Michael Jackson/ Nishinomiya 1987 Final Night/ 2CD

Michael Jackson/ Nishinomiya 1987 Final Night / 2CD / Zion

Live At Hankyu Nishinomiya Stadium, Nishinomiya , Japan 21st September 1987

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Showa, where there was no internet, and it was natural for the fashion to come in late. Speaking of Michael Jackson’s worldwide break, it was “THRILLER”, but in Japan it is “BAD”. The performance in Japan with the album and Michael’s stay in Japan lasted for more than a month, a social phenomenon that goes far beyond the framework of a mere artist’s visit to Japan, and the visit of Western music artists has received such a great response. It’s hard to imagine what caused it. In Japan in the 1980s, VIP visits from overseas, not just artists, became a major event.
The 1987 visit to Japan, known as the “Michael Typhoon,” left such a strong impression not only because it was the first visit to Japan after the length of stay and the worldwide break, but above all. It is big that the day performance was broadcast. As was the case with the Beatles in 1966, performances in Japan that have become a social phenomenon will be handed down to future generations only if records are left. As for Michael, the video of Yokohama Stadium on September 27 played a big role and reigned as a symbol of the “BAD” period rather than the performance in Japan. The DVD-R “JAPAN TOUR 1987 YOKOHAMA STADIUM” has been the best-selling DVD-R since it was released with the best quality recording of this classic video.
Regarding the sound source, the masterpiece CD-R set “GREATEST MOMENTS IN THE EAST” has been released, which shows the FM broadcast on the 26th and the valuable audience recording of Korakuen Stadium on the 13th. In particular, this set received high praise for discovering materials for performances in Japan other than the standard video on the 27th.

● “BAD Japan Tour”

・ September 11-14: Korakuen Stadium
* Dress rehearsal on the 11th, GREATEST MOMENTS IN THE EAST on the 13th
・ September 19-21: Hankyu Nishinomiya Stadium ← ★ Coco ★
・ September 25-27, October 3 & 4: Yokohama Stadium
・ October 10-12: Osaka Stadium

And what was newly excavated this time is an audience recording that captures the pattern of September 21 from the performance at Nishinomiya Stadium between Korakuen and Yokohama Stadium! In the performance in Japan in 1987, where the materials were limited only to the Kanto performance, a sound source that captured the pattern of the Kansai performance was finally discovered. It can be said that Japan is a historical excavation that delights enthusiasts all over the world.

In addition, the sound quality is excellent. The sound image is very on even if it does not reach the range described as “sound board”. Still, the spacious and realistic feeling of an outdoor stadium concert is really real and clear. Besides, the freshness is also outstanding. It is good that the fever around this time is also captured at a level that is not sarcastic. After all, you don’t want to hear an audience recording with a quiet surroundings during a lively performance in Japan, right? Lol In the scene of “She’s Out of My Life”, which is familiar from “She’s Out of My Life”, the reaction of the fans (especially women) is smiling. Perhaps there were quite a few Western music lovers around, and after “Beat It” it seems that it was pointing to the looks of Jennifer Batten who played solo, but the mutter “like Anne Lennox” is too much. in his 80’s.

The sound quality is so clear that you can even hear Michael’s breathing, such as the intro of “Workin’Day and Night” starting with his favorite scat, and even the lustful feel of Michael’s powerful singing voice is transmitted throughout the whole story. It is a level that is overwhelming only by audio without accompanied by a magnificent stage production like the image of Yokohama. I can’t help but realize that he was at the height of his life and that he came to Japan at the best time.

Currently Japan is under the threat of coronavirus, but in 1987 Japan another kind of incident occurred frequently, and the scene where Michael mourned the victim in Angkor was mentioned earlier. It was impressively captured in the live video, but it was from Nishinomiya Stadium that he began to convey that message. Even in this scene, he vividly captures Michael talking to the quiet venue. In “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You,” which begins with such a quiet atmosphere, it is now valuable that young Sheryl Crow sings enthusiastically.
However, in the finale “Bad”, when Michael was about to shout “Tokyo” after “Dormore Rigato”, he hurriedly stopped with “To …”. Michael, who inadvertently left “Tokyo” on the first day of Nishinomiya Stadium, also avoided it on this day. On the contrary, after that, he calls only “Arigato” and does not give a place name (laughter). It was a common mistake in Western music concerts at that time, but it is interesting that even Michael in the world is about to make a mistake. This is a shocking excavation recording that I want to push not only enthusiasts but all music fans in terms of both sound quality and content. It’s a Showa document that goes beyond just an audience album!


「マイケル台風」と称された87年の来日があれほどまで強い印象を残したのは、その滞在期間や世界的なブレイクを果たしてから最初の来日だったということだけでなく、何より来日公演が放送されたということが大きい。1966年のビートルズがそうだったように、社会現象となったほどの来日公演は記録が残されてこそ後世に語り継がれるというもの。マイケルに関して言うと9月27日の横浜スタジアムの映像が大きな役割を果たし、日本公演どころか「BAD」期の象徴として君臨している。このド定番映像をベストクオリティで収録し、リリースされてから大ベストセラーとなっているのがDVD-R「JAPAN TOUR 1987 YOKOHAMA STADIUM」。
音源に関しても26日のFM放送、さらには13日の後楽園球場の貴重なオーディエンス録音を発掘してみせた名作CD-Rセット「GREATEST MOMENTS IN THE EAST」がリリースされています。特にこのセットはド定番である27日の映像以外の来日公演マテリアルをまとめて発掘してみせた点で高い評価を受けました。

●”BAD Japan Tour”



おまけに音質が素晴らしい。「まるでサウンドボード」と形容される域には及ばなくとも音像が非常にオン。それでいて野外のスタジアム・コンサートらしい広がりのある臨場感が実にリアルでクリアー。それに鮮度も抜群。この時の周囲のフィーバーぶりも嫌味のないレベルで捉えてくれるのがイイ。何しろ盛り上がった来日公演で周囲が静かなオーディエンス録音なんて聞きたくないですよね?笑「She’s Out of My Life」でおなじみ「幸運なファンとマイケルの絡み」の場面では一喜一憂するファンの反応(特に女性)が微笑ましい。周囲にはかなりの洋楽好きもいたのでしょう、「Beat It」の後ではソロを弾いたジェニファー・バトゥンのルックスを指してのことだと思われますが「アン・レノックスみたい」という呟きがあまりにも80年代。

実にクリアーな音質ですので、お得意のスキャットから始まる「Workin’ Day and Night」のイントロなどマイケルの息遣いすら聞こえますし、全編を通してマイケルの力強い歌声の肉欲的な感触すら伝わってくる。それは横浜の映像のように壮大な舞台演出を伴わなくとも音声だけで圧倒されるレベル。正に彼の絶頂期であり、最高の時期に来日してくれたものだと痛感させられずにはいられません。

現在の日本はコロナウイルスの脅威にさらされている訳ですが、1987年の日本ではまた別種の事件が頻発しており、アンコールでマイケルが被害者に対して追悼の意を述べる場面は先のライブ映像でも印象的に捉えられていましたが、彼がそのメッセージを伝えるようになったのは正に西宮球場から。この場面に関しても静まり返った会場にマイケルが語り掛ける様子を生々しく捉えてくれている。そんな静粛な雰囲気から始まる「I Just Can’t Stop Loving You」では若きシェリル・クロウが熱唱というのが今となっては貴重。


Disc 1 (41;10)
1. Intro
2. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’
3. Things I Do for You
4. Off the Wall
5. Human Nature
6. This Place Hotel
7. She’s Out of My Life
8. I Want You Back / The Love You Save / I’ll Be There
9. Rock With You

Disc 2 (65:05)
1. Lovely One
2. Bad Groove
3. Workin’ Day and Night
4. Beat It
5. Billie Jean
6. Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
7. Thriller
8. MC
9. I Just Can’t Stop Loving You
10. Bad

Michael Jackson – lead vocals
Greg Phillinganes – keyboards
Rory Kaplan – keyboards
Christopher Currell – Synclavier, guitar
Ricky Lawson – Drums, percussion
Jennifer Batten – guitar
Jon Clark – guitar
Don Boyette – bass
Kevin Dorsey – Background vocals
Darryl Phinnessee – Background vocals
Dorian Holley – Background vocals
Sheryl Crow – Background vocals
