Paul McCartney / Closed Soundcheck At Budokan 2017 / 1CD+1Single Bonus CDR

Paul McCartney / Closed Soundcheck At Budokan 2017 / 1CD+1Single Bonus CDR / Non Label
Translated Text:

Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 25th April 2017 Original In-Ear Monitor Recording Plus Bonus CDR “SOUNDCHECK AT BUDOKAN 24TH APRIL 2017”. Stereo

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2017 Paul McCartney This week’s release of the decision board titles to be released in this week, this week, I would like to listen to performances other than the production stage even if it is not mania. A sound check party on the second day of Tokyo Dome that Uxbridge has already appeared on the net has already been released with the stage sound production source “LIVE AT TOKYO DOME 2017 2ND NIGHT”, but the “open” sound check so sooner or later Something to come out with. If you are still a rare sound source mania, you’d rather listen to ‘close’ sound checks. Yes, it is natural that you would like to listen to the rehearsals of the Budokan.
Regarding Budokan rehearsal two years ago, a large-selling title titled “SOUNDCHECK AT BUDOKAN 2015” was invented, but the taper that provided the sound checking instrument there also catches the sound check again. Regarding the sound check of the Budokan this time, it has already appeared on “No ON E ONE AT JUDO ARENA” of See No Evil label. The rehearsal parts included in this release are basically the same. However, the taper here recorded the two kinds of IEM sound source by catching two channels, and by synchronizing it, it produced a stereo version of sound check!
In the title of SNE, scenes where Wix will reveal the keyboard part of “Here, There And Everywhere” recorded at the end of the board is recorded at the beginning this time, but this is the actual time series Because it is a scene where there is no pole, it seems that the SNE board was transferred to the end). After that Paul appeared and “Jam” began rehearsal changed to a stunning stereo mix. As the fate of the IEM sound source can be mentioned the limits of clearness and rough texture, but the ease of listening is dramatically improved by being born into stereo. Besides, if you can listen to the performance of “Love Me Do” which was quite exciting even in the actual stage in the state of stereo sound board, it is surely attracted to maniacs all over the world just by that!

Although it seems that there are also many people who have already been listened to on the SNE board, in playing the “Magical Mystery Tour” at the Budokan, which had been dropped from the regular on the ONE ON ONE tour, Paul used to confirm the base part The scene where the version of the Beatles is played on the spot and the scenes playing together is a serious scene unique to the “close” rehearsal. Still, overall it is a very peaceful ambience transmitted from members’ conversation and so on. Although it was before the actual day, there was only thing I was rehearsing with the Budokan already on the previous day.
Also on the left is the channel of Wix, so it is interesting to understand as he takes the part he takes. Among them, Wix was singing like this in the back chorus of “Queenie Eye” in such a scene … there is no doubt that it will be fresh and surprised. Still it is not an unbalanced sound source biased towards one of the channels, so it may be shocking to listen as “music” while rehearsing.
And the first appearance scene of extremely comprehension was the last stage of the rehearsal, when Paul switched to the guitar, what a queen ‘s “Under Pressure” was just a little bit, but I was surprised at the scene where I showed pawls. In September of last year it was surprising that Paul showed this song at the Budokan while Mr. Queen + Adam Lambert performed live at the Budokan in yet a memorable time. Not only stage production, until rehearsal “Mott kikitai?” “Yea!” A surprising stereo sound source that surpasses the sound check sound source of the previous time. However, it is the Beatles fan that the SNE board listens to the mono / mix and this item as the stereo mix.
2017年ポール・マッカートニー来日公演の決定盤タイトルを惜しげもなくリリースしてみせる今週ですが、マニアでなくても本番ステージ以外の演奏を聴いてみたいもの。既にUxbridgeがネットに登場した東京ドーム二日目のサウンドチェック・パーティをステージ本番の音源と共に「LIVE AT TOKYO DOME 2017 2ND NIGHT」でリリース済ですが、そうした「オープンな」サウンドチェックは遅かれ早かれすべての日が出揃うもの。やはりレア音源マニアであれば、むしろ「クローズな」サウンドチェックを聴いてみたい。そう、武道館のリハーサルも聴いてみたいと思うのが当然でしょう。
二年前の武道館リハーサルに関しては「SOUNDCHECK AT BUDOKAN 2015」という大ベストセラー・タイトルが生み出されましたが、そこでのサウンドチェック音源を提供してくれたテーパーが今回もまたサウンドチェックをキャッチ。既に今回の武道館サウンドチェックに関しては、See No Evilレーベルの「ONE ON ONE AT JUDO ARENA」で登場済。今回のリリースに含まれるリハーサル・パートも基本的には同じもの。ところがこちらのテーパーは何と二つのチャンネルをキャッチすることで二種類のIEM音源を録音し、それをシンクロさせることでサウンドチェックのステレオ・バージョンを生み出してくれたのです!
SNEのタイトルでは盤の終盤に収録されていた「Here, There And Everywhere」のキーボード・パートをウィックスが一人でおさらいする場面は今回冒頭に収録されていますが、これが実際の時系列となります(ポールが居ない場面ですのでSNE盤は終盤に移されたのだと思われます)。その後ポールが登場して「Jam」が始まるとリハーサルは見事なステレオ・ミックスに豹変。IEM音源の宿命としてクリアネスの限界やざらついた質感が挙げられますが、ステレオに生まれ変わったことで聴きやすさは飛躍的に向上。おまけに本番でも大いに盛り上がった「Love Me Do」の演奏が実質的にステレオ・サウンドボード状態で聴けるとなれば、それだけでも世界中のマニアに注目されること間違いなし!

既にSNE盤で聴かれた方も多いかと思われますが、ONE ON ONEツアーではレギュラーから落とされてしまっていた「Magical Mystery Tour」を武道館で演奏するに当たり、ポールがベースパートの確認のためにビートルズのバージョンをその場で再生し、合わせて弾く場面などは「クローズな」リハーサルならではの真剣な場面。それでいて全体的にはメンバー間の会話などから非常に和やかな雰囲気も伝わってくるもので、本番前とは言え既に前日にも武道館を借りてリハーサルを行っていただけのことはあります。
また左がウィックスのチャンネルということもあり、彼が担っているパートが手に取るように解るのが面白い。中でも「Queenie Eye」のバックコーラスをウィックスがこんな風に歌っていたのか…という場面には新鮮かつ驚かされること間違いなし。それでいて片方のチャンネルに偏ったアンバランスな音源ではありませんので、リハーサルながらも「音楽」として聴き込めてしまうのが衝撃的ですらあるのではないかと。
そして極めつけの初登場場面はリハーサルの終盤、ポールがギターに持ち替えたところで、何とクイーンの「Under Pressure」をほんの少しだけではありますが、爪弾いてみせた場面に驚き。昨年の9月にはクイーン+アダム・ランバートが武道館でライブを行ったこともまだ記憶に新しい中、ポールが武道館でこの曲を口ずさんでみせたとは、これまた驚きでしょう。ステージ本番だけでなく、リハーサルまで「モットキキタイ?」「イエーイ!」。前回のサウンドチェック音源を凌ぐ驚きのステレオ音源。でも、そこはSNE盤がモノ・ミックス、本アイテムがステレオ・ミックスとして聴き比べるのがビートルズ・ファンというものでしょう。

1. Here, There And Everywhere #1 2. Guitar 3. Here, There And Everywhere #2
4. Drums, Keyboards 5. Piano #1 (electric) 6. Conversation #1 7. Piano #2 (acoustic)
8. Conversation #2 9. Session 10. Honey Don’t 11. Magical Mystery Tour #1
12. Magical Mystery Tour 13. Save Us #1 14. Save Us #2 15. Let ‘Em In
16. Love Me Do 17. Queenie Eye 18. Bluebird 19. Ram On 20. Under Pressure

Paul McCartney / Closed Soundcheck At Budokan 24th April 2017 / 1Bonus Single CDR / Non Label
Translated text:
Soundcheck at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 24th April 2017

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The main press CD is a superb album that contained “precious Nippon Budokan” “Sound check on the day”. However, this time the Budokan is the first day of the 2017 World Tour, or elaborate more than usual. I booked Nippon Budokan on the day before the performance and had a sound check / rehearse for two consecutive days. Therefore, we will give “bonus day” to the bonus to enjoy the full view of “Budokan kan Sound Check”.
Therefore, what is included in this work is “April 24, 2017: Nippon Budokan”. It is an outdoor recording which is also known on the net. Fans were filling up because the leading goods sale was done on this day, but it is noiseless sound check that I heard there. The scene is noisy to Paul’s singing voice that can be heard. Hurriedly, it is what was recorded by the equipment (smart hoof?) On hand.
Therefore, the quality of this work can never be a “music work”. Although the maniacs listen quietly on the spot, you can not silence the little birds, you can hear the sound of the wind chirping and stroking the microphone. Musical tones and singing voices are the sounds that leaks. However, still it is clear which melodies and beats are clearer and which live performance is fairly seriously transmitted.
And its repertoire is delicious. Even if it says sound check, she rehearses one song carefully and set like a digest of the whole view of the show. I’m also playing ‘I Wanna Be Your Man’ and ‘SGT. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Reprise’ which has become a hot topic in the production, and ‘I’ve Just Seen A Face’ In addition, songs which did not do even after 4 days eventually are “4 Here and And Everywhere”, “Honey Hush”, “Match Box” “Miss Ann” plenty. Especially Little Richard’s cover “Miss Ann” is rare complete performance.
As mentioned earlier, this work is a record rather than a work. It is a document / album rather than a live album. But that’s great. Manians who were listening to a mildly leaked listening performance, “What kind of song is next?” “I wonder if it will do as well tomorrow”. It is by chance that you came across a coincidence and you can unite with them. It is a valuable piece to give to you who want to taste the Nippon Budokan which realized the Japanese performance of 2017 again to every corner, and keep it at hand.
そして、そのレパートリーが何とも美味しい。サウンドチェックと言っても1曲1曲を入念にリハーサルしており、ショウの全景をダイジェストしたようなセット。本番で大いに話題になった「I Wanna Be Your Man」や「SGT. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Reprise」も演奏していますし、東京ドームまでおあずけになった「I’ve Just Seen A Face」、さらには結局4日間ともやらなかった曲も「Here There And Everywhere」「Honey Hush」「Match Box」「Miss Ann」と、たっぷり4曲。特にリトル・リチャードのカバー「Miss Ann」はレアな完全演奏パフォーマンスなのです。

1. Jam 2. Match Box 3. Honey Hush 4. I’ve Got A Feeling 5. Junior’s Farm 6. I Wanna Be Your Man
7. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Reprise 8. Back In The U.S.S.R. 9. My Valentine
10. Miss Ann 11. Here There And Everywhere 12. Everynight 13. I’ve Just Seen A Face
14. Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite 15. Golden Slumbers 16. Carry That Weight 17. The End

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