Paul McCartney / Just One Night At Judo Arena 2015 / 4CD WX OBI Strip

Paul McCartney / Just One Night At Judo Arena 2015 / 4CD WX OBI Strip / Piccadilly Circus

Translated Text:
Live At Budokan Hall Tokyo Japan April 28, 2015.

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■ The complete recording of the Budokan concert 49 years! !
■ Sound Check also full inclusion in two of the disk! !

From Paul of Piccadilly Circus label is an expert, will again April 28 from Japan tour of 2015 Budokan concert release. In addition to another source of concert story is a set of the previous work of the video, it will set with the sound check! ! Japan tour of 2015 Paul McCartney, which ended in great success. 1 year from the Japan tour stop of 2014, Osaka Kyocera Dome Tokyo Dome three performances in one performance, further Budokan and performances 49 years, now in the previous year of the plan to change the venue as they slide was such a schedule announced It was. This work, a concert and sound check of the last day April 28, 2015 Budokan performances fully recorded.

Paul is to say that performs a concert at Budokan for the first time in ’49, has become a news and talk at the general level, there is also a high ticket price, it was largely expected concert. Despite already as set list you know follows the basically dome performances, there songs become Japan’s first showcase, was a special concert that will respond to the very chest dance expectations. The audience, especially those tremendous enthusiasm barrel and arena seat, greatly swelling, it is about was the situation were introduced larger, etc. The next day the plane of the paper and television. As there is a description of the “Japan has Budokan myth of the Beatles is still alive” in the book of Mark Louis Son, just for the Japanese fans, and for Japanese Beatles fan, is special because Budokan, in the world of rock It was again a recognizable event because also a sacred place.

The disk 1 and 2 I fully recorded concert. “Today is sponsored ~ sponsored Thank you for coming to ~ Nippon Budokan performances. In just prior to the curtain -” those high document of starting from the announcement that has flowed into the venue that. On the day of press curtain it is did what was quite wait, how was Stop playing cat and mouse of such a day seems to be floating in the eye. And BGM is transformed that not even the flow Usu~tsu in the venue, and flowing from the “Bésame Mucho” is large PA, this is the curtain close cues. Cheers will Wakiokori spontaneously from the audience. Following the curtain before the sampling music that is over this about 30 minutes, the voltage of the cover version is flowing and the audience of the audience of “The End” will rise at once. Customer electricity fell, venue darkened, and that Paul McCartney is on stage for the first time in ’49! ! From this long wonderful document until the moment to spark the “Can not Buy Me Love”, you’ll be willing to just reproduce the excitement as it is on the day of hot air.

Set list is a special set that begins with “Can not Buy Me Love”, “One After 909” is Japan’s first showcase. Furthermore the world’s first public appearance to “Another Girl”! Venue to expand that roll into the “Into My Life” before I Yara cool excitement has raised a great deal. And the encore is not boring the fans and “Birthday”. Than the concert in honest to say the set list has been spoilers dome, then what song become hot chest of the day full of expectation and excitement of how to play the atmosphere, I just jammed into this work. Also after the end of a show, “concert we have the more we all will end. You make your exit -” that until the announcement, just complete recording. Sound quality is Gataku wearing party hereto as those of the same Piccadilly Circus label, here also has become the best thing. Moreover, without any annoying Ho Ho and screaming, and clapping also only hear in the distance, it’ll just be mentioned as one of the best source of Budokan performances.

The disk 3 and 4, it is complete recording the state of the sound check of the day that took place before the concert. In the disk 3, still Paul is not the venue filled, adjustment and sound out of the instrument by two people and the staff of Wicks and Abe. We recorded how the sound check has been made in mainly focused on keyboard. You can not play repeatedly the new song that has not been played “Hope For The Future” is a concert, you’re playing repeatedly, such as “Penny Lane”, which eventually did not play in the Japan Tour. Rusty and Brian arrived from the middle, it will participate in the sound check. This is a sound check with the band four members other than Paul.

And you have the pole in the disk 4 is recorded sound check after arrival. Enough band warms the adjustment of the instrument also lump almost, Paul appeared in only the state take the confirmation of the boss, I will say hello to people in the venue. This day at sound check that does not open to the public in general Unlike Kyocera Dome and Tokyo Dome, to eliminate the minute entertainment, to be playing or repeating the same songs over and over again, the sound check, which also serves as a rehearsal has been done carefully You. “Matchbox” and “Honey Do not” such as to start at the Oldies number is similar to the normal public sound check, but that has been especially carefully done “Got-to Get You Into My Life “It is three songs of” Penny Lane, “” Another Girl “. “~ Into My Life” will for sure careful that it is called to play for the first time in a long time at the Budokan concert story has been made. And similarly “Another Girl” This Budokan concert mean that the main part of the eye and it is live premiere, which also carefully repeated many times final confirmation has been made.

What is surprising is the “Penny Lane”. OUT THERE and not entered into the basic set at the tour, this song was not able to be played in Japan tour. Of course, this song that has not been played in Budokan, why is being played in the sound check repeatedly said many times? Perhaps in the next European tour, I would not at rehearsal, particularly for playing in Liverpool performances. Penny Lane is the name of the street to be real to you know Liverpool, is your local song. This would be a rehearsal for playing in Liverpool performances. Paul of consciousness while at Budokan is to come is transmitted because already proactive, it is’s the “Penny Lane” to be played repeatedly here.

Sound check I basically was private, but here’s has been recorded is what is referred to as the IEM recording, chat between the pole of the song, of course, conversations with each member, such as instructions to the staff in a clear, it’s a sound board sound source heard in vivid ear. Noise without such a course poor reception, and I are completely recording over about two hours and a half. Moreover, instead of the IEM recording specific poor slender mechanical sound, even to have been recorded in the sound of boned with depth and thickness, it is where you hide other similar titles and clear distinction. The contents, of course, is what high historical value, but I think Once the sound quality is also available to listen at all means sample sound source.

Paul specialists, the best memories of the title to the Japanese fans that give the Piccadilly Circus label. Budokan legendary performances revives! Surely or later decades, I will come when talking to I did look at the Budokan performances of Paul, a concert of such memories, along with the day sound check of not concert only, recorded in realistic full It has. 2015 Japan tour does not need to another if there is Piccadilly label. At last we have various cheating, after all is a decision board you have no choice but to return to this work. Permanent Athletic Press board of beautiful picture disc specification.


ポールのエキスパートであるピカデリー・サーカス・レーベルより、再び2015年の来日公演より4月28日武道館コンサートがリリースになります。前作の映像とのセットとは別ソースのコンサート本編に加え、サウンドチェックとのセットになります!! 大成功に終わった2015年ポールマッカートニーの来日公演。2014年の来日公演中止から1年、大阪京セラドーム1公演に東京ドーム3公演、さらに49年ぶりの武道館公演と、前年の計画を会場を変更しそのままスライドしたような日程が発表になりました。本作は、その最終日2015年4月28日武道館公演のコンサート及びサウンドチェックを完全収録しています。


ディスク1と2にはコンサートを完全収録しています。「本日は主催は~後援は~日本武道館公演にご来場いただき誠にありがとうございます。開演に先立ちまして~」という会場内に流れたアナウンスから始まるドキュメント性の高いもの。当日は開演が押してかなり待たされたものでしたが、そんな当日の焦らされた様子が目に浮かぶようです。そして会場内に薄っすらと流れていたBGMが一変、「ベサメムーチョ」が大きくPAから流れると、これが開演間近の合図。会場から自然発生的に歓声が沸き起こります。この約30分に渡る開演前のサンプリング音楽に続き、「The End」のカバーバージョンが流れると客席の聴衆のボルテージが一気に上がります。客電が落ち、会場が暗転、そしてあのポールマッカートニーが49年ぶりにステージに登場です!! この長く素晴らしいドキュメントから「Can’t Buy Me Love」でスパークする瞬間まで、まさに当日の熱気と興奮そのままを再現してくれることでしょう。

セットリストは「キャント・バイ・ミー・ラブ」で始まる特別セットで、「ワン・アフター909」が日本初披露。さらに世界初公開となる「アナザーガール」まで登場!興奮冷めやらぬ間に「イントゥ・マイ・ライフ」になだれ込むという展開に会場は大いに盛り上がっています。そしてアンコールには「バースディ」とファンを飽きさせません。正直言ってセットリストがネタバレしているドームでのコンサートよりも、次にどんな曲を演奏するのかという期待とワクワク感あふれる当日の胸熱くなる雰囲気が、まさに本作に詰まっているのです。 また終演後の「以上を持ちましてコンサートはすべて終了いたしました。ご退場の準備が出来ましたら~」というアナウンスまで、まさに完全収録。音質は、同じピカデリー・サーカス・レーベルのものと甲乙つけがたく、こちらも最高のものとなっています。しかも耳障りなホーホーや絶叫もなく、また手拍子も遠くに聴こえるのみで、まさに武道館公演のベスト音源のひとつとして挙げられるでしょう。

ディスク3と4には、コンサート前に行なわれた当日のサウンドチェックの様子を完全収録しています。ディスク3では、まだポールが会場入りしておらず、ウィックスとエイブの二人とスタッフによる楽器の調整と音出し。主にキーボードに主眼を置いてサウンドチェックがなされている様子を収録しています。コンサートでは演奏されなかった新曲「Hope For The Future」を繰り返し演奏していたり、結局日本公演で演奏されなかった「Penny Lane」などを繰り返し演奏しているのです。途中からラスティとブライアンが到着し、サウンドチェックに参加します。ポール以外のバンドメンバー4人によるサウンドチェックです。

そしてディスク4にはポールが到着後のサウンドチェックが収録されています。充分にバンドが暖まり楽器の調整もほぼ固まり、ボスの確認をとるだけの状態でポールが登場、会場にいる人たちに挨拶をします。この日は京セラドームや東京ドームと異なり一般には公開しないサウンドチェックで、その分エンターテイメント性を排除し、同じ曲を何度も繰り返し演奏したりと、リハーサルを兼ねたサウンドチェックが入念に行なわれています。「Matchbox」や「Honey Don’t」などオールディーズ・ナンバーで始めるのは通常の公開サウンドチェック同様ですが、特に入念に行なわれているのが「ガット・トゥ・ゲット・ユー・イントゥ・マイ・ライフ」「ペニーレイン」「アナザーガール」の3曲です。「~イントゥ・マイ・ライフ」は武道館コンサート本編で久しぶりに演奏するということで入念な確認が行なわれたのでしょう。そして同様に「アナザーガール」はこの武道館コンサート本編の目玉となるライヴ初演ということで、これまた入念に何度も繰り返し最終確認が行なわれています。

意外なのは「ペニーレイン」です。OUT THEREツアーでは基本セットに入っておらず、日本公演で演奏されることなかったこの曲。もちろん武道館でも演奏されていないこの曲を、なぜこう何度も繰り返しサウンドチェックで演奏されているのか? おそらく次の欧州ツアーで、特にリバプール公演で演奏するためのリハーサルではないでしょうか。ペニーレインはご存知リバプールに実在するストリートの名称で、ご当地ソングです。これをリバプール公演で演奏するためのリハーサルでしょう。武道館にいながらポールの意識は既に先を見越しているというのが伝わってくる、それがここで繰り返し演奏される「ペニーレイン」なのです。


01. Opening Annoucement
02. Before The Show Music
03. Introduction
04. Can’t Buy Me Love
05. Save Us
06. All My Loving
07. One After 909
08. Let Me Roll It
09. Paperback Writer
10. My Valentine
11. Nineteen Hundred And Eighty-Five
12. Maybe I’m Amazed
13. I’ve Just Seen A Face

01. Another Day
02. Dance Tonight
03. We Can Work It Out
04. And I Love Her
05. Blackbird
06. New
07. New – Reprise
08. Lady Madonna
09. Another Girl
10. Got To Get You Into My Life
11. Being For The Benefit Of Mr.Kite!
12. Ob La Di Ob La Da
13. Back In The U.S.S.R.
14. Let It Be
15. Live And Let Die
16. Hey Jude
17. Yesterday
18. Birthday
19. Golden Slumbers – Carry That Weight – The End

01. Soundcheck Starts
02. Hope For The Future #1
03. Hope For The Future #2
04. Listen To What The Man Said #1
05. Listen To What The Man Said #2
06. Lady Madonna
07. Testing Keyboards
08. Listen To What The Man Said #3
09. Testing Drums
10. Testing Keyboards and Drums
11. Penny Lane #1
12. Penny Lane #2
13. Penny Lane #3
14. Lady Madonna #1
15. Hope For The Future
16. Rusty and Brian joins
17. Got To Get You Into My Life #1
18. Got To Get You Into My Life #2
19. Temporary Secretary
20. Jam #1
21. Jam #2
22. Testing Piano
23. Jam #3
24. Hope For The Future #3
25. Jam #4
26. Jam #5
27. Band On The Run – Jam#6
28. The Long And Winding Road
29. Jam #7
30. Jam #8
31. Testing Piano

01. Paul joins and Greetings
02. Match Box
03. Honey Don’t
04. Flaming Pie
05. Penny Lane #1
06. Got To Get You Into My Life
07. Another Girl
08. Another Girl
09. Penny Lane #2-#4
10. Penny Lane #5
11. Martha My Dear
12. C Moon
13. Celebration
14. It’s So Easy
15. San Francisco Bay Blues
16. Midnight Special
17. Dance Tonight
18. Bluebird
19. Time For Massage
20. Lady Madonna
Piccadilly Circus. PCCD-234/235/236/237

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