らかに上。それ故に他の二公演と同様のプレスDVDリリースです、昨年のツアーで有終の美を飾ったO2アリーナをビジュアルとサウンドの両方から再現してくれるドキュメントをじっくりとお楽しみください!


1. Intro. 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Junior’s Farm 4. All My Loving 5. Letting Go
6. Who Cares 7. Got to Get You Into My Life 8. Come On to Me 9. Let Me Roll It
10. I’ve Got a Feeling 11. Let ‘Em In 12. My Valentine 13. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five
14. Maybe I’m Amazed 15. I’ve Just Seen a Face 16. In Spite of All the Danger
17. From Me to You 18. Dance Tonight 19. Love Me Do 20. Blackbird 21. Here Today
22. Queenie Eye 23. Lady Madonna 24. Eleanor Rigby 25. Fuh You
26. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 27. Something 28. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
29. Band on the Run 30. Back in the U.S.S.R. 31. Let It Be 32. Live and Let Die
33. Hey Jude 34. Birthday
35. Wonderful Christmastime (with Capital Children’s Choir)
36. Get Back (with Ringo Starr & Ronnie Wood)
37. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
38. Helter Skelter 39. Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight / The End

Bonus Track(7:04)
Alternate Video

1. Introduction 2. Get Back (with Ringo Starr & Ronnie Wood)

COLOUR NTSC Approx.188min.

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