Oasis / Berlin 2002 Dat Master / 2CD+2Bonus CDR

Oasis / Berlin 2002 Dat Master / 2CD+2Bonus CDR / Wardour
Live at Columbiahalle, Berlin, Germany 24th June 2002 plus Bonus 2CDR “HULL ARENA 2002”

Play sample :

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The 2002 tour that carried the album “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY” had a huge presence as a radio broadcast of Finsbury Park in July, and several other performances were also broadcast (except for the Japan performance). B) It was a time when there were extremely few items that recorded audience recordings. The tour started at the end of June, before the album was released, but Belfast radio was also available at this time.
However, the content is far from complete recording, and there was also the problem that the sound quality was dull compared to Finsbury Park, etc., although it was a sound board, due to the limitation of webcast technology at that time. Due to the blessed soundboard environment, it is regrettable that the excellent audience recordings of the same period missed the release timing in 2002. In fact, some performances were rich in both sound quality and performance content.

The Berlin performance on June 24th will be released this time to prove it. Following the popular “NAGOYA 1994 DAT MASTER” and “FUJI ROCK 2001: DAT MASTER”, the sound source provided by Kinney captures the first overseas performance. Kinney has a recording connection over there, so it’s not surprising in itself, but the quality of this audience recording is really great.
Although it does not reach the level that can be described as a “sound board” in terms of sound image, it does not mean that there is a sense of distance. In particular, the recording balance centered on Liam’s voice is exquisite and truly ideal audience recording. Besides, the oasis concert is a chorus that occurs from the audience seats, but while it boiled up from the left and right, it never drowns out the performance or song. The exquisite balance that the leading role of the sound image is the oasis is the appeal of this sound source. Rather, if you say the comfort of this sarcastic presence.
The secret seems to be at the venue on this day. The stage, Columbia Halle in Berlin, is a theater with a capacity of 3,500 people, and of course it is a unique venue for the “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY” tour. Large-scale festival-level venues such as Finnsbury Park are commonplace, and even if they are small, the tour has a strong image of an arena, but in fact, at the beginning of the tour, gigs are held at the theater class venue as a warm-up. Colombia Halle was also a gig realized as part of that (and the first big venue was Belfast earlier).
The unique listening comfort that I have touched on so far reflects the small venue of 3,500 people. In other words, the appeal of this sound source is that even though it is a “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY” tour, you can enjoy it with an intimate presence unique to a small venue, and if Kinney caught such a precious gig, the release by a limited press CD will be released. Naturally.

In this way, the gig with a sense of intimacy has excellent performance content. First and foremost, this series of warm-up gigs was the longest setlist on the “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY” tour. In other words, I think I tried to incorporate all the repertoire that was a candidate at the start of the tour. Among them, “Gas Panic!”, Which is a remnant from the previous tour, disappeared only during the warm-up period. I think the fact that the song was played in 2002 is now overlooked. Speaking of the live version of this song, as was the case with “FUJI ROCK 2001: DAT MASTER”, the tempo of the latter half of the performance increased with the signal of Alan White’s drums, and from there it went to jam.
However, the 2002 version, which ended in a short life, has evolved into a profound performance with the same tempo as the “STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS” album version. In particular, Alain’s drums are heavy, and it even has a bonzo feeling, and it is a regrettable finish to be dropped from the set.
More notable is that it was just after the tour started, and Liam Gallagher’s voice was the best. In front of the upcoming Finsbury Park, I feel that there is a willingness to literally warm up and bring it to perfect condition. As if to prove it, he sang the whole concert exactly. As long as you can rely on the appearance of finishing the finale “My Generation” with plenty of time.

On the other hand, since the setlist of the “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY” tour was just introduced, “Morning Glory” started even though Liam, who misunderstood the composition that he could not remember yet, said “new song”. It’s interesting to hear that the audience is singing and “?” This is also a happening unique to the warm-up that took place before the tour.
Not to mention such a rich sense of presence, if you are a maniac who was familiar with 2002 at Finsbury Park and performances in Japan, such as Liam and other enthusiastic bands, as well as the short-lived repertoire “Gas Panic!” The earliest rare gig that will be continuous. Anyway, the performance full of momentum is really wonderful, and above all, the mild sound quality combined with the tight sound unique to a small venue is really attractive. A shocking release of the best audience album at the beginning of the tour, which had no items until now, at Kinney Master!

アルバム「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」を引っ提げた2002年のツアーは7月のフィンズベリー・パークのラジオ放送という絶大な存在があり、なおかつ他にもいくつかの公演が放送されたことも重なって(日本公演を除けば)オーディエンス録音を収録したアイテムが極端に少ない時期でした。ツアーはアルバムがリリースされる前の6月末から開始されていたものの、この時期にもベルファストのラジオ放送が実現しています。

それを証明すべく今回リリースされるのが6月24日のベルリン公演。大好評「NAGOYA 1994 DAT MASTER」や「FUJI ROCK 2001: DAT MASTER」に次いでキニーから提供された音源は初の海外公演を捉えたもの。向こうにも録音コネクションを持つキニーですので、それ自体は驚くほどのことではないのですが、今回のオーディエンス録音のクオリティが実に素晴らしい。
その秘訣はこの日の会場にあると思われます。舞台となったベルリンのコロンビアハレはキャパシティ3500人のシアターであり、当然「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」ツアーでは異色の会場。フィンズベリー・パークのようなフェスレベルの大規模会場は当たり前、小さくてもアリーナというイメージの強いツアーですが、実はツアー開始当初にウォームアップを兼ねてシアター・クラスの会場でギグを行っており、ここコロンビアハレもまたその一環として実現したギグだったのです(そして最初の大会場が先のベルファストでした)。
ここまで触れてきた独特の聞き心地、それこそ3500人という小会場を反映したものだったのですね。つまり「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」ツアーなのに小さな会場ならではの親密な臨場感で楽しめてしまうのが本音源の魅力であり、そんな貴重なギグをキニーが捉えてくれていたとなれば、限定のプレスCDによるリリースは当たり前。

こうして親近感に溢れたギグは演奏内容も絶品。まず特筆すべきは、この一連のウォームアップ・ギグこそ「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」ツアーにおいて最長のセットリストだったということ。つまりツアーの開始に当たって候補であったレパートリーをすべて取り入れてみたのでしょう。その中でウォームアップ期だけで姿を消してしまったのが前回のツアーからの名残である「Gas Panic!」。今となっては同曲が2002年に演奏されていたという事実すら見過ごされているのではないでしょうか。本曲のライブバージョンと言えば「FUJI ROCK 2001: DAT MASTER」がそうだったように、アラン・ホワイトのドラムを合図に演奏の後半がテンポアップ、そこからジャムに向かうという展開でした。
ところが短命に終わった2002年版は「STANDING ON THE SHOULDER OF GIANTS」アルバムバージョンと同じようにテンポはそのまま、しかし重厚な演奏へと進化しているのです。特にアランのドラムは重厚で、それこそボンゾ感すら漂わせているほどで、セットから落とされるには惜しい仕上がり。
それ以上に特筆すべきはツアー開始直後ということもあり、リアム・ギャラガーの声の調子が最高にイイのです。来るべきフィンズベリー・パークを前に、文字通りウォームアップで万全のコンディションに持っていこうとする気迫がありありと感じられる。それを証明するかのごとくコンサート全編を彼はきっちりと歌い切ってみせた。フィナーレの「My Generation」まで余裕で終えてみせた姿が頼もしい限り。

一方で「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」ツアーのセトリが導入されて間もないということもあり、まだ覚えきれていない構成を勘違いしたリアムが「new song」と告げたにもかかわらず「Morning Glory」が始まってしまう場面ではオーディエンスが合唱しつつも「?」である様子が伺えて面白い。これもまたツアー本番前に行われたウォームアップならではのハプニング。
こうした豊かな臨場感はもちろん、リアムを始めとして気合の入りまくったバンド、さらには短命レパートリー「Gas Panic!」といった、フィンズベリー・パークや来日公演で2002年を親しんだマニアであれば間違いなく聞きどころ連続であろう最初期レア・ギグ。とにかく勢いに溢れた演奏は本当に素晴らしく、何よりも小さな会場ならではのタイトな音響と相まってマイルドな音質が実に魅力的。今までアイテムが皆無だったツアー最初期の極上オーディエンス・アルバムをキニー・マスターにて衝撃のリリース!


Disc 1 (50:13)
1. Fuckin’ in the Bushes
2. Hello
3. The Hindu Times
4. Hung in a Bad Place
5. Go Let It Out
6. Columbia
7. Morning Glory
8. Stop Crying Your Heart Out
9. Little by Little
10. D’You Know What I Mean?
11. Cigarettes & Alcohol

Disc 2 (49:17)
1. Live Forever
2. Gas Panic!
3. She’s Electric
4. Born on a Different Cloud
5. Better Man
6. Force of Nature
7. Don’t Look Back in Anger
8. Some Might Say
9. My Generation

Liam Gallagher – vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Gem Archer – guitar
Andy Bell – bass
Alan White – drums



Oasis / Hull Arena 2002 / 2CDR / Non Label
Live at Hull Arena, Hull, UK 2nd July 2002

Click Image To Enlarge

For the release of a limited press CD containing a valuable warm-up gig at the beginning of the 2002 “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY” tour, we would like to attach a valuable sound source at the beginning of the tour to the first delivery. Oasis, which has completed a series of warm-ups held in various parts of Europe, will perform the legendary Finsbury Park three nights in a row in July, but before that, a concert held in the home country of England in July Hull Arena on the 2nd.
The last gig that was held in front of the biggest Finsbury Park in 2002 was this day, so it was an important night that could be called the final finishing touch.
The gig in front of Finsbury Park is a historical sound source that is well worth the attention of enthusiasts, but the audience recording that captures this concert is very pleasant to listen to. There is a sense of depth or distance in the performance, and in that respect the quality is not suitable for everyone. However, if you are a maniac, you can enjoy it without any problems, and this deep sound image may be rather easy to hear.
After all, the gig was just before Finsbury Park, so the excitement of the venue was wonderful, and the chorus was enthusiastically occurring even for the song recorded in the just-released “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY”. However, the chorus does not cover the performance, and the point is that the performance of the oasis can be heard properly even though it is a deep sound image.
Among them, Liam Gallagher’s voice was captured with a good balance, and it clearly conveys that he is in great shape in front of the first big one. The tone and tension of Liam’s voice is already considerable, and it makes us foresee Finsbury Park brilliantly.

Actually, Liam had the engine fully open at a level that could be heard and understood from the opening “Hello”, and the momentum reached its peak as early as “Hung In A Bad Place”. Even so, when it comes to yelling “you got me!”, The awkwardness still remains at the beginning of the tour. After that, he sang most of the songs with high tension, and I was reminded that it was a special time to make it.
Noel Gallagher is full of energy, losing to such a flying younger brother, and he is so happy that he can understand the talk of MC before starting “She’s Electric” or “Don’t Look Back In Anger” again. You can also see how he sings and sings the chorus to the audience happily. It may be said that it is a masterpiece because the strengths of the two Gallagher brothers, Noel, who has plenty of room for free-spirited Liam, have fully functioned.
For example, even if Liam missed singing with the new song “Stop Crying Your Heart Out” at that time, Noel would follow up and sing. It’s a smile to the happening that tells the story of the full opening of the engine of the oasis on this day. We want enthusiasts to enjoy the hyper stage just before Finsbury Park, and it comes as a bonus CD-R that is perfect for the release of the Berlin gig, which was also in great shape. Don’t miss the precious sound source that contains this hidden masterpiece! For the release of a limited press CD containing a valuable warm-up gig at the beginning of the 2002 “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY” tour, we would like to attach a valuable sound source at the beginning of the tour to the first delivery. Oasis, which has completed a series of warm-ups held in various parts of Europe, will perform the legendary Finsbury Park three nights in a row in July, but before that, a concert held in the home country of England in July Hull Arena on the 2nd.
The last gig that took place in front of the Greatest Finsbury Park in 2002 was this day, so it was an important night that could be called the final finishing touch.
The gig in front of Finsbury Park is a historical sound source that is well worth the attention of enthusiasts, but the audience recording that captures this concert is very comfortable to listen to. There is a sense of depth or distance in the performance, and in that respect the quality is not suitable for everyone. However, if you are a maniac, you can enjoy it without any problems, and this deep sound image may be rather easy to hear.
After all, the gig was just before Finsbury Park, so the excitement of the venue was wonderful, and the chorus was enthusiastically occurring even for the song recorded in the just-released “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY”. However, the chorus does not cover the performance, and the point is that the performance of the oasis can be heard properly even though it is a deep sound image.
Among them, Liam Gallagher’s voice was captured with a good balance, and it clearly conveys that he is in great shape in front of the first big one. The tone and tension of Liam’s voice is already considerable, and it makes us foresee Finsbury Park brilliantly.

Actually, Liam had the engine fully open at a level that could be heard and understood from the opening “Hello”, and the momentum reached its peak as early as “Hung In A Bad Place”. Even so, when it comes to yelling “you got me!”, The awkwardness still remains at the beginning of the tour. After that, he sang most of the songs with high tension, and I was reminded that it was a special time to make it.
Noel Gallagher is full of energy, losing to such a flying younger brother, and he is so happy that he can understand the talk of MC before starting “She’s Electric” or “Don’t Look Back In Anger” again. You can also see how he sings and sings the chorus to the audience happily. It may be said that it is a masterpiece because the strengths of the two Gallagher brothers, Noel, who has plenty of room for free-spirited Liam, have fully functioned.
For example, even if Liam missed singing with the new song “Stop Crying Your Heart Out” at that time, Noel would follow up and sing. Even the happening that tells the story of the full opening of the engine of the oasis on this day is very funny. We want enthusiasts to enjoy the hyper stage just before Finsbury Park, and it comes as a bonus CD-R that is perfect for the release of the Berlin gig, which was also in great shape. Don’t miss the precious sound source that contains this hidden masterpiece!

2002年「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」ツアー序盤の貴重なウォームアップ・ギグを収録した限定プレスCDのリリースには、それに相応しいツアー序盤の貴重音源を初回納品分に付属させたいと思います。ヨーロッパ各地で行われた一連のウォームアップを済ませたオアシスは7月に入ると伝説のフィンズベリー・パーク三夜連続公演を行う訳ですが、その前に母国イギリス・エリアで行われたコンサートが7月2日のハル・アリーナ。
何しろフィンズベリー・パークを直前に控えたギグですので会場の盛り上がりも素晴らしく、リリースされたばかりの「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」収録曲に対しても熱狂的なまでに合唱が起きている。しかし合唱が演奏を覆いつくすことはなく、奥行きのある音像なのにオアシスの演奏がちゃんと通って聞こえる点がポイント。

実際にリアムはオープニング「Hello」からして一聴して理解できるレベルでエンジン全開であって、その勢いが「Hung In A Bad Place」で早くもピークを迎えてしまうという凄まじさ。それでいて「you got me!」と叫ぶ場面になるとまだぎこちなさが残っているのがツアー序盤ならでは。その後もほとんどの曲をハイテンションに歌いあげており、つくづく特別な時期であったことを思い知らされます。
そんな飛ばしまくる弟に負けじとノエル・ギャラガーも元気いっぱいで、「She’s Electric」を始める前のMCの饒舌さ、あるいは「Don’t Look Back In Anger」をこれまた一聴して解るほどに上機嫌な様子で歌い、そこからコーラスを観客に嬉々と合唱させている様子も伝わってくる。奔放なリアムに余裕たっぷりなノエルというギャラガー兄弟二人の長所が完全に機能したからこその名演だと呼べるかもしれません。
例えば当時の新曲である「Stop Crying Your Heart Out」でリアムが勢い余って歌い損じてしまってもノエルがしっかりフォローして歌いつなぐ。正にこの日のオアシスのエンジン全開ぶりを物語るようなハプニングまで微笑ましい。あのフィンズベリー・パーク直前だからこそのハイパーなステージをマニアに楽しんでいただきたく、同じように絶好調だったベルリンのギグのリリースに打ってつけなボーナスCD-Rとして付属します。この隠れた名演を収めた貴重音源をお見逃しなく!

Disc 1 (47:41)
01. Fuckin In The Bushes
02. Hello
03. The Hindu Times
04. Hung In A Bad Place
05. Go Let It Out
06. Columbia
07. Morning Glory
08. Stop Crying Your Heart Out
09. Little by Little
10. D’You Know What I Mean ?

Disc 2 (51:29)
01. Cigarettes & Alcohol
02. Live Forever
03. Better Man
04. She’s Electric
05. Born On A Different Cloud
06. Acquiesce
07. Force Of Nature
08. Don’t Look Back In Anger
09. Some Might Say
10. My Generation

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