Oasis / Bielefeld 1996 Dat Master / 2CD+1Bonus CDR

Oasis / Bielefeld 1996 Dat Master / 2CD+1Bonus CDR / Wardour
PC 69, Bielefeld, Germany 15th January 1996 plus Bonus CDR “UTRECHT 1996”

Play sample :

Click Image To Enlarge

1996 was a year of glory and turmoil for the oasis with that Knebworth at the top. Surprisingly, when the first activity of the year started, he was still playing live in a small venue. Although it was a big presence in Britain by winning Earl’s Court the previous year, it is still a theater with a small number of customers until March in Europe and the United States, and in some cases club class. The Bielefeld performance on January 15th, which will be released this time, is a typical day, and in Europe, several gigs in January including this day were the last to see the oasis in a small venue like the one above. It was a chance.
According to a British oasis researcher who has provided various sound sources for the release of Oasis, “I saw them at a gig in Edinburgh after this, but it was an arena class. Especially, the gig at this time is special. That’s why he provided this sound source. (As an aside, there is no sound source left for the two performances in Edinburgh. I wish he had recorded it … lol) The club called PC69, which was the venue for the day, is just such a place. After a few months, it will be on the main road, so you can imagine how precious it is.

It was such a valuable club gig at the beginning of 1996, but the small venue was successful, and it was an audience recording with very good sound quality. Even if it does not reach the range of the sound board, the sound image is close enough, and the surroundings are not noisy, so it is finally easy to hear. Above all, the outline of Liam’s singing voice is very clear, and it is strange that no items have been released so far. In the first place, there is no audience album that captures the gigs of January and February, and it has become a complete blank area in 1996 of Oasis, which seems to be full of items at first glance. It was.
A valuable club gig of 1996, an oasis that draws with such wonderful sound quality. Liam, who appeared while “The Swamp Song” was being performed at the opening, made a powerful first voice saying “oh yeah!”. This scene alone is exciting, but his voice starts to get rough around “Supersonic” and seems to be even more painful in “Hello”. I wondered if it would continue to fall as it is, but I managed to sing “Some Might Say” and completely demodulated it with the next “Roll With It”. Rather, the gig progresses in a mood, and the blur of “Makershaker” instead of “Shakermaker” is blurred. Liam speaks well to Noel as well.
The reason why Liam’s voice became so prominent in these opening songs was that it was just after this performance, the Utrecht performance where he was broadcast in a slump. Utrecht on January 10th, which was the first gig in 1996, said that Liam had a cold (in winter) before the performance, and the result of going on stage as it was was a miserable appearance.
In that case, Bielefeld is a sound source that captures the process of Liam’s recovery. Because of that, the voice in the early stages was suspicious, but it also means that it was “convalescent.” That’s why it was in 1996 that he recovered and finished singing normally after “Roll With It”.

Noel’s playing talk corner was also very attractive on this day. First of all, as in Utrecht, the curtain started with “Whatever”, and the excitement and chorus of the next “Wonderwall” was terrifying at that time. In Utrecht, Noel usually sang the chorus to the audience. However, on this day, he skips singing the second line of the opening lyrics, “by now should’ve somehow”. However, the miraculous development that the chorus of the audience fills this place instead of creating a blank is goosebumps. Audience recording shows the realism of the splendid recovery that this coincidence produced.
“Cast No Shadow”, which was not sung in Utrecht, is also moving. When Noel sang this song, he sometimes didn’t play the intro and instead started with a cappella, which is cooler than usual on this day. The wonderfulness of the performance with the backing chorus by the audience is also goosebumps.
Liam who came back will sing the last two songs firmly. As expected, the ending of “Live Forever” asks his brother for help, but Noel probably had expected it from the case of Utrecht, and ended up with a baton touch without a sense of unreasonableness. Liam concludes the finale “I Am The Walrus” by screaming Jubajuba.

For this release, we have applied an equalization that eliminates the volume difference between the band performance and the Noel playing part, which is common in DAT audience recording. In the original recording, I get the impression that the sound of Noel Corner is recessed, but as a result of eliminating it and pushing his song and performance to the front, the attractive narration of the day became even more prominent. I did. This process is even more effective because it was originally an audience recording with very good sound quality.
And, like Utrecht earlier, fortunately or unfortunately, there are many records of Liam’s illness in the live history of Oasis. In that respect, the live record that Liam demodulates is not so!

 そんな素晴らしい音質で描いてくれるオアシス96年の貴重なクラブ・ギグ。オープニングに「The Swamp Song」が演奏される中で登場したリアムが「oh yeah!」と力強い第一声。この場面だけでもワクワクさせてくれるのですが、彼の声が「Supersonic」辺りから荒れ始め「Hello」ではさらに辛そう。このままどんどん墜ちていくのか…と思いきや、ところがどっこい「Some Might Say」を何とか歌い切り、次の「Roll With It」で完全に復調。むしろご機嫌な雰囲気の中でギグが進み、「Shakermaker」ならぬ「Makershaker」というボケをかますリアムはおろかノエルまでよく喋ります。
 となればビーレフェルトはリアムが回復する過程を捉えた音源ということになる。そのせいで序盤の声が怪しかった訳ですが、それこそ「病み上がり」だったということにもなります。それで「Roll With It」以降は回復して普通に歌い終えているのは96年という時期だからこそ。
 この日はノエルの弾き語りコーナーも非常に魅力的。まずユトレヒトの時と同様「Whatever」から幕を開け、次なる「Wonderwall」の盛り上がりと合唱がその時に負けじと凄まじい。ユトレヒトではノエルが普通にコーラスの部分を観客に振って合唱させていました。しかしこの日は彼が冒頭の歌詞の二行目「by now should’ve somehow~」を歌わずにすかしてしまいます。ところが空白が生じる代わりに観客の合唱がここを埋めるという奇跡的な展開が鳥肌モノ。この偶然が産んだ見事なリカバリーの臨場感はオーディエンス録音が本領を発揮。
 ユトレヒトでは歌われなかった「Cast No Shadow」がまた感動的。ノエルがこの曲を歌う際はイントロを弾かず、代わりにアカペラから始めることが時折みられましたが、それがこの日はいつも以上にカッコよく決まっている。そこに観客によるバックコーラスが加わった演奏の素晴らしさがまた鳥肌モノ。
 戻ってきたリアムは最後の二曲をしっかり歌いあげます。さすがに「Live Forever」のエンディングは兄貴に助け舟を求めていますが、ノエルとしてもユトレヒトの一件から想定内だったのでしょう、無茶ぶり感のないバトンタッチで終えました。その分リアムはフィナーレ「I Am The Walrus」をジュバジュバ絶叫して締めくくり。
Disc 1 (45:47)
1. Intro
2. The Swamp Song
3. Acquiesce
4. Supersonic
5. Hello
6. Some Might Say
7. Roll With It
8. Shakermaker
9. Cigarettes & Alcohol
10 Champagne Supernova
Disc 2 (36:59)
1. Whatever/Octopus’s Garden
2. Wonderwall
3. Cast No Shadow
4. Morning Glory
5. Don’t Look Back In Anger
6. Live Forever
7. I’m The Walrus
8. Outro
Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – lead guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – rhythm guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums


Oasis / Utrecht 1996 / 1CDR / Non label
Vredenburg Music Centre, Utrecht, Holland 10th January 1996 STEREO SBD

Click Image To Enlarge

With the release of the finest sound source that documents Liam’s recovery after the Utrecht performance, which was sick due to a cold, there is no reason not to include the Utrecht sound source as a gift for the first delivery. Utrecht on January 10th, which was the first live in 1996. This day was recorded for radio and later broadcast.
Based on that, items such as “1996” and “GET YER KICKS IN ’96” were created at that time, but all of them had the same song order that was edited at the time of broadcasting and were cut at the time of broadcasting. I had a problem that “Morning Glory” and “Don’t Look Back In Anger” were not recorded.
However, this time, an oasis researcher in the UK sent me a literal complete song in the correct song order and all songs recorded. The sound quality of the two songs cut at the time of broadcasting deteriorates a little, but noise still occurs in “Morning Glory” like the CD-R “UTRECHT 1996 COMPLETE” which was the forerunner of the previously released complete version. The sound quality does not deteriorate, and it is in a state where it can be heard sufficiently. After all, the original is a stereo sound board recording for broadcasting.

Even so, Liam on this day seems to be really painful. It feels more brilliant because of the sound board. His voice is turbulent from “Supersonic” at once, and he is already out of order in the next “Hello”. The song was also a turning point in Bielefeld, but Liam got up at the end when his voice got rough, but here it is too contrasting that he gets worse and worse. In “Some Might Say”, Noel sings every time he gets chorus.
Liam is in such a condition, so the heart-pounding song and excitement at Noel’s singing corner was even more impressive. For that reason, it can be said that the point is high that even “Morning Glory” is recorded firmly this time.
And although it’s nice that Liam is back on “Live Forever,” he’s no longer singing like a whirlwind. Eventually he gave up singing and threw it completely to Noel. The upset so far was often broadcast. Moreover, it is now difficult to obtain all the items released in 1996 at the fossil level. At the same time, it is a very clear source of how Liam made a remarkable recovery in Bielefeld. Please check this before and after with this gift!

それを元にして当時「1996」や「GET YER KICKS IN ’96」といったアイテムが生み出されましたが、それらはどれも放送時に編集されてしまった曲順がそのままな上、放送時にカットされた「Morning Glory」と「Don’t Look Back In Anger」が未収録という問題を抱えていました。
しかし今回はイギリスのオアシス研究家が送ってくれたのは正確な曲順でなおかつ全曲収録という文字通りのコンプリート。放送時にカットされた二曲に関しては少し音質が落ちてしまうのですが、それでも以前リリースされていたコンプリ版の先駆けだったCD-R「UTRECHT 1996 COMPLETE」のように「Morning Glory」でノイズが生じて音質が落ちることもなく、十分に聞きこめる状態です。何しろ元が放送用のステレオ・サウンドボード録音ですし。

それにしてもこの日のリアムは本当に苦しそうです。それがサウンドボードのせいで余計に克明に感じられてしまう。さっそく「Supersonic」からして彼の声が荒れていますし、次の「Hello」ではもう絶不調。ビーレフェルトでも同曲が分かれ目となりましたが、そこで声が荒れたのを最後にリアムが調子を上げていったのに対し、ここではどんどん調子が悪くなってゆくのがあまりに対照的。「Some Might Say」ではサビになるたびにノエルに歌ってもらう始末。
リアムがこんな調子ですので、なおさらノエルの弾き語りコーナーでの胸のすくような歌と盛り上がりが印象的でした。それだけに今回は「Morning Glory」までしっかり収録されているのもポイントが高いと言えるのでは。
そして「Live Forever」でリアムが戻ってきたはいいものの、もはやのたうち回るように歌っている。遂には歌うのを諦めて完全にノエルへ丸投げ。ここまでの不調ぶりがよくぞ放送されたものです。しかも今となっては96年当時にリリースされたアイテムがどれも化石レベルで入手困難。それと同時にリアムがビーレフェルトでいかに著しい回復をみせたのかということが非常に良く解る資料でもある。このビフォー&アフターぶりを本ギフトにてお確かめください!

1. The Swamp Song
2. Acquiesce
3. Supersonic
4. Hello
5. Some Might Say
6. Roll With It
7. Cigarettes & Alcohol
8. Champagne Supernova
9. Whatever – Octopus’s Garden
10. Wonderwall
11. Morning Glory
12. Don’t Look Back In Anger
13. Live Forever

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – lead guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – rhythm guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums



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