Neil Young & Crazy Horse / Oslo 1976 / 1CDR

Neil Young & Crazy Horse / Oslo 1976 / 1CDR / Non label

Ekeberghallen, Oslo, Norway 15th March 1976

Play sample :

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The first performance in Japan in 1976 ended with great success, and the European tour started on March 15th in Oslo. An extremely rare sound source containing the memorable first day pattern will be attached luxuriously. However, there is only an incomplete version of the audience recording on this day, where the recording stops in the middle of “Like A Hurricane”. It is unlikely that many people will hear or own this sound source because of such a situation.
Certainly, it would be a big damage that the recording stopped in the middle of “Like A ~” which was the highlight of the 1976 tour. However, there were more highlights on this day. Perhaps because it was the first live performance in an English-speaking land since the tour started in 1976, Neil did not play the previous “Tell Me Why” in the first song, but instead made it. It was a bold live opening to show off the new song “Sad Movies”. It seems that this song was really fresh, and after all it was played only five times on the European tour, and it was an unreleased song that was forgotten until it suddenly revived in 2007.
In other words, it is not only a sound source that allows you to listen to such super valuable songs, but also a very valuable sound source that captures the premiere. This audience recording is full of analog taste, monaural sound quality is a little muffled, but it also has a natural and warm texture. It is also attractive that “Old Man”, which was not taken up in Japan, was shown. And not only is it included, but the pitch is adjusted accurately to cut out the noise that occurs even though it is weak, and the finish is wonderfully fulfilling as an item. Don’t miss this!

1976年初来日公演を大成功の内に終わらせ、ヨーロッパ・ツアーは3月15日のオスロからスタートしました。その記念すべき初日の模様を収めた激レア音源が贅沢にも付いてきてしまいます。ただし、この日オーディエンス録音は「Like A Hurricane」の途中で録音が止まってしまう不完全版しか存在しません。そんな状態が災いして、この音源を聴かれたり、あるいは所有されている方は少ないことでしょう。
確かに1976年ツアーの目玉であった「Like A~」の途中で録音が止まってしまったのは大きなダメージでしょう。ところがこの日はそれ以上の目玉があったのです。76年のツアーを開始してから初めて英語が通じる土地でのライブとなったからでしょうか、この日のニールは一曲目にそれまでの「Tell Me Why」を演奏せず、代わりに出来たての新曲「Sad Movies」を披露するという大胆なライブのオープニングとなりました。本当にこの曲は出来たてだったようで、結局ヨーロッパ・ツアーで都合五回しか演奏されず、この後2007年に突如復活を遂げるまで忘れられた未発表曲となっていたのです。
つまり、そんな超貴重な曲が聴ける音源というだけでなく、その初演を捉えた音源としても非常に価値が高いものなのです。このオーディエンス録音はアナログ・テイスト全開、モノラルちょっとこもった音質ではありますがナチュラルでウォーミーな質感が味わい深いものでもあります。それに日本では取り上げられなかった「Old Man」が披露されたのも魅力的。そしてただ付属するだけではなく、ピッチを正確にアジャストして微弱ながら生じるノイズなどもカット、アイテムとしても見事に充実した仕上がり。これは是非ともお見逃しなく!

1. Introduction
2. Sad Movies
3. Old Man
4. After The Gold Rush
5. Mellow My Mind
6. Too Far Gone
7. A Man Needs A Maid
8. No One Seems To Know
9. Heart Of Gold
10. Country Home
11. Don’t Cry No Tears
12. Down By The River
13. Lotta Love
14. Like A Hurricane

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