Led Zeppelin / Toccata and Fugue: Helsinki 1970/ 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Toccata and Fugue: Helsinki 1970 / 2CD / Non label

Live at Kulttuuritalo, Helsinki, Finland 23rd February 1970

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

Helsinki, which is also a live recording of 70 years, will be released at the same time as Bristol this time. Like Bristol, it is not a land where performances have been held many times, so if you are a ZEP maniac, speaking of Helsinki, you will be able to say “Oh, it’s been 70 years.”
In fact, Helsinki marked the beginning of ZEP’s first European tour, following the January tour of the Royal Albert Hall and Bristol. From this tour, it has become a treasure trove of famous performances and sound sources such as Montreux, which is an eternal classic, as well as “COPENHAGEN 1970”, “HAMBURG 1970 2ND NIGHT” and “DUSSELDORF 1970”. Compared to 1971, there are still a lot of unfinished parts as a live act, but the lively performance that more than compensates for it is overwhelming.
However, in the LP era, the rare board “LIFE” (also known as “LIVE”), which was very popular with maniacs, and the “WHITE SUMMER” Düsseldorf, or “FEEL ALRIGHT” made by MARC, which was copied from it and became even more popular. ] and other Montreux options were narrowed down, and it was only after the arrival of the CD era that the whole picture of this tour became clear.

Surprisingly, the first CD at that time was not Dusseldorf or Montreux, but Helsinki on the first day of the tour. At the time this was released, it was still an era when only sound boards and superb audiences were allowed to be released, so it was nothing but bravery to show a picture-like vintage audience on CD. It says. In addition, it was released at the same time in the United States, a few months later, in Raleigh.
That was the silver jacket “VAHALLA I AM COMING”, and after that, “TOCCATA AND FUGUE” from the old Tara (which is also a tribute to the title this time), or “FIXIN’ TO DIE” released by Scorpio under the name of Gold Standard. Although a total of three titles were released, none of them were recorded with an accurate pitch, and on the contrary, they were released with some problems, such as a feeling of falling out of the generation.

Because of that, he was branded as an audience for hard enthusiasts, and Helsinki fell into a situation where no decent items were released after that. Helsinki was literally in trouble because the original recording condition was not so bad, but in recent years Krw_co has discovered a first generation copy.
Because it was in a low generation state, it was a wonderful upper feeling that did not matter as much as past items, but at that time Helsinki was completely overlooked. It ended up being a cautious treatment of releasing as a gift CD-R (laughs). If you think about it, you never released a sound source with such a clear upper feeling.
Therefore, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is in charge of the overhaul this time as well. The 1st Gen version excavated by Krw_co is not as difficult as the Bristol that was released at the same time, and even if he did it, it was certified as “overwhelmingly better sound” than past items. Certainly Jimmy’s guitar is captured with a large balance, but this release will reaffirm that it was captured with an exquisite balance without being saturated. If you say that the pitch was recorded accurately for the first time with the adjustment unique to “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, it would be a demon.

And on the first day of the tour, the organ played by Johnsy was temporarily stopped at the airport, so the performance was so intense that it was hard to believe that there was a happening such as the start of the show being delayed because of the accurate pitch and 1st Gen.
Jimmy was playing as much as he wanted in Bristol, but he is doing great here as well. It’s already sharp from the beginning. In addition, “Dazed And Confused” suffers from a happening where Jimmy’s guitar sound does not come out, but you can understand the situation.
Also, speaking of “Heartbreaker” on this tour, I remember the famous scene in Montreux where Jimmy played the riff of the Jeff Beck group “Rice Pudding” before the start, but on this day, while returning from the guitar solo, “Plynth It is valuable because it captures the rare scene of playing the riff of “. Was JBG#1 his boom at this time? The appearance of Robert’s brilliant scream, which competes with Jimmy of such a sharpness, echoes in the venue is also the charm of this sound source, and it is a sight unique to 70 years.
Above all, Helsinki, which has been forgotten by maniacs for a long time, has been reborn with a detailed overhaul of 1st Gen and “GRAF ZEPPELIN”!

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(remastered memo)

★ New mastering from the same Krw_co version as the gift
The vocal is far away, but the guitar is very on, and the overall sound is quite clear and good.
Despite this good sound quality, the Gold Standard edition (’94) and the old Tara edition (’95) have not been updated since they appeared in the ’90s, and this is the first press edition in about 30 years!

★The sound quality is by far the best compared to previous releases, and you can tell just by listening to it how fresh it is, the lack of hiss, and the lack of peculiarities in the frequency band. There are no cuts between songs except that it is almost perfect

★ Phase correction and band adjustment

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実際ヘルシンキはロイヤル・アルバート・ホールやブリストルが行われた1月のツアーに次いで行われたZEP初のヨーロッパ・ツアーの幕開けとなった日。このツアーからは永遠の定番であるモントルー、さらには『COPENHAGEN 1970』や『HAMBURG 1970 2ND NIGHT』そして『DUSSELDORF 1970』といった名演&名音源の宝庫となっています。まだ71年以降と比べてライブ・アクトとして未完成な部分は少なくないのですが、それを補って余りある躍動感ある演奏が圧倒的な時期。
もっともLP時代はマニアに大人気のレア盤『LIFE』(またの名を『LIVE』)と、そこからコピーして更にポピュラーな存在となった我が国が誇るMARC製『WHITE SUMMER』のデュッセルドルフ、あるいは『FEEL ALRIGHT』を始めとしたモントルー各種に選択肢が絞られており、このツアーの全貌が明らかとなったのはCD時代を迎えてからでした。

それがシルバー・ジャケの『VAHALLA I AM COMING』でして、その後も旧タラから(今回のタイトルのオマージュでもある)『TOCCATA AND FUGUE』、あるいはスコルピオがGold Standard名義で出した『FIXIN’ TO DIE』といった具合に計三タイトルがリリースされたものの正確なピッチで収録されたものはどれ一つとしてなく、それどころかジェネ落ち感も相当、といった具合に何かしら問題を抱えたままリリースされてしまいました。

そこで今回はこちらも「GRAF ZEPPELIN」がオーバーホールを担当。Krw_coによって発掘された1st Genバージョンは同時リリースのブリストルほど手を焼くこともなく、彼をしても過去のアイテムより「圧倒的に音がイイ」とのお墨付き。確かにジミーのギターが大きめなバランスで捉えられているのですが、それが飽和することなく絶妙なバランスで捉えてくれていたのだとを今回のリリースで再認識してもらえるでしょう。そこへ「GRAF ZEPPELIN」ならではのアジャストによってピッチも初めて正確に収録されたとくれば鬼に金棒。

そしてツアー初日、さらにはジョンジーの弾くオルガンが空港で一時足止めを食らってしまったせいでショウの開演が遅れるなどのハプニングがあったとは思えないほど激しい演奏ぶりは正確なピッチと1st Genだからこそ。
ブリストルで思う存分に弾き倒していたジミーでしたが、ここでも彼は絶好調。もう序盤からしてキレッキレ。おまけに「Dazed And Confused」ではジミーのギターの音が出なくなるハプニングに見舞われてしまうのですが、その様子が手に取るように解る。
またこのツアーの「Heartbreaker」と言えばジミーが開始前にジェフ・ベック・グループ「Rice Pudding」のリフを弾いたモントルーの名場面が思い出されますが、この日はギターソロから戻る最中に「Plynth」のリフを弾くという珍しい場面が捉えられていて貴重。この時期の彼はJBG#1がマイブームだったのでしょうか。そんなキレッキレのジミーと拮抗したロバートの見事なスクリームが会場に響き渡る様子も本音源の魅力であり、70年ならではの光景かと。
何より最初に申し上げた理由から長い間マニアに忘れ去られてしまったも同然のヘルシンキが1st Genと「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の緻密なオーバーホールによって生まれ変わりました!




これだけ良好な音質にもかかわらず、過去にGold Standard盤(’94)、旧タラ盤(’95)などが’90年代に登場以降は全く更新もなく、今回約30年ぶりのプレス盤化!




Disc 1 (61:35)
1. We’re Gonna Groove
2. I Can’t Quit You Baby
3. Dazed And Confused
4. Heartbreaker
5. White Summer incl. Black Mountain Side
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You
7. Organ Solo ★イントロでバッハのToccata And Fugueさわり
8. Thank You

Disc 2 (50:59)
1. MC
2. Moby Dick ★1:13、 1:23カット
3. How Many More Times
4. Whole Lotta Love

Non label

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