Led Zeppelin / Welcome To Home / 6CD+1Bonus CDR

Led Zeppelin / Welcome To Home / 6CD+1Bonus CDR / Graf Zeppelin

Live at Earls Court Arena, London, UK 17th May 1975


Play sample :

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★ The first day of the 1975 Earl’s Court performance 5days, the performance on May 17 will appear on the raging 6-sheet press decision board!
★ 2 types of Aud sound sources are installed on the main, complete version * 2 version recorded! The first coupling title ever!
★ The first CD from Source 1 recorded on a vintage analog board from a tape source (bonus recording)!
★ Enter a limited number!

Source 1 … Kustmir of Custard Pie LP * This bonus includes only a few songs for the first time ever from tape
Source 2 ・ ・ ・ Mono Aud familiar with old cod and anthra * This time 1-3rd main recording (not online)
Source 3 ・ ・ ・ Devils Banquet, Mono Aud familiar with EV2002 box
* This time the 4th-6th main recording (not on the net, not originally on the net)

On May 17, 1975, a six-disc press title featuring the first day of the Earl’s Court Arena performance appeared for a long time!
There are currently three types of Aud sound sources on this first day performance, but on this board, two types of sound sources with the best sound quality are installed in the main respectively, and the first pseudo complete recording including between songs 3CD × 2 version total 6CD set! Earl’s Court Arena, the first CD from the tape (for convenience, source 1) known as “Kashmir” on LP “Custard Pie” (RSR), released since the analog age It is a super-decision board title of the first day performance.
This is the first title compiled so far for the first day. In addition, the source 1 sound source is used in several places between songs, and while being sober, the first pseudo complete recording with no gap between songs is realized! !

When reviewing the flow of the performance recording items, first, in the mid-’80s (probably) of the analog edition, LP “Custard Pie” (RSR) was recorded in the title of Offenbach’s performance in ’73, This performance sound source first appeared with only one song “Kashmir”. This is source 1 for convenience. If you’re a fan, you’ll know that this analog LP was also included in the ’90s cobra CD “Custard Pie”. Also, although the context is unknown, it seems that there is an acetate board consisting of four separates called “WELCOME TO HOME”, and what was recorded there was a nostalgic Antrabata board released around 1995 and an old one This is a sound source that was first made into a CD for each title on the cod board, and this is Source 2 for organization. Even though the acetate version had been released, it would be practically OK if the appearance of the item that recorded all songs for the first time on the anthra version and the old cod version was recognized. And in the early 2000s, the title “Devils Banquet”, which mainly recorded the third sound source from the label called Power Chord derived from TDOLZ, appeared. Around 2002, the title of the same third sound source appeared on EVSD, and EVSD released a title mainly on source 2 even recently, and the flow of released releases was mainly .
In the 2000’s, the release amount is not so large compared to the 24th and 25th, which is a topic of high-quality sound board sound source and professional shot video, or the 18th performance with multiple high-quality sound sources (* Of course, if there is more It’s not good), but it might be the 17th day on the very first day. Therefore, it may be said that this board is the item which featured the performance on the 17th for the first time while being plain.

This time, the best sound source of Source 2 and Source 3 is set as the main, and the first non-stop complete recording including between songs is realized in both versions by adding the first appearance tape sound source of Source 1 (All titles are already released) There was some gap between songs.)
The first to third CDs consist of a version edited mainly for source 2, and the fourth to sixth CDs consist of versions edited mainly for source 3, each of which is missing in the main source Are complemented by each other, and the missing points are supplemented by Source 1, and both versions achieve the first complete recording including the inter-song part. Thorough editing and mastering that is familiar to this label each time ensures that any missing parts that have already been overlooked are compensated for. This is the first time a title that has been carefully edited while clarifying the sound source so far.

All recording masters are recorded from natural masters that are not online.
Source 1 had never been recorded from a tape sound source on a CD in the past, and only an analog transcript was recorded on the cobra disk, and it was almost forgotten, but this time it was the first time that it appeared happily ( Originally not on the net). Although the sound is close in terms of sound quality, the sound is somewhat stiff and has a habit that can not be said to be stereo or mono, so it is honest that it does not reach Source 2 and Source 3, and this time it is a substitute of 3rd place Although it is a staff member, a few songs bonus is also recorded on the sixth CD ass. “Kashmir” which was also recorded on the cobra board is also recorded there entirely. This time it is the third sound source, but you can still confirm that the sound quality is sufficiently higher than the cobra version (the recording is long before and after the performance). In addition, “Tangerine” and “Going To California”, which include additional bonuses, are obviously the first and most noticeable versions of Source 1, so they are definitely a must-have.

The main source 2 of the first and third CDs this time is recorded not from the net but from the natural master. Although it is a little far from the stage, it is a small sound, but the sound quality change is a calm sound throughout the whole, there are few omissions originally, the playing part is originally uncut and the freshness of the sound is enough Source 2. There is only the “croco” version on the net that is familiar recently as the sound source of this day, but in this version the cheers before the start of the live is considerably shorter than before (starting immediately after about 2 seconds from the start of the moderator, MC starts. This board has cheers for about 10 seconds, and there is a fatal omission in the ending of “Rain Song”. For him, it is a croco version of Imaiichi, but this board is such a defect Nothing at all. Also, at the time of the appearance of the representative previously released anthra and old cod boards, Source 3 had not yet appeared, and supplementary editing with another sound source was not yet common. Therefore, even at this point, the title itself that compensated for the missing part with items that mainly consisted of source 2 is very few (still the second title on this board!), And there was some form of missing between songs in the already released, but this board In “Bron-Y-Aur Stomp”, complete recording was achieved for the first time by using source 1 between songs after playing. It can be said that this book, which made full use of the three existing sound sources, definitely danced to the decision board.

The main source 3 of the 4th and 6th CDs is not from the net (it seems to be persistent, but it is not originally on the net), but is recorded from the Natural Master. There are only a few sound sources that are not easily available, and there are very few related related boards.As mentioned above, the related boards are Power Chord boards and two titles of the EVSD 2002 box (In addition, there is also a degraded copy board of Power Chord. But it is excluded).
This source 3 has the same Aud noise as source 2 and can be heard from each other, suggesting that the sound source was captured at a very close position. The sound image is slightly larger (= closer to the stage) than Source 2, and it also has a low tone and a crisp sound. In addition, the clarity is as good as or better than Source 2, and it seems to be better than Source 2. However, the texture is originally distorted, and there is a sense of distortion in some places. The feature is that there are many cuts compared to the source 2 (Bron-Y-Aur Stomp does not collect the whole Src3). Regarding distortion, the same is true in the previous generation, and although there were titles with distortion removed, it seems that the effect of removal was a little lacking in vividness. In this board, it is removed by pinpoint decent, and the original clearness, freshness and freshness are kept as it is. Also, in the already released version, the sound was unnatural like a pseudo-stereo in the latter half of “Kashmir” etc. (Some boards also have cuts in the song by connecting) The point is that it is a stable master all the time.
Compensation was carefully performed using Source 2, and Source 2 was used in the same way as Disc 2 after the performance of “Bron-Y-Aur Stomp”, which was not enough for Source 2, so complete recording was also achieved. You.

At the end of the sixth piece, several bonus tracks are included as described above.
Includes “Kashmir”, “Tangerine”, and “Going To California” excerpts from Source 1. This time it is an excerpt recording because there is a habit in the texture like a bathroom echo, but it is definitely a valuable sound source, and the performance is very close, and if the sound is close, it can be said that it is a sound source that is not defeated by source 3 Let’s go.

Specification with limited numbering and stickers attached.
The CD label appears on the permanent treasure board of the picture disc!


Source 1・・・Custard Pie LPのKashmir *今回ボーナスで数曲のみテープから史上初収録
Source 2・・・旧タラ、アントラでお馴染みMono Aud *今回1-3枚目メイン収録(ネットではない)
Source 3・・・Devils Banquet、EV2002箱でお馴染みMono Aud

この初日公演は現時点で3種類のAud音源が存在しますが、本盤ではそれらのうち音質ベストの2種類の音源をそれぞれメインに据え曲間含め初の疑似完全収録で3CD×2バージョン・合計6CDセット!さらにアナログ時代からリリースされていた、LP”Custard Pie”(RSR)収録の”Kashmir”で知られる音源(便宜上ソース1)をテープから初CD化(ボーナスで数曲収録)したアールズ・コート・アリーナ初日公演の超決定盤タイトルです。

本公演収録アイテムの流れをザックリとおさらいしてみますと、まずアナログ盤時代の’80年代中頃(多分)にLP”Custard Pie”(RSR)という’73年のオッフェンバッハ公演を収録したタイトルに、”Kashmir”1曲のみが収録されて本公演音源が初登場。これが便宜上ソース1。’90年代のコブラ盤CD”Custard Pie”にもこのアナログLP盤から盤起こしで収録されていたのはファンならご存じでしょう。また、前後関係が不明ですが、”WELCOME TO HOME”というセパレート4枚からなるアセテート盤が存在してるようで、そこに収録されていたのが’95年頃にリリースされた懐かしのAntrabata盤および旧タラ盤の各タイトルにて初CD化された音源で、これが整理上ソース2となります。アセテート盤がリリースされていたとはいえ、実質的にはアントラ盤と旧タラ盤により初めて全曲収録されたアイテムの登場が認識されたとして問題ないでしょう。そして2000年代初頭にはTDOLZ派生のPower Chordというレーベルから3つ目の音源をメインに収録した”Devils Banquet”というタイトルが登場。2002年頃にも同じ3つ目の音源をメインにしたタイトルがEVSDから登場、またEVSDは近年になってからもソース2をメインにしたタイトルをリリース、といったところがおもだった既発リリースの流れ。


ソース1はCDでは過去にもテープ音源からの収録は一切なく、アナログ盤起こしが前記コブラ盤に収録されていただけで、殆ど忘れられていた存在でしたが、このたびめでたく初登場となりました(元々ネットにもありません)。音質的には音は近いのですが若干ジリジリとした質感でステレオともモノとも言えない癖のあるサウンドのため、ソース2、ソース3には及ばないのが正直なところで、今回は3番手の補欠要員となっておりますが、CD6枚目ケツに数曲ボーナスでも収録されています。コブラ盤にも収録されていた”Kashmir”もそこに丸ごと収録されています。今回は3番手の音源なのですが、それでもコブラ盤よりは十分に高音質であることが確認できます(演奏前後も収録は長い)。ほかにも追加ボーナス収録の”Tangerine”、”Going To California”は当然ソース1としては初登場の注目バージョンですので間違いなく必携です。

今回CD1-3枚目のメインとなるソース2もネットではなくなくナチュラルマスターからの収録となっております。ステージからは若干遠目で、こじんまりとしたサウンドですが、音質変化は全体をとおして少なく終始落ち着いたサウンドで、欠落も元々少なく演奏部分は元々ノーカットで音の鮮度も十分及第点というのが特徴のソース2。ネットにも最近お馴染みの”クロコ”バージョンがこの日の音源として唯一存在しますが、そのバージョンではライブ開始前の歓声部分が既発にくらべかなり短く(再生開始2秒くらいでいきなり司会者のMCが始まってしまう。本盤はアタマ10秒くらい歓声あり)、さらに”Rain Song”エンディングで致命的な欠落があるという、彼にしてはイマイチのクロコバージョンですが、本盤はそのような不具合も一切なし。また代表既発盤のアントラ盤、旧タラ盤の登場時はソース3もまだ登場しておらず、しかも別音源での補填編集もまだ一般的ではなかった時代。よって現時点でもソース2をメインとしたアイテムで欠落部を補填したタイトル自体が実は極めて少なく(本盤でまだ2タイトル目!)、既発では曲間に欠落がなんらかの形でありましたが、本盤では”Bron-Y-Aur Stomp”演奏後の曲間にもソース1を用いることで初めて完全収録を実現。現存する3種の音源がフル活用された本盤が間違いなく決定盤に踊り出たと言えるでしょう。

CD4-6枚目のメインとなるソース3もネットではなく(しつこいようですが元々ネットにないのです)、ナチュラルマスターからの収録となっております。入手が容易でない音源だけあって関連既発盤も極めて少なく、前記のとおり関連盤はPower Chord盤、EVSDの2002年箱の2タイトルみ(なお、他にPower Chordの劣化コピー盤もあるようですが、それは除外)。
このソース3ですが、ソース2と同じAudノイズが互いに聞こえることからかなり近いポジションで捉えられた音源であることがうかがえます。ソース2に比べ音像は若干大きめ(=ステージに近い)で、なおかつ低音も出てガツンと来るゴリっとしたサウンド。加えてクリアさもソース2と同等かそれ以上の生々しいサウンドということで、トータルではソース2よりも良いと思われます。ただし、元々歪み気味の質感で、所々で歪み感があります。またソース2に比べるとカットが多いというのが特徴(Bron-Y-Aur StompはSrc3は丸ごと未収)。歪みに関しては既発でも同様であり、歪みを除去したタイトルもありましたが、除去の弊害で若干生々しさには欠けていたように思えます。本盤ではピンポイントによるそこそこの除去に留め、元々あるクリアさ、生々しさ、鮮度はそのまま保持されています。また既発盤では”Kashmir”後半などで疑似ステレオのような不自然な音になっていた(繋ぎによる曲中カットもあった盤もある)のですが、本盤ではそのようなことも一切ない終始安定したマスターなのもポイント。
補填はソース2を用いて丁寧に施され、ソース2でも足りない”Bron-Y-Aur Stomp”演奏後の曲間部にDisc2同様にソース1を用いることで、こちらも完全収録が実現しています。

ソース1からの抜粋で”Kashmir”、 “Tangerine”、 “Going To California”を収録。風呂場エコーのような質感に癖があるため今回は抜粋収録ですが、貴重な音源には間違いなく、しかも演奏は非常に近く、音の近さならソース3にも負けてない音源と言えるでしょう。


【Source 2 Main Version】

Disc 1 (79:34)
01. Introduction
02. Rock And Roll
03. Sick Again
04. Over The Hills And Far Away
05. In My Time Of Dying
06. The Song Remains The Same
07. The Rain Song
08. Kashmir
(曲間カット) ★Src3補填
09. No Quarter

Disc 2 (58:42)
01. MC
02. Tangerine
03. Going To California
04. That’s The Way
05. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
(曲間カット) ★Src3 + Src1 ★この区間初のノートカット完全収録!
06. Trampled Underfoot
07. Moby Dick

Disc 3 (59:43)
01. MC
02. Dazed And Confused
(曲間カット) ★Src3補填
03. Stairway To Heaven
04. Whole Lotta Love
05. Black Dog

【Source 3 Main Version】

Disc 4 (79:44)
01. Introduction
02. Rock And Roll
03. Sick Again
04. Over The Hills And Far Away
05. In My Time Of Dying
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
06. The Song Remains The Same
07. The Rain Song
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
08. Kashmir ★既発では6:30頃から不自然な疑似ステぽい音。今回盤は問題なし。
09. No Quarter

Disc 5 (58:44)

01. MC ★Src2で補填
02. Tangerine ★出だし0:00-0.04 Src2で補填
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
03. Going To California ★出だし0:00-0:05 Src2で補填
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
04. That’s The Way ★出だし0:00-0:08 Src2で補填
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
05. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp ★ソース3元々なし・丸ごとSrc2
(曲間カット) ★演奏後からSrc3、Src1、Src3 接続、初のノーカット収録!
06. Trampled Underfoot
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
07. Moby Dick ★5:20-8:02, 15:50-16:17及び演奏後曲間 Src2で補填

Disc 6 (79:21)
01. MC ★Src2で補填
02. Dazed And Confused ★20:44-21:05 Src2で補填
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
03. Stairway To Heaven
(曲間カット) ★Src2で補填
04. Whole Lotta Love
05. Black Dog

Bonus Trax: “Custard Pie” LP Source
First Time on CD from Tape Source*史上初登場テープソースから収録
06. MC
07. Kashmir ★コブラ盤よりも前後が長い
08. Tangerine ★Src1収録は史上初
09. Going To California ★Src1収録は史上初

WELCOME TO HOME: Source 1 Unreleased Trax
アナログLP盤 “カスタード・パイ”(RSR LP)に収録されていたカシミアの音源がソース1。
カットがあるトラックもありますが、Non Editの状態です

01. Introduction
02. Rock And Roll (cut)
03. Sick Again (cut)
04. Over The Hills And Far Away
05. In My Time Of Dying
06. The Song Remains The Same
07. The Rain Song
08. That’s The Way

Graf Zeppelin. LZSC-517

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