Motley Crue / Monsters Of Rock Nuremberg 1984 / 1CD

Motley Crue / Monsters Of Rock Nuremberg 1984 / 1CD / Zodiac
Stadion am Dutzendteich, Nuremberg, Germany 2nd September 1984

Play sample :

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Currently, the early MOTLEY CRUE version has appeared in the new excavation master series that is shaking heavy metal collectors around the world. A press CD that permanently preserves the 1984 enthusiasm is born!
What is engraved in this work is “September 2, 1984 Nuremberg performance”. It is a superb audience recording recorded in the first act of “MONSTERS OF ROCK Tour” which evolved from the biggest rock festival in the UK to a festival tour. Speaking of “MOR’s Motley”, “MONSTERS OF ROCK 1984: DONINGTON & KARLSRUHE (Shades 1290)” released the other day is in the middle of being very popular, but this work is not a separate recording … Live album of another performance. First, let’s look back at the outline of “MONSTERS OF ROCK Tour” to understand the situation.

・ August 18: Donington ← * Shades 1290 DISC 1
・ August 25: Stockholm (3 groups only)
・ August 31: Winterthur (3 groups only)
・ September 1: Karlsrue ← * Shades 1290 DISC 2
・ September 2: Nuremberg ← ★ This work ★
・ September 5: Rome (only 2 groups)
・ September 7: Turin (2 pairs only)

This is the European Tour of all 7 performances. However, a little supplement is needed. Actually, there was a difference in the number of bands that appeared depending on the performance location. Specifically, Donnington (UK) and Karlsruhe / Nuremberg (West Germany) had 7 full scales, while Stockholm (Sweden) / Winterthur (Switzerland) had 3 AC / DC / VAN HALEN / MOTLEY CRUE. only. There were only two sets of AC / DC & MOTLEY CRUE in Rome / Turin (Italy). Furthermore, it seems that the name “MONSTERS OF ROCK” was not used in the Turin performance, even though the two Italian performances have the same lineup.
Quiet talk break. You can see that the Nuremberg performance of this work is different from the popular “Shades 1290”. However, although the two works are completely different, they are not unrelated. In fact, both are treasured collections of the famous recording artist “G. Mann”, which is now a hot topic all over the world. Moreover, as you can imagine from the fact that it has been made into a press, this work is the best masterpiece.
In fact, the sound of this work is superb. I understand that there is no response only in the outdoor venue, but it is super tight / fierce on / super direct so that it can not be explained by itself! Probably, the microphone was pointed straight toward the PA tower set up in the venue. While there is a vivid sense of the scene, the sound that is exhaled is picked up exactly as it is. NIGHT RANGER’s “Touch Of Madness” is played as the final BGM, but even that is so high-quality that it makes me laugh.
Of course, the greatness of this work is so different that even “DONINGTON & KARLSRUHE (Shades 1290)” is out of the question. I’m sorry for the complete guess, but I think I got the hang of it for each performance. Even in “Shades 1290”, the Karlsruhe recording is more direct than the Donington recording, and it is in full bloom in this work. This is a three-stage recording where the recording becomes more skillful with “hop, step, jump”. Speaking of “SHOUT AT THE DEVIL Tour”, there is a definitive sound board like “SAN ANTONIO 1983 (Zodiac 405)”, but it is still a sound that can not be helped by permanent storage press.
Moreover, it wasn’t just the sound that was made into a press. The fierce live itself is unrivaled. Only in the first place of MONSTERS OF ROCK where 7 groups appear, the time is as short as 40 minutes, but masterpieces and youthful energy are concentrated there. The set is the same as “Shades 1290”, but this work is the best decision board for beginners, so let’s repost it.

● Brilliant passion (2 songs)
・ Piece Of Your Action / Live Wire
● Shout at the Devil (7 songs + α)
・ Side A: Bastard / Shout At The Devil / Looks That Kill / Helter Skelter
・ Side B: Knock’Em Dead Kid / Ten Seconds To Love (★) / Red Hot (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard at the “US Festival”.

And this work is amazing because both the side that hits this concentrated set and the side that is hit are tremendous tension. In this work, the bold and thick performance plays a major role, but the enthusiasm of the metal people who gather at the scene is also super real. It’s more of a mood than a big chorus of famous songs, but it’s a knockout in a blink of an eye. We welcome the new generation of heroes with all their hands, and the feeling of openness that makes us think of the blue sky that breathes in the joy is amazing. You can see that history begins to swell and move. The reality and history spectacle of the late m is a proprietary patent only for audience recording that you can not taste the best sound board. It is also a super document album that you can enjoy it with transcendent quality.
“SHOUT AT THE DEVIL Tour” which made the world aware of the new generation of LA metal and declared the counterattack of heavy metal produced in the United States. One piece that you can experience the MONSTERS OF ROCK which can be said to be the highlight. Enjoy the scene where history has moved, anytime, forever with the permanent preservation press CD!

★ Superb audience recording of “September 2, 1984 Nuremberg performance”. I understand that there is no response only in the outdoor venue, but it is super tight / fierce on / super direct that can not be explained by itself! While there was a vivid sense of the scene, the sound that was exhaled was picked up exactly as it was. With about 43 minutes of time, early songs such as “Bastard”, “Knock’Em Dead Kid” and “Piece Of Your Action” and youthful energy are concentrated and open to the public. It is one that you can experience the MONSTERS OF ROCK, which is the highlight of SHOUT AT THE DEVIL Tour.

現在、世界中の重金属コレクターを震撼させている新発掘マスター・シリーズに初期MOTLEY CRUE篇が登場。1984年の熱演を永久保存するプレスCDが誕生です!
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1984年9月2日ニュルンベルク公演」。英国最大のロック祭からフェスツアーへと進化した“MONSTERS OF ROCK Tour”の一幕で記録された超極上オーディエンス録音です。「MORのモトリー」と言ったら先日リリースされた『MONSTERS OF ROCK 1984: DONINGTON & KARLSRUHE(Shades 1290)』が大好評を賜っている真っ最中ですが、本作は別録音……どころではなく、完全に別公演のライヴアルバム。まずは、その状況を理解するためにも“MONSTERS OF ROCK Tour”の概要から振り返ってみましょう。

・8月18日:ドニントン ←※Shades 1290のDISC 1
・9月1日:カールスルーエ ←※Shades 1290のDISC 2
・9月2日:ニュルンベルク ←★本作★

以上、全7公演の欧州ツアーでした。ただし、ちょっと補足が必要。実は公演地によって出演バンド数に違いがありました。具体的に申しますとドニントン(英国)とカールスルーエ/ニュルンベルク(西独)は7組のフルスケールでしたが、ストックホルム(スウェーデン)/ヴィンタートゥール(スイス)はAC/DC/VAN HALEN/MOTLEY CRUEの3組のみ。ローマ/トリノ(伊)に至ってはAC/DC&MOTLEY CRUEの2組だけでした。更に申しますと、イタリア2公演は同じラインナップにも関わらず、トリノ公演では「MONSTERS OF ROCK」の名称が使われなかったようです。
閑話休題。本作のニュルンベルク公演が大好評の『Shades 1290』とは別公演なのがご理解いただけるでしょう。ただし、両作は完全に別物ながら無関係でもない。実のところ、どちらも今世界中で話題になっている名録音家「G.Mann」の秘蔵コレクションなのです。しかも、プレス化が実現している事からもご想像頂ける通り、本作こそがズバ抜けた最高傑作なのです。
実際、本作のサウンドは超極上。野外会場だけに反響ゼロなのは分かりますが、それだけでは説明が付かないほど超タイト/猛烈オン/スーパー・ダイレクト! 恐らくは会場内に設営されたPA塔に向かって真っ直ぐマイクを向けたのでしょう。生々しい現場感も漂いつつ、吐き出される出音をそっくりそのまま綺麗に拾っている。終演BGMとしてNIGHT RANGERの「Touch Of Madness」がかかるのですが、それさえも笑っちゃうほど超高音質だったりするのです。
もちろん、本作の凄味は『DONINGTON & KARLSRUHE(Shades 1290)』さえ問題外なほどにケタ違い。これまた完全な推測で申し訳ないのですが、恐らく1公演ごとにコツを掴んでいったのだと思います。『Shades 1290』にしてもドニントン録音よりカールスルーエ録音の方がダイレクトになっており、本作で一気に華開いている。まさに「ホップ・ステップ・ジャンプ」で録音が巧くなって行く3段録音。“SHOUT AT THE DEVIL Tour”と言えば、『SAN ANTONIO 1983(Zodiac 405)』のような決定盤サウンドボードも存在するわけですが、それでもなお永久保存プレス化せずにはいられないサウンドなのです。
さらに、プレス化を果たしたのはサウンドだけではない。その苛烈なライヴ自体が強烈無比なのです。7組が出演するMONSTERS OF ROCKの一番手だけに、持ち時間は40分余りと短いのですが、そこに名曲と若々しいエネルギーが濃縮されている。セットは『Shades 1290』と同一ではありますが、本作は入門にも最適な決定盤ですので再掲しておきましょう。

・Piece Of Your Action/Live Wire
・A面:Bastard/Shout At The Devil/Looks That Kill/Helter Skelter
・B面:Knock ‘Em Dead Kid/Ten Seconds To Love(★)/Red Hot(★)

全世界に新世代のLAメタルを知らしめ、米国産ヘヴィメタルの逆襲を宣言した“SHOUT AT THE DEVIL Tour”。そのハイライトとも言えるMONSTERS OF ROCKを超極上体験できる1枚。歴史が動いた現場、どうぞ永久保存プレスCDでいつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください!

★「1984年9月2日ニュルンベルク公演」の超極上オーディエンス録音。野外会場だけに反響ゼロなのは分かりますが、それだけでは説明が付かないほど超タイト/猛烈オン/スーパー・ダイレクト! 生々しい現場感も漂いつつ、吐き出される出音をそっくりそのまま綺麗に拾っている。約43分の持ち時間に「Bastard」「Knock ‘Em Dead Kid」「Piece Of Your Action」といった初期曲と若々しいエネルギーが濃縮されて大開放。SHOUT AT THE DEVIL TourでもハイライトとなるMONSTERS OF ROCKを超極上体験できる1枚です。

1. In The Beginning
2. Bastard
3. Knock ‘Em Dead Kid
4. Shout At The Devil
5. Ten Seconds To Love
6. Piece Of Your Action
7. Red Hot
8. Looks That Kill
9. Live Wire
10. Helter Skelter



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