Oasis / Chicago 1998 / 1CD

Oasis / Chicago 1998 / 1CD/ Wardour
Rosemont Horizon, Chicago, IL, USA 17th January 1998 . Stereo SBD

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The “BE HERE NOW” tour is very popular with enthusiasts, but in 1998 the number of released items will be extremely small. It may be due to the huge existence of the Budokan that was broadcast on TV. There are few items that contain other performances. Twenty years ago, CD-R class sound sources were released in small pieces, but that is now a long time ago.
Still, there are some sound board sound sources other than the Budokan on the 1998 tour. The South American performances that took place after Japan were also broadcast on TV and radio, but since they were of South American quality at the time, there was no sound source that could be produced at the level of a press CD. This also spurred the situation where the Budokan was the only one to win. On the other hand, before the performance in Japan, the US tour was held as the first live activity of Oasis 1998. Due to the adult circumstances that this was done based on the contract fulfillment and loss compensation of the 1996 American tour where the tour was interrupted due to a brother quarrel, it took a month to go on the previous tour The land was also around.

Speaking of such “BE HERE NOW” tour, the sound source for broadcasting in the United States, the Hammerstein Ballroom of the previous year is overwhelmingly famous, but in fact it was overlooked that radio broadcasting was realized from the 1998 tour. Facts that tend to occur. That is the radio broadcast of the Chicago performance on January 17th, which will be released on the press CD this time.
This is a composition in which most of the live songs are cut like an American radio broadcast, and an interview with Noel Gallagher is inserted instead. Furthermore, due to the broadcasting time, two songs, “It’s Gettin’ Better (Man !!)” and “Champagne Supernova”, were cut. Chicago in 1998 was a radio source that was completely overlooked because of such content.
A version that cleans up this buried sound source has been on the net for some time. It was created by a maniac called “Fradoca”, and not only the remaster that improved the stereo feeling, but above all, the interviews and commercial breaks of Noel that had divided the live flow were completely deleted, and they were seamlessly connected. He finished it so that he could listen without stress.
It is true that the cuts of the two songs are missed, but what surprises me at first glance is the outstanding sound quality. This is a completely official level stereo soundboard recording, and Fradoca’s meticulous editing allows the finished product to be released as a single live album on a press CD without complaint. If this is the case, not only enthusiasts but also beginners can enjoy it with confidence.

Not only such superb sound quality, but also the performance content is really wonderful. In the first place, it is undeniable that the impression is thin because it was sandwiched between the previous year and the Budokan, which produced a strong performance every day on the American tour in 1998, but in fact it proves that it was a heated performance. In that sense, the value of this broadcast is very high. First of all, from the opening “Be Here Now”, Liam Gallagher’s tension is very high, and the tone of his voice is good. The difference with the Budokan one month after the scene where Liam’s voice turned inside out was seen several times in the same song is clear.
And the clear stereo mix with Noel on the right and Bonehead on the left stands out thanks to Fredoca’s remastering, and how much the bonehead’s guitar play, which is often overlooked, supports the live sound of the oasis. It can be said that it is a perfect sampler to know the fact that it was there.
And Noel’s acoustic corner revived from the US tour, but it was secretly popular with enthusiasts because he performed rare cover songs every day at this time. Of course, Noel was playing the cover on this day as well, but the one chosen here was “To Be Someone” by The Jam. Later, a new version recorded by Noel on their tribute album will be released, but as of this day it was already shown in a similar arrangement.
In the first place, “To Be Someone” was played only five times in the United States in 1998, but I was really lucky that one of them was broadcast with the best sound quality. A simple performance with a much slower tempo than the original song is an arrangement that seems to be a different song, but the performance that makes the best use of the melody is unique to Noel. Perhaps because it’s a song that he has a strong feeling for, it’s funny to sing while avoiding forgetting the lyrics and making him laugh at the end. Besides, the sound quality and mixing of the acoustic corner are also very good, and I can’t help but fall in love with it.

By the way, in the chorus of “Roll With It”, strange sounds that can not be taken by skipping or reverse rotation are mixed twice, but this is hidden when broadcasting the part that Liam sang in the broadcast prohibited term. It was a treatment that seems to be an American radio broadcast. Therefore, it is different from noise and defects. Rather, it can be said that this process is also a manifestation of radio broadcasting.
Anyway, it is strange that the sound has not been released until now, and even if two songs are cut, the content that condenses the charm of the day can be called the birth of a new standard sound source. In addition to such the best sound quality, it is easy for everyone to listen to crisply on one disc. And it’s amazing that such a fulfilling and easy-to-listen sound source has never been released, including the cover of “To Be Someone”, which is the highlight of the day and Noel’s enthusiastic singing is the best!

マニアには大変人気の高い「BE HERE NOW」ツアーですが、1998年になるとリリースアイテムの数が極端に少なくなってしまいます。それはテレビ放送された武道館という絶大な存在のせいもあるでしょう。他の公演を収めたアイテムというのがほとんど存在しません。まだ20年前ならCD-Rクラスの音源が細々とリリースされていたりもしたのですが、それも今は昔。

そんな「BE HERE NOW」ツアー、アメリカでの放送用音源と言えば前年のハマースタイン・ボールルームが圧倒的に有名ですが、実は98年のツアーからもラジオ放送が実現していたことは見過ごされがちな事実。それが今回プレスCDにてリリースされる1月17日のシカゴ公演のラジオ放送なのです。
こちらはいかにもアメリカのラジオ放送らしくライブの曲間がほとんどカットされ、代わりにノエル・ギャラガーのインタビューが挿入された構成。さらに放送時間の関係から「It’s Gettin’ Better (Man!!)」と「Champagne Supernova」の二曲がカットされていました。そうした内容のせいで完全に見過ごされてしまったラジオ音源が98年のシカゴ。

そんな極上の音質だけでなく、演奏内容がまた実に素晴らしい。そもそも98年のアメリカ・ツアー連日強烈な演奏を生み出した前年と武道館の間に挟まれたせいで印象が薄い感が否めないのですが、実は白熱した演奏を繰り広げていたことを証明してくれるという意味でもこの放送の価値は非常に高い。まずオープニング「Be Here Now」からしてリアム・ギャラガーのテンションが非常に高く、なおかつ声の調子がイイ。同曲で何度かリアム声の裏返る場面がみられた一か月後の武道館との差は明らか。
そしてアメリカ・ツアーから復活したノエルのアコースティック・コーナーですが、この時期はどの日もレアなカバー曲を披露していたということでマニアには密かな人気を呼んでいたものです。当然この日もノエルはカバーを演奏しているのですが、ここで選ばれたのはザ・ジャムの「To Be Someone」。後に彼らのトリビュート・アルバムで改めてノエルがレコーディングしたバージョンがリリースされますが、この日の時点で既に同様のアレンジで披露されていたという。
そもそも「To Be Someone」は98年のアメリカで5回演奏されただけですが、その内の一回がこうして最高の音質で放送されたことは本当にラッキーでした。シンプルで原曲よりずっとテンポを落とした演奏は別の曲かと錯覚しそうなアレンジですが、メロディの良さを生かした演奏がノエルならでは。彼としても思い入れのある曲だからか、終盤で歌詞を忘れて笑いそうになるのをこらえながら歌う様が微笑ましい。それにアコースティック・コーナーの音質やミキシングがまた非常に良く、思わず聞き惚れずにはいられません。

ちなみに「Roll With It」のコーラスでは音飛びとも逆回転とも取れない奇妙な音が二度ほど混入しますが、これはリアムが放送禁止用語で歌ってしまった個所を放送するに際して隠ぺいしたもので、いかにもアメリカのラジオ放送らしい処置でした。よってノイズや不良の類とは違います。むしろ、この処理もラジオ放送らしさの現れと言えるのではないでしょうか。
とにかく今までリリースされてこなかったのが不思議なほどの音の良さで、例え二曲がカットされていようともこの日の魅力を凝縮した内容は新たな定番音源の誕生と呼んでもおかしくない。そんな最高の音質に加え、一枚のディスクでサクサク聞けてしまうとっつきやすさも万人向け。そしてこの日の目玉であり、ノエルの熱唱ぶりが最高な「To Be Someone」のカバーをはじめ、こんなに充実して聞きやすい音源が今までリリースされてこなかったとは驚きです!

1. Be Here Now
2. Stand By Me
3. Supersonic
4. Roll With It ★リアム・ギャラガーがサビで「Fuckin’」と歌っている箇所を放送局がセンサードしてます。
5. D’You Know What I Mean?
6. Cigarettes & Alcohol
7. Don’t Go Away (Acoustic)
8. Talk Tonight (Acoustic)
9. To Be Someone (Acoustic)
10. Slide Away (Acoustic)
11. Don’t Look Back In Anger
12. Wonderwall
13. Live Forever
14. Acquiesce

Liam Gallagher – lead vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – lead guitar, vocals
Paul Arthurs – rhythm guitar
Paul McGuigan – bass
Alan White – drums, percussion



Oasis / Chicago 1998 The Video 1st Gen / 1DVDR / Non Label
Rosemont Horizon, Chicago, IL, USA. 17th January 1998

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