Led Zeppelin / Long Beach Arena 1975 1st Night Mike Millard Master Cassettes Flat Transfer / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Long Beach Arena 1975 1st Night Mike Millard Master Cassettes Flat Transfer / 3CD+1Bonus DVDR / Non Label

Live at Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, USA 11th March 1975 Plus Ltd Bonus DVDR “LONG BEACH ARENA 1975 2ND NIGHT: 8MM FILM FOOTAGE”

Play sample :

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The release of Mike Millard’s audience recording master, which is a weekly fun for enthusiasts. Later this year, the first day of LA in 1977, familiar with “Listen to this, Eddie,” caught the attention of boot fans, but the first half of the series first peak was undoubtedly the first day of Long Beach in 1975.

In fact, even if you are not a maniac level, you have to reach out to the outstanding quality of the ZEP live sound source that Millard left behind to the extent that it is comparable to that “Eddie”, and that was the trigger for collecting ZEP live sound sources. I think there are many people who are addicted to it. In any case, no one would argue that this is the best live recording of the 1975 ZEP captured by Millard.

Sound board recordings have been unearthed by EMPRESS VALLEY’s “LONG BEACH CALIFORNICATION” in the 21st century for such a super famous live performance. Will the mirrored sound source in the world be exempted from the role with this? However, the popularity of his sound source did not decline. It is true that the sound board reveals the details of the performance with intense clearness, but the fate of the sound source recorded from the PA out, or the sense of presence unique to live performances is lacking. Furthermore, it is undeniable that the momentum of the performance will be spoiled. In that respect, on March 11, 1975, the mirrored recording was overwhelming with an incredibly on-sound image and clear freshness after breathing in the air of Long Beach Arena. As a result, the value of this recording was not lost.

How did you achieve such outstanding high-quality recording? The JEMS team clarified that when the master tape was released this time. In the first place, it was in 1975 that Millard introduced a combination called Nakamichi 550 cassette deck to the AKG 451E microphone that realized the high sound quality. He first tested the equipment at a concert at the Faces LA Forum in early March. That was the recording heard on their “L.A. FORUM 1975 MIKE MILLARD 1st GEN” CD, which was also in preparation for the upcoming ZEP west coast invasion. The concert that I participated in to check the equipment was Faces.
But it doesn’t fit there. It was on the first day of Long Beach that Millard came up with the legendary “wheelchair preparation” and put it into practice. Regarding this matter, the testimony of a person named Jim R who procured a wheelchair and headed to Millard and the arena at the time of this release was included, and it was said that it was what he called “the beginning of the wheelchair era” in Millard’s recording career. It is. No wonder, it was possible to realize an amazing sound image with outstanding stability. In addition, Johnsy’s baseline is also captured with amazing graininess. Perhaps because it was a monumental recording for Millard in this way, it is also new to remember that JEMS released an irregular sound source from the first remastered version of the master. After that, I uploaded the master tape as it is, so to speak, the version of “flat transfer”.

Regarding this sound source, JEMS released “LONG BEACH ARENA 1975: Mike Millard Unmarked 1st Gen Cassettes Transfer” a few years ago, and it has been sold out, but the difference in sound quality between this version and this version. Is obvious. Our staff was overwhelmed by the difference in sound quality between “Unmarked 1st Gen”, which is a kind of so-called low generation, and master tape. Even “Unmarked 1st Gen”, which has such high sound quality and feels natural, sounds muffled and muffled in front of this version.
Of particular note is the best version of “Flat Transfer,” which will be reissued this time. The delicate and natural texture and listening comfort that makes you want to call it the ultimate of a cassette audience is really wonderful. Mirrored is a taper that sticks to wide area extension until the hiss noise is strengthened by properly using Dolby on and off. I can finally enjoy the state as it is. (In the remastered version that first appeared, the unnaturalness caused by suppressing hiss noise, such as the sound of Bonzo’s drums and the edge of the MC emitted by the plant between songs, was honestly unpopular with enthusiasts. )

And the performance is wonderful again. From the next day to the second day of Seattle is often regarded as the peak of the 1975 American tour among enthusiasts, but on the day before that, the light performance of footwork that ZEP is ready to run away is the day. Isn’t it a big attraction? In particular, the rhythm section’s supple performance has a different appeal from the runaway performance from the next day onwards, and its first famous performance is “In My Time Of Dying.” It is clear that when the key was lowered for live performance, the approach was different from the reproduction of the heavy atmosphere that was in the studio version, but the light and supple performance of the two rhythm sections and the front The two of them are well-matched.
It’s true that the performance from the next day to Seattle has a high voltage, but it certainly looks like a crap. Actually, “Dazed And Confused” will continue to escalate from the next day onwards, but rather this performance, which fits in the American standard pattern in 1975, is more attractive to listen to, and that is due to the master sound quality this time. It stands out even more. Also, when it comes to “Stairway To Heaven”, Page is playing the phrase lightly this time, which is also full of charm different from the next day and later.
In other words, it can be said that the completed form of the 1975 American tour was completed on the first day of Long Beach, which led to the escalated play from the next day onwards. Even for enthusiasts who have overheard the long beach first day items that have been released so far, the upper feeling unique to this master tape may remind you of the charm of the performance.

Please enjoy the legendary wheelchair recording that started here to your heart’s content.

★ Comparison verification between “Unmarked 1st Gen Cassettes Transfer” and “Master Cassettes: Flat Transfer”

“1st Gen” is played on Nakamichi’s deck, but because it has Dolby, the delicious parts of the high range such as the reverberation of cymbals and the sound of snare rim shots are diluted. Regarding the bass part, the range around 100hz peculiar to Nakamichi is reproduced firmly, but since the treble part is thin, I get the impression that it is light as a whole. Also, the reproduction of the left channel is recorded with a slightly weak feeling. (Fine hydrangea deviation? Playback head condition? Dolby hooking condition? There are various possible causes …) However, regarding hiss noise, “1st Gen” is less due to the effect of Dolby.

“Master Cassettes: Flat Transfer” is played on a Yamaha deck, but it is played without Dolby, and the treble is recorded firmly up to around 18kHz, so the current tape is reproduced as it is. ..
The bass is reproduced in the standard state of decks other than Nakamichi. As a characteristic of this deck, the mid-high range tends to be slightly emphasized and reproduced, but it is not an artificial one.

In conclusion, both sound quality and content are the overwhelming victory of “Master Cassettes: Flat Transfer”.

マニアにとって毎週のお楽しみであるマイク・ミラードのオーディエンス録音マスターの公開。今年の後半は「Listen to this, Eddie」でお馴染みの1977年LA初日がブート・ファンの話題をさらいましたが、前半のシリーズ・ファースト・ピークは間違いなく1975年のロングビーチ初日でした。


そんな超有名ライブも21世紀を迎えるとEMPRESS VALLEYの「LONG BEACH CALIFORNICATION」によってサウンドボード録音が発掘されています。これで天下のミラード音源もお役目御免となってしまうのか…。ところがどっこい、それでも彼の音源の人気が落ちることはありませんでした。確かにサウンドボードは強烈なクリアネスで演奏のディテールを解き明かしてくれるのですが、PAアウトから収録された音源の宿命か、ライブならではの臨場感が乏しい。さらには演奏の勢いもスポイルされてしまう感が否めない。その点ミラード録音の方は1975年3月11日、ロングビーチ・アリーナの空気をたっぷりと吸い込んだ上で信じがたいほどにオンな音像と澄み切った鮮度が圧巻。結果としてこの録音の価値が失われることはありませんでした。

どうしてここまで卓越したハイクオリティ録音が実現できたのか?ということを今回のマスターテープ公開に際してJEMSチームが解明してくれました。そもそもミラードがその高音質ぶりを実現させたAKG 451Eマイクにナカミチ550カセット・デッキというコンビネーションを導入したのが1975年だったという。彼はまず3月頭にフェイセズのLAフォーラムでのコンサートにてこの機材を試験投入。それが彼らの「L.A. FORUM 1975 MIKE MILLARD 1st GEN」CDで聞かれる録音だったのですが、それもこれも来るべきZEPの西海岸襲来へ備えてのことだったのです。機材のチェックを兼ねて参戦したコンサートがフェイセズだったとは。
しかしそれだけに収まりません。ミラードは伝説の「車椅子仕込み」を思いつき、それを実行に移したのが何とロングビーチ初日だったのです。この件に関しては今回の公開に際して車椅子を調達してミラードとアリーナに向かったJim Rという人物の証言が盛り込まれており、ミラードの録音キャリアにおいて彼言うところの「車椅子時代の始まり」であったというのです。どうりで安定感抜群でなおかつ驚異的な音像が実現できた訳だ。おまけにジョンジーのベースラインも驚異的な粒立ちのクリアネスで捉えられている。このようにミラードにとっても記念碑的な録音であったからか、JEMSは最初にマスターをリマスターしたバージョンから公開するという、変則的な音源の登場となったのも記憶に新しいところ。そして、その後で改めてマスターテープそのままの状態、いわば「フラット・トランスファー」のバージョンをアップロードさせました。

この音源に関しては数年前にこれまたJEMSが公開した「LONG BEACH ARENA 1975: Mike Millard Unmarked 1st Gen Cassettes Transfer」をリリースし、なおかつ売り切れてしまった実績がありますが、それと今回のバージョンの音質の差は歴然。いわゆるロージェネレーションの類である「Unmarked 1st Gen」とマスターテープでもこれほどまでに音質の差が生まれていたのか…と当店スタッフは圧倒されました。あれほど高音質でナチュラルに感じられた「Unmarked 1st Gen」ですら、今回のバージョンを前にするとモコモコとしてこもり気味の音質に聞こえてしまう。

そして演奏がまた素晴らしい。マニアの間では翌日からシアトル二日目までが75年アメリカ・ツアーのピークとされがちですが、その前日であるこの日、ZEPが暴走し出す準備の整ったフットワークの軽い演奏こそ、この日の大きな魅力ではないか。特にリズム隊の足腰しなやかな演奏ぶりは翌日以降の暴走ぶりとはまた違った魅力があり、その最初の名演が「In My Time Of Dying」。元々ライブ演奏用にキーを下げた段階でスタジオ・バージョンにあった重厚な雰囲気の再現とは違ったアプローチを図っていたことは明白ですが、リズム隊二人の軽やかでしなやかな演奏ぶりとフロント二人のはっちゃけぶりがうまく溶け合っている。
確かに翌日からシアトルまでの演奏はボルテージ高めなのですが、それがクドめに映ってしまうのも確か。実際に「Dazed And Confused」は翌日以降エスカレートの一途を辿る訳ですが、むしろ75年アメリカの定型パターンで収まっているこちらの演奏の方が聞き疲れしない魅力があり、それが今回のマスター音質によってさらに際立っている。また「Stairway To Heaven」になると今度はペイジが軽やかにフレーズを弾きまくっており、これもまた翌日以降とは違った魅力にあふれている。



★「Unmarked 1st Gen Cassettes Transfer」と「Master Cassettes: Flat Transfer」との比較検証

「1st Gen」はナカミチのデッキで再生されていますが、ドルビーが掛かっている為、シンバルの残響音やスネアのリムショットの響き等々の高音域のおいしい部分が希薄になっています。低音部に関してはナカミチ特有の100hz周辺の音域がしっかり再現されていますが、高音部が希薄な為、全体としてもっさりした印象を受けます。また、左チャンネルの再現が少し弱い感じで収録されています。(微細なアジマスの狂い? 再生ヘッドの状態? ドルビーの掛かり具合?原因は色々考えられますが・・・)ただし、ヒスノイズに関しては、ドルビーの効果で「1st Gen」の方が少ないです。

「Master Cassettes: Flat Transfer」はヤマハのデッキで再生されていますが、ドルビーを掛けず再生されており、高音は18kHz辺りまでしっかりと収録されているので、現状のテープをそのまま再現された状態です。

結論として、音質・内容ともに「Master Cassettes: Flat Transfer」の圧勝です。

Disc 1 (54:50)
1. Intro
2. Rock And Roll
3. Sick Again
4. Over The Hills And Far Away
5. In My Time Of Dying
6. The Song Remains The Same
7. The Rain Song ★7:37のアナログカットの空白はリアルなのでそのまま残しました。
8. Kashmir

Disc 2 (53:43)
1. MC
2. No Quarter
3. Trampled Underfoot
4. Moby Dick ★13:04のアナログカットの空白はリアルなのでそのまま残しました。

Disc 3 (55:02)
1. MC
2. Dazed And Confused
3. Stairway To Heaven
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. The Crunge
6. Black Dog


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