Michael Schenker / Temple Of Rock Bridge The Gap Japan Tour Tokyo 2 Nights / 4CDR

Michael Schenker / Temple Of Rock Bridge The Gap Japan Tour Tokyo 2 Nights / 4CDR / Non label
Translated Text:
Live at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan 12th & 13th March 2014


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Michael Schenker is from March 2014 of Japan tour that played a visit to Japan for the first time in two years, became the climax Tokyo 2Days is, Michael Mania indispensable 4 Disc release decision! The stage in Tokyo Nakano Sun Plaza of March 12 and the 13th in this work, and complete recording from any excellent audience recording (of course full first appearance of the original master!). Tokyo performances as the best memorial to people who have experienced, as glad simulated experience tool to people who did not watch, it is one that can not be missed!

Michael is after the announcement “TEMPLE OF ROCK” of 2011, mainly lineup teamed in Europe tour, went tinged with personality as gradually band by the height of the playing force and its sense of stability. Such as the original RITCHIE BLACKMORE’S RAINBOW to vocals, and home to Doogie White, known for many activities, organization, which celebrated its Herman Rareberu and Francis Buhhorutsu of the original SCORPIONS to the rhythm section, the new project in 2013 “MICHEAL SCHENKER’S TEMPLE OF ROCK “next, live activities interspersed with new song has also been actively carried out.
The band that activity has become clear that, it was announced last fall of the album “BRIDGE THE GAP”. In addition to Michael’s guitar with a sharpness and WASH resistance, singing and Herman, Francis of rhythm of Do~ugi a conventional Michael works with different melodic sense and demonstrate the moistness. I was pleased a lot of fans who love the melodious rock.
Michael began tour from January 2014 the year has opened. Although America tour until February mid-rhythm was the Rev Jones and Pete Holmes, a Japan tour from March 6 participated Herman and Francis, and I was engaged in a great performance as the original band .
Than Tokyo performances that have been made to the tour late in this work, the Nakano Sun Plaza performances of March 12 and 13, both complete recording than excellent original audience master! Playing, of course, until the hot air full of venue document, I will then enjoy the live excitement to Real!

And recorded live of disk 1 and March 12, which was the first day in Tokyo 2. According to the taper, that of the recording from the sound source is “first floor 18 column”. From the band playing to the air feel of the venue, I have whole package with exceptional clarity and unsurpassed realism.
While applause rises springing into the venue, kick off opening is suddenly of listening stations in the new song of Installation “Neptune Rising”. In Michael’s guitar is very direct, is many wonderful play that sounds to clear. Do~ugi that appeared from “Where The Wild Wind Blows” shows off a strong vocal than “Voices Of Rainbow” a year ago. He audience to actively sing, we will involve skillfully hall. “Lovedrive” and of SCORPIONS number of audience and the stage is liven up live together, “Assault Attack”, “Armed And Ready” of MSG, “Only You Can Rock Me” of the UFO, the taste of excellent audience recording you will enjoy plenty.
Excitement of hall reaches a peak, “Into The Arena” In response handed, no it says fun of UFO number to be barrage in the second half! Do~ugi of vocal and Michael guitar spread to fill space “Rock Bottom”, chorus and applause of the venue is like argue with the performance of the band “Doctor Doctor”, you will need to enjoy the personality of this recording in the best of form (the show until the venue announcement after we complete recording)!

In the disk 3, 4, the pattern of March 13, which was the visit to Japan last day, and full inclusion in the recording of different taper from the previous day. Here in the recording of from 1 Kaisai front row, sound image that you focus to play disk 1 and 2 or more is characterized. Listened anyone would be surprised “This if would press CD”, I will to enjoy the best of the live sound. From “Neptune Rising” and “Where The Wild Wind Blows” of opening, is clearly floats sound image to Francis of the base enough to seem “Do matrix of the monitor sound source?”. When it comes to Michael’s guitar, real as unfolding in front of literally eyes. Dynamic “Lovedride” and “Assault Attack” is, what is listening hand also will have been knocked out!
Previous work “TEMPLE OF ROCK” in Do~ugi sang the “Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead”, “Horizons” being played from last year plant handed middle live. In addition new song that has not been played in the United States tour just before “Lord Of The Lost And Lonely” has become a major point in this concert in Japan. SCORPIONS number of similarly returned to the set in the return of Herman and Francis as “Blackout,” “Rock You Like A Hurricane” is also not miss listening. “Holiday”, as featured in the encore, very impressive from the solo of Do~ugi prior to the song story. If you are in perfect harmony servants delicate singing loincloth of acoustic guitar and Do~ugi, and color to live of climax to impressive. This recording until “Doctor Doctor” of the last, in the realism of the sound board class, will entertain the best performance!

Until around 2006 is a live Michael Schenker was dogged is unstable impression, but since 2008 is very stable, it has become to enjoy his excellent play and music. Among them, this visit to Japan is to be “enjoyed a particularly high-quality performance in recent years of the Japan Tour”, there is a thing evaluation of fan is also high. Soredakeni to will the person who can experience the live hope to be “repeat want to enjoy”, people who did not watch will think “I want to hear just sound!”. This work is the Tokyo 2Day incandescent, as possible draw in the volume and press CD-class quality of a total of about 4 hours! A fully qualified 4 Disc to meet the expectations of Michael mania, please do not miss this opportunity to get!

マイケル・シェンカーが2年ぶりの来日を果たした2014年3月のジャパンツアーより、クライマックスとなった東京2Daysが、マイケル・マニア必携の4枚組でリリース決定! 本作では3月12日と13日の東京・中野サンプラザにおけるステージを、いずれも優れたオーディエンス録音(もちろん完全初登場のオリジナル・マスター!)より完全収録。東京公演を体験した人には最高の記念として、観られなかった人には嬉しい疑似体験ツールとして、絶対に見逃せない一本です!
マイケルが2011年の「TEMPLE OF ROCK」発表後、主にヨーロッパツアーで組んだラインナップは、その安定感と演奏力の高さによって次第にバンドとしての性格を帯びていきました。ヴォーカルに元RITCHIE BLACKMORE’S RAINBOWなど、多くの活動で知られるドゥギー・ホワイトを擁し、リズムセクションへ元SCORPIONSのハーマン・ラレベルとフランシス・ブッホルツを迎えた編成は、2013年には新プロジェクト”MICHEAL SCHENKER’S TEMPLE OF ROCK”となり、新曲を交えたライヴ活動も積極的に行われました。
そのバンド活動が明確になったのが、昨年秋のアルバム「BRIDGE THE GAP」の発表でした。切れ味と煽情性を備えたマイケルのギターに加え、ドゥギーの歌唱やハーマン,フランシスのリズムは、従来のマイケル作品とも違ったメロディ・センスと湿り気を発揮。メロディアスなロックを愛する多くのファンを喜ばせました。
本作ではそのツアー終盤に行われた東京公演より、3月12日と13日の中野サンプラザ公演を、いずれも優秀なオリジナル・オーディエンス・マスターより完全収録! 演奏はもちろん、熱気溢れる会場のドキュメントまで、ライヴの興奮をリアルに満喫させます!

会場中に拍手が湧き上る中、新曲のインスト「Neptune Rising」で幕を開けるオープニングはいきなりの聴き所。マイケルのギターが非常にダイレクトで、クリアに響くプレイの数々は素晴らしいです。「Where The Wild Wind Blows」から登場するドゥギーは、1年前の”Voices Of Rainbow”以上に好調なヴォーカルを披露。彼は観客もさかんに歌わせ、場内を巧みに巻き込んでいきます。観客とステージが一体となってライヴを盛り上げるSCORPIONSナンバーの「Lovedrive」や、M.S.G.の「Assault Attack」・「Armed And Ready」、UFOの「Only You Can Rock Me」は、優れたオーディエンス録音の旨みをたっぷり味わえるでしょう。
場内の興奮がピークに達する「Into The Arena」の聴き応え、後半に連発されるUFOナンバーの楽しさは言う事なし! ドゥギーのヴォーカルやマイケルのギターが空間いっぱいに広がる「Rock Bottom」、会場の合唱と拍手がバンドの演奏と渡り合うような「Doctor Doctor」は、本録音の個性を最良の形で満喫させます(終演後の場内アナウンスまで完全収録しています)!

ディスク3・4では、来日最終日となった3月13日の模様を、前日とは異なるテーパーの録音で完全収録。こちらは1階最前列からの録音で、ディスク1・2以上に演奏へフォーカスした音像が特徴です。聴いた誰もが「これならプレスCDだろう」と驚くであろう、極上のライヴ・サウンドを満喫させます。オープニングの「Neptune Rising」や「Where The Wild Wind Blows」から、フランシスのベースまでくっきり浮かぶ音像は「モニター音源のマトリクスなのか?」と思えるほど。マイケルのギターに至っては、文字通り目の前で繰り広げられるようにリアル。ダイナミックな「Lovedride」や「Assault Attack」は、どんな聴き手もノックアウトされてしまうでしょう!
前作「TEMPLE OF ROCK」でドゥギーが歌った「Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead」と、昨年から演奏されている「Horizons」はライヴ中盤の聴き所。さらに直前のアメリカツアーでは演奏されなかった新曲「Lord Of The Lost And Lonely」は、この来日公演における大きなポイントになっています。同様にハーマンとフランシスの復帰でセットに戻った「Blackout」と「Rock You Like A Hurricane」のSCORPIONSナンバーも聴き逃せません。アンコールで取り上げられる「Holiday」は、曲本編に先立つドゥギーの独唱から非常に印象的。アコースティック・ギターとドゥギーの繊細な歌いまわしも見事に調和していて、ライヴのクライマックスを感動的に彩ります。本録音はラストの「Doctor Doctor」まで、サウンドボード級のリアルさで、最高の演奏を楽しませます!

2006年頃までは不安定な印象が付きまとったマイケル・シェンカーのライヴですが、2008年以降は非常に安定し、彼の優れたプレイと楽曲を楽しめるようになっています。中でも今回の来日は「近年のジャパンツアーでも特にクオリティの高い演奏を楽しめた」と、ファンの評価も高いものがあります。それだけにライヴを体験できた人は「繰り返し楽しみたい」と願うでしょうし、観られなかった人は「音源だけでも聴きたい!」と思うでしょう。本作は白熱の東京2Dayを、合計約4時間のボリュームとプレスCD級のクオリティで描き切る! マイケル・マニアの期待に応える完全限定4枚組を、この機会にお見逃し無くゲットしてください!

Live at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan 12th March 2014

Disc 1(58:20)
1. Neptune Rising 2. Where The Wild Wind Blows 3. Lovedrive 4. Another Piece Of Meat
5. Assault Attack 6. Armed And Ready 7. Into The Arena 8. Attack Of The Mad Axeman
9. Rock My Nights Away 10. Coast To Coast 11. Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead
12. Horizons 13. Lord Of The Lost And Lonely 14. Only You Can Rock Me

Disc 2(57:11)
1. Band Introductions 2. Shoot Shoot 3. Let It Roll 4, Lights Out 5. Too Hot To Handle
6. Blackout 7. Rock You Like A Hurricane 8. Rock Bottom 9. Holiday 10. Doctor Doctor

Live at Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo, Japan 13th March 2014

Disc 3(58:39)
1. Neptune Rising 2. Where The Wild Wind Blows 3. Lovedrive 4. Another Piece Of Meat
5. Assault Attack 6. Armed And Ready 7. Into The Arena 8. Attack Of The Mad Axeman
9. Rock My Nights Away 10. Coast To Coast 11. Before The Devil Knows You’re Dead
12. Horizons 13. Lord Of The Lost And Lonely 14. Only You Can Rock Me

Disc 4(56:18)
1. Band Introductions 2. Shoot Shoot 3. Let It Roll 4, Lights Out 5. Too Hot To Handle
6. Blackout 7. Rock You Like A Hurricane 8. Rock Bottom 9. Holiday 10. Doctor Doctor

Michael Schenker – Guitar Doogie White – Vocal Wayne Findlay – Guitar, Keyboards
Francis Buchholz – Bass, Vocals Herman Rarebell – Drums


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