Metallica / The Ecstasy Of Aragon / 1CD

Metallica / The Ecstasy Of Aragon / 1CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:

Live at Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, IL. USA 9th February 1985 Perfect Sound.(from Original Masters)

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Lined up in the “TOO FAST TO LIVE”, all of Metallica fans must listen title appearance. Form a matchless people as “Crazy S.” in the United Kingdom, the second installment Chicago resident of name taper of the master sound source collection of representative of the United States (the first step is of Iron Maiden “Slavery Master”, the future, from one after another master cassette It is scheduled for release an ultra-high-quality sound board.). 1985, W.A.S.P., From the tour with Armored Saint, February 9, Chicago is complete recording of the Aragon Ballroom performances in the strongest, highest audience recording of all time. The sound source is CDR release from Langley label in more than 10 years ago under the title referred to as a “Fight Fire With Fire”, was called a big topic even among enthusiasts in the fact that the “first appearance sound source of the sound quality of surprise as this era.” . Sound source that is included in this title, its is a master sound source, was originally good sound quality has improved different levels, recorded with respect to time is also 73 minutes and 20 seconds, also recorded a long 75 minutes and 24 seconds and more than 2 minutes you have. The difference between the sound quality is a Rekizan, if the person you have an already issued, “when the generation is different here until the seemingly sound quality is that change?” And, everyone of the impact that would startle the transfiguration the first time in the Sound super sound source. (Ya serving as the difference between the sound quality, as if there is a difference between adults and children position.), The more become horribly to like jumping out direct feel full of sound from the speakers is just a masterpiece. This force will not put out a line recording. To begin with, in the audience recording in this time club, or thick the direct sound is recorded up to this point? Have heard that, the contents of the more be filled with question marks. The time basis, released a second album “Ride The Lightning”, at the time that was filled with updraft straight line of mood, the number of only from the configuration initial album 2 work out with a fast “Kill’Em All”, also himself our fans, this time, to what extent is unknown or has been found, all is just gem masterpieces. Anyway hot, fast, music and James of vocal full of aggression is fiercely, at this stage, is the content that is not an exaggeration to say that all has been completed. Sharpness in sharp James and Kirk of guitar, unusually fast beating spree Lars of the drum, the column outstanding presence of the base play of Cliff in the best part there, if the fan, intense enough to think, “I can not die if Ne listen to this.” a sound world, we are there. The audience recording that captures the initial Metallica up to 1985, the highest sound quality source of exceptional, Metallica fan as well, but enough to be declared that all of the hard rock fans must listen. ZODIAC label Tokyo performances title of the first visit to Japan Van Halen, which was released as the first bullet, but we call the topic too much of greatness, this Metallica title, more a shock is waiting It would not be an exaggeration to say. Ketteiban title to represent this year is the release determined by the limited press CD.

★ is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.151 (February 2013). In case you’re wondering.

Important sound source to give intense impression Metallica in 1985 was emerging attire. Those sound source that has been used in this work had a lot out in the old days as Sundehatsuban “FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE (Langley-114)”, which was recorded the master sound source. Terms of sound quality compared with its outstanding panel has been much improved, what is Duration also included more than two minutes long and has become a feature. Violently, but it quickly things loud playing early Metallica is tremendous that had exploded in, but sound source that was the other hand captures well the style is not so many. But they come only really and especially a good sound source that captures skillfully the there was playing landscape of that time while riding in a big updraft of 85 years, this work is the best gift that will dispel brilliantly such a resentment.
Metallica at the time but was already in existence had been considerable attention, but Exodus, that slash bias of the new Bay Area such as Death Angel have emerged, and no longer slash had while no longer in the region of only Metallica think. But speaking of why from the beginning of such 85 years scene of Metallica was able to get out of one step, I think that there was intense live overwhelm the other to one of them. In Is it what? The answer is here. Wonder of the their time if you listen to this was attacking the audience with sound Violence of how much each night comes through satiate. The first sound of this “Fight Fire With Fire,” I want you to listen to resounds moment. I want you to listen to the incredible explosion feeling of “Whiplash”. It should be stunned to tremendous performance of the guarantee be skipped the bushings. Also in the “Ride The Lightning” of the day, given the sudden sound of acceleration force and overwhelming energy shock roar is not forgotten due to it in the middle part of the tempo is faster (around 2 minutes 14 seconds) and would me. And there are obvious signs of change also still singing of crude Shii James, it will also be interesting to how the glimpse comes out occasionally and the gander, “Hetfield clause”. In other words (it remarkable, especially in “The Four Horsemen” and “No Remorse” 1st song of the album, etc.) rough early vocal style and Hetfield clause of the rare time that live performance in the translation, just his singer state of the transition period that ego as is to be formed is that they are the record would also be great to listen to processing of this work. In addition this day speaking is also a special day classic “Fade To Black” was premiered live. Innocent and how Kirk before the start of the song is that it has cryptic play trial of phrase, appearance of stunning to suggest that it has piled up rehearsal in no time premiere is left with in this way good sound quality I think this and itself, that it is miraculous.
Recording is but audience recording, sound quality has also come out clearly one head also adequacy of the contents as those that capture the Metallica of those days. Even if you have a pre-departure board of Langley era this would deserve sufficient to re-buy. Just a piece of all Metallica fan must-have.


「TOO FAST TO LIVE」に並ぶ、全てのメタリカ・ファン必聴タイトル登場。イギリスの「Crazy S.」と双璧を成す、アメリカを代表するシカゴ在住の名テーパーのマスター音源集第二弾(第一弾はアイアン・メイデンの「Slavery Master」、今後、続々とマスターカセットからの超高音質盤をリリース予定です。)。1985年、W.A.S.P.、アーマード・セイントとのツアーから、2月9日はシカゴはアラゴン・ボールルーム公演を空前絶後の最強・最高オーディエンス録音で完全収録。この音源は、10年以上前に「Fight Fire With Fire」と言うタイトルでLangleyレーベルよりCDRリリースされ、「この時代としては驚きの音質の初登場音源」ということでマニア間でも大きな話題を呼びました。本タイトルに収録されている音源は、そのマスター音源であり、元々良かった音質は段違いに向上しており、収録時間も73分20秒に対し、75分24秒と2分以上も長く収録されています。音質の差は歴残としており、既発をお持ちの人なら、「ジェネレーションが違うとここまで音質は変わるものなのか?」と、誰もがサウンドの変貌ぶりに驚愕するであろう衝撃のスーパー音源です。(音質の差たるや、まるで大人と子供位の違いがあります。)恐ろしくなるほどにダイレクト感いっぱいのサウンドがスピーカーから飛び出す様はまさに圧巻。ライン録音ではこの迫力は出せないでしょう。そもそも、この当時のクラブでのオーディエンス録音で、ここまで分厚くダイレクトな音が録れるのか?と聴いていて、疑問符でいっぱいになるほどの内容です。時期的には、セカンドアルバム「Ride The Lightning」をリリースし、上昇気流一直線のムードに満ちていた時期で、ファースト「Kill’Em All」とで構成された初期アルバム2作品からのみのナンバーは、ファンも本人達も、この時期、どこまで判っているか不明ですが、全てが珠玉の名曲ばかり。とにかく熱く、速く、攻撃性に溢れた演奏とジェイムズのボーカルは凄まじく、この段階で、全てが完成していると言っても過言ではない内容です。切れ味鋭いジェイムズとカークのギターに、異様に速く叩きまくるラーズのドラム、そこに絡むクリフの存在感抜群のベースプレイは圧巻で、ファンならば、「これを聴かねば死ねない」と思うほどの強烈な音世界が、そこに存在しています。1985年までの初期メタリカを捉えたオーディエンス録音としては、別格の最高音質音源であり、メタリカ・ファンだけでなく、全てのハードロック・ファン必聴と断言しても良い程です。ZODIACレーベル第一弾としてリリースされた初来日ヴァン・ヘイレンの東京公演タイトルが、あまりの凄さに話題を呼んでいますが、このメタリカ・タイトルには、それ以上の衝撃が待っていると言っても過言ではないでしょう。今年を代表する決定盤タイトルが、限定プレスCDでリリース決定です。

★beatleg誌 vol.151(2013年2月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。

1985年のメタリカを強烈に印象付ける重要な音源が装い新たに登場した。本作に使用されている音源は既発盤『FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE (Langley-114)』として随分昔に出ていたが、これはそのマスター音源を収録したもの。既発盤と比べて音質が随分向上しているうえ、収録時間も2分以上長く収録されているのが特徴となっている。激しく、スピーディでラウドな演奏が炸裂していた初期メタリカは凄まじいものだが、しかしその反面そのスタイルを良く捉えた音源はさほど多くない。特に85年という大きな上昇気流に乗りつつあったあの当時の演奏風景を巧く捉えた良音源となると本当に限られてくるが、本作はそんな鬱憤を見事に晴らしてくれる最高の贈り物だ。
当時のメタリカは既にかなり注目されていた存在ではあったが、しかしエクソダス、デス・エンジェルといった新しいベイエリアのスラッシュ勢が頭角を現してきたことで、もはやスラッシュはメタリカだけの領域では無くなりつつあったと思う。しかし何故そんな85年初頭のシーンからメタリカが一歩抜け出ることが出来たのかと言えば、そのひとつには他を圧倒する強烈なライブにあったと思う。ではそれはどんなものか?答えはここにある。これを聴けば当時の彼等が毎夜どれ程のサウンド・ヴァイオレンスでオーディエンスを攻撃していたのかが嫌と言うほど伝わってくるだろう。この「Fight Fire With Fire」の第一音が鳴り響く瞬間を聴いて欲しい。「Whiplash」の信じ難い炸裂感を聴いて欲しい。そのブッ飛ばされること請け合いの凄まじい演奏に唖然とする筈だ。またこの日の「Ride The Lightning」にしても、テンポが速くなる中盤部分(2分14秒付近)での急激な音の加速力とそれに伴う圧倒的なエネルギーの咆哮は忘れられないショックを与えてくれるだろう。そしてまだ粗々しいジェイムズの歌唱にも明らかに変化の兆候があり、時折チラッと「ヘットフィールド節」の片鱗が出てくる様子にも要注目だ。つまり荒々しい初期のボーカルスタイルとヘットフィールド節が同居した稀有な時期のパフォーマンスな訳で(特に「The Four Horsemen」や「No Remorse」等の1stアルバムの曲で顕著だ)、まさに彼のシンガーとしての自我が形成される過渡期の様子がレコードされている点も本作の大きな聴き処だろう。更に言えばこの日は名曲「Fade To Black」がライブで初演された特別な日でもある。曲のスタート前にカークがフレーズの試し弾きめいた事をする初々しい様子や、無い時間の中でリハーサルを重ねた事を伺わせる見事な初演の様子がこの様に良好な音質で残っていること自体、奇跡的だと思う。

1. The Ecstasy Of Gold 2. Fight Fire With Fire 3. Ride The Lightning 4. Phantom Lord
5. The Four Horsemen 6. (Anesthesia) Pulling Teeth (Bass Solo) 7. For Whom the Bell Tolls
8. No Remorse 9. Fade To Black 10. Seek & Destroy 11. Whiplash 12. Creeping Death
13. Am I Evil? 14. Motorbreath

James Hetfield – Guitar, Vocal Lars Ulrich – Drums Cliff Burton – Bass
Kirk Hammett – Guitar

Zodiac 004



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