Led Zeppelin / Osaka 1971 1st Night / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Osaka 1971 1st Night / 3CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 28th September 1971 Upgrade From Original Masters

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This time we will realize not only the release of “928” the longest editing version that ZEP mania was keen on, until the release of a wonderful upper version of 928 show “source 1”. It was “source 1” for us to clarify the whole picture of the legendary 928 knight for a long time until 2016 when the “928” sauce was discovered. The sound source itself has been circulating among traders since ancient times, and analysis of performance was posted on this basis in a professional magazine around 1990, so CD production has been awaited for among maniacs. Then the title which said “COME ON EVERY BODY” and “PLEASE PLEASE ME” was released, it finally began to be able to enjoy 928 easily.
However, both titles have been left with a high pitch. As I had such big drawbacks, I could not believe that the 928 show was being stamped for mania compared to the day after turning it into a popular item of the century.
This “source 1” is a stereo audience recording, the sound image is closer than the “928” source. Furthermore, the texture of the sound is similar to the most popular version of the 929 audience recording source the next day (“929 ALTERNATES” recorded on the first three discs). Furthermore, the tendency of sound is similar to Floyd ‘s audience recording (which was also held at the Osaka Festival Hall and released at various “OSAKA 1971” titles) which was held one and a half month before 928. I can guess that the possibility that these three sound sources were recorded by the same taper is very high.
There is a fact that further proves this. Both 928 and Floyd Osaka 71 circulated sound copies back and forth between 3rd and 2nd generation. Especially the copy of 928 of ZEP has been stopped for 3rd generation over the years (since it was the cassette · trade era of the 1980s). This sound source was based on the CD items listed above as well. There is not only a misplaced pitch which seems to have been caused by overlapping copies, but also a muddy texture can not deny the feeling that the realistic feeling unique to the stereo sound quality has been spoiled. It was a typical audience recording that everyone thinks “If the sound is a little better …”.

However, in recent years, the sound source whose generation notation is finally “2nd” finally appears on the net. This was a familiar editing that the encore part was supplemented with “source 2”, it was selling that both sound sources were second generation. Actually there was a distinct sound quality difference in the difference of generation between 3rd gen. And 2nd gen. In 928. His noises are conspicuous in the former, and the latter is very low. However, 2nd gen. Is a disadvantage of this sound source, the turbidity of the sound stands out more than 3rd gen. Perhaps, 3rd gen. Is not it just equalizing the sound source? I even remembered such discomfort.
In any case, neither copy is now worth releasing again, I do not think it is a worthwhile state to release, which was the biggest factor in making me hesitate to create and plan “928” Complete Editing Board . Such situation suddenly changed in the second half of last year. That begins with the appearance of a new cassette / copy provider of “source 1” at our shop. When I put the cassette in front, everyone was feeling that “everything will be the source …”, everyone was feeling to climb high, but it is overwhelmingly better than two versions in the past when playing back I was so surprised!
This is no longer a level that can be changed by equalization, it was an undisputed upper version. There is no harassing hiss like the 3rd gen. Version, but the feeling of turbidity like 2nd gen. Has been eliminated all at once. “This is it!” Everyone who heard the sound source was overwhelmed by the natural upper feeling. Even though it was a trade cassette without generation notation, the staff was stunned by the condition that I could not be revealed at all.

It is a topic that can not beat the excavation of “928” source in 2016 simply by just finding the upper version of “source 1”, but the lucky thing is that last year the provider came up to the master cassette of “source 2” It was. What is the timing? Although it seems that you know if you are listening to past items, this sound source has a big advantage in that it captures the encore that was missing in other recordings, while the sound quality is better than any other There is also a minus point that it will be inferior sound source. Because of that, the items in the past had been subjected to greater equalization to the “source 2” part, but it was something that was inferior to the infamous sound quality so that it could be perceived without any doubt.
Regarding net source version “source 2” which was described as “2 nd gen.” In the mixture with “source 1” mentioned earlier, this part was also equalized. But this time not only is not equalization done, but there is only the master cassette, it will be surprising because it is easy to hear it is a coarse recording situation. Even though His is strong, this naturalness can be said to be very favorable, and is not it echoing really fresh? “928” Since there is a source, “source 2” is actually only “Communication Breakdown”, but nevertheless it is surprising that this naturalness is amazing.
As a result, 928 show two past audiences recordings will be released in the upper version Both of the very breakthrough items limited press CD. If you add “928” sauce there as supplementary personnel, this is already a demon to a demon.
While the “928” sauce has a very mild texture as a big appeal, the sound has been periodically stopped, or the Japanese beat-like clapping of the Showa including hands grooves in the acoustic part is annoying It is a fact. The main “source 1” is a pretty stable state of recording, and the “turbidity of sound” that was found in past items by excavation of this upper version was eliminated at a stretch. It has become an item that can enjoy the legendary Osaka first day in a state of suddenly natural and warmy to my heart’s content.
Along with 929 the next day, the two days in Osaka was the stage where ZEP’s “unrestrained” appeared in the best form in 1971. They have a tendency to do shows in a solid composition in the United States and the UK in this year and to try them freely in other countries. For example in Dublin and Copenhagen new songs from the album before release were tried on the stage. And in Osaka the Oldies competition up to 928 Encore took up the band’s aides (Phil Carson) was unfolded, 929 realized the first and last “Friends” live show. It is no doubt that joy and excitement that was welcomed for the first time in a country of hospitality appeared in the performance as it was, and in fact the plant was “at the beginning of 928” “You guys are lucky, because we are in perfect condition today! It is a testimonial of being asked to say that MC is said.
It is really interesting to see how ZEP was surprised that it showed an explosive excitement when it casually tried playing “Please Please Me” without knowing Tuyu’s great country. Taking care of it, if you think that you’ve served “From Me To You” (but not accompanied by Paige at all), I encourage you to chorus “We Shall Overcome”. There, “rock” has not taken root yet and it reaches the presence feeling unique to Japanese concerts of the Showa 40s which was a country of “folk” and “pops”. Aside from 929, 928 was also a really nice show. “OSAKA 1971 1ST NIGHT” is confidently advised to those who have avoided 928 for the reasons cited above, and husband who can enjoy a lot of long-awaited “928 COMPLETE EDITION” in mania is enjoyable. And since neither atmosphere is a different sound source at all, 928 best items which are the most fun to listen to is also released at the same time two titles are released at the same time!

★ Mainly earlier “928” sauce source, and end portion from Source 2’s proprietary tape, compensated for source 1 of the newly acquired tape master (without any doubt!). Best · longest version.

★ Even from the fact that the intro is about 1 second longer than the sound source so far, it can be judged as recording from a new cassette. The last source 2 is recording from the master cassette, it is natural sound quality.

今回はZEPマニアが待ち焦がれた「928」最長編集バージョンのリリースだけでなく、何と928ショー「source 1」の素晴らしいアッパー版のリリースまで実現してしまいます。2016年になって「928」ソースが発掘されるまでの長い間に渡って、我々に伝説の928ナイトの全貌を明らかにしてくれたのが「source 1」でした。音源自体は古くからトレーダー間に出回っており、1990年頃に専門誌でこれを元に公演の解析が掲載されたことから、マニアの間ではCD化が待ち望まれていたものです。その後「COME ON EVERYBODY」や「PLEASE PLEASE ME」と言ったタイトルがリリースされ、遂に928が手軽に楽しめるようになりました。
この「source 1」はステレオ・オーディエンス録音で音像は「928」ソースよりも近い。さらには翌日929のオーディエンス録音ソースの中でもっともポピュラーなバージョン(「929 ALTERNATES」最初の三枚のディスクに収録)に音の質感がそっくり。さらには928の一か月半前に行われたフロイドのオーディエンス録音(こちらも大阪フェスティバル・ホールで行われ各種「OSAKA 1971」タイトルにてリリース済)にも音の傾向が似ているのです。これら三つの音源が同一のテーパーによって録音された可能性は非常に高いものだと推測できるでしょう。

ところが、近年になってネット上にようやくジェネレーション表記が「2nd」とされた音源が登場しています。これはアンコール・パートを「source 2」で補うというおなじみの編集ながら、どちらの音源も共にセカンド・ジェネレーションであることが売りだったのです。実際に928の3rd gen.と2nd gen.のジェネレーション違いには明確な音質の違いがありました。前者はヒスノイズが目立ち、後者はそれがグッと低くなっている。ところが2nd gen.はこの音源の難点である音の濁りが3rd gen.よりも目立つ。もしかしたら、3rd gen.音源をイコライズしただけではないとか?そんな違和感すら覚えたものです。
いずれにせよ、どちらのコピーも今になって改めてリリースする価値のある状態だとは思えず、それこそが「928」のコンプリート編集盤の制作や企画を躊躇させる最大の要因となっていました。そんな状況が突如として変化したのは昨年後半のこと。それは当店に「source 1」の新たなカセット・コピーの提供者が現れたことに始まります。そのカセットを前にしたところで「どうせあのソースだろう…」と誰もが高を括る気持ちだったのですが、いざ再生してみれば過去二種類のバージョンよりも圧倒的に良好な状態であったのだからビックリ!
これはもう、イコライズで変えられるようなレベルでなく、文句なしのアッパーなバージョンだったのです。3rd gen.バージョンのような耳障りなヒスはなく、かといって2nd gen.のような濁り感も一気に解消されている…。「これだ!」音源を聞いた誰もがナチュラルなアッパー感に圧倒されたのです。ジェネレーション表記のないトレード・カセットだったにもかかわらず、まったくもって侮れない状態にスタッフは唖然とさせられました。

「source 1」のアッパー版発掘と言うだけでも2016年の「928」ソース発掘に負けないトピックとなる訳ですが、ラッキーなことに昨年は「source 2」のマスター・カセットまで提供者が現れました。何というタイミングでしょうか。過去のアイテムを聞かれた方であればご存知かとは思われますが、この音源は他の録音で欠損していたアンコールを捉えているという点で大きなアドバンテージがある一方、音質が他のどれよりも劣ってしまうというマイナス・ポイントもある音源。そのせいで過去のアイテムは「source 2」パートに大なり小なりのイコライズを施していたものですが、それが致し方なく感じられるほどに劣った音質の悪名が轟いていたものです。
先にも触れた「source 1」との混成で「2nd gen.」表記のあったネット音源版「source 2」に関しても、このパートはやはりイコライズが加えられていたものです。しかし今回はイコライズが一切施されていないだけでなく、マスター・カセットだけのことはあり、粗い録音状態なりに聞きやすくなっているのだから驚きでしょう。ヒスが強くともこのナチュラルさは大変に好感の持てる状態といえ、実に新鮮に響くのではないでしょうか。「928」ソースがある以上「source 2」の出番は実質的に「Communication Breakdown」だけなのですが、それでもこのナチュラルさには驚かされること間違いなし。
「928」ソースは非常にマイルドな質感が大きな魅力である一方、周期的に音がこもってしまったり、あるいはアコースティック・パートで手もみグルーブを含んだ昭和の日本人ビート的な手拍子が耳障りであったのは事実。その点メインたる「source 1」は非常に安定感抜群な録音状態であり、そこへ今回のアッパー版の発掘によって過去のアイテムにあった「音の濁り」が一気に解消。俄然ナチュラルかつウォーミーな状態で伝説の大阪初日を心ゆくまで楽しめるアイテムとなっています。
ビートルズ大国とはつゆ知らず、何気なく「Please Please Me」を弾いてみれば、それだけで爆発的な盛り上がりを見せたことにZEPが驚いた様子も本当に面白い。調子に乗って「From Me To You」までサービス(ただしペイジの伴奏はまったく合ってない)したかと思えば、「We Shall Overcome」の合唱まで促してしまう。そこには「ロック」がまだ根付いておらず「フォーク」や「ポップス」の国であった昭和40年代の日本のコンサートならではの臨場感まで伝わってくる。929もさることながら、928も本当に素晴らしいショーでした。先に挙げた理由から928を敬遠していた人にも自信を持って勧められるのが「OSAKA 1971 1ST NIGHT」であり、マニアには待望の「928 COMPLETE EDITION」が大いに楽しめるハズ。そしてどちらもまったく雰囲気が違う音源であることから、聞き比べも最高に楽しい928のベスト・アイテムが一挙に二タイトル同時にリリースされます!



Disc 1 (58:50)
1. Introduction
2. Immigrant Song
3. Heartbreaker
4. Since I’ve Been Loving You
5. Black Dog
6. Dazed And Confused ★28:02 – 最後まで「928」補填

Disc 2 (52:03)
1. MC ★0:00 – 0:20 「928」補填
2. Stairway To Heaven ★5:51 – 7:51 補填 ★7:57の音落ちは元から
3. Please Please Me / From Me To You
4. Celebration Day
5. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
6. That’s The Way
7. Going To California
8. We Shall Overcome
9. Tangerine
10. Down By The Riverside ★2:15 – 3:00 「928」補填
11. What Is And What Should Never Be

Disc 3 (75:56)
1. MC
2. Moby Dick
3. Whole Lotta Love ★19:40 – 最後まで「928」補填
4. C’mon Everybody ★全部「928」補填
5. High Heel Sneakers ★0:00 – 3:06 補填 / 3:06 – 最後までソース2補填
6. Communication Breakdown ★全部ソース2補填

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