Mott The Hoople / Orpheum Theater Boston 1973 / 1CD

Mott The Hoople / Orpheum Theater Boston 1973 / 1CD / Helden

Orpheum Theater, Boston, MA, USA October 27, 1973 Digitally Remastered

Play sample :

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Mott the Hoople’s debut dates back to 1969. Disruptive live has become a reputation, and although it has had some cult fans, it has not achieved commercial success in terms of record sales, and it will be decided once in 1972. However, David Bowie, who heard the news, offered to provide and produce music, and the band was to continue. As a result, the biggest hit song “All Young Guys” is created, and the band will aim to resurface. However, the band continued to withdraw and join the members and did not become stable.

As soon as 1973, Varden Allen withdrew, and he has no choice but to be forced to work with four. Mick Ralphs then left the band and formed a Bad Company. In the absence of a guitarist, there was no band, and after that Luther Grovner joined as a kettle, and Morgan Fischer and Mick Bolton joined in place of Allen, and the band finally became a five-member band. Morgan Fisher lives in Japan as of 2019. However, the following year Mick Bolton, Luther Grovenor, and even Ian Hunter will withdraw, and in 1974 they will finally be disbanded. After that, although the remaining members changed the band name and continued, the activity as MOTT THE HOOPLE virtually closed in 1974.

This work is a period of activity that is not so long, but Motto the Hoople, who has made a name for himself in the history of Glam Rock, is a complete high-quality live show in Boston on October 27, 1973. It is a recorded title.


1973年に入りすぐにヴァーデン・アレンが脱退、後任がすぐに決まらず4人での活動を余儀なくされる。続いてミック・ラルフスがバンドを脱退しバッド・カンパニーを結成。さすがにギタリスト不在ではバンドは成り立たず、その後釜としてルーサー・グロヴナーが加入、さらにアレンの代わりにモーガン・フィッシャーとミック・ボルトンが加入し、バンドはようやく5人編成となった。ちなみにモーガン・フィッシャーは2019年現在日本に住んでいる。しかし翌年にはミック・ボルトンとルーサー・グロヴナー、そしてイアン・ハンターまでもが脱退するに至り、1974年には遂に解散に追い込まれてしまう。その後も残ったメンバーがバンド名を変えて継続していたものの、MOTT THE HOOPLEとしての活動は事実上1974年で幕を閉じる。


Orpheum Theater Boston MA U.S.A. October 27, 1973
01. Jupiter
02. Driving Sister
03. Sucker
04. Sweet Jane
05. Hymn For The Dudes
06. All The Way From Memphis
07. Sweet Angeline
08. Rose
09. All The Young Dudes
10. Jerkin’ Crocus
11. One Of The Boys
12. Rock And Roll Queen
13. Get Back – Whole Lotta Shaking Going On – Violence
14. Rock And Roll Queen
15. Walking With A Mountain
16. Closing Announcement – Jupiter

Helden. DEN-121

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