Led Zeppelin / US Tour 1973 Compilation / 4CD

Led Zeppelin / US Tour 1973 Compilation / 4CD / Non Label

Translated Text:

Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL, 13th ,May, Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT, 26th May & Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY 29th July. Soundboard Recording


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Although it seems to have noticed if you are visiting our shop, “1973 U.S. TOUR COMPILATION” of Led Zeppelin that appeared several months ago as a gift item is very popular. Clearly saying that it has become the number one in our history gift item. How many times have you noticed that this item will notify you that “We will continue this week with popularity as well”? Lol. As a gift as a weekly gift, it will not weaken all the time, received a popularity for the first time, finally upgraded to limited press CD release will be realized this week.
On the other hand, our shop made this item a gift, there are clear reasons. In shortest terms, it is not a complete collection of a single live, and it is not a translation that has been recorded with a new sound source or upper state more than anything. Even if it is a mania who can come to our shop, it is composed only of the soundboard sound source of the 1973 American tour, which seems not to be a novelty “ear octopus” even if it is said to be “octopus”. It was confirmed gifts treated from our store.
But what about you, as I mentioned at the beginning, as an unusual super-best seller as a gift. Finally I got my voice saying “I’d like to have this on press CD”. This is too unexpected development as our shop. What is Best Seller by Gift …

ZEP ‘s live sound source item, which requires complete live recording until full use of another source. It has been thought that there is no need for live sound source best edited items that exist in many such circumstances. There are plenty of soundboard recordings in the entire live in 1973, and items of such concept exist in the past. “BEST OF 1973 TOUR” box summarized only by the sound source of the US · Tour, etc., and “BEST OF TOUR 1973” combining the sound source of the European tour etc.
After all, if it consists only of audiences recording, it becomes extremely mania as a listening item, but this is the situation if it is a 73-year tour that had been blessed with sound board recording since ancient times. Moreover, if it is named “best”, it should also be composed of sound board recording for everyone.
On the other hand, it is natural that many ZEP maniacs seek live “full recording”, and in that trend the “best” concept completely hidden the ringing. It seems that the item of this hand has not been released for more than ten years already.
In this situation, as the item of unexpected fresh concept, the popularity among ZEP maniacs was “U.S. TOUR 1973 COMPILATION” (Please judge at the position of the year). A compilation organized and organized among maniacs overseas net. Even though it is just a mania’s plan, if you just summarize it from the sound board recording, it will not change as the best edited item of the past mentioned earlier.
However, the great thing about this time is that the equalization reduces the “thinness of the line” which can be said as a consistent dilemma of the sound board recording of the US · Tour of the 1973 when the excavation advanced a lot more than before, It is in a place where unity was given to the sound quality using the sound source of the performance.
Unlike multitrack live album recording, these sound board recordings are basically monaural sound quality. As in the bowing part of “Dazed And Confused”, it becomes stereo only when the sound is swung left and right by the mixer in the production. In this compilation, I focused on that, and a stunning stereo feeling is made by equalization. I wonder if there is something related to Earls Court of 75 years which our shop released several months ago.

Ring over them, it is a wonderful sense that I adopted ‘Rock And Roll’ from the mobile performance of May 13, which boasts the best clearness among the tour’s soundboard recording, for opening. The compatibility of the applied equalization to the clearness originally of the sound source of this day is outstanding, the feeling which I listened to is no longer an official class. It’s as if he were listening to another “THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME”.
However, since it switches to “Celebration Day” of Salt Lake from there on 26th, is not it anything wrong? If it is an ordinary compiler, parts that are played almost without a break will be unified with the same performance. In “1973 US TOUR COMPILATION” this part is also a best editing proof of maniac’s unique plan, and it was delicious that it properly recorded “Georgia On My Mind” properly as it adopted Salt Lake SBD You can say that it is finished.
Overall, Disc – 1 donated while Mobil and Salt Lake ‘s May Soundboard, Disc – 2 continued Salt Lake! And July “Dazed And Confused” of Seattle appeared. Yes, 73 years I am adopting “Dazed And ~” from Seattle, which is the thinest sound quality among the SBD in the United States, the beauty eyes unique to maniacs that had been daringly recorded from the performance contents are working . And the last Disc – 3 is not only the live end of the live but only the sound board is focused on Qazaa and LA Forum is also outstanding sense. Incidentally, the final MSG sound source has been subjected to a completely heterogeneous equalization with the famous board “THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME EXPANDED”, and it is fun to listen and compare the differences in interpretation.

“US TOUR 1973 COMPILATION” is a more epochal point as it also has a big appeal to recover the low sense of realism that could be said to be lethal in the sound board recorded from PA out by mixing cheers Is not it? On the other hand, further work is required for such work. In that respect too, this comp shows the finished outstanding, and it is wonderful how to use the cheering spice only up to the vicinity of “Black Dog” in the first half of the live and the live end of the live.

However, there are plenty of tsukkomi just for the sense of overseas maniacs. After the “Communication Breakdown” at Qazaa Stadium, the plant part is used until the MC where the plant begins “The Ocean” thanking the audience and Bill Graham, but after that MSG’s Switching to the final part, if the MSG version “The Ocean” is over, it is again subtle that the curtain is closed with MC in Qizaa (that famous “Vives are real!”). In other words, I understand that you want to record the MC as the longest full in this part, but it is a bit strange that it is a bit strange that the organ of “Thank You” will start as the plant says “The Ocean”. Incidentally, the QZER MC that is being re-registered after “Thank You” has been intentionally edited.

And this release is also a release as a “complete version” including up to Disc – 4 handled as a bonus disc which was being omited at the time of gift. On this first disc, this disc contains the two songs from the beginning of the mobile performance recorded in the actual live order (the sounds of these two songs are amazing!), And the same treatment such as “Dazed And Confused” from the same performance Finished with. This evolves into a concept that makes it easy for maniacs to compare and listen to the differences between “Dazed And ~” Impro in the same tour, and on the other hand, from the high quality throughout the whole, no complaints can be heard even at beginners Compilation.
In the end I will make a mistake that there is no body and lid … But the sound quality is good throughout the volume and the volume of 4 disks does not make any pain at all, in addition to saying “Moby Dick” is not included, it is finally coming Easy to listen! I can enjoy it a lot! Lol
当店に来られている方ならお気づきかと思われますが、ギフト・アイテムとして数か月前に登場したレッド・ツェッペリンの「1973 U.S. TOUR COMPILATION」が大人気です。はっきり言って当店ギフト・アイテム史上ナンバーワンと化してしまったほど。皆さんも「好評につき今週も継続いたします」というお知らせをこのアイテムで何度見られたことでしょうか?笑。ギフトとして毎週のように出しても一向に衰えない、あまりの人気ぶりを受け、遂に限定プレスCDにバージョンアップしたリリースが今週実現いたします。

別ソースを駆使してまでライブの完全収録が必須とされるZEPのライブ音源アイテム。そうした風潮の中で数多く存在するライブ音源ベスト編集アイテムというのはニーズがないものだと思われてきました。1973年のライブ全体においてサウンドボード録音が豊富に存在しており、過去にもそうしたコンセプトのアイテムは存在しています。アメリカ・ツアーの音源だけでまとめた「BEST OF 1973 TOUR」ボックス、さらにはヨーロッパ・ツアーの音源まで組み合わせた「BEST OF TOUR 1973」など。
そうした状況の中で思わぬ新鮮なコンセプトのアイテムとしてZEPマニアの間でも好評を博したのが今回の「U.S. TOUR 1973 COMPILATION」(年号の位置で判断して下さい)。海外のネット上において、マニア間で企画されてまとめあげられたコンピレーション。単にサウンドボード録音からまとめただけであれば、いくらマニアの企画だとは言えども、先に挙げた過去のベスト編集アイテムと変わり映えしません。
これらのサウンドボード録音はマルチトラックのライブアルバム用録音とは違い、基本的にはモノラル音質。「Dazed And Confused」のボウイング・パートのように、演出上ミキサーによって音が左右に振られる時だけステレオとなります。このコンピレーションではそこに着眼し、イコライズによって見事なステレオ感が作られています。この点は当店が数か月前にリリースした75年のアールズ・コートに相通じるものがあるかと。

それらに輪をかけて見事なのが、このツアーのサウンドボード録音の中において一番のクリアネスを誇る5月13日のモービル公演からの「Rock And Roll」をオープニングに採用したセンス。この日の音源が元来持つクリアネスに、施されたイコライズの相性は抜群で、パッと聴いてみた感じはもはやオフィシャル・クラス。まるで、もう一つの「THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME」を聴いているかのようですらある。
ところが、そこから26日のソルトレークの「Celebration Day」に切り替わるのだから何ともニクイではありませんか。通常のコンピものであれば、ほとんど切れ間なしに演奏されるパートは同じ公演で統一されるもの。「1973 U.S. TOUR COMPILATION」においてはこの部分もベスト編集で作り上げているところがマニアならではの企画の証ですし、ソルトレークSBDを採用した以上、ちゃんと「Georgia On My Mind」も収録してくれたのがおいしい仕上がりだと言えるでしょう。
全体的にみるとDisc-1がモービルとソルトレークの5月サウンドボード、Disc-2もソルトレークを継続する中でドンっ!と7月シアトルの「Dazed And Confused」が登場。そうです、73年アメリカのSBDの中でも一番線の細い音質なシアトルから「Dazed And~」を採用してみせたところに、演奏内容から敢えて収録したであろうマニアならではの審美眼が働いている。そしてラストのDisc-3がライブ終盤しか録音されていないサウンドボードばかりなケザーやLAフォーラムを中心としているのも抜群のセンス。ちなみに終盤のMSG音源は名盤「THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME EXPANDED」とまったく異質のイコライズが施されており、その解釈の違いを聴き比べるのも楽しみと言えます。

「U.S. TOUR 1973 COMPILATION」がさらに画期的な点としては、歓声をミックスさせることでPAアウトから録音されたサウンドボードにおける致命的とも言えた臨場感の低さもリカバリーしてみせた点も大きな魅力でしょう。一方でこうした作業はさらなるセンスが求められます。その点においてもこのコンピは抜きん出た仕上がりを見せており、ライブ前半の「Black Dog」辺りまでとライブ終盤に限った歓声のスパイス的な使い方が素晴らしい。

だし、海外マニアのセンスだけにツッコミどころも存在します。ケザー・スタジアムでの「Communication Breakdown」が終わった後、プラントが観客とビル・グレアムにお礼を述べて「The Ocean」を始めるMCまでケザーのパートが使われているのですが、その後はMSGの終盤パートに切り替わり、MSG版「The Ocean」が終わると再びケザーでのMC(あの有名な「Vives are real!」というやつです。)で幕を閉じるという編集が微妙かと。つまり、この部分でMCを最長フルで収録したいのはわかりますが、プラントが「The Ocean」と言っておきながら「Thank You」のオルガンが始まるのはちょっとおかしな感じが否めません。ちなみに「Thank You」の後に再録されているケザーMCは意図的にエディットされています。

そして今回のリリースに際しては、ギフト時にオミットされていたボーナス・ディスク扱いのDisc-4まで含む「完全版」としてのリリースでもあります。今回初となるこのディスクには実際のライブの順番で収録されたモービル公演の冒頭二曲(この2曲の音が凄い!)、さらには同公演からの「Dazed And Confused」などを同様のトリートメントで仕上げたもの。これによって、同じツアーにおける「Dazed And~」インプロの違いを簡単に聴き比べられるというマニアも喜ぶコンセプトに進化していますし、一方で全体を通したクオリティの高さからビギナーでも聴き込める文句なしのコンピレーション。
最後に身も蓋もないことを白状してしまいますが…全編を通して音質が良くディスク4枚というボリュームがまったく苦にならないのに加え、何といっても「Moby Dick」が収録されていないからいよいよ聴きやすい仕上がり!超楽しめます!笑

Disc 1(49:08)
1. Intro (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)
2. Rock And Roll (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)
3. Celebration Day (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
4. Bring It On Home Intro(Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
5. Black Dog (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
6. Over The Hills And Far Away (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)
7. Goergia On My Mind (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
8. Misty Mountain Hop (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
9. Since I’ve Been Loving You (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)
10. No Quarter (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)

Disc 2(49:32)
1. The Song Remains The Same (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
2. The Rain Song (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
3. Dazed And Confused (Seattle Center Coliseum, Seattle, WA. USA 17th July 1973)

Disc 3(54:12)
1. Stairway To Heaven (The Forum, Inglewood, CA. 31st May 1973)
2. Heartbreaker (Kezar Stadium, San Francisco, CA. 2nd June 1973)
3. Whole Lotta Love (Kezar Stadium, San Francisco, CA. 2nd June 1973)
4. Communication Breakdown (Kezar Stadium, San Francisco, CA. 2nd June 1973)
5. Organ Solo (Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY. 29th July 1973)
6. Thank You (Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY. 29th July 1973)
7. The Ocean (Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY. 29th July 1973)

Disc 4(47:57)
Bonus Tracks

1. Rock And Roll (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)
2. Celebration Day (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)
3. Dazed And Confused (Municipal Auditorium, Mobile, AL. 13th May 1973)
4. Heartbreaker (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)
5. Whole Lotta Love (Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, UT. 26th May 1973)


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