Nick Lowe & The Impossible / Wetlands 1995 / 2CDR

Nick Lowe & The Impossible / Wetlands 1995 / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Wetlands New York City NY USA 30th January 1995.

Play sample :

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Not only Costello in 1989, which was released at the same time, Taper Two Of Us seemed to like so-called pub rock artists, and he recorded the stage of his ally Nick Lowe. Two Of Us unveiled a club gig at a venue called Wetlands on January 30, 1995. Speaking of the live sound source of January 1995 by Rowe, the very popular sound board album “PHILADELPHIA 1995” is a new place in my memory, but I think it can be guessed from the performance on January 28th. Yes, the next gig was this Wetlands.
So I thought that the set list was the same … but instead of “Lonely Just Like Me” that was being played in Philadelphia, the ballad “14 Days” from the new album “THE IMPOSSIBLE BIRD” at that time was sung. I will. The way Rowe sings here is exquisite without any price.
More notably, the show did not end with the classic “(What’s So Funny’Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding” that was performed at the finale of this year’s tour, and the numbers from Rowe’s past albums continued Is a big service that two songs are sung. Philadelphia was a great gig, of course, but the excitement was even more terrifying on that day, which probably made Rowe feel better.

Also, the audience recording by Two Of Us has the best sound quality. While firmly capturing the intimate and lively presence unique to the club, the sound image that is even more on is overwhelming. The excitement and performance momentum unique to the club that could not be conveyed in the sound board “PHILADELPHIA 1995” is vivid. After all, the best audience recording that sucked in plenty of air on the day is exceptional, and at this level it is not inferior even if it is released on the press board.
The sound quality was so high, so I was convinced that Rowe on that day served the encore more than usual. Not only that, it seems that this scene was really a surprise, and the recording started in the middle of the intro of “36 Inches High”. In addition, it is speculated that Two Of Us rushed forward here, and the sound image that was already on-balanced has finally evolved into a sound board-like approach (laughs).
When it came to this surprise encore, the audience around me was enthusiastic about the fans, and there were a few voices singing together in both songs. I think the result of Rowe’s feelings in front of such enthusiastic fans and excitement was this further encore. Even in the same year’s performance in Japan, the main part of the concert proceeded with a feeling of listening carefully, but when it came to the encore, it was a scene that reminded me that the excitement was suddenly heated.
Is the masterpiece “PHILADELPHIA 1995” an outtake for a live album? It was a stereo sound board recording with a high degree of perfection, but this release allows you to enjoy a different and happy gig with the highest quality audience recording. The rich presence and powerful sound image is the best sound source that is paired with “PHILADELPHIA 1995”, and this time it is the best item that can be confidently recommended from beginners to enthusiasts. Please bring it with Philadelphia!

 同時リリースとなる1989年のコステロだけでなくテーパーTwo Of Usは所謂パブロック系アーティストが好きなようで、彼の盟友であるニック・ロウのステージも録音してくれていました。Two Of Usが公開してくれたのは1995年1月30日、ウェットランズという会場でのクラブ・ギグ。ロウによる95年1月のライブ音源といえば大好評サウンドボード・アルバム「PHILADELPHIA 1995」が記憶に新しいところですが、それが1月28日の公演だったことからも察しがつくのでは。そう、次に行われたギグが今回のウェットランズ。
 ということでセットリストも同一…かと思いきや、まずフィラデルフィアで演奏されていた「Lonely Just Like Me」の代わりに当時のニューアルバム「THE IMPOSSIBLE BIRD」からのバラード「14 Days」が歌われています。ここでロウが切々と歌う様は掛け値なしに絶品。
 それ以上に特筆すべきは、この年のツアーでフィナーレに演奏されていたクラシック「(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding」でショーが終わらず、その後にもロウ過去のアルバムからのナンバーが二曲も歌われているという大サービス。もちろんフィラデルフィアも素晴らしいギグだったのですが、この日は盛り上がりがより一段と凄まじく、それがロウの気をよくさせたのでしょう。
 またTwo Of Usによるオーディエンス録音は極上の音質。クラブならではの親密で賑やかな臨場感をしっかりと捉えつつ、それ以上にオンな音像が圧倒的。サウンドボードの「PHILADELPHIA 1995」では伝わり切らなかったクラブならではの盛り上がりと演奏の勢いが生々しい。やはり当日の空気をたっぷりと吸い込んだ極上オーディエンス録音は格別で、このレベルになるとプレス盤でリリースされたとしても何ら遜色がない。
 それほどまでの高音質ですので、なるほどこの日のロウがいつも以上にアンコールをサービスしてみせたという盛り上がりには納得。それだけではありません、この場面は本当にサプライズだったらしく「36 Inches High」のイントロの途中から録音が始まっているという。おまけにTwo Of Usがここで前に突進したのだと推測され、ただでさえオンなバランスだった音像がいよいよサウンドボードまがいな近さへと進化(笑)。
 名盤「PHILADELPHIA 1995」はそれこそライブアルバム用のアウトテイクでは?と思えたほど完成度の高いステレオ・サウンドボード録音ではありましたが、それとはまた違ったご機嫌なギグを最高音質のオーディエンス録音で楽しめるのが今回のリリース。豊かな臨場感と迫力の音像は正に「PHILADELPHIA 1995」と対をなす極上音源であり、今回も初心者からマニアまで自信を持って推せる最高のアイテム。是非フィラデルフィアとセットでお持ちください!
Disc 1(45:46)
1. Intro
2. 12-Step Program (To Quit You Babe)
3. True Love Travels On A Gravel Road
4. Without Out Love
5. Lover Don’t Go
6. The Rose Of England
7. Trail Of Tears
8. Dream Girl
9. Cruel To Be Kind
10. Where’s My Everything?
11. I’m Coming Home (Johnny Horton)
12. 14 Days
13. Tombstone Every Mile
Disc 2(46:10)
1. Half A Boy And Half A Man
2. Crying In My Sleep
3. Soulful Wind
4. I Knew The Bride (When She Used To Rock And Roll)
5. Bo Bo Skediddle
6. Raging Eyes
7. Shelley My Love
8. Allons Rock ‘n’ Roll
9. You’re My Wildest Dreams
10. I’ll Be There (If You Want Me To)
11. (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding
12. 36 Inches High
13. Big Big Love
Robert Treherne – drums
Paul Riley – bass
Geraint Watkins – keyboards
Bill Kirchen – guitars
Uxbridge 1390 

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