Oasis / Osaka 1995 2nd Night Dat Master / 2CD+2Bonus CDR

Oasis / Osaka 1995 2nd Night Dat Master / 2CD+2Bonus CDR / Wardour

Bayside Jenny, Osaka, Japan 29th August 1995 plus Bonus 2CDR “TOKYO 1995 1ST NIGHT”

Play sample :

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When the performance in Japan in the early days of Oasis was rear tie, many items were produced, but since it was not blessed with a good sound source in the first place, there are many CD-Rs, and more than that, it is now available. I’m in a situation where I can’t do all the items. Regarding the arrival in Japan in 1994, the masterpiece “NAGOYA 1994 DAT MASTER”, which put a stone in a similar situation, was released last year and gained great popularity. When it becomes, it continues to the present with the current item in a terrible state that there is no current item.
Unlike the first visit to Japan, it seems that the biggest factor is that the sound sources of all the performances have not been excavated yet, but in August it was the only high-quality audience recording. A sound source containing a gig at Bayside Jenny in Osaka on the 29th.
Oasis visited the late Osaka live house (closed in 2006), and because of that, it was sometimes credited as “Osaka Castle Hall” on overseas sites. The audience recording using DAT on this day, which was also the last day of the performance in Japan in 1995, has a really wonderful sound quality.

Of course, the item “HELLO AGAIN” was released by a press CD that was released almost in the rear tie (although it was around 1997), and it could be called a good title, but one disc Noel’s Acoset is omitted due to the limitation of recording time. The songs cut there will be an irregular release such as “FREE TIBET” and “TIBETAN WONDERLAND” that will be recorded as a bonus for his solo live in 1997, and it is difficult to handle the high quality sound source as an item. It was released in the form. In addition, the distribution volume of those items was not large, and it was said that good sound sources did not reach enthusiasts. Of course, items such as “WEST OF EAST” and “SPLENDER 2” that combined those items to realize the completeness also appeared later, but they were released on CD-R.
And there was also a trader version that overseas enthusiasts summarized each of the previous releases sold separately, but this time there was a problem that the exchange between songs was incorporated in a strange position due to an editing mistake. It was. Even though it was originally a DAT audience with such excellent sound quality, the release status up to now may be just a word of disappointment.
Therefore, this time, after recording this sound source in perfect song order and state, it will be released on a limited press CD that was put together in one title for the first time. For example, there was a difference in volume between the live main item “HELLO AGAIN” that was released in the rear tie and each item that recorded Noel’s Akoset, but this time there is no such discomfort.

And as a fact that is once again inspiring, the fact that the visit to Japan at this time was realized before the release of the masterpiece “MORNING GLORY”. About a month after that, the album was released, and in November, it was before the glorious Earl’s Court, which will be released at the same time. Therefore, most of the songs on the album have been newly written by Noel as “new songs”, and it is precious now that the Japanese audience was able to witness the innocent performance. Besides, it’s 1995, so Liam’s voice is outstandingly good.
Even “Don’t Look Back In Anger”, which is now the most major song in Japan and has penetrated until it is abbreviated as “Don’t Look”, has not been released yet, and it does not show the excitement like after. Playing wild and small now looks fresh.
In the first place, the fact that about two months before Earl’s Court still held a live concert with such a homely atmosphere in Osaka is now a historical translation, and thanks to the really clear sound quality by DAT recording. The appeal of this sound source is that the feeling of being at home and the sense of presence unique to Hako are really captured.
It is also valuable that the intro is played in an atmosphere that is faithful to the studio recording, such as “Some Might Say”, which was the latest single at that time and was one of the few “familiar new songs” for fans who were present on the day. This is also a new song, and the “single backing chorus” state in Noel using the delay effect of “Cast No shadow” is also a scene that can be said to be an experimental production unique to before the release, and it was introduced only on this day. A valuable attempt at. It is only at this time that he then sings the version of “Whatever” that he plays and sings with the original key (it is regular to raise the key to make it easier for him to sing later). In this way, the finest sound source produced from the second performance in Japan that was realized just before it began to become a big band is finally released on a limited press CD in the best form!

オアシス初期の来日公演はリアタイですと、それこそ多くのアイテムが生み出されていた訳ですが、そもそもが良好な音源に恵まれていた訳ではないのでCD-Rも多く、それ以上に現在では入手できないアイテムばかりという状況に陥っています。94年の来日に関しては似たような状況に一石を投じた名盤「NAGOYA 1994 DAT MASTER」が昨年リリースされて大好評を博した訳ですが、オアシス二度目の来日となった95年になると現行アイテムが皆無という由々しき状態のまま現在に至る。

当然「HELLO AGAIN」というアイテムがほぼリアタイ(といっても1997年ごろ)にリリースされていたプレスCDによるリリースでもあり、優良タイトルと呼んでもいいくらいであったのですが、一枚のディスクの収録時間の限界によってノエルのアコセットを省略。そこでカットされた曲は「FREE TIBET」や「TIBETAN WONDERLAND」といった彼が97年に行ったソロ・ライブのおまけに収録されるという変則なリリースとなってしまい、せっかくの良質音源がアイテムとして扱いづらい形でリリースされてしまったのでした。おまけにそれらのアイテムの流通量は決して多くなく、優良音源がマニアに行き渡らないという状況でもあったという。当然それらのアイテムを結合させてコンプリを実現させた「WEST OF EAST」や「SPLENDER 2」といったアイテムも後に登場したものの、それらはCD-Rでのリリース。
そこで今回は本音源を完全な曲順かつ状態で収録してみせた上、初めてワンタイトルにまとめられた限定プレスCDでのリリースということになります。例えばリアタイ・リリースであったライブ本編アイテム「HELLO AGAIN」とノエルのアコセットを収録した各アイテムには音量の差が生じていましたが、そうした違和感も今回は皆無。

そして改めて感激させられる事実として、この時の来日が名盤「MORNING GLORY」のリリース前に実現していたということ。そこから約一か月後には同アルバムがリリースされ、11月になると今回映像が同時リリースとなる栄光のアールズ・コートを迎える前でもある。よって同アルバム収録曲のほとんどがノエルによって几帳面に「新曲」として新曲されており、日本のオーディエンスはその初々しい演奏ぶりを目の当たりにすることができたというのが今となっては尊い。それに何と言っても1995年ですのでリアムの声も抜群にイイ。
今や日本においてもっともメジャーな楽曲であり、「ドンルク」と略されてしまうまで浸透した「Don’t Look Back In Anger」ですらリリース前であり、後のような盛り上がりを見せるようなことなく、しかもワイルドかつこじんまりと演奏されているのが今となっては何とも新鮮に映るのです。
当時の最新シングルかつ当日居合わせたファンにとっては数少ない「聞きなれた新曲」であった「Some Might Say」などイントロからしてそのスタジオ録音に忠実な雰囲気で演奏されているのがまた貴重。これまた新曲であり「Cast No shadow」のディレイ・エフェクトを使ったノエルでの「一人バックコーラス」状態もリリース前ならではの実験的な演出と言える場面でり、しかもこの日だけ導入されたという非常に貴重な試み。続いて彼が弾き語りで披露するバージョンの「Whatever」を元キーで(後に自分が歌いやすいようキーを上げるのが定例化)歌っているのもこの時期ならでは。こうして大物バンドと化し始める直前に実現した二度目の来日公演から生み出された極上音源がやっとベストな形の限定プレスCDにてリリース!


Disc 1 (46:23)
1. The Swamp Song
2. Acquiesce
3. Supersonic
4. Hello
5. Some Might Say
6. Shakermaker
7. Roll With It
8. Slide Away
9. Cigarettes & Alcohol
10. Rock ‘n’ Roll Star

Disc 2 (37:26)
1. Fade Away (Noel Acoustic)
2. Cast No Shadow (Noel Acoustic)
3. Whatever/Octopus’s Garden (Noel Acoustic)
4. Talk Tonight (Noel Acoustic)
5. Don’t Look Back In Anger
6. Live Forever
7. I Am The Walrus

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – lead guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – rhythm guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums



Oasis / Tokyo 1995 1st Night / 2CDR / Non label
Liquid Room, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan 23rd August 1995

Click Image To Enlarge

As mentioned in the release body “OSAKA 1995 2ND NIGHT DAT MASTER”, the Oasis 1995 performance in Japan, which is not blessed with sound sources. Therefore, this release will be realized, but the bonus CDR “TOKYO 1995 1ST NIGHT” will be specially attached for the first delivery with the numbering sticker.
After all, there was only a case of coming to Japan in 1995, which was not blessed with sound sources, and the sound source recorded here is not a taper, but an audience recording that reminds us of the texture that fans recorded from the cassette walkman at that time.
The sound image itself is quite close, but Liam’s singing voice is far away. Moreover, the rough quality that the sound is slightly cracked. It is speculated that this was recorded long before the stage at the live house. Above all, the unique balance of the vocal sound being pushed into the performance speaks for itself.
Also, the version that is widespread among traders has a high pitch, which has raised the hurdle for listening again. Actually, it was unavoidable that this sound source was only released on CD-R such as “SPLENDER 1” until now.

The “SPLENDER 1” etc. had been equalized to alleviate this rough quality as much as possible, but this time the first delivery came with no such modifications, only the pitch was adjusted. version. Originally recorded on a cassette, the natural feel of this non-equalized version is not bad. Especially because the original is distorted by gingin.
It is certain that it is a sound source that should not be heard with headphones even if it is wrong, but on the other hand, the excitement of the venue is wonderful, and it seems to be the best for the 1995 performance in Japan. In addition to that, it’s also a cozy and cozy atmosphere that you can understand by listening to it. This is also a scene reminiscent of what was recorded in front of the venue.
The performance will be easier to hear at once when it comes to Noel’s acco set, and in “Cast No Shadow” there is no production using delay like “OSAKA 1995 2ND NIGHT DAT MASTER”, and Noel will be the same as the subsequent live version. There is also a big difference in simply playing and talking.
Not only was the eternal masterpiece “Don’t Look Back In Anger” played in a cozy manner, as it was before the release, but the last lyrics were changed by ad lib (probably Noel forgot). It’s a rare sight unique to before the release.
And Liam, who returned to the stage from “Live Forever”, has a bad tone in his voice, and it’s funny to step on from there and finish singing until the end of the live.
It is undeniable that it is a recording state for mania compared to “OSAKA 1995 2ND NIGHT DAT MASTER” which was literally recorded using DAT, but it is a valuable document with a completely different performance content and atmosphere of the venue. Certainly. And in 2021, it is difficult to obtain the CD-R that was released in the past. Please try the precious sound source of the performance in Japan in 1995 with this gift. But don’t listen with headphones!

リリース本体「OSAKA 1995 2ND NIGHT DAT MASTER」でも触れましたように、とにかく音源に恵まれないオアシス1995年の来日公演。それ故に今回のリリースが実現する訳ですが、そのナンバリングステッカー付初回納品分に関してはボーナスCDR「TOKYO 1995 1ST NIGHT」が特別に付属いたします。
またトレーダー間で広まっているバージョンはピッチが高めで、それがまたリスニング上のハードルを上げてしまっていた。実際に本音源は今まで「SPLENDER 1」といったCD-Rでのリリースに留まっていたのも致し方ないレベルだったのです。

その「SPLENDER 1」などはこの荒くれクオリティを少しでも緩和しようとイコライズを加えていたのですが、今回初回納品分に付属するのはそのような手が加えられておらず、ピッチだけをアジャストしたバージョン。元がカセットによる録音ですので、このイコライズのないバージョンのナチュラル感というのは悪くない。ましてや元がギンギンに歪んでいるのでなおさらかと。
演奏の方もノエルのアコセットになると一気に聞きやすくなり、しかも「Cast No Shadow」では「OSAKA 1995 2ND NIGHT DAT MASTER」のようなディレイを使った演出はなく、以降のライブバージョンと同じようにノエルがシンプルに弾き語るという大きな違いもある。
極めつけは永遠の名曲「Don’t Look Back In Anger」がリリース前らしくこじんまりと演奏されているだけでなく、最後の歌詞がアドリブで変えられていた(恐らくノエルが忘れてしまったのでしょう)というのもリリース前ならではのレアな光景。
そして「Live Forever」からステージに戻ったリアムは声の調子がイマイチで、そこから踏ん張ってライブの最後まで歌い終えるのが微笑ましい。
文字通りDATを用いて録音された「OSAKA 1995 2ND NIGHT DAT MASTER」と比べるとマニア向けな録音状態であることは否めませんが、演奏内容や会場の雰囲気がそれとはまったく異なった貴重なドキュメントであることも確か。そして過去にリリースされていたCD-Rも入手困難な2021年。本ギフトにて95年来日公演の貴重音源をお試しください。でも、ヘッドフォンで聞いちゃダメよ!

Disc 1 (45:44)
1. The Swamp Song
2. Acquiesce
3. Supersonic
4. Hello
5. Some Might Say
6. Shakermaker
7. Roll With It
8. Slide Away
9. Cigarettes & Alcohol
10. Rock ‘N’ Roll Star

Disc 2 (35:01)
1. Fade Away (acoustic)
2. Cast No Shadow (acoustic)
3. Whatever (acoustic)
4. Talk Tonight (acoustic)
5. Don’t Look Back In Anger
6. Live Forever
7. I Am The Walrus

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – lead guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – rhythm guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums

Wardour 499

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