Paul McCartney / Closed Soundcheck At Kokugikan 2018 Original In Ear Monitor Recording / 1CD

Paul McCartney / Closed Soundcheck At Kokugikan 2018 Original In Ear Monitor Recording / 1CD / Non Label

Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo, Japan 5th November 2018 (From Original Masters)


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Translated text:

Closed sound check of Ikeda Kokugikan of both countries The IEM sound source appeared in amazing super high sound quality real stereo sound different from the already-released board!

Paul’s bilateral kokugikan About the rehearsal pattern which had been done before the gig’s start, the sound source by earmani interception has already appeared on the net, and many people were asked with the gift item “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK”. The value of the sound source that unraveled the pattern before the start of the Kokugikan gig, which was a highlight of this visit to Japan, was very high. However, it is also fact that there was a tough aspect in the sound quality aspect. “Za”, the noise which tends to be intercepted, called “ZERO”, was enormously included, and because the received earmoni channel was for Horn Corps, the sound was distant and it was one that produced a stereo feeling by adding reverb. In the same way, it was not the area of ​​”CLOSED SOUNDCHECK AT TOKYO DOME 10.30.2018″ that made the fans indifferent as if they were sound sources of interception as if they were in a different dimension with high sound quality. The sound quality of this title was prominent so much, and speaking of the sound quality of a general earphone sound source, maybe it was rather an image that I could hear with gift items.

That’s why “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK ~” is aware of how exact recording was, but if you can hear the sound checks of both countries with the same high sound quality … it is natural that such a wish will pass. Meanwhile, the sound source provider of “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK ~” which became the best selling title did again!

Ryoogoku Kokugikan 2018: ORIGINAL IN – EAR MONITOR “RYOGOKU KOKUGIKAN 2018: ORIGINAL IN – EAR MONITOR” that he caught the real number of the two countries’ gigs which are already not only “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK ~ RECORDING “certified. Although it is the sound source of the soundchecks of both countries that he provided, it has a slightly rough texture compared to those two titles, hence he himself offers himself with humility with a nuance such as “please even a gift” I tried it but I was surprised to hear it. It certainly may not be a phenomenal level like those two titles, but it is still a very high-quality recording, yet it still keeps a sense of stereo this time. It is ridiculous to treat this as a gift.

The net sound source that I touched first was nothing but “noise” that was dominated by the noise source in the sense that it was coarse recording in a sense, but there is no such noise at this time sound source. Moreover, real stereo sound source which is not processed pseudo stereo. If you imagined the feeling of that gift sound source, you are sure to be surprised by the ease of listening in other dimensions. Yes, the earring sound sources such as “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK ~” and “RYOGOKU KOKUGIKAN ~” are too extraordinary, and this time the sound check is too good enough. This is a limited press CD release is suitable.

And as to contents also fulfilling fulfilling to overwhelm the net sound source. There was an instrument jam played at the beginning in less than a minute, and it was recording only for the final stage, but this time the complete journal covering the opening jam for 9 minutes is complete. Also as demonstrated by “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK ~”, this time Jam also demonstrates that the completion of “music” will be enhanced at a stroke by adding the horn section. On the contrary, the setting of each musical instrument performed before the jam started recorded over 10 minutes. It is overwhelming the previous net sound source not only in tone quality but also in terms of content.

In addition, while Tokyo Dome’s “CLOSED SOUNDCHECK ~” was content such as the last genie pro performed before the actual day of the next day, this is always performed before the performance, so to speak, a rehearsal so used to doing so. Listening in this way, I understand well that the standing position of the songs that Paul picks up in ordinary sound checks. Even though I wanted everyone to play this coming to Japan, the new song “I Do not Know” that did not come true is not only that the tune is not suitable for performance at the big venue , It is probably taken up as a slow number perfect for making various adjustments for the staff to play this song.

Although the stage repertoire is a pole that continues to sing so as not to lower the key as much as possible, interestingly the old cover to play favorably with sound checks is steadily lowering the key (bitter smile). The repertoire such as “Midnight Special” and “Singing The Blues” corresponds to it, but in the latter case it has changed to a board building style until arrangement. Nonetheless, it is also true that the place where these performances are heard is a big appeal of sound check. Especially if it is heard with such sound quality.

Finally, the place where “Let ‘Em In” which is played also in the production is taken place is different from the public sound check that the fans of the VIP ticket were in front, and the place where the performance stopped halfway rehearsal It seems like. It is also one of the great pleasure for maniacs as valuable as a document as well as improving the sound quality and content. Then listen to this title for the first time, then continue with the actual “RYOGOKU KOKUGIKAN 2018: ORIGINAL IN – EAR MONITOR RECORDING”, and then the brilliant night in the Kokugikan one month ago will revive well. But … after all I wanted you to do “I Do not Know” at live performance (laugh).


ポールの両国国技館ギグの本番開始前に行われていたリハーサルの模様に関しては、イヤモニ傍受による音源が既にネット上に現れており、ギフトアイテム「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK」で聞かれた方も多いことかと。今回の来日におけるハイライトであった国技館ギグが始まる前の模様を解き明かしてくれた音源の価値は非常に高かった。とはいえ音質面においては厳しい面があったのも事実。「ザー」という、傍受ものにありがちなノイズが盛大に入っており、受信したイヤモニチャンネルがホーン隊用のものだったため音が遠く、リバーブを加えてステレオ感を演出しているものでした。同じように傍受の音源ながらまるで別次元な高音質でファンをアッと言わせた「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK AT TOKYO DOME 10.30.2018」の域ではなかった。それほど本タイトルの音質は突出していた訳で、一般的なイヤモニ音源の音質といえば、むしろギフトアイテムで聞けたようなイメージだったのではないでしょうか。

それだけに「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK~」がいかに別格の録音であったかを思い知らされるのですが、これと同等の高音質で両国のサウンドチェックも聞けたら…そんな願いがよぎるのは当然のこと。そんな中、ベストセラータイトルとなった「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK~」の音源提供者が再びやってくれました!

彼がイヤモニ録音の名手であることは既に「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK~」だけでなく、もはや稀代の名盤と化してしまった感すらある両国ギグの本番を捉えた「RYOGOKU KOKUGIKAN 2018: ORIGINAL IN-EAR MONITOR RECORDING」で証明済み。彼が提供してくれた両国サウンドチェックの音源ですが、それら二タイトルに比べるとほんの少しだけラフな質感があり、それ故に本人は「ギフトにでもどうぞ」といったニュアンスで謙遜しつつ提供してくれたのですが、いざ聞いてみてビックリ。確かにそれら二タイトルのような驚異的なレベルには及ばないかもしれないが、それでも非常に高品位な録音であり、それでいて今回もステレオ感まで保っている。これをギフト扱いだなんてとんでもない。

最初に触れたネット音源は何しろ「ザー」というノイズが音源全体を支配した、ある意味で荒くれ録音だった訳ですが、今回の音源はそうしたノイズは皆無。しかも加工された疑似ステレオではない本物のステレオ音源。あのギフト音源の感じを思い浮かべた方であれば、まるで別次元な聞きやすさに驚かされること間違いなし。そう、先の「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK~」や「RYOGOKU KOKUGIKAN~」といったイヤモニ音源があまりに別格すぎるのであって、今回のサウンドチェックも十分すぎるくらいにエクセレント。これは限定のプレスCDリリースが相応しいというもの。

そして内容に関してもネット音源を圧倒する充実ぶり。そこでは冒頭に演奏されたインスト・ジャムが一分にも満たない、なおかつ終盤のみの収録でしたが、今回は冒頭のジャムを9分にも渡って完全収録。おまけに「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK~」が証明していたように、今回のジャムはホーンセクションが加わることで一気に「音楽」としての完成度が高まることがここでも実証。それどころかジャムが始まる前に行われた各楽器のセッティングの様子も10分に渡って収録。音質だけでなく、内容面においても先のネット音源を圧倒しているのです。

さらに東京ドームの「CLOSED SOUNDCHECK~」は翌日の本番前に行われた最終ゲネプロといった内容であったのに対し、こちらは本番前に必ず行われる、いわばやり慣れたリハーサル。こうして聞いてみると、通常のサウンドチェックでポールが取り上げる楽曲の立ち位置というのがよく解ります。今回の来日で誰もが演奏してほしかったにもかかわらず、ついぞ叶わなかった新曲「I Don’t Know」は曲調が大会場での演奏に向いていないのではということだけに留まらず、この曲を演奏することがスタッフにとって各種の調整を行うにぴったりなスローナンバーとして取り上げられているのでしょう。

ステージ本番のレパートリーは出来るだけキーを下げないよう歌い続けているポールですが、面白いことにサウンドチェックで好んで演奏するオールド・カバーはどんどんキーを下げてます(苦笑)。「Midnight Special」や「Singing The Blues」といったレパートリーがそれに該当しますが、後者に至ってはアレンジまでボードビル調に様変わりしてしまったという。とはいえ、これらの演奏が聞かれるところがサウンドチェックの大きな魅力なのも事実。それがこれほどの音質で聞かれるとあればなおさら。

最後に、本番でも演奏されている「Let ‘Em In」が取り上げられているところがVIPチケットのファンを前にした公開サウンドチェックと趣が異なるところで、しかも演奏を途中で止めてしまったところが何ともリハーサルらしい場面。その音質の良さや内容の充実もさることながら、やはりドキュメントとしての貴重さもマニアにとっては大きな楽しみの一つ。そして本タイトルを最初に聞いて、次に本番の「RYOGOKU KOKUGIKAN 2018: ORIGINAL IN-EAR MONITOR RECORDING」を続けて流せば、あの一か月前の国技館での輝かしい一夜が見事に蘇ります。でも…やっぱり「I Don’t Know」をライブ本番でやってほしかったですよね(笑)。

1. Soundcheck
2. Jam
3. Matchbox
4. Blue Suede Shoes
5. Jam 2
6. Flaming Pie
7. One After 909
8. Coming Up
9. Miss Ann
10. I Don’t Know★ポール「ベースが大きすぎるよ」等の会話 それから何度もやり直す。
11. Let ‘Em In 12. San Francisco Bay Blues 13. Singing The Blues
14. Midnight Special 15. Lady Madonna 16. Paul’s Outr

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