Michael Schenker Group / MSG Tape One Studios Cassette Tape 2nd Press / 1CD

Michael Schenker Group / MSG Tape One Studios Cassette Tape 2nd Press / 1CD/ Zodiac
Translated Text:
Taken from the original “Tape One Studios” cassette tape belonged to Cozy Powell .

Play sample :

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The guitar god Michael Schenker, drum hero: The masterpiece produced by Cozy Powell’s encounter “myth”. Its popular rough mix album is re-arrived in second press.
This work was born from that “Cozy tape” one. It was a series that produced countless historical masterpieces, but the most popular one is the famous Rough Mix album. In addition to highlighting the production process, it was a masterpiece group that gives a glimpse of “another true face” of famous boards familiar with listening with a superb sound. This work is a “myth” version of such a rough mix. It was sold out immediately because of popularity and it was out of print, but this time it was reappeared with the second press.

What became the basis of this work was London ‘s “Tape On Stu Dios” cassette tape (owned simply by “MICHAEL SCHENKER” in the label) that Koji had. Even if it says “Rough Mix” to a single person, it varies from the big rough in the early stages of recording to what it listens and the difference with the finished version varies, but in the case of this work he says “two steps before the completed version” Place It seems that all the recording parts are complete, but it is a “temporary mix board” that has a different balance from the product version. Of course, unlike the product version that has been polished and treated, there is no hiss from cassette tape and slight deterioration. As there is a real official album, although it can not be called lightly as “official class”, it is a high quality sound of more than enough as a rough mix album.
Well, the main point of such work is the mix itself. The contents of the recording are the same song order, almost the same arrangement as the finished version, 8 songs contained in “myth”. For other albums, it is more interesting to have a different exact for each take, but in the case of “myth” this story is the most interesting because the story is different. Although it is a nostalgic thing to those who knew back then, “myths” were unpopular for producing. Anyway, there is a difficulty in making the sound of the producer Ron Nevason, and it is said that the organized sounds conscious of the on air on the radio are said to be “small grain” “flat plate”. This is not limited to critics and listeners, even the true cozy said “I would like to start the mix again.” Before the final version of this work, the members themselves were listening at the studio, the mix itself aimed. That raw sound is right opposite to the product version, and it is packed with “MSG of rolling out” just like a studio live.
The difference in the sound is obvious from the beginning of the play. Although the high-frequency range was emphasized and the product version was bright, it was slightly light texture, but in this work, the natural and heavy deep powerful sound spread at a stretch from the beginning part of the first song “Ready To Rock”. Koji’s drum is dynamic and roaring to the loud, Schenker’s sweet sharp guitar cuts. Even in ‘Attack Of The Mad Axeman’, the thick midrange sucks plenty of dripping humidity (especially the midfield and guitar solos are the best). Because of this wet sound, Gary Burden’s singing voice will also increase taste.
“On And On”, “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie”, “Never Trust A Stranger” and more are more prominent. A voice and rhythm count of “One, two, one, two, three …” by Koji are entered. Even though it’s just a live sound / mix, if you hear Kojima’s live voice there, it is really struck by the studio and you will be attacked by the sense that you are witnessing a one-shot studio live. This sense is the real pleasure of “Koji Tapes” which is different from many demo albums. And, the supreme masterpiece “Looking For Love”. Guided by Koji’s count, the whole band rush with top gear at a stroke! Because it is rough, the dynamism is hasted, and the shadowed song development is drawn more vividly. The meaning that Kozy said “I want to redo the mix” becomes the music itself and it is poured into the ear.
In addition to this, bonus tracks are also included from another “Koji Tape”. It was recorded on “Maxell UD XL1 C60” cassette tape labeled “MSG The 81 Selection” on the label, three songs “Attack Of The Mad Axeman”, “On And On” and “But I Want More” It is a demonstration sound source (“On And On” only, fragmentary about 40 seconds take). Both are take different from the main rough mix, and this is the stage of “song building” which is even before. Arrangement is also incomplete, vocals are temporary lyrics if take is also temporary. To that extent, the difference from the finished version is also great, you can enjoy another version that does not have to be conscious of “Where is different”.

A masterpiece born out of the fact that Michael Schenker and Koji Powell met, “myth”. In Schenker history, one of the most dynamic and dramatic music revives brighter than the finished version. This is the “true appearance” of the master board which the members were aiming for. And a studio album that two geniuses can be present at the scene where they will sharpen. Please take this opportunity to try this valuable masterpiece.


本作の元になったのは、コージーが所有していたロンドンの“TAPE ONE STUDIOS”カセットテープ(ラベルに「MICHAEL SCHENKER」とシンプルにタイプされたもの)。ひと口に「Rough Mix」と言っても、レコーディング初期の大ラフから、一聴して完成版との違いが分かりづらいものまで様々ですが、本作の場合は「完成版の2歩手前」といったところ。録音パーツはひと通り揃っているようですが、製品版とはバランスの異なる「仮ミックス盤」なのです。もちろん、磨き抜かれ、トリートメントされた製品版とは違ってカセットテープ由来のヒスやわずかな劣化もなくはない。現実の公式アルバムがあるだけに、軽々に「オフィシャル級」とは呼べないものの、ラフミックス・アルバムとしては十分以上のハイクオリティ・サウンドです。
そのサウンドの違いは、再生開始から明らか。製品版は高音域が強調され、明るくもやや軽い質感だったわけですが、本作は1曲目「Ready To Rock」の冒頭部分からナチュラルかつ重厚なド迫力サウンドが一気に広がる。コージーのドラムがダイナミックかつラウドに轟き、シェンカーの甘く鋭いギターが切り込む。「Attack Of The Mad Axeman」でも、極太の中音域が、滴るような湿り気をたっぷり吸い込んでいます(特に中盤とギターソロ部分は最高です)。このウェットなサウンドだからこそ、ゲイリー・バーデンの歌声も一層旨みが増すというものです。
さらに生々しさが際立つのが「On And On」や「Let Sleeping Dogs Lie」「Never Trust A Stranger」等々。コージーによる「One, two, one, two, three…」の声やリズム・カウントが入る。ただでさえ生々しいサウンド/ミックスなのに、そこにコージーの生声まで聞こえると、本当にスタジオに同席して一発勝負のスタジオ・ライヴを目の当たりにしているような感覚に襲われる。この感覚こそ、幾多のデモアルバムとも違う“コージー・テープス”の醍醐味なのです。そして、至高の名曲「Looking For Love」。コージーのカウントに導かれ、バンド全体が一気にトップギアで突進! ラフだからこそダイナミズムがハネ上がり、陰影を帯びた曲展開が一層鮮やかに描かれる。コージーが「ミックスをやり直したい」と言った意味が、音楽そのものになって耳に流し込まれるのです。
本作にはさらに、もう1本別の“コージー・テープ”からボーナストラックも収録されています。ラベルに「MSG The 81 Selection」と書かれた“Maxell UD XL1 C60”カセットテープに録音されていたもので、3曲分「Attack Of The Mad Axeman」「On And On」「But I Want More」のデモ音源です(「On And On」のみ、断片的な約40秒のテイク)。いずれもメインのラフミックスとは別テイクで、こちらはさらに前にあたる“曲構築”の段階。アレンジも未完成ですし、テイクも仮ならヴォーカルも仮歌詞です。その分、完成版との違いも大きく「どこが違うか」を意識するまでもない別バージョンが楽しめます。


1. Ready To Rock 2. Attack Of The Mad Axeman 3. On And On 4. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
5. But I Want More 6. Never Trust A Stranger 7. Looking For Love 8. Secondary Motion

Original Demos 1981
Taken from the original Maxell UD XL1 C60 “MSG/The 81 Selection” belonged to Cozy Powell

9. Attack Of The Mad Axeman 10. On And On 11. But I Want More


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