Paul McCartney / Montevideo 2014 /1DVDR

Paul McCartney / Montevideo 2014 /1DVDR /Non Label

Translated Text:

Live At Estadio Centerario, Montevideo, Uruguay 19th April 2014.


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From South America tour in April 2014 that took place in Japan tour before it was canceled, Uruguay April 19 of the first day is the content digest manner, the Montevideo performance, but high image quality over a period of 1 hour and 20 minutes must-see video that was recorded in the audience shot video is an appearance. In spite of the topic and the scale, South America tour which took place five days was not as funny, even if it is released or what this Japan tour before in (terms of timing picture and sound is not available in the surprisingly no all in), this panel will be as the title you can see stage of Paul Japanese tour before became a phantom, or was done in what way, it is an important one for a fan. It will be that the figure of the pole while sprinkled with Spanish specialty, attractive performance of energetic, everyone would stare with mixed feelings as “over that you wanted to see in Japan this”. Audience shot video from the arena behind, a sense of stability of the screen is level and passable, position is wonderfully impressive perfect score close-up image of a nice center from behind anyway. Expression of Paul also clearly see, must-see scene unbearable to fans after another. From each cloud content Well, I feel more of value as a record, such as the title of the above also, but so far if I take to clean up the scene, with said that it is one piece that is OK enough also a fan of the general quotient. Compelling fireworks of Live And Let Die also (because it is open-air stadium, has launched a bang-bang fireworks into the sky.). Voice, is also captured the musical tone firmly, so easy to listen rather less fine also cheer, you can be a long period of time without stress Miiru so. Attention in the One After 909, which was played for the first time in many years, it has become a must-see part that you would think after all that it … or was fun how much last month, this nimble performance if it was unveiled in Japan. Enjoy slowly and carefully live video in Montevideo in South America tour the first day in 2014 that Santiago performances of the 21st next is or is postponed two days later hurriedly equipment is to not reach, including the ups and downs.

中止となった日本公演前に行われた2014年4月の南米ツアーより、初日の4月19日のウルグアイはモンテビデオ公演を、ダイジェスト的な内容ですが、1時間20分に渡って高画質オーディエンス・ショット映像で収録したファン必見映像が登場です。5日間行われた南米ツアーはその規模と話題の割には、意外なほどに音と絵が出回っておらず(タイミング的にも日本ツアー前に何本かリリースされていてもおかしくなかったのに一切なし)、本盤は、幻と化した日本ツアー前のポールのステージが、どんなふうに行われたかを確認できるタイトルとして、ファンには重要な一本となることでしょう。お得意のスペイン語を交えながら、元気いっぱいのパフォーマンスで魅せるポールの姿に、「これを日本で観たかったー」と誰もが複雑な思いで見入ってしまうことでしょう。アリーナ後方からのオーディエンスショット映像で、画面の安定感はまずまずといったレベルですが、なにせポジションが素晴らしくセンター後方からのナイスなクローズアップ映像は見ごたえ満点です。ポールの表情もはっきりと判り、ファンには堪らない必見シーンが続出します。まぁ内容云々より、記録としての価値の方が上のタイトルのような気もしますが、ここまでアップシーンを綺麗に撮ってくれていれば、一般のファンでも十分にOKな1枚と言えるでしょう。Live And Let Dieの花火も迫力満点(オープンエアスタジアムなので、空に向かって花火をバンバン打ち上げています。)。音声も、しっかりと楽音を捉えており、歓声も少なめで結構聴きやすいので、それほどストレスなく長時間見入ることができます。注目は久々に演奏されたOne After 909で、この軽快なパフォーマンスが先月、日本で披露されていたらどれ程楽しかったか・・・とやっぱり思ってしまう必見パートになっています。機材が届かずに翌21日のサンチャゴ公演が急きょ2日後に延期されたりと、波瀾を含んだ2014年南米ツアー初日のモンテビデオでのライヴ映像をじっくりとお楽しみ下さい。

1. “Hola Uruguay” 2. Opening 3. Eight Days A Week 4. All My Loving 5. Listen To What The Man Sad
6. Let Me Roll It 7. Paperback Writer 8. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five 
9. The Long And Winding Road 10. I’ve Just Seen a Face 11. We Can Work it Out
12. Another Day 13. And I Love Her 14. Blackbird 15. Here Today 16. New 17. Queenie Eye 
18. All Together Now 19. Lovely Rita 20. One After 909 21. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
22. Live And Let Die 23. Day Tripper 24. Hi, Hi, Hi 25. Helter Skelter 

Paul McCartney – Vocals, Bass, Guitar, Piano Rusty Anderson – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Brian Ray – Bass, Guitar, Backing Vocals Paul Wickens – Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Abe Laboriel, Jr. – Drums, Percussion, Backing Vocals

COLOUR NTSC Approx.79min.

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