Led Zeppelin / Listen To This Eddie / 3CD With Program Replica

Led Zeppelin / Listen To This Eddie / 3CD With Program Replica / Graf Zeppelin

Live at The Forum, Inglewood, California, USA 21st June 1977. Original Millard Master Recording

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The tape by Mike Millard, a legendary taper that has been released every week recently, is finally here with ZEP’s “Eddie”!
As a series of releases, it was probably “Eddie” that was released in Auras (individual view), but I think many people were surprised at this sudden appearance. It seems that “Eddie” was selected because it was the 50th release of JEMS’s mirrored line, but there are multiple theories related to the tight ring called “Eddie”, and it is said to be a theory derived from that title immediately after the release of this sound source. There was also an obituary of the party Eddie Van Halen, and as a result, this “Eddie” was a great timing.

This neighborhood has matured completely in recent years, and it doesn’t get much flashy, but every time various “Eddie” items are released, “Which is the best”, “No, this is good”, It was a long time ago (distant eyes) that infinite loop “Eddie” best items & analysis discussions were actively held, such as “It was an already deteriorated copy lol”, each pursuing their own ideal “Eddie” I’ve been sick and tired (?). There are many famous performances at ZEP live, but among them, there are not many people who disagree with the fact that the special live is probably this “Eddie”. Finally, digitization from the master cassette has been realized!

Here, if you take a quick look at the flow of the existing board, it has been converted to LP since the analog era (it is also the motif of this jacket), and speaking of “Eddie”, this analog board jacket Some people may have a strong image.
It was the SIRA loose board that realized the recording of all songs for the first time in the CD era, but I think that it spread to many people with the old cod “OUT ON THE TILES” that appeared immediately after that. As for the impact of the sound, even at the time of the old cod board, it was processed quite powerfully, and some people may still like this. The SIRA loose board is also a representative item that is always referred to at the time of comparison and verification, and there is a problem that the speed is quite fast, but since it is not as flashy as the old cod board, re-evaluation has increased since the beginning of the 2000s. , It’s a famous item that you can’t find in second-hand goods. SIRA had another release of “Eddie” in the 90’s, and the so-called “SIRA MASTER” board is not a reusable SIRA loose board, but the exquisite sound processing balance matches well with the performance. ] Speaking of this, it became a sensational item. When I listen to it again with my current ears, it seems that the feeling of donshari is a little overkill, but I think there are many people who are fond of this title. After that, in the 2000s release, the Scorpio board was supplemented with another source that was not done in the era such as SIRA board, and the degree of perfection was improved, and in recent years NO LABEL’s “THE FIRST” and the third source are supplemented. The revised version (commonly known as the purple jacket board) was said to be the best in terms of sound quality, but the sco board was said to have too much bass. In addition, the group JEMS that released the mirrored master this time released the 1st Gen version of the mirrored about 10 years ago, where the low range was poor and the sound was quite recessed, but for enthusiasts who say that the cut is long before and after. There were some points that I couldn’t miss, and some titles were made into CDs.

This time, JEMS released two versions at the same time, one was Flat Transfer and the other was Mastered. The Flat Transfer actually has a slight limiter, and some edits have been added between the songs. This time, a careful remaster was performed based on this and it is included in the CD. The other Mastered is not something that apparently adjusts the overall tone by mastering, but it seems that the whistling of the audience around the mirrored that can be heard in places has been edited, and it is cut by that edit. The omissions also seemed to increase significantly.

The sound quality of the Flat Transfer, which is the base this time, is just a master wakeup, and low frequency hum noise via VHS tape that could not be avoided in various versions that passed dubbing such as the previous 1st Gen (that is the bass boon) There was no such thing, and it was very refreshing, which was good, but there was a problem with the overall tone quality balance, the low range was squishy and there was no punch, and the mid range was out, so it was foggy. Rather, it was a bad impression that it was hung with a thin film. This has the same texture as the tape of the previously released ’75 LONG BEACH performance, and it seems to be a feature of the mirrored sound source.
Therefore, in this board, EQ balance correction is performed centering on the reinforcement of the low range that was squishy, ​​and it is definitely easier to hear than the original sound source, and it has been reborn as a version that can be said to be “eddy”, and the existing SIRA MASTER and No Label purple Mastering that emphasizes balance while respecting the sound texture of the best titles such as jacket board or SIRA loose board, low range and high range are on as it is, and you can feel the power to the extent that it is not too noisy. It’s well-balanced, so it’s worth a listen! Although some hiss can be felt by this balance processing, it does not feel unpleasant at all because the original is only digitized from the master and even hiss noise is delicate and natural.
In addition, it is properly adjusted that the pitch was also slightly higher in the first 5 songs.

On the editorial side, JEMS’s 1st Gen is compensated for the cuts between songs that were sometimes found after adjusting the texture. For example, the cut part of G solo is shorter than the 1st of JEMS for some reason, and the 1st of JEMS recorded more performances, but such parts are finely compensated by adjusting the 1st of JEMS. It has been. In addition, the cuts in the song of TEN YEARS GONE, which are originally missing in the mirrored sound source, are supplemented with the Erik source, which is the third source of this performance that has appeared in recent years and has become a hot topic. It is undeniable that the change is easy to understand because the sound source is different in the supplemented part with the Erik source (mirrored is stereo but Erik is monaural), but the part supplemented with JEMS 1st is exquisite and almost unnoticeable. You can watch it at (details are described in the song).

Original Millard Master Recording decision board!
Specifications with limited numbering and stickers attached.
In addition, a limited edition mini portrait of double-sided printing is included (finished as soon as it runs out)!
The CD label is now available on the permanent edition of the picture disc!
This is exactly the “Play It Loud!”



CD時代に初めて全曲収録を実現したのはSIRAバラ盤ですが、どちらかと言うとその直後に登場した旧タラの『OUT ON THE TILES』にて多くの方に広まったのではないかと思います。音のインパクトとしてはその旧タラ盤の時点でもかなり迫力ある処理がなされ、未だにこれが好きと言う方もおられるかも知れませんね。SIRAバラ盤も何かと比較検証時には必ず引き合いに出される代表アイテムで、スピードがかなり速いという問題はありますが、旧タラ盤ほど派手目な処理ではないということで2000年代に入ってから再評価が高まり、未だに中古では意外と見かけない名アイテムですね。SIRAは90年代にもう1回『エディー』のリリースがあり、通称『SIRA MASTER』盤は、中身はSIRAバラ盤の使い回しではなく、絶妙な音処理バランスが演奏と上手くマッチしており『エディー』と言えばコレというくらいセンセーショナルなアイテムとなりました。今現在の耳で改めて聞いて見るとさすがにドンシャリ感がちょっとやり過ぎに感じられますが、このタイトルに思い入れのある方も多いのではないでしょうか。その後2000年代のリリースではスコルピオ盤がSIRA盤などの時代ではなされなかった別ソースの補填により完成度を高め、また近年リリースのNO LABELによる『THE FIRST』及び3つ目の別ソースで補填を施したその改訂版(通称 紫ジャケ盤)が音質的には現状ベストと言ったところで、スコ盤はさすがに低音が出すぎと言ったところでしょう。また今回ミラードマスターを公開した集団JEMSは10年ほど前にもミラードの1st Genバージョンを公開しており、そこでは低域が貧弱でかなりひっこんだサウンドでしたが、カット前後が長いというマニアには見逃せないポイントもあり、そこからCD化したタイトルもありました。

今回JEMSは2個のバージョンを同時公開しており、1個はFlat Transfer、もう一方はMasteredとされるバージョンでした。Flat Transferの方は実際は若干リミッターが掛かっており、また曲間に若干エディットが加えられていたもので、今回はこれをベースに丁寧なリマスターが行われCDに収められています。もう一方のMasteredとされるものは、どうやらマスタリングで全体の音色などを調整したものということではなく、所々で聞こえるミラードの周囲の観衆の口笛などがエディットされたもののようで、そのエディットによりカットや欠落も大幅に増えているようでした。

今回ベースとなるFlat Transferの音質ですが、さすがマスター起こしだけあり以前の1st Genなどのダビングを経た様々なバージョンでは避けることの出来なかったVHSテープ経由による低周波ハムノイズ(低音のブーンってあれ)がなく、非常にスッキリしており、その点だけは良かったのですが、全体の音色バランスには問題があり、低域がスカスカでパンチがなく、しかも中域が出ているため、どうにも霧というか薄膜掛かったような抜けの悪い印象でした。これは以前リリースの’75 LONG BEACH公演のテープと同じような質感であり、どうやらミラード音源の特徴でもあるようです。
よって本盤ではスカスカした低域の補強を中心にEQバランス補正が行われており、間違いなく元音源より聞きやすく、これぞ『エディー』と言えるバージョンに生まれ変わっており、既発SIRA MASTERやNo Label紫ジャケ盤またはSIRAバラ盤などのベストタイトルの音質感もリスペクトしながらバランス重視のマスタリングで、低域と高域もそれなりにオンで、尚且つやかましくなり過ぎない程度に迫力も感じられる、良い塩梅のバランスとなっておりますので一聴の価値が大アリです!このバランス処理により多少のヒスは感じられますが、さすがに元がマスターからのデジタル化だけあってヒスノイズまでもが繊細でナチュラルですので、嫌な感じは全くしません。

編集面ですが、所々あった曲間のカットはJEMSの1st Genが質感調整のうえ補填されています。例えばG・ソロのカット部なども何故かJEMSの1stよりも前後が短く、JEMSの1stの方が演奏を多く収録していたのですが、そのような箇所はJEMS 1stを調整して緻密に補填されています。またミラードの音源で元々欠落しているTEN YEARS GONEの曲中カットなどは近年登場して話題となった本公演三つ目のソースであるErikソースで補填されています。Erikソースでの補填箇所は音源が違う(ミラードはステレオだがErikはモノラル)ということで変化が分かりやすいのは否めませんが、JEMS 1stで補填された箇所は絶妙であり、殆ど気にならずに鑑賞頂けます(詳細は曲目記載)。

Original Millard Master Recording決定盤!
これぞまさに 久 々 の 「Play It Loud!」

DISC 1 (71:12)
1. Introduction ★出だし2秒強初登場
2. The Song Remains The Same
3. The Rover – Sick Again
4. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You ★演奏後8:35-8:44 Erikソース
7. No Quarter

DISC 2 (56:54)
1. MC
2. Ten Years Gone ★曲中5:06-5:21 Erikソース
3. The Battle Of Evermore
4. Going To California
5. Black Country Woman
6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
7. White Summer
8. Black Mountain Side
9. kashmir ★演奏後9:22-9:37Erikソース

DISC 3 (74:58)
1. MC
2. Out On The Tiles – Moby Dick
3. Heartbreaker
4. Guitar Solo ★曲中14:48-14:52ミラード1st Gen
5. Achilles Last Stand ★演奏後9:27-9:32ミラード1st Gen
6. Stairway To Heaven ★イントロのカスレなし ★演奏後12:25-12:35ミラード1st Gen / 12:35-12:44Erikソース /
7. Whole Lotta Love
8. Rock And Roll

Graf Zeppelin. LZSC-621A/B/C

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