Metallica/ Megadeth / Woodstock 99 Digital Master Edition / 2DVD

Metallica/ Megadeth / Woodstock 99 Digital Master Edition / 2DVD / Non Label
Translated text:
Live at “Woodstock 99: West Stage” Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, NY. USA 24th & 25th July 1999 Pro-Shot

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Metallica and Megadeth, two deeply deep bands. The pre-broadcast master of “WOODSTOCK ’99” which the two biggest stars competed has appeared. It is the decision board Pro shot which realized the full recording of the image beauty and this work which wipes out the air check checking already!
In our shop, we stuck to the fate of the two big bands and introduced the best press and collection. Dave · Mustain era METALLICA’s studio album “NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE (Zodiac 089)”, live album with Mustain & Cliff “LEGENDARY QUARTET: FIRST & LAST (Zodiac 095)”, the best sound board album of settlement live “BULLSHIT IS OVER !! (Zodiac 108) “. This work is a pro shot edition which finally appeared as the fourth bullet.
Such a work is included in the “Woodstock 99 July 24 and 25 July 1999” performance. METALLICA appeared on the second day “July 24” and MEGADETH on the last day “July 25” at a big event celebrating the 30th anniversary of the historic festival. Both of them were televised, and since that time it has been loved as a large classic image, but this work is not such an air check. There is “DIGITAL MASTER” in the title, but it is not “digital · re” master “. It is the ultimate version using the outflow digital master before broadcasting. Before introducing the quality, let’s first see what kind of position this festival is for both bands.

【Extremely few clashes of the two fights】
There seems to be quite a lot of competition of Slash Shitenno such as “CLASH OF THE TITANS” and “THE BIG 4”, but as far as “METALLICA vs MEGADETH”, direct confrontation is surprisingly small. According to overseas mania research, it is said to be roughly divided into the following five.

“April 1983: Banished Mustain from METALLICA”
A: December 1985: NEW YEAR’S EVE 1985 (1 tour)
B: June 1993: Settlement tour (5 performances)
C: July 1999: WOODSTOCK ’99 (1 Show) ← ★ Coco ★
D: June 2010 – September 2011: THE BIG 4 (13 performances)
E: June 2012: DOWNLOAD FESTIVAL (1 tour)

Overall, all 21 performances. Next year will be about 35 years since the dismissal of Mustain, but this is all there. Besides, “THE BIG 4” project “D” occupies the majority, and there are only 8 performances besides that. We can witness the “1999 edition” C “” at the best professional shot, two pairs of METALLICA on Disk 1 and MEGADETH on Disc 2. Let’s introduce each of the two male’s shows let’s go.

First of all, it is METALLICA. That point is a complete version of the fierce digital quality! Extreme detail & super vivid image quality completely different from the air checks already launched so far. Even modern standards are completely Official grade multi camera camera shots.
Although it is the image beauty that is the pre-broadcast master, in reality the digital master has been circulating since a few years ago, even on Youtube it has been upgraded as “OFFICIAL” (of course, not really official). However, it is an incomplete version which does not have “Creeping Death” or later. This work is a full master of all song recording digital! Moreover, this work is not only the length, but the sound is amazing. Although the digital version so far was (for some reason) a flat sound with a lack of stereo feeling, this work is a super powerful sound with a super-deep power and a stereoscopic feeling amazing. Even if you look all over the world it is a vertex quality that you can only taste with this work.
However, although this master was a complete recording, the “audience scene” such as before the performance and waiting for the encore was cut. This work supplements such scenes from the best master of satellite broadcasting. I finished it in the complete shape of the day. Although supplementary scenes will give an analog feeling to the drift, if you speak the other way, I think that you can realize the ultimate high quality first full-length feature even if it is the best broadcast.
In addition, this work also includes another angle version of “Creeping Death”. This is the same as the video actually used for the official work, of course digital quality. This work fully covers the ultra high quality master born from this show.

【Disk 2: MEGADETH】
The following disc 2 is the next day MEGADETH. This is also the outflow digital master brought by the same route, still steel wall quality. Like the METALLICA edition, the scene before the show was cut, so it was supplemented with the best broadcast master.
Quality is similar to METALLICA edition, but the preciousness is much higher for this one. Anyway, MEGADETH in the Marty Friedman era has extremely few high quality images. Pro shot of heyday mostly is South American broadcasting, and it is somewhat singles level if I think that there is high picture quality occasionally. Official also released Hammersmith 92 performances (box “WARCHEST”) in 1992 and Fillmore performance in 1999 (“GREATEST HITS” bonus), but even that even an incomplete version full of cuts. This work is a valuable item that you can see a full show over 70 minutes with the same quality as such an official item.
In addition, this MEGADETH edition also has a must-see scene unique to “WOODSTOCK ’99”. This festival is also famous for being a big riot, but MEGADETH was the appearance at the timing when the riot began. Although the performance will continue as usual for a while from the opening, a suspicious mood begins to drift from the middle of “Almost Honest”, and a large fire pillar rises behind the hall. While singing Musutein, “Look, what is going on?” Overlooking the neighborhood, and the camera has also noticed the unusual things. MEGADETH who does not know the circumstances continues the show while being embarrassed, but as the song progresses, the fire spreads only. In “Trust” finally the police intervene. This work holds a super best pro shot to such an unusual mood.

【Live at the “end point” where Both men pushed forward】
While listening to such a tense scene, the lives of Both men are too wonderful too. One METALLICA is Jason Newstead and the other MEGADETH is the end of the golden era when Marty Friedman enrolled. Both bands, the ensemble cultivated in the heyday age has reached the polar field, heavy riffs are heavy, heavy spinning melodies are thoroughly rich. Especially wonderful is the singing voice of James Hetfield and Dave Mustain. Either James or Dave, it is not a type of “artistic singer”, but each time I superimposed an album, the voice became thick and stout and it became clever. This work “1999” is the time when it came to its peak. It is delicate if you mutter two people, if you shout it is deep power. And melodies also spell plenty of emotion. Although it is two cool people in any era, until now, “skillful two” can not be seen for a while in others.

In addition, the depth of this work increases to the extent that you know the walk of the two biggest heads. METALLICA who lost Jason in a few years will cease to dissolve and MEGADETH that Marty left will really break up. What is packed in this work is on the verge of entering the countdown for such collapse. Origin regression and reproduction of a masterpiece are different from now unlike now it is “the end point of the present progressive type”.
The point where we reached the end after continuing growth and expansion in vain. It is a 2-pack set that I drew for that moment with a valuable super and superb pro shot. A masterpiece of the “era” that could be born only by the famous band of famous fragrances. We will contain it in a press DVD that will not lose its radiance forever and will deliver it to you.
因縁深き2大バンド、METALLICAとMEGADETH。両巨頭が競演した“WOODSTOCK ’99”のプレ放送マスターが登場です。エアチェックの既発を一掃する映像美と本作だけのフル収録を実現した決定盤プロショットです!
当店では、2大バンドの因縁にこだわり、極上のプレス・コレクションをご紹介してきました。デイヴ・ムステイン時代METALLICAのスタジオアルバム『NO LIFE ‘TIL MEGAFORCE(Zodiac 089)』、ムステイン&クリフ入りのライヴアルバム『LEGENDARY QUARTET: FIRST & LAST(Zodiac 095)』、和解ライヴの極上サウンドボード・アルバム『BULLSHIT IS OVER!!(Zodiac 108)』。本作は、その第4弾にして遂に登場したプロショット編なのです。
そんな本作に収められているのは「1999年7月24日・25日ウッドストック99」公演。歴史的フェスの30周年を祝う一大イベントで、METALLICAは2日目「7月24日」、MEGADETHは最終日「7月25日」に出演しました。その双方がテレビ放送され、当時から大定番映像として愛されてきたわけですが、本作はそんなエアチェックではあ・り・ま・せ・ん。タイトルに「DIGITAL MASTER」とありますが、「デジタル・”リ”マスター」ではない。放送前の流出デジタルマスターを使用した究極版なのです。そのクオリティをご紹介する前に、まずはこのフェスが両バンドにとってどんなポジションにあたるのか見ていきましょう。

“CLASH OF THE TITANS”や“THE BIG 4”など、スラッシュ四天王の競演は結構あるようにも思えますが、“METALLICA vs MEGADETH”に限ってみると、直接対決は意外と少ない。海外マニアのリサーチによると、次の5つに大別できるそうです。

A:1985年12月:NEW YEAR’S EVE 1985(1公演)
C:1999年7月:WOODSTOCK ’99(1公演) ←★ココ★
D:2010年6月-2011年9月:THE BIG 4(13公演)

以上、全21公演。来年にはムステイン解雇から35年が経とうとしているわけですが、これですべて。しかも、大半は“THE BIG 4”プロジェクト「D」が占めており、それ以外には8公演しかない。本作は、そのうち“1999年編「C」”を極上プロショットで目撃できる。ディスク1にMETALLICA、ディスク2にMEGADETHを配した2枚組なのです。それでは、両雄のショウをそれぞれご紹介していきましょう。

まず、登場するのはMETALLICA。そのポイントは、猛烈なデジタル・クオリティの完全版! これまでのエアチェック既発群とは完全に別次元の超詳細&超ビビッド画質。現代基準でも完全にオフィシャル級のマルチカメラ・プロショットなのです。
放送前マスターなればこその映像美なのですが、実はデジタルマスターは数年前から出回っていまして、Youtubeでも「OFFICIAL」と称してアップされています(もちろん、本当はオフィシャルではありません)。しかし、それは「Creeping Death」以降がない不完全版。本作は、全曲収録デジタルのフル・マスターなのです! しかも、本作は長さだけではなく音声も凄い。これまでのデジタル版は(なぜか)ステレオ感の乏しい平板なサウンドでしたが、本作は超ド迫力にして立体感も凄まじい超強力サウンド。世界中を探しても本作でしか味わえない頂点クオリティなのです。
さらにさらに、本作には「Creeping Death」の別アングル・バージョンも収録。これは実際にオフィシャル作品に使われた映像と同一で、もちろんデジタル・クオリティ。本作は、このショウから生まれた超ハイクオリティ・マスターを完全網羅しているのです。

クオリティはMETALLICA編と同様ですが、貴重度はこちらの方が遙かに上。何しろ、マーティ・フリードマン時代のMEGADETHはハイクオリティ映像が極端に少ない。全盛期のプロショットはほとんどが南米放送であり、たまに高画質があるかと思えば数曲レベル。オフィシャルでも1992年ハマースミス92公演(ボックス『WARCHEST』)や1999年フィルモア公演(『GREATEST HITS』のボーナス)がリリースされましたが、それさえもカットだらけの不完全版。本作は、そんな公式品と同等クオリティで70分以上のフルショウを観られる貴重品なのです。
また、このMEGADETH編は“WOODSTOCK ’99”ならではの必見シーンもある。このフェスは大暴動になったことでも有名ですが、MEGADETHはその暴動が始まったタイミングでの出演だったのです。開演からしばらくは通常通りの熱演が続いていきますが、中盤の「Almost Honest」あたりから怪しいムードが漂い始め、会場の後方で大きな火柱がいくつも上がる。ムステインも歌いながら「一体、何が起きているんだ?」という顔で辺りを見渡し、カメラも異変に気づいたのか業火を映し出す。事情を知りようもないMEGADETHは戸惑いながらもショウを続行しますが、曲が進むほど業火は広がるばかり。「Trust」では遂に警察が介入します。本作は、そんな異様なムードまで超極上プロショットで収めているのです。


Disc 1 (121: 38)
Live at “Woodstock 99: East Stage” Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, NY, USA 24th July 1999

1. Pre-Show 2. The Ecstasy Of Gold 3. So What 4. Master Of Puppets 5. For Whom The Bell Tolls
6. Fuel 7. King Nothing 8. Bleeding Me 9. Sad But True 10. Turn The Page 11. Wherever I May Roam
12. One 13. Fight Fire With Fire 14. Nothing Else Matters 15. Seek & Destroy 16. Creeping Death
17. Fixxxer Jam 18. Die, Die My Darling 19. Enter Sandman 20. Sabbra Cadabra / Until It Sleeps Jam
21. Battery 22. Creeping Death (Alternate Camera Angle)

Disc 2 (70: 46)
Live at “Woodstock 99: West Stage” Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, NY. USA 25th July 1999

1. Introduction 2. Holy Wars … The Punishment Due 3. In My Darkest Hour 4. Reckoning Day
5. A Secret Place 6. Angry Again 7. She-Wolf 8. A Tout Le Monde 9. Almost Honest
10. Crush ‘Em 11. Use The Man 12. Trust 13. Sweating Bullets 14. Symphony Of Destruction
15. Peace Sells



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