Oasis / Mansfiled 2005 / 2CD

Oasis / Mansfiled 2005 / 2CD / Wardour

Live at Tweeter Center, Mansfield, MA, USA 24th June 2005 STEREO SBD

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Ten years after Dallas, the oasis was still stepping on America. The tour process of the album “DON’T BELIEVE THE TRUTH” is different from their pattern until then, and they have been touring the United States from an early stage. In addition, for the first time, including one night at Madison Square Garden, it showed that the popularity of Madison Square Garden has grown more than ever. Also, as with the previous work “HEATHEN CHEMISTRY”, live broadcasting that doubles as an album promotion is being actively carried out immediately after the tour starts.
Mansfield on the 24th was a performance at the Tweeter Center, which was created from such a short-term American tour in June. Both video and audio were broadcast in Europe immediately after the tour started, but since they were before the release of “DON’T BELIEVE”, the performance from the album tends to be cut, and it is far from complete recording. I also had the problem. However, nearly a month after the album was released in Mansfield, it was broadcast for the first time with a bird’s-eye view of the stage of this tour.
Of course, this broadcast is a stereo sound board recording, but the appeal of its extremely powerful sound quality has not faded yet. Compared to the official live album where the balance of the performance was arranged at the time of release, the rough texture is wonderful, yet it completely changed from the psychedelic sound of the previous two works and pushed out a solid guitar sound “DON’T BELIEVE” I wonder if it is attractive that the stage of “…” was reproduced beautifully.

In addition to that, since the recording time was long, some items were lined up even at that time. It seems that “MK VII PHASE 1” etc. corresponds to “TURN UP THE STAGE”, but each has problems such as CD-R or missing songs, so it was decided “This is it!” The fact that it was a release that was not as good as the version was very jarring.
As a further problem, two songs were cut from the songs recorded in “DON’T BELIEVE ~” at the time of broadcasting. It’s surprising that “Lyla”, which was released as a leading single from the album and became the biggest major song, was not broadcast, but even more important is the cut of “Love Like A Bomb” only at this time. It has been done. Maybe many people don’t even know the fact that the song was being played live now?
After all, it was good that “Love Like” was released in the United States in June, but compared to the album version that Gem said “a perfect summer tune”, the live arrangement did not look good on stage from the set. It’s the number of luck that was dropped. It’s not that the performance is bad, but when I listen to it now, it’s rather fresh and cool. However, it is regrettable that the performance was given up before it was refined during the tour and turned into a repertoire.
Therefore, for this release, the two songs in question were supplemented from the audience recording on the same day, and for the first time, all the songs on the day of the concert were put together so that they could be heard through. Even in a similar American radio broadcast, in the case of “CHICAGO 1998”, it was good to fit without compensating for the cut song, but this time it was the beginning of the live and the rare song was cut, so it was recorded by the audience. We are making up for. Another factor that compensated for this was that the sound quality of the audience recording was better than it was in Chicago. And even though it was announced at the beginning that it was a “complete concert,” it wasn’t actually complete (laughs).

As you can see from the language of the announcement heard there, this broadcast has been realized in Germany. This broadcast version was the source of the release at that time, but this time we recorded the broadcast at that time without cutting the announcements that come in between the live as well as the beginning and end of the broadcast. Conversely, you can see in this release that all of them were cut in past releases. It can be called the best in terms of sound quality, and there is no distortion of the sound.
And this broadcast is not only powerful in sound quality, but also in that the whole group including Liam captures the best stage with excellent sound quality. Looking back on the history of Oasis, unfortunately the “DON’T BELIEVE THE TRUTH” tour is at the bottom in terms of the decline of Liam’s voice, and there was a day when he was actually screaming and singing through on a bad day. That’s right (the current Liam is often revived there). In this respect as well, Mansfield is in excellent condition with Liam throughout the entire live performance.
Furthermore, Noel was full of energy on this day, and the tension was very high, such as the ending of the new song “The Importance Of Being Idle” that he sang at that time. Not only Liam’s voice but also Zak Starkey’s drumming, which he participated in from the production of “DON’T BELIEVE”, and the lively performance of the whole band are unique to the beginning of the tour.

In this way, it is a famous broadcast that can definitely be called an indispensable sound source even in the 2005 tour, but for the reason mentioned at the beginning, there was no item that could be called the definitive edition from that time, but rather it is a powerful stereo that even seems to have been overlooked now.・ Sound board recordings will be released on a limited press CD, covering all the cut songs.
Of course, the discomfort that occurs between the broadcast that boasts excellent sound quality and the audience recording is unavoidable, but even so, the switch from the opening “Turn Up The Sun” to the audience recording “Lyla” is edited very smoothly. , I guarantee that even if you are not a maniac, you will hear it smoothly. This makes it possible to enjoy the extremely rare “Love Like A Bomb”. The edited version of all songs recorded on the classic stereo sound board of the 2005 “DON’T BELIEVE” tour is finally here!

ダラスから10年後もオアシスはアメリカの地を踏んでいました。アルバム「DON’T BELIEVE THE TRUTH」のツアー行程はそれまでの彼らのパターンと違い、早い段階からアメリカを回っています。おまけに初めてマディソン・スクエア・ガーデンの一夜も含むなど、それまで以上に同国での人気が膨れ上がったことを物語っていました。それに前作「HEATHEN CHEMISTRY」の時と同様、ツアー開始直後からアルバム・プロモーションを兼ねたライブの放送が積極的に行われています。
そんな6月の短期アメリカ・ツアーから生み出されたのが24日のマンスフィールドはトウィーター・センター公演。ツアー開始直後のヨーロッパでも映像と音声両方の放送が実現していましたが、それらは「DON’T BELIEVE~」リリース前ということから同アルバムからの演奏がカットされがちで、なおかつ完全収録から程遠いという問題も抱えていました。ところがマンスフィールドではアルバムもリリースから一か月近くが経過し、初めてこのツアーのステージを鳥瞰できる内容で放送されたのです。
この放送はもちろんステレオ・サウンドボード録音な訳ですが、その非常に迫力ある音質の魅力は未だに色褪せていません。リリースに際して演奏のバランスが整理されたオフィシャルのライブアルバムに比べてもっと荒々しい質感が素晴らしく、それでいて前二作のサイケ寄りなサウンドから一変してソリッドなギター・サウンドを押し出した「DON’T BELIEVE~」のステージを見事に再現してくれた点が魅力かと。

そこに加えて収録時間も長い放送であったことから当時でもいくつかのアイテムが居並んだものです。「TURN UP THE STAGE」に「MK VII PHASE 1」などがそれに該当するかと思われますが、それぞれCD-Rであったり、あるいは曲が欠けていたりといった問題を抱えており「これぞ!」という決定版に及ばないリリースであった点は何とも歯がゆいものでした。
それ以上の問題として放送時に「DON’T BELIEVE~」収録曲から二曲がカットされていたということ。アルバムから先行シングルとしてリリースされ、なおかつ最大のメジャーソングとなった「Lyla」が放送されなかったというだけでも驚きですが、それ以上に重大なのがこの時期だけの「Love Like A Bomb」までもカットされてしまったということ。今となっては同曲がライブ演奏されていたという事実すら知らない人の方が多いのでは?
何しろ「Love Like~」は6月のアメリカで投入されたは良かったものの、ゲムをして「a perfect summer tune」と言わしめたアルバム・バージョンと比べ、ライブアレンジが今一つステージ映えしないままセットから落とされた悲運のナンバーなのです。決して演奏の出来が悪いわけではなく、今聞いてみるとむしろ新鮮でカッコイイくらい。しかし演奏がツアーの中で練られてレパートリーとして化ける前に諦められてしまった点が惜しまれるのです。
そこで今回のリリースに際しては問題の二曲を同日のオーディエンス録音から補填し、初めてコンサート当日の全曲が通して聞けるようまとめました。同じようなアメリカのラジオ放送でも「CHICAGO 1998」の場合はカットされた曲を補填しなくとも収まりがよかったのですが、今回はライブ序盤、なおかつレア曲がカットされてしまったことからオーディエンス録音での補填を行っています。またシカゴの時と違ってオーディエンス録音の音質が良いということも補填された要因。そして冒頭で「コンプリート・コンサート」というアナウンスされたにもかかわらず、実際にはコンプリートではなかったのですね(笑)。

そしてこの放送は迫力満点な音質だけでなく、リアムをはじめとしたグループ全体が絶好調なステージを素晴らしい音質で捉えてくれているという点が大きい。オアシスの歴史を振り返ると、リアムの声の衰えという点では残念ながら「DON’T BELIEVE THE TRUTH」ツアーがどん底といえ、実際に調子の悪い日の彼は唸り声で押し歌い通すといった日があったほど(今のリアムがよくあそこまで盛り返したものです)。この点においてもマンスフィールドはライブ全編を通してリアムが抜群に調子良い。
さらにノエルもこの日は元気いっぱいで、自身が歌う当時の新曲「The Importance Of Being Idle」エンディングなどテンションは非常に高い。リアムの声だけでなく「DON’T BELIEVE~」の製作から参加していたザック・スターキーのドラミングなど、バンド全体のはつらつとした演奏ぶりもツアー序盤ならでは。

もちろん素晴らしい音質を誇る放送とオーディエンス録音の間に生じる違和感は免れられないのですが、それでもオープニング「Turn Up The Sun」からオーディエンス録音の「Lyla」への切り替わりは非常にスムーズに編集されていますので、マニアでなくともサラッと聞きこめてしまうことを保証します。これによって極めてレアな「Love Like A Bomb」もばっちり楽しめてしまう。2005年「DON’T BELIEVE~」ツアーの定番ステレオ・サウンドボード録音の全曲収録編集版がようやく登場!

Disc 1 (36:37)
1. Fuckin’ In The Bushes
2. Turn Up The Sun
3. Lyla
4. Love Like A Bomb
5. Bring It On Down
6. Morning Glory
7. Cigarettes & Alcohol
8. The Importance Of Being Idle
9. Little By Little

Disc 2 (48:03)
1. A Bell Will Ring
2. Live Forever
3. The Meaning Of Soul
4. Mucky Fingers
5. Champagne Supernova
6. Rock ‘n’ Roll Star
7. Songbird
8. Wonderwall
9. Don’t Look Back In Anger
10. My Generation


Liam Gallagher – vocals, tambourine
Noel Gallagher – guitar, vocals
Gem Archer – guitar
Andy Bell – bass
Zak Starkey – drums




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