Paul McCartney / Knebworth 1990 Original Audience Recording / 1CDR+1DVDR

Paul McCartney / Knebworth 1990 Original Audience Recording / 1CDR+1DVDR /Uxbridge
Knebworth Park, Stevenage, UK 30th June 1990

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Last year, Paul McCartney’s 1990 performance, one of the most famous performances of Nebworth, was shot from a very rare audience and released as “KNEB WORTH 1990: ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER” on DVD-R. Although it was released, it was surprisingly easy to see as an audience shot of 90 years, and more than that, it was a valuable video that completely captured the pattern of the famous Nebworth of 90 years, so it recorded a big bestseller. Is it a new place in my memory?
Apart from the Japanese photographer who took the picture, the enthusiast who also participated in Knebworth provided us with the audience recording master of the same day. After all, it can be said that it is a product of the 1990, when the bubble was at its peak, when many enthusiasts participated in overseas performances from Japan.

Of course, Paul’s Knebworth has a wonderful FM broadcast sound source, and in that respect it is undeniable that it is for enthusiasts. In addition, it is an audience recording that was carried out in a vast outdoor venue and in a tightly packed situation. Even so, although the performance itself is captured in a surprisingly large balance, the sound of something hitting the microphone sometimes enters, although it is weak, and in some places the sound is muffled, so that it reminds us of the restless situation that is common in outdoor festivals. It is a fact that it is in a good recording state.
That’s why it’s a sound source for enthusiasts, but as I said earlier, it’s fortunate that the performance itself is captured in a big way. What’s more, unlike “KNEB WORTH 1990: ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER”, I’m surprised that it doesn’t pick up the talk of the surrounding audience.
In the video, while playing the classical repertoire such as “Let It Be” and “Yesterday”, the appearance of Ampontan who spreads the umbrella by more is captured, and as a matter of course, hecklers and things flew around, but in this recording I can’t hear such a fuss. On top of that, it is valuable to be able to enjoy the vivid atmosphere of the famous performance from the audience side.
On the other hand, with the sound source, John Lennon Medley, which was the centerpiece of the day, did not make a noise, and it is a good example that you can realize that the atmosphere is so different if the place is different even in the same live.
And after the live, the announcement “The event is still going on” was played, and this scene was recorded longer than the video. When I hear that, I think it’s valuable to remind me that it was a festival appearance.

And for this release, the popular “KNEB WORTH 1990: ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER” audience shot and coupling. If you’re a maniac, you can’t help but be surprised at the fact that Paul’s Knebworth was captured from the audience in both the sound source and the video. Especially when it comes to video, only four songs can still be seen when it’s official, and the value of the audience shots doesn’t fade.
A combination of such a famous video and the audience recording discovered for the first time this time, a mania surprise release that has been upgraded to the strongest coupling as the audience document of Knebworth in 1990 will be realized. This is rare!

昨年ポール・マッカートニーの1990年を代表する名演の一つ、ネブワースのフェスティバル出演を非常にレアな客席からの撮影にて捉えた映像「KNEBWORTH 1990: ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER」としてリリースしたところ、DVD-Rでのリリースながら90年のオーディエンスショットとしては驚くほど見やすい状態であったこと、それ以上に90年の名演たるネブワースの模様を完全に捉えてくれた貴重映像でもあったということから大ベストセラーを記録したのは記憶に新しいところかと。

だからこそマニア向け音源ということになる訳ですが、それでも先に申しましたように演奏そのものが大きく捉えられているのが幸い。しかも「KNEBWORTH 1990: ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER」と違って周囲の観客のお喋りをあまり拾っていないという点にも驚かされます。
映像では「Let It Be」や「Yesterday」といったクラシック・レパートリーの演奏中、よりによって傘を広げるというアンポンタンの姿が捉えられており、当然のごとく野次や物が飛び交った訳ですが、こちらの録音でそうした騒ぎは聞こえない。その上で名演の生々しい客席側からの空気感が味わえるというのは、やはり貴重。

そして今回のリリースに当たっては大好評だった「KNEBWORTH 1990: ORIGINAL VIDEO MASTER」オーディエンスショットとカップリング。マニアならばポールのネブワースが客席から音源と映像の両方で捉えられていたという事実に驚きを禁じ得ないのではないでしょうか。特に映像に関してはオフィシャルだと未だに四曲しか見られない訳で、なおさらオーディエンスショットの価値が色褪せないという。

★日本人録音 完全初登場の良好オーディエンス録音

2. Coming Up
3. Back In The USSR
4. I Saw Her Standing There
5. We Got Married
6. Birthday
7. Let It Be
8. Live And Let Die
9. If I Were Not Upon The Stage
10. Hey Jude
11. Strawberry Fields Forever / Help! / Give Peace A Chance
12. Yesterday
13. Can’t Buy Me Love


2. Coming Up
3. Back In The USSR
4. I Saw Her Standing There
5. We Got Married
6. Birthday
7. Let It Be
8. Live And Let Die
9. If I Were Not Upon The Stage
10. Hey Jude
11. Strawberry Fields Forever / Help! / Give Peace A Chance
12. Yesterday
13. Can’t Buy Me Love

COLOUR NTSC Approx.52min.

Uxbridge 1458

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