Ozzy Osbourne / Bark At The Moon Demos / 1CDR

Ozzy Osbourne / Bark At The Moon Demos / 1CDR / Non Label
Recorded at Ridge Farm Studios, Rusper, England in 1983 STEREO SBD

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Includes a collection of demo tracks of the famous board “Tuki ni Baru” with super high quality stereo sound board recording. In addition to all the album songs, you can enjoy different versions of all the songs from the “Treasure in the Moon” session, including the European version of “Spiders” and the single B side song “One Up the’B’ Side”. There was once a rough mix collection of the same concept that appeared on the market, but this work is early even though some takes overlap. It’s not a mix difference, but most of the demo tracks have completely different takes.
What surprises me after playing is its quality. There are many recordings of riffs that I thought of as a demo on the telephone, and many of them were jerky via trade, but this work is completely different. It was recorded completely from the studio sound board console, and there are no dubbing marks. I don’t know if it should be called “official” because the content is rough, but that is the sound that can be used as a bonus disc for the Deluxe Edition. We’ve worked with countless demos from hundreds of bands, arguably of the highest quality.
And the “barking in another version of the moon” drawn with that sound is wonderful. Even though it’s an early demo, it’s not a practice scene, but all the songs are quite complete. Three songs, “Slow Down”, “One Up The “B” Side” and “Guitar Practice” are instrumental songs, but all others are Ozzy’s tentative songs. Even with the “Slow Down”, the degree of perfection is as if it were karaoke before the performance. Of course, all the songs can be enjoyed, but it’s interesting because they are quite different from the regular tracks. It’s not the level of searching “I don’t know what’s different”, but it’s totally different. The rhythm corps is as live as a studio live, and it seems as if the guitar is playing live right in front of you. When it comes to Ozzy’s tentative song, it does not matter if the lyrics and the voice are overturned.
Moreover, it is good that the manufacturing process is transparent. For example, “Bark At The Moon”. It is a stage where the guitar solo is not included in the first half, but what is interesting is the ending solo. In the official version, Jake’s historic guitar solo explodes, but at this stage it’s the Don Ailey synth that plays that flash phrase. That classical solo phrase was invented by Don and traced to it by Jake. The backstage can be confirmed with a super-fine sound board. “Now You See It (Now You Don’t)” is also interesting. It seems that Ozzy stopped playing in the intro, but the intro is completely different from the album. What kind of song is the intro that is a little progressive, unintentionally? It’s a fresh arrangement.
In addition to all the songs + 2 songs from that album, the “Guitar Practice” recorded at the end is also wonderful. Jake is practicing the ending solo of “Bark At The Moon” by himself. At first, play it slowly to check the phrase, and gradually raise the tempo… No. The second time, I suddenly burst that phrase with a flash tempo just like the actual production. A vivid solo performance with a quivering string. That’s a great take that I want to call “Jake’s Dee”.
Enjoy the starting point of the 80s heavy metal apex “barking on the moon” with the highest level sound board! !!
名盤『月に吠える』のデモ・トラック集を超高音質ステレオ・サウンドボード録音で収録。アルバム全曲だけでなく、欧州盤の「Spiders」やシングルB面曲「One Up the ‘B’ Side」も含め、『月に吠える』セッション全曲の別バージョンが楽しめます。かつて同コンセプトのラフミックス集が出回ったこともありましたが、本作は一部のテイクは重複しつつも、より初期。ミックス違いではなく、ほとんどがテイクも丸ごと違うデモ・トラックです。
そして、そのサウンドで描かれる「別バージョンの月に吠える」こそが素晴らしい。初期デモとは言っても練習風景などではなく、全曲ともかなり出来上がっている。「Slow Down」「One Up The “B” Side」「Guitar Practice」の3曲はインストですが、他はすべてオジーの仮歌入り。その「Slow Down」にしても、本番前のカラオケかと思うほどの完成度です。もちろん、すべて曲として楽しめるものの、正規トラックとはかなり違うからこそ面白い。それも「どこが違うのか分からない」と探すレベルではなく、パッと聴いてまるで違う。リズム隊はスタジオ・ライヴのように生々しく、ギターもすぐ目の前で生演奏しているかのよう。オジーの仮歌に至っては歌詞も仮なら声がひっくり返ってもお構いなしです。
しかも、製作過程が透けるところが良い。例えば「Bark At The Moon」。ギターソロ前半も入っていない段階ですが、面白いのはエンディング・ソロ。正規版ではジェイクの歴史的なギターソロが炸裂するわけですが、この段階ではあの閃光フレーズを弾いているのはドン・エイリーのシンセ。あのクラシカルなソロ・フレーズはドンが考案し、それをジェイクがなぞって完成した……その裏舞台が超極上サウンドボードで確かめられるのです。「Now You See It (Now You Don’t)」も面白い。イントロでオジーが演奏を静止する様子も生々しいのですが、さらにそのイントロがアルバムと完全に違う。ちょっとプログレッシヴ風でもあるイントロで、思わず、何の曲?となるほど新鮮なアレンジなのです。
そんなアルバム全曲+2曲に加え、最後に収録されている「Guitar Practice」も素晴らしい。ジェイクが「Bark At The Moon」のエンディング・ソロを独りで練習しているもの。最初はゆっくりと弾いてフレーズを確認し、少しずつテンポを上げ……ない。二度目にはいきなり本番さながらの閃光テンポであのフレーズを炸裂させているのです。震える弦が目に浮かぶほど生々しい独奏。それこそ「ジェイク版のDee」と呼びたい絶品の名テイクです。

1. Bark At The Moon
2. You’re No Different
3. Now You See It (Now You Don’t)
4. Rock ‘N’ Roll Rebel
5. Centre Of Eternity
6. So Tired
7. Slow Down
8. Waiting For Darkness
9. Spiders
10. One Up The “B” Side
11. Guitar Practice (Bark At The Moon)

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals
Jake E. Lee – Guitar
Bob Daisley – Bass
Tommy Aldridge – Drums
Don Airey – Keyboards


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