New Barbarians & Rolling Stones / Place Aux Dames Shades N Canes C.N.I.B. 1979 1st Show / 2CD

New Barbarians & Rolling Stones / Place Aux Dames Shades N Canes C.N.I.B. 1979 1st Show / 2CD / Non Label

“Canadian National Institute for the Blind Benefit” Oshawa Stadium, Toronto, Canada 22nd April 1979 (1st Show)

Play sample :

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Translated text:

As a result of the illegal possession of drugs, the arrest play in Toronto of Keith Richards, who was in danger of life imprisonment at the time, was judged as a result as a result. One of them opens a charity concert for the organization of blind people CNIB (Canadian National Institute For The Blind). The concert was put into execution in Oshawa, Canada on April 22, 1979. Not only did this respond to the judgment imposed on Keith, this day was also a very special day for Stones’ live history. In the first place in 1979, Stones’ tour was not carried out by the proposal of Mick, but instead it was a year in which he directed the production of the album “EMOTIONAL RESCUE”. On the other hand, Ronnie Wood has just completed his third solo album “GIMME SOME NECK” for himself, and naturally the record company had been asked for promotional activities. Because it was such a timing, it was New Barbarians that thought that instead if Stones did not tour.
By the way, “GIMME SOME NECK” was released two days before the CNIB concert, and as a timing the event is a perfect group debut · gig. This situation overlapped, the charity concert in Oshawa became an irregular and innovative event that Barbarians and Stones played shows half a half each. Naturally Keith and Ronnie hooked up the band, yet it is a rare composition that will serve as the undercard of Stones. It became a good sunny stage as a new band’s debut · gig, as well as a few of the live activities for Stones that we decided not to tour.

For such a rare day charity concert, two shows are held twice. The overwhelming affinity for maniacs will be the second show endowed with sound sources and items. There, the first show was extremely low profile. Not only was it a show with originally few items, but also the timing of the release “PLACE AUX DAMES: SHADES ‘N’ CANES” which was issued in response to the timing of the tours of Stones in 1981 and 1982 was delicate (Holding a concert or release three years later), and only the part of Stones was recorded. The last was that audience recording was very bad sound quality.
Actually the second show has been produced many items up to the present, but the first show is that there are no items other than the LP, and that it has never heard as long as it is not so much a core mania There was. However, there are two other monaural and audience recordings related to the first show, whether it is happiness or unfortunate happiness. Although each of the two types of sound sources is not at a level of high sound quality, it was a quality to withstand much more to hear compared to “PLACE AUX DAMES: SHADES ‘N’ CANES” as expected.
Therefore, this time it will be the release with the longest version that used the other two as a supplementary person after main feature of the three most existing audience recordings including LP and the best sound source. The sound source used for the main is a sound image with a sense of distance, and in the part of New Barbarians it is dumpling sound quality, but if you are a mania you can enjoy it with a margin. Throughout the taste of analog boot is a texture with strong texture.

It is a translation that the debut stage of New Barbarians at the first show became clear by this release, but it is amazing as if playing it unexpectedly when asked in this way. Like their proven live tone generator and video image of Largo in May, the performance of the basic New Barbarians is extremely rough and loose. However, the performance which they let us here is probably the result that I played hard from the stage / debut as being so tight that it seems to overturn the image. The pattern of this time has a video taken from the audience seats, but there was a literally wise figure of Ronnie singing while watching lyrics on the music stand.
Besides, the fact that the composition of the set list is quite different compared to the second show is also interesting. It seems that they did not want to warm up before the tour that was already booked and want to show off the repertory prepared at the show this day from one end. “Lost And Lonely” is a repertoire played only on this occasion, and its pretty good thing. Unlike the second show, Ronnie’s harmonica solo does not appear in “Am I Grooving You”, and it is also precious that it is a short arrangement including only Stanley Clark’s base solo.

Meanwhile, at the second show, it was surprising that Stones, who showed up the staggering stage that much, tells us the suddenly smart and stable performance. In the example “PLACE AUX DAMES: SHADES ‘N’ CANES” it was a level that it was difficult to listen to the details of the performance, so many surprising sound sources were released for maniacs. Whether there was still a feeling of the tour of the previous year, there is a very heard answer to the powerful performance which only the first show etc. have. Among them, “Star Star”, which was the best happening at the second show, is reflected freshly with Sararito.
From the CNIB concert of 1979 which had been overwhelmingly only items of the second show until now, the complete collected items of the first show of mania tears finally appeared in the limited press CD. In that release, not only does it compensate for the deficits by making full use of other sources, it also has a finish that makes it possible to listen abruptly by thoroughly adjusting the unstable pitch which was a big problem in listening. Release of the Stones’ vintage live sound source that can be enjoyed with fresh feelings more than the classic second show for maniacs. Please enjoy compare and listen to the second show which is released at the same time!

★ The 1st Show was just out in analog.
★ There are two kinds of audience recording. In this time, I am supplementing the missing part with 2nd Source, LP Source as the main source of the good sound
★ The pitch is almost unchanged as the LP source is almost in use. Source 1 / source 2 was adjusted randomly because it was crazy randomly.

ドラッグの不法所持によって一時は終身刑すら危ぶまれたキース・リチャーズのトロントでの逮捕劇は結果として温情判決を受けました。その中の一つが目の不自由な人の組織CNIB(Canadian National Institute For The Blind)の為のチャリティ・コンサートを開くというもの。コンサートが実行に移されたのは1979年4月22日にカナダのオシャワ。これによってキースに課せられた判決に応えたのはもちろん、この日はストーンズのライブ史にとって非常に特殊な一日にもなったのです。そもそも1979年はミックの提案によってストーンズのツアーは行われず、代わりにアルバム「EMOTIONAL RESCUE」の制作へと注がれた年。一方でロニー・ウッドは自身にとって三枚目のソロアルバムである「GIMME SOME NECK」を完成させたところであり、当然ながらレコード会社からはプロモーション活動を求められていた。そんなタイミングでしたので、ストーンズがツアーをやらないならば代わりに…と思い立ったのがニュー・バーバリアンズだったのです。
ちなみに「GIMME SOME NECK」がリリースされたのはCNIBコンサートの二日前であり、タイミングとしては同イベントがグループのデビュー・ギグとして申し分のないもの。こうした状況が重なり、オシャワでのチャリティ・コンサートはバーバリアンズとストーンズが半々ずつショーを行うという変則的かつ画期的なイベントとなりました。当然キースとロニーはバンドを掛け持ち、それでいて実質的にストーンズの前座を務めるという珍しい構成。それが新しいバンドのデビュー・ギグとして格好の晴れ舞台となるのはもちろん、ツアーを行わないと決めたストーンズにとっては数少ないライブ活動の一環になりました。

そんなレアな一日のチャリティ・コンサートは都合二回のショーが行われています。マニアにとって圧倒的に親近感が湧くのは音源やアイテムに恵まれたセカンド・ショーでしょう。そちらに対してファースト・ショーは極端に知名度が低かった。元々アイテムの少ないショーであっただけでなく、ストーンズの1981年から82年におけるツアーのタイミングにかこつけて出された「PLACE AUX DAMES : SHADES ‘N’ CANES」というLPはリリースのタイミング自体が微妙だった(コンサートの開催か三年後のリリース)だった上、ストーンズのパートしか収録されていなかったのです。とどめは非常に音質の悪いオーディエンス録音であったということ。
実際にセカンド・ショーは現在に至るまで多くのアイテムが生み出され続けてきましたが、ファースト・ショーは同LP以外にアイテムが存在せず、よほどのコア・マニアでない限り聞いたことがないという位置づけにありました。しかし不幸中の幸いと言うべきか、ファースト・ショーに関しては他に二種類のモノラル・オーディエンス録音が存在していたのです。もっとも、二種類の音源それぞれも高音質というレベルではないのですが、さすがに「PLACE AUX DAMES : SHADES ‘N’ CANES」と比べるとはるかに聞くに耐えるクオリティでした。

おまけにセカンド・ショーと比べてセットリストの構成が随分と違っているという事実がまた面白い。彼らからすれば、既にブッキングされていたツアーの前にウォーミングアップを兼ね、この日のショーで用意していたレパートリーを片っ端から披露してしまいたいといった算段だったのではないでしょうか。「Lost And Lonely」はこの回のみで演奏されたレパートリーですし、その出来もなかなかのもの。さらにセカンド・ショーと違って「Am I Grooving You」ではロニーのハーモニカ・ソロが登場せず、スタンリー・クラークのベース・ソロだけが盛り込まれた短めのアレンジとなっているのも貴重かと。

いっぽうセカンド・ショーではあれだけ波乱万丈なステージを披露したストーンズが、こちらでは俄然スマートで安定した演奏を聞かせてくれたという事実を伝えてくれるのも驚き。例の「PLACE AUX DAMES : SHADES ‘N’ CANES」では演奏のディティールを聞き取るのも厳しいといったレベルでしたので、多くのマニアにとって驚きの音源がリリースされたことになるのでは。まだ前年のツアーの感覚が残っていたのか、ファースト・ショーらしかぬ力強い演奏は非常に聞き応えがあります。中でもセカンド・ショーでは一番のハプニングとなった「Star Star」がサラリと演奏されているのが新鮮に映ります。

★1st Showはアナログで出ていただけ。
★オーディエンス録音は2種存在する。今回、音の良い方のソースをメインに2nd Source, LP Source で欠落個所を補填


Disc 1 (44:43)

1. Intro ★全部 2ndソースイコラ補填
2. Breathe On Me ★0:00 – 0:03 2ndソースイコラ補填
3. Come To Realise
4. Infekshun
5. Lost And Lonely
6. Am I Grooving You
7. Bass/Drum Jam
8. Seven Days ★ 4:58 – 5:04 2ndソースイコラ補填
9. Before They Make Me Run

Disc 2 (51:39)
1. Intro
2. Prodigal Son
3. Let It Rock
4. Respectable
5. Star Star
6. Beast Of Burden
7. Just My Imagination
8. When The Whip Comes Down
9. Shattered
10. Miss You ★5:42 – 6:05 / 7:45 – 8:23 2ndソースイコラ補填
11. Jumping Jack Flash ★6:53 – 最後までLPソースイコラ補填
12. Outro.★全部LPソースイコラ補填


Ron Wood – Guitar, Harmonica, Pedal Steel, Guitar, Vocals
Keith Richards – Guitar, Piano, Vocals
Stanley Clarke – Bass
Ian McLagan – Piano, Organ, Backing Vocals
Bobby Keys – Saxophone
Joseph Modeliste – Drums


Mick Jagger – Vocals
Keith Richards – Guitar, Vocals
Charlie Watts – Drums
Ron Wood – Guitar
Bill Wyman – Bass
Ian McLagan – Piano, Organ, Backing Vocals
Bobby Keys – Saxophone

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