Paul McCartney / Liverpool 2018 Original Video Master / 1DVD

Paul McCartney / Liverpool 2018 Original Video Master / 1DVD / Non label
Original In-Ear Monitor Recording Live at Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK 12th December 2018 STEREO IEM

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Various Iyamoni recording of last year’s British tour that made Paul mania around the world touched. He offered us a listening experience full of surprises that not only the Japanese performance but also the latest performance afterwards could be heard with a distinctive superb sound quality. In those releasing weeks, images shot from the audience seats of each performance are released as gift DVD-R. Apart from the master of Iyamoni, it was a Japanese photographer who went to witness the great circle of his home country, and the one who gave away from him was a gift DVD-R. If so, it may have been concealed if intuition is a sharp one, but we will unite this image and Iyamoni sound source and release items promoted to the finest audience live video. In that case of course the limited press DVD packages are Tall (McCartney) size. In this way, the upper version of each of the three performances becomes one release.

Liverpool will cut its lead. Each performance was carried out with one camera, but the image of this performance was an angle looking diagonally down from the stand on the left side of the stage. The orchestral force force angle from the arena seat was wonderful in any of the previously released Japanese performance movies, but the angle from the stand seat in Liverpool is fresh for that reason. When you look through the whole live, there are many angles of Hijiki, and as a gift to the last level that you could call “masterpiece”, it is truly a performance in Japan, indeed it does not reach the powerful angles like the two countries.
However, by synchronizing the stereo and earphone sound source of “LIVERPOOL 2018” with such a picture, the convincing power as a live image doubled in a doubler. As heard on the gift DVD-R, the sound captured by the original image is due to the sound pickup microphone of the camera, although the outline of the performance was recorded, the sound quality itself is not thick and “B I can not deny the feeling of “class”. The upper feeling combined with the Ultra Clear recording of Iamoni is intense. Although it is an image which suddenly looks abstracted, the point which makes the scene which the image was not transmitted solely by the Iyamoni sound source in plain view field is too high.
As mentioned earlier, although there are not many vivid angles in total, still capturing the important scene firmly everywhere, the sense of closeup is exquisite. The first impressive thing is “Come On to Me”. When returning from a performance break, the appearance of Paul who always plays while watching the base. Indeed, it is a translation that decides the phrase while checking the timing each time.

When it comes to the corner of an acoustic song, close-ups are also quite steady and wonderful scenes are seen everywhere, and it is also attractive to be surely catching it. In front of “I’ve Just Seen a Face” decorating that opening, what was supposed to start playing without so much MC at the beginning was the Beatles song titled “It came from all the Kansas City, Hey Hey Hey!” Escalating by talking to the board that the caught attracted by the stylish audience, the situation escalated to the story of saying “say it in Japanese with an example” from the story. In the next “In Spite of All the Danger”, Paul tells us that drummer Colin Hunton of band (Beatles’ predecessor) qualemen when recording the same song is coming to see the live It is priceless to be.
The remarkable part of this acoustic song part is the appearance of drummer and Ave taking a big success. At the Beetle Classic “From Me To You” which was an eyeball in the stage of 2018, I strike a standing drum and show off with a pole. Furthermore, “Dance Tonight” who revived the repertoire after the performance in Japan is not only an unexpectedly innovative formation that will be performed with the setting of the standing drum as it is, as much as Ave became not sitting on the drum kit, his brilliant Dance has also recovered for a long time to upgrade the version. I am boiling the audience very much.
And at the Liverpool performance, Harry Wyatt who was the main character of “Fuh You” music video came to see, but when Paul tells that story, he shows up on screen as well (clearly Although it is not possible) it is caught shimmering. Besides, at the encore’s “I Saw Her Standing There”, it seems that two winners of Paul and the singing campaign go up to the stage, but for the singing like the one heard at the sound source (bitter smile), Paul I was frightened by the appearance singing without delay on stage before. Excellent audience live video where highlights are included like this. If a visual adds to the Iyamoni sound that boasted that clearness, this is already double the fun!

★ Synchronous recording of ultra-high-quality stereo and Iamoni sound source which is the topic of the original · audience · shot video. The effect is tremendous!

★ In order to realize the highest image quality, it is released on dual layer DVD of one side double layer.


ところが、そんな映像に「LIVERPOOL 2018」のステレオ・イヤモニ音源をシンクロさせることでライブ映像としての説得力が一気に倍増したのです。ギフトDVD-Rで聞かれたように、オリジナルの映像が捉えていた音声はカメラの収音マイクによるものであり、演奏の輪郭こそ録れていたものの、音質自体は厚みを欠いており「B級」な感は否めません。そこへイヤモニのウルトラ・クリアー録音を合わせたアッパー感は強烈。こうして俄然見応えが増した映像ではありますが、反対に映像がイヤモニ音源だけでは伝わってこなかった場面をたっぷりと視界で確認させてくれるポイントがあまりに高い。
先にも触れたように、トータルではヒキなアングルが少なくない映像ですが、それでも随所でしっかりと重要な場面を捉えてくれており、そのクローズアップのセンスは絶妙。まず前半において印象的なのが「Come On to Me」。演奏のブレイクから戻る際には、いつもベース見ながら弾くポールの姿。なるほど、毎回のタイミングを見計らいながらフレーズを決めている訳ですね。

アコースティック・ソングのコーナーになるとクローズアップもグッと安定して素晴らしい場面が随所で見られ、なおかつしっかりとキャッチしてくれているのも魅力的。そのオープニングを飾る「I’ve Just Seen a Face」の前では、当初それほどMCが長引かず演奏が始まるはずだったものが、「はるばるカンサス・シティから来ました、ヘイヘイヘイ!」というビートルズの曲名に引っ掛けた粋な観客の掲げたボードに触れたことで話がエスカレート、そこから例の「日本語でサイコー!って言うんだ」という話にまでエスカレートした様子がよーく解ります。次の「In Spite of All the Danger」際には、同曲を録音した際のバンド(ビートルズの前身)クオリーメンのドラマー、コリン・ハントンがライブを観に来ているということをポールが告げてくれているのも貴重。
このアコースティック・ソングのパートで注目すべきはドラマー、エイブが大活躍する姿。2018年のステージにおける目玉であったビートル・クラシック「From Me To You」においては、スタンディング・ドラムを叩きながらポールと共にハモってみせる。さらに日本公演後にレパートリー復活を遂げた「Dance Tonight」はスタンディング・ドラムのセッティングのままで演奏されるという意外なほど斬新なフォーメーションだけでなく、エイブがドラムキットに座らなくなった分、彼の華麗なダンスも久々に復活してバージョンアップ。観客を大いに沸かせています。
そしてリバプール公演には「Fuh You」のミュージック・ビデオの主人公を務めたハリー・ワイアット君が観に来ていたのですが、ポールがそのことを告げるとスクリーンに彼が映し出される模様も(はっきりとまではいかないのですが)チラッと捉えられています。おまけにアンコールの「I Saw Her Standing There」において、ポールと歌うキャンペーンの勝者二人がステージに上がる様子も捉えられていますが、音源で聞かれたような歌唱の割に(苦笑)、ポールを前にしてステージ上で臆せず歌っている姿には驚かされました。このように見どころが随所に盛り込まれた秀逸なオーディエンス・ライブ・ビデオ。あのクリアネスを誇ったイヤモニ音源にビジュアルが加われば、これはもう楽しさ倍増です!




1. Intro 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Junior’s Farm 4. All My Loving 5. Letting Go 6. Who Cares
7. Got to Get You Into My Life 8. Come On to Me 9. Let Me Roll It 10. I’ve Got a Feeling
11. Let ‘Em In 12. My Valentine 13. Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five 14. Maybe I’m Amazed
15. I’ve Just Seen a Face 16. In Spite of All the Danger 17. From Me to You 18. Dance Tonight
19. Love Me Do 20. Blackbird 21. Here Today 22. Queenie Eye 23. Lady Madonna 24. Eleanor Rigby
25. Fuh You 26. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 27. Something 28. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
29. Band on the Run 30. Back in the U.S.S.R. 31. Let It Be 32. Live and Let Die
33. Hey Jude 34. Birthday 35. I Saw Her Standing There
36. Wonderful Christmastime (with LIPA Choir) 37. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
38. Helter Skelter 39. Golden Slumbers / Carry That Weight / The End

COLOUR NTSC Approx.186min.

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