Oasis / Sheffield Arena 1997 2nd Night / 2CD

Oasis / Sheffield Arena 1997 2nd Night / 2CD / Wardour

The Arena, Sheffield, UK 23rd September 1997

Play sample :

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Anyway, high tension … That’s the 1997 tour of Oasis. The live activities that accompanied the release of the masterpiece “BE HERE NOW” continued until 1998, but the atmosphere of the tour will be completely different over the years. In 1998, when the performance in Japan was realized, it was a live composition like that, but the previous year was completely different. A sound that eliminates Noel Gallagher’s narration corner that started from the first performance in Japan, and puts together the whole story with an electric arrangement. Naturally, the songs included in “BE HERE NOW” are featured extensively. In addition, he performed until “Stay Young” which was not recorded on the album. In such a composition, “Don’t Look Back In Anger” is a bold performance that is treated as a futuristic song in the middle of the live performance. And a gorgeous set that reflects the items reflected on the album jacket on the stage.
This “offensive” attitude is reflected not only in the live composition but also in the performance. Especially on the UK tour in September and the European tour in November, the Gallagher brothers’ high-tension performance exploded every day. Above all, the height of Liam’s tension was outstanding. Even if they borrowed the power of alcohol, the overly intense performance engraved on the remaining sound sources and images is a masterpiece. Coupled with the impact of the stage sound with a full electric composition, the 1997 tour is a special time among enthusiasts.
Fortunately, the 1997 tour was blessed with sound sources and images for broadcasting everywhere, but while there was an aspect that they were more or less conscious of recording, it was a normal gig without such a premise. Liam is all you really want to do. Twenty years have passed since the legendary tour, and the value of audience recordings that capture the truth of the time is immeasurable. At the same time, I want to hear high-tension performance with good sound quality.

The 1997 tour, which received a lot of attention from the success of the past two albums, produced a number of items at that time, but among them, enthusiasts said that they captured high tension performance with excellent sound quality. “D’YOU KNOW WHAT WE MEAN?” Was evaluated. The item that captured the explosion show at Sheffield Arena was a CD-R release that reflected the rise of the time, but the sound quality was very good and the package was well made, so it was qualified as a masterpiece. sufficient. The performance at Sheffield Arena was held twice, but it was recorded there on September 23, the second day.
However, “D’YOU KNOW ~” had some drawbacks, and there was a big defect in the first half of the opening “Be Here Now”, and there were cuts between most of the songs. Aside from the cuts of “Be Here”, it is said that all of the songs between songs were cut for more than a minute in some places, not to mention the gaps that occurred when burning the CD-R. Regarding the problem of “Be Here” that has extended to the song, a CD-R called “BE HERE NOW LIVE ’97 ACT.11” was released, which was supplemented with another sound source, but this time it is a limited press. CD release. Review the sound source and make a thorough adjustment suitable for it.
Probably “D’YOU KNOW WHAT WE MEAN?” Is an item that the person who recorded it made by himself, and there is no sound source that became the masterpiece of it. It is possible that many of the cuts that occurred there stopped the DAT recorder to save tape during recording. However, the clear sound quality of this title is a wonderful quality that should be released on the press CD. On the other hand, another audience recording “Recorder 2” was on the net in the past.
This is not as clear as “D’YOU KNOW ~”, but the solid sound quality is at a sufficiently good level. Therefore, using “Recorder 2” as a compensating factor, we thoroughly repaired each song as well as the defect in “Be Here Now”. If it’s a normal live performance, the cuts between songs may be closed. However, this is a 1997 tour. There were many scenes in which the Gallagher brothers were enthusiastic about the cuts. In addition, in “D’YOU KNOW ~”, it is not possible that the cut digs into the lingering sound immediately after the performance at the finale “Acquiesce”. These defects are also patched smoothly without any discomfort while making the best use of “Recorder 2”.

Even so, the Gallagher brothers on this day are really excited. Liam has been unmanned like a 1997 tour, and isn’t he crazy during “Some Might Say” or “Roll With It” or the intro of “Champagne Supernova”? He is screaming so much that he seems to have an illusion. However, Noel was also very excited on this day, and in front of “Supersonic”, the two of them showed a manzai-like entanglement, and after “Wonderwall”, they rushed into Liam who tried to introduce the song in the wrong order. Anyway, I talk a lot.
Still, the fact that Liam’s voice is maintained until the end is a big attraction of the day. When this comes to Europe later, it resonates with the tone of Liam’s voice, but it is also wonderful that Liam is captured in every sense here. For that reason, the second day of Sheffield should have been made into a press CD as one of the representative sound sources of the 1997 tour. Liam is sharp even in the latter half of the live, which features two major songs from “BE HERE NOW” called “Fade In-Out” and “All Around The World” unique to this tour. On the other hand, Noel also speaks from “Live Forever” to “It’s Gettin’ Better (Man !!)”. Sheffield’s second day, which ran through to the finale “Acquiesce” with extraordinary high tension, was finally released on the press CD. Everyone loves the 1997 tour!

とにかくハイテンション…それがオアシスの1997年ツアー。名盤「BE HERE NOW」のリリースと併せて行われたライブ活動は98年まで続きましたが、ツアーの雰囲気は年をまたいでまるで違ったものとなるのです。来日公演が実現した98年はあのようなライブ構成だった訳ですが、前年は全く別物。初来日公演から始まったノエル・ギャラガーの弾き語りコーナーを排し、全編をエレクトリックなアレンジでまとめ上げたサウンド。当然「BE HERE NOW」収録曲は大々的にフィーチャー。その上アルバム未収録だった「Stay Young」まで演奏。そうした構成の中で「Don’t Look Back In Anger」はライブ中盤でフツーの曲扱いでさらっと演奏されてしまう大胆さ。そしてアルバムジャケットに映っていたアイテムをステージ上に反映させた豪華なセット。

過去二枚のアルバムの成功から大きな注目を浴びる中で行われた97年ツアーは当時いくつものアイテムを生み出したものですが、その中でも高音質でハイテンション・パフォーマンスを素晴らしい音質で捉えていたとマニアに評価されていたのが「D’YOU KNOW WHAT WE MEAN?」。シェフィールド・アリーナでの爆裂ショウを捉えていたアイテムは当時の台頭ぶりを反映したCD-Rでのリリースだったのですが、音質が非常に良くてパッケージもよく出来ていたことから名盤の資格十分。シェフィールド・アリーナでの公演は都合二回行われたのですが、そこに収録されていたのは二日目の9月23日。
とはいえ「D’YOU KNOW~」は欠点もあって、オープニング「Be Here Now」の前半で大きな欠損があったこと、さらにほとんどの曲間でカットが生じてしまっていたのです。「Be Here~」のカットはともかくとして、曲間のそれはどれもCD-Rを焼いた際に生じたギャップどころか、場所によっては1分以上もカットされている箇所まであったという。曲にまで及んでしまった「Be Here~」の問題に関しては別音源で補填した「BE HERE NOW LIVE ’97 ACT.11」というCD-Rがリリースされていたこともありますが、今回は限定プレスCDリリース。音源を見直し、それに相応しい徹底的なアジャストを敢行。
おそらく「D’YOU KNOW WHAT WE MEAN?」は録音した本人が自分で製作したアイテムだと思われ、それの大本になった音源というのは出回っていません。そこで生じていた多くのカットは録音時にテープ節約を兼ねてDATレコーダーを止めていた可能性も考えられる。しかし本タイトルのクリアーな音質はプレスCDでリリースされてしかるべき素晴らしいクオリティ。一方でネット上には過去に別のオーディエンス録音「Recorder 2」が出回っていました。
こちらは「D’YOU KNOW~」のクリアネスには及びませんが、骨太な音質は十分に良好なレベル。そこで「Recorder 2」を補填要因として例の「Be Here Now」での欠損はもちろん、各曲間も徹底的に修復させました。通常のライブであれば曲間のカットは目をつぶっていいかもしれない。しかしこれは97年ツアー。カットされた箇所でもギャラガー兄弟がハイテンションにまくし立てていた場面が多数あったのです。おまけに「D’YOU KNOW~」ではフィナーレ「Acquiesce」などで演奏が終わった直後の余韻までカットが食い込んでしまっていたのはいただけない。こうした欠損も「Recorder 2」を最大限活用すると同時に、違和感なくスムーズにパッチしています。

それにしてもこの日のギャラガー兄弟は本当にテンションが高い。リアムは97年ツアーらしく傍若無人ぶりを発揮していて、「Some Might Say」や「Roll With It」の最中、あるいは「Champagne Supernova」のイントロなど、もう頭がおかしいんじゃ?と錯覚しそうなほどの絶叫を上げている。ところがこの日はノエルもテンションが高く、「Supersonic」の前では二人でほとんど漫才のような絡みをみせており、「Wonderwall」の後で曲順を間違えて紹介しようとしたリアムに突っ込みを入れるなど、とにかくよく喋る。
それでいてリアムの声が最後まで保たれているのもこの日の大きな魅力。これが後のヨーロッパになるとリアムの声の調子にまで響いてしまうのですが、ここではあらゆる意味で絶好調なリアムが捉えられているのも素晴らしい。それだけにシェフィールド二日目こそ、97年ツアーを代表する音源の一つとしてプレスCD化されるべきだったはず。このツアーならではの「Fade In-Out」と「All Around The World」という「BE HERE NOW」からの二大大曲をあしらったライブ後半でもリアムはキレッキレ。一方「Live Forever」から「It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)」にかけてノエルも喋ること。フィナーレの「Acquiesce」まで異様なまでのハイテンションさで駆け抜けたシェフィールド二日目を遂にプレスCDにてリリース。みんな大好き97年ツアー!

Disc 1 (55:07)
01. Be Here Now
02. Stay Young
03. Stand By Me
04. Supersonic
05. Some Might
06. Roll With It
07. D’You Know What I Mean ?
08. Magic Pie
09. Don’t Look Back In Anger

Disc 2 (54:58)
01. Wonderwall
02. Live Forever
03. It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)
04. Champagne Supernova
05. Fade In-Out
06. All Around The World
07. Acquiesce

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – lead guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – rhythm guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums, percussion


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