Paul McCartney / Budokan 2017 / 2CD

Paul McCartney / Budokan 2017 / 2CD / Non Label
Translated text:
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 25th April 2017

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It was a really wonderful visit to Japan this time, Paul McCartney. Although it was a short development of intervals from the announcement in red and white at the end of last year, any performance was greatly successful as soon as opening the lid. In addition, this time the 2017 World Tour tour is not only the first place but also Japan, the tour and opening is a surprise schedule called Budokan. More than anything, if you say the surprise that Paul ‘s Budokan performance has come true again. To be able to see his live at Budokan is too attractive. While many maniacs were crying for expensive tickets, again, on April 25, we went to the Budokan. The 2015 Budokan performance which I realized from the disappointment of discontinuation in 2014 quickly turned into a legendary night, but it was a great night again this time.
As a matter of fact, this time it was the first day of the tour, so I bought a rehearsal to rehearse the Budokan in the previous day. On the other hand, this time there was no procedure for ticket exchanges that took time before entry like this time (at that time it was seriously lined up behind the Budokan kai), instead of being able to enter from early hours, Thanks to the system that receives the ticket body inside, it can be said that the live was excellent enough that it was a 19:00 start which pushed the initial schedule for about 30 minutes.
After all the live at Budokan is really special. When it became the first live stage in 2017, there was something hot and terrible. Because the venue is small at all, it is really hot and humid, and it is hot when wearing long sleeves. Paul is now to come to Japan from 2013 every other year. When thinking about it, there is a feeling of age and age from ten years ago. It’s the second time in Budokan in Budokan. Nevertheless, I can not suppress my growing mind that what kind of stage will be held. As a result, as was imagined from the tour name, the set list plus α following the “ONE ON ONE” tour from last year was the Budokan gig this time.

Despite expectations, the opening called the Beatles Classic “A Hard Day’s Night” brought the best impact to the Japanese audience. There should not be anywhere such as music fans who are not excited by this song being played. “Jet” from there, and “Junior’s Farm” of mania crazy. In Japan, it was really long time since I started playing live “Drive My Car” (since 1993). As expected it is thought that the Budokan gig, the set list is also special, and as a result it did not predict at this time that the most rare in the first half of the day will be “Drive My Car” … Lol
Regarding such a Budokan, it became a situation symbolizing 2017 as a sound source appears within the day that the gig finished. The sound source heard here is also “LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2017” which our shop has already released on both items and gifts on CD – R. The amazing part of this sound source will not stay only as fast as it appears. Anyway the high sound quality. As a matter of course that the sound image is on, thanks to the charm of the balance that Paul’s singing voice is on, although it is the first audience recording of the Budokan Gig, yet it has the highest quality to be a guide as soon as possible It was proud. To support that, CD-R from our store has become an incredible best seller.
In the case of
If that happens, it is obvious that the sound source that our shop should release on a limited press is original acquisition, and furthermore the level of the previous sound source must also be cleared. In that respect, I wonder if this release does not disappoint. Its taper is a familiar person in our item, including the high sound quality board “LIVE TO GETHER” of Clapton & Beck Saitama in 2009. A perfect location that there was no person in front of him recording such that he danced from the second row of Arena Bl block.
The audience recording delivered as a result is quite exquisite quality. While the first listed sound source (hereinafter referred to as “No. 1”) was vocal on the other hand, the details of the entire performance are unexpectedly fuzzy contours. For example, in the first issue such as “Gachach” of the guitar that Rusty Anderson surely plays in the place of “Tuesday afternoon is never ending” in “Lady Madonna”, while it seems to be buried in the first issue, you can hear it clearly in this sound source To get away. Even so, the difference in sound quality is clear.
Besides, the first issue sometimes hurts clapping sounds like Bashabasha, and in that respect it is undeniable that it was quite “nether” sound quality. However, let’s assert that the sound source of this time is also a great appeal that it is suddenly refreshing and clearing, and also the sound quality with natural sharpness.
And it was a fulfilling acoustic corner that I could call as a featured person in this performance in Japan. It may be said that the point that the surrounding fans do not disturb their warm presence is the balance of miracles. At the Budokan, the athome excitement of this corner was the best, but “Every Night” which was special in Budokan special was especially moving. Blackbird “that Paul interrupted the song rather than inviting a burst of laughter is a real feeling of Gokigen. Please drink in memories of that impressive Budokan gig at our original sound source, which will play back the tour first day with natural and refreshing sound quality. This is the best prescription that you give to Paul Ross syndrome!

やはり武道館でのライブは本当に特別。それが2017年最初のライブ・ステージともなると、熱気たるや凄まじいものがありました。何しろ会場が小さいものだから、本当にムンムンな熱気が漂っていて、長袖を着ていると暑いくらい。今やポールは2013年から一年おきに来日してくれるまでになったこと。それを考えると十年前とは隔世の感がありますよね。武道館公演だって今回で二回目。それでもなお、どんなステージが繰り広げられるかという胸の高まりが抑えきれない。結果的にはツアー名からも想像されたように、昨年からの「ONE ON ONE」ツアーを踏襲したセットリストplusαが今回の武道館ギグでした。

予想がついていたものの、ビートルズ・クラシック「A Hard Day’s Night」というオープニングは日本のオーディエンスに最高のインパクトをもたらしてくれました。この曲を演奏されて盛り上がらない音楽ファンなど、どこにもいないはず。そこからの「Jet」、さらにマニア狂喜の「Junior’s Farm」。さらに日本ではライブ本番で演奏されるのが本当に久しぶり(1993年以来)の「Drive My Car」ときた。さすがは武道館ギグ、セットリストもスペシャルだと思いきや、結果的にこの日の前半部分で一番レアなのが「Drive My Car」だけになるとは、この時には予想だにしなかったのですが…笑
そんな武道館に関しては、ギグが終わったその日の内に音源が登場するという、何とも2017年を象徴するような状況となりました。ここで聴かれた音源こそ、当店も既にCD-Rにてアイテムとギフトの両方でリリース済みな「LIVE AT BUDOKAN 2017」。この音源の凄いところは登場の早さだけに留まりません。何と言ってもその音質クオリティの高さ。音像がオンであるのはもちろんだとして、何よりもポールの歌声がオンであるというバランスの魅力によって、武道館ギグの第一号オーディエンス録音でありながら、それでいて早くも指針となるほどのクオリティの高さを誇っていたのです。それを裏付けるように、当店からのCD-Rも信じられないほどのベストセラーと化してしまったのです。

そうなれば、当店が限定のプレスでリリースすべき音源が独自入手であることは当たり前、さらには先の音源のレベルもクリアーしなければならないというもの。その点において、今回のリリースは正に期待を裏切らないものかと。そのテーパーは2009年クラプトン&ベック埼玉の高音質盤「LIVE TOGETHER」を始めとして当店アイテムではお馴染みな人物。そんな彼がアリーナB1ブロックの2列目から敢行した録音は前に人がいないというパーフェクトなロケーション。
その結果として届けられたオーディエンス録音は正に別格のクオリティ。先に挙げた第一号音源(以下「第一号」と称します)はボーカルがオンであった一方、演奏全体のディティールは思いの外ファジーな輪郭な状態です。例えば「Lady Madonna」における「Tuesday afternoon is never ending」の箇所でラスティ・アンダーソンが必ず鳴らすギターの「ガチャッ」という音など、第一号では埋もれ気味なのに対し、今回の音源では実にクリアーに聴き取れてしまう。それだけでも音質の違いがはっきりとしている。
そして今回の来日公演における目玉と呼べた充実のアコースティック・コーナー。その暖かな臨場感を周囲のファンが邪魔することなく捉えているという点は奇跡のバランスだと言っていいかもしれません。武道館ではこのコーナーのアットホームな盛り上がりが最高だったのですが、中でも武道館スペシャルであった「Every Night」は感動的。一転してポールが曲を中断させたことがむしろ大爆笑を誘った「Blackbird」の臨場感がまたゴキゲン。ツアー初日をナチュラルかつスッキリとした音質でプレイバックしてくれる、当店独自音源にて、あの感動の武道館ギグの思い出に浸ってください。ポールロス症候群のあなたにおくる最高の処方箋がこれ!

Disc 1 (79:53)
1. Intro. ★19分収録 2. A Hard Day’s Night 3. Jet 4. Drive My Car 5. Junior’s Farm
6. Let Me Roll It 7. I’ve Got A Feeling 8. My Valentine 9. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five
10. Maybe I’m Amazed 11. We Can Work It Out 12. Every Night 13. In Spite Of All The Danger
14. Love Me Do 15. Blackbird 16. Here Today

Disc 2 (67:54)
1. Queenie Eye 2. Lady Madonna 3. I Wanna Be Your Man 4. Magical Mystery Tour
5. Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! 6. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
7. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 8. Back In The U.S.S.R. 9. Let It Be
10. Live And Let Die 11. Hey Jude 12. Yesterday 13. Hi, Hi, Hi 14. Golden Slumbers
15. Carry That Weight 16. The End

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