Ozzy Osbounre/Zakk Sabbath / Ozzfest New Years Eve 2018 / 3CDR

Ozzy Osbounre/Zakk Sabbath / Ozzfest New Years Eve 2018 / 3CDR / Shades
The Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 31st December 2018

Play sample :

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Unfortunately, Ozzy Osbourne has been canceled. The latest and finest live album is here. It is a luxurious 3-disc set including ZAKK SABBATH on the same day.

Included in this work is Ozzy’s last show to date, “December 31, 2018 Inglewood Performance”. It is the superb audience recording. This show is “OZZFEST 2018” which was held as a countdown event celebrating 2019. Originally scheduled for a full-scale European Tour, Oceania, and Japan after this show, he was hospitalized due to complications of influenza and bronchitis. He is currently undergoing medical treatment and has recovered to the point where he can breathe on his own, but at the age of 70, respiratory illness can be fatal to the singer’s life. Fans around the world are worried. In order to record the situation, let’s organize the recent situation of Ozzy in chronological order.

● 2018
・ April 27-July 8: North America # 1 / South America / Europe (26 performances)
・ August 30-October 4: North America # 2 (17 performances)
《October 6: Hospitalized for hand surgery》
× October 6-11: North America (postponed)
・ December 31: OZZFEST (1 performance) ← ★ Coco ★
● 2019
《January 29: Tour postponed due to influenza》
× January 30-March 3: Europe (postponed)
《February 19: Ozzy’s cancellation of visit to Japan announced》
× March 9-16: Oceania (cancelled)
× March 21: DOWNLOAD JAPAN (Cancelled)
・ May 29-July 29: North America # 3 (27 performances)
* Note: “x” marks are canceled performances.

The above is the history since the start of “NO MORE TOURS II”. In fact, in October 2018, a complication was caused by a cut in the hand, and it just became a cancellation commotion. I was just reminded of the reality of the age of 70. The transfer performance is also in 2019, and Ozzy, who was free during the year-end and New Year holidays, will realize the countdown show for the reason like a joke that “There is no place to go on New Year’s Eve”. However, when his crucial 2019 begins, he will get the flu. The 21 performances have been canceled, and until the North American tour in May, which includes a transfer performance, even one show continues to be impossible.

[Disc 1-2: Ozzy’s full live album] Now. What is recorded in this work is the latest live that Ozzy who has been in trouble can only perform. It is a show where you can experience a simulated performance in Japan that has been canceled. Moreover, its quality is superb with “super”! It was a master that was released after being hospitalized due to influenza, but it is a transcendental recording that can be declared as “Tour No. 1” by blowing away its preciousness. The most amazing thing is the straight core that does not seem to be an audience. There is no sense of distance, it jumps straight into your ears, and the details are super delicate. Even if I listened with headphones, I couldn’t feel the sound of the venue, and the only evidence of the guest record was the vivid cheers between the songs. At first, I doubted that it was actually IEMs, but the natural balance and sound were too beautiful for that. As a matter of fact, “NO MORE TOURS II” was hard to record to reach the “transcendence” level, but this work heals the dryness at once. It is a transcendental one that can be called a “sound board” without asking questions.
The show drawn with that quality is one of the best performances in “NO MORE TOURS II”. I haven’t had the flu yet, and the cancellation in October was just a hand injury, so I’m in good physical condition. Rather, he is enthusiastic about dispelling the canceled frustration. In “Suicide Solution”, it’s been crazy (bitter smile), but other than that, it’s a show that is unusually strong in recent years. After “Fairies Wear Boots”, there will be a countdown to enter 2019.
And above all, Zakk Wylde. Ozzy’s strongest right arm has already surpassed even Iommi, but that gorgeous guitar exploded. Far from waning, it’s even more fierce and heavy with a lot of playing. All songs have the same aggressive playing as “LIVE & LOUD”. Especially, the power of the big medley placed in the middle is amazing. It’s too amazing. A sharp instrumental medley that pushes “War Pigs” over 13 minutes with a bomb and then falls into the snow. From “NO REST FOR THE WICKED” to “OZZMOSIS”, he constantly bites the name riffs and solos. From there, drum solo → “I Don’t Want To Change The World”, a big medley of about 28th, is like a jam section of BLACK SABBATH in the 70’s. That long highlight feeling that was not reproduced even in the original SABBATH’s “THE END” is drawn by Zack’s hand.
Even more intense is the tone that gives off sex appeal. It’s not just violence, but that unique tone is even more glossy and glaring. The compatibility with the one and only Ozzy’s voice is wonderful, and Zack is the strongest right arm. It is a super recording that you can enjoy the tone clearly and clearly.

[Disc 3: Full recording of ZAKK SABBATH on the same day] This work also includes the same day stage of Zack. It’s ZAKK SABBATH, not BLACK LABEL SOCIETY. This is a unit that covers BLACK SABBATH in a trio formation. The bass is Brasco, who is also a member of the Ozzy band, and the drummer is Joey Castillo, a power hitter known for QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE, EAGLES OF DEATH METAL, ZILCH, etc. Although it was not announced, it seems that ZAKK SABBATH was also scheduled to come to Japan as a set with Ozzy, so it was canceled as a set.
This is also an excellent sound. As a matter of fact, there is a sense of instability like trying the recording position in preparation for the main part of Ozzy, but the personalities are very similar. This also has a strange sense of directness and soundboard class details, and it runs through the full stage for about 72 minutes.
And the show is amazing again. “Fairies Wear Boots” and “War Pigs” are avoided, but while using the original SABBATH’s “Supertzar”, “Embryo” and “Orchid”, the masterpieces from “BLACK SABBATH” to “SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH” are fully thought out. Play and bark. We will also show off “A National Acrobat”, which the head family cannot hope for, but the more important point is the performance that does not make you feel like copying completely. Instead of tracing the original, I play it on my own, with the trademark picking harmonics.
Normally, you might think “Respect for the cover!”, But that’s not the case, so Zack is amazing. Although he is selfish, he has no sense of attachment to the phrase. There is no doubt that the riffs / phrases are stuck at the soul level, and they are familiar with the dynamism of the song and the pleasure points of the riffs. Moreover, I can’t feel the intention of trying to devise it. It’s completely different, but the soul is SABBATH. “Snow blind” and “N.I.B.” are over 8 minutes long, and “Into The Void” is over 13 minutes long. The sweaty rock that SABBATH music flows through the blood vessels and blows out from there is intense.

Unfortunately, the performance in Japan ended in a phantom. If it had been realized, how wonderful the show would have been … It is a masterpiece of a live album that tells us that with the best sound. Will Ozzy really come back to the scene in May? The situation is still unpredictable. While praying that this work will not be Ozzy’s last show, please enjoy the latest stage with the best sound now.

残念ながら来日中止となってしまったオジー・オズボーン。その最新・極上ライヴアルバムが登場。同日のZAKK SABBATHを含む豪華3枚組です。

本作に収められているのは、現在までのオジー最後のショウ「2018年12月31日イングルウッド公演」。その超極上オーディエンス録音です。このショウは2019年を迎えるカウントダウン・イベントとして行われた“OZZFEST 2018”。本来であればこのショウの後に本格的な欧州ツアー、オセアニア、そして来日が予定されていたものの、インフルエンザと気管支炎の合併症のために入院。現在は療養中で自力で呼吸できるところまで回復したそうですが、70歳という年齢だけに呼吸器系の疾患はシンガー人生の命取りにもなりかねない。世界中のファンから心配の声が寄せられています。その事情を記録する意味でも、オジーの近況を時系列で整理してみましょう。

×3月21日:DOWNLOAD JAPAN(キャンセル)

以上が“NO MORE TOURS II”開始以後の歩み。実は2018年10月にも手の切り傷が原因で合併症を起こし、キャンセル騒ぎになったばかり。70歳という年齢の現実を思い知らされたばかりでした。振り替え公演も2019年であり、年末年始にヒマになったオジーは「大晦日に行くところがない」という冗談のような理由でカウントダウン・ショウが実現することになったのです。ところが、肝心の2019年が幕を開けるとインフルエンザに罹患。21公演に及ぶショウがキャンセルになり、振り替え公演を含む5月の北米ツアーまで、1回のショウも行えない状態が続いているのです。

さて。本作に記録されているのは、トラブル続きのオジーが唯一実行できた最新ライヴ。キャンセルになってしまった来日公演を疑似体験できるショウなのです。しかも、そのクオリティは「超」が付く極上! インフルエンザでの入院騒ぎになってから公開されたマスターなのですが、その貴重度を吹っ飛ばし「ツアーNo.1」と断言できる超絶録音なのです。何よりも凄いのは、オーディエンスとは思えないド直球な芯。距離感もまるでなく、真っ直ぐに耳元に飛びこみ、ディテールも超繊細。ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ましても会場音響が感じられず、客録の証拠は曲間で沸く生々しい喝采だけ。当初は「実はIEMsじゃないか?」とも疑ったのですが、それにしては自然なバランスと鳴りが美しすぎる。実のところ、“NO MORE TOURS II”は「超絶」レベルに達する録音はなかなかなかったのですが、本作はその乾きを一気に癒す。問答無用に「まるでサウンドボード」と呼べる超絶なる1本なのです。
そのクオリティで描かれるショウは、“NO MORE TOURS II”でも屈指の名演。まだインフルエンザに罹患していませんし、10月のキャンセルはあくまで手の怪我であり、体調に問題なし。むしろ、キャンセルになったフラストレーションを払拭せんとする意欲に燃えまくっている。「Suicide Solution」では豪快にヤラかしてしまっています(苦笑)が、それ以外は近年には珍しいほど好調なショウなのです。「Fairies Wear Boots」の後には、2019年を迎えるカウントダウンもあります。
そして何より、ザック・ワイルド。もはやアイオミさえ超えるオジー最強の右腕なわけですが、あの豪放磊落なギターが大爆発。衰えるどころか、さらに苛烈でヘヴィな弾きっぷりの凄まじいのなんの。全曲で『LIVE & LOUD』と変わらぬアグレッシヴな弾き倒しを聴かせてくれる。特に中盤にデンと置かれた一大メドレーのド迫力は凄い。凄すぎる。13分を超える「War Pigs」を爆弾きで押しまくりつつ、そこから雪崩れ込むキレッキレのインスト・メドレー。『NO REST FOR THE WICKED』から『OZZMOSIS』の名リフ・名ソロを絶え間なくブチかましていく。そこからドラムソロ→「I Don’t Want To Change The World」と、約28分の一大メドレーは、まるで70年代BLACK SABBATHのジャム・セクション。本家SABBATHの“THE END”でも再現されなかった、あの長大ハイライト感がザックの手によって描かれるのです。

【ディスク3:同日ZAKK SABBATHのフル録音】
本作は、そんなザックの同日ステージも収録。BLACK LABEL SOCIETYではなく、ZAKK SABBATHです。これはトリオ編成でBLACK SABBATHをカバーするユニット。ベースにはオジー・バンドの一員でもあるブラスコ、ドラマーにはQUEENS OF THE STONE AGEやEAGLES OF DEATH METAL、ZILCH等で知られるパワーヒッター:ジョーイ・カスティロが務めています。発表こそされませんでしたが、ZAKK SABBATHもオジーとセットで来日予定だったそうで、やはりセットでキャンセルになりました。
そして、ショウがまた凄い。「Fairies Wear Boots」「War Pigs」は避けられていますが、本家SABBATHの「Supertzar」「Embryo」「Orchid」も使いつつ、『BLACK SABBATH』から『SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH』までの名曲群を思い入れたっぷりに弾き、吠える。本家には望めない「A National Acrobat」も披露しますが、それ以上にポイントなのは、完コピする気がさらさらない演奏ぶり。オリジナルをなぞるのではなく、トレードマークのピッキング・ハーモニクスもガンガン交えて、自分勝手に弾いているのです。
普通なら「カバーなら敬意を!」と思ってしまいそうですが、そうはならないからザックは凄い。自分勝手ではあるものの、そのフレーズに取って付けた感がまったくない。リフ/フレーズが魂レベルでこびりついているのは間違いなく、曲のダイナミズムもリフの快感ポイントも熟知しまくっている。しかも、わざわざ工夫しようという作為も感じられない。全然違うんだけど、魂がSABBATH。「Snowblind」や「N.I.B.」は8分超、「Into The Void」に至っては13分を超える超ヘヴィ・ジャムをブチかましている。SABBATHミュージックが血管を流れ、そこから吹き出す汗っかきのロックが強烈なのです。



Disc 1(51:09)
1. Ozzy Medley/Carmina Burana 2. Bark At The Moon 3. Mr. Crowley 4. Suicide Solution
5. Fairies Wear Boots 6. New Year Countdown to 2019 7. I Don’t Know
8. No More Tears 9. Road To Nowhere

Disc 2(52:53)
1. Band Introduction 2. War Pigs
3. Instrumental Medley (Miracle Man/Crazy Babies/Desire/Perry Mason)
4. Drum Solo 5. I Don’t Want To Change The World 6. Shot In The Dark
7. Crazy Train 8. Mama I’m Coming Home 9. Paranoid 10. Changes Outro.

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals Zakk Wylde – Guitar Rob “Blasko” Nicholson – Bass
Tommy Clufetos – Drums Adam Wakeman – Keyboards


Disc 3(72:06)
1. Intro. 2. Supertzar 3. Supernaut 4. Snowblind 5. A National Acrobat
6. Embryo/Children Of The Grave 7. Lord Of This World 8. Orchid 9. Under The Sun
10. Tomorrow’s Dream 11. Into The Void 12. N.I.B.

Zakk Wylde – Vocals, Guitar Rob “Blasko” Nicholson – Bass Joey Castillo – Drums

Shades 1027

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