Led Zeppelin / Detroit Hard Rock City / 3CD With OBI Strip / Wendy

Led Zeppelin / Detroit Hard Rock City / 3CD With OBI Strip / Wendy

Translated text:

Live At Cobo Hall Detroit Michigan U.S.A. July 12 & 13, 1973. Soundboard

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■ Using LOWENE · source, all songs on the 12th.
■ Soundboard recorded on 4th song on 13th
■ Thank you for your patronage for many years and special price
■ The nameplate named in the best title even in a professional magazine

This work is a two – day coupling title from Detroit continuous performance of July 12 and 13, 1973. Speaking of Detroit in 1973, one of the famous concerts in 1973, famous for the audacious audience and the dazzling performance, is a famous concert. To that extent there were few titles, and there was no decision board like this. This work contains all the songs of the July 12 concert at the audience recording, and the concert of July 13 is only 4 songs, but it was recorded as a sound board, this is the content of the deciding board of this continuous performance.

First of all it is about the concert on the 12th of the first day. The main audience source is one type. From this concert, only one type of source was excavated, there were some cuts, and it was a disadvantage that small sound cuts and noises were scattered. However, the sound quality itself has been recorded very clearly, and the state of the day is conveyed to the present with a powerful high sound quality. This work uses this first generation · master of the audience · source, it is easy to hear as much as possible repairing the sound breakage and noise. Of course, there is a technical limit in the repair work as well, it is impossible to “make a part that is not”, so it is a bad part in this tour full of complete recording, but before and after the cut the original material Recording in the state as it is, it is currently the longest possible to think.

Unfortunately, the content is a recording in which the first song “ROCK AND ROLL” starts from the middle. However, it is likely to be immediately pulled by the tremendousness of the performance that it can be clearly recognized that this concert is special only by listening. “OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY” which seems to bounce furiously, rifful turn of “CELEBRATION DAY”, play of whole body suitable for calling it all as a masterpiece. Emotional Robert’s singing “SINCE I’VE BEEN LOVING YOU”, a deeply bluesy band ensemble, everything is exactly the best.

I can tell from the length of playing time that I know that the band of this day is very good. Indeed it has developed freely innovation, “DAZED AND CONFUSED” has been a series of highlighting for more than 30 minutes, has become a tense feeling with no time to breathe. The next “STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN” starts with a quiet atmosphere and beautiful performances that carefully build up melodies. The excitement of the guitar solo is also perfect, and where the last Robert ‘s shout was perfect if perfect. Unfortunately “MOBY DICK” has been recorded for only 3 minutes because the taper intentionally stopped the tape. And as the concert goes forward the performance will get more feverish. The medley of “HEARTBREAKER” and “WHOLE LOTTA LOVE” is a masterpiece. From the intros which overlap heavy riffs one by one with Zossiri, the development that leads gradually to excitement “WHOLE LOTTA LOVE” is as if “HEARTBREAKER” seems like a long prelude. That “WHOLE LOTTA LOVE” has become such a wonderful performance as “no CRUNGE” or “I’M GOING DOWN” etc. beyond it.

Angkor is “COMMUNICATION BREAK DOWN” and “THE OCEAN” two songs. Despite the last “THE OCEAN” being kezuku and Robert talking MC, Bonzo enters tea with a microphone with “Whi !!” and further towards the venue “I shout loudly in this song It is a good thing to do: one, two, three, ann, foo !! “That is what you are drunk or begins with screaming. I have never seen such a bad mood.

Unfortunately, the 13th concert on the second day contains only 4 songs “MOBY DICK”, “HEARTBREAKER”, “WHOLE LOTTA LOVE”, “DANCING DAYS”, but this is recorded with a really wonderful balance and a powerful and excellent sound board sound source ing. It is a listening thing that it has become quite a long performance without losing to the first day here as well. Especially from a clear hi-hat to the dancing baseline you can hear clearly, there is also a part unique to this clear sound board sound source, but “MOBY DICK” which did not understand its full appearance on the first day is here, long runs over 28 minutes · Members’ nori is not extraordinary, such as playing. And the surprise is “DANCING DAYS” played at the end of the encore. This song is played in the 1973 North American tour only on this day rare number. It is unknown why it was shown here, but it is worth noting that you can listen to such a wonderful performance with a soundboard sound source.

Three sets that can be the everlasting decision board which recorded the longest Detroit two consecutive performances counted as one of the masterpieces on the 1973 tour using the First Generation Master. Of course, it is a permanent preservation of a beautiful picture / disc specification and a stick press board.




内容は、残念ながらさっそく一曲目の「ROCK AND ROLL」が途中から始まる収録となっている。しかし一聴しただけでこのコンサートが特別なものであるとはっきり認識できる演奏の凄まじさにすぐに引きこまれてしまうことだろう。「CELEBRATION DAY」の激しいリフまわし、軽快に跳ねるような「OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY」、そのどれもが名演と呼ぶにふさわしい渾身のプレイ。「SINCE I’VE BEEN LOVING YOU」のエモーショナルなロバートの歌唱、深くブルージーなバンド・アンサンブル、まさにすべてが最高といってもいい。

この日のバンドが非常に調子良いとわかるのは演奏時間の長さからも伺える。実にのびのびと自由なインプロを展開しており、「DAZED AND CONFUSED」に至っては30分以上に渡る見せ場の連続で、息をつく暇もない緊張感ある演奏となっている。続く「STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN」は、一転静かな雰囲気で始まり、丁寧にメロディを積み上げていくような美しい演奏。ギターソロの盛り上がりも申し分なく、これで最後のロバートのシャウトが申し分なければ完璧だったところ。残念ながら「MOBY DICK」はテーパーが意図的にテープを止めたのか3分あまりしか収録されていない。そしてコンサートが進むにつれて演奏がさらに熱を帯びてくる。「HEARTBREAKER」と「WHOLE LOTTA LOVE」のメドレーは圧巻。重いリフをひとつひとつズッシリと重ねていくイントロから、徐々に盛り上がり「WHOLE LOTTA LOVE」に繋げる展開は、まるで「HEARTBREAKER」が長い前奏のように思えるくらいだ。その「WHOLE LOTTA LOVE」は「CRUNGE」や「I’M GOING DOWN」などを挟み、これ以上ないといったくらいの素晴らしい演奏となっている。

アンコールは「COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN」と「THE OCEAN」の2曲。最後の「THE OCEAN」がケッサクで、ロバートがMCをしゃべっているにも関わらず、ボンゾが“ホイッ!!”とマイクで茶々を入れ、さらに会場に向かって“俺はこの曲では大声で叫んでいいことになってるんだ。ワン、トゥ、スリー、アン、フォ~!!”と、酔っ払っているのか何なのか、絶叫で始まるのだ。こんなに機嫌のよいボンゾは見たことがない。

2日目の13日コンサートは、残念ながら「MOBY DICK」「HEARTBREAKER」「WHOLE LOTTA LOVE」「DANCING DAYS」の4曲のみの収録だが、これが実に素晴らしいバランスと迫力ある優れたサウンドボード音源で収録されている。こちらも初日に負けずとかなりの熱演になっているのが聴きどころである。特にクリアなハイハットから、踊るベースラインまではっきり聴きとれる、この鮮明なサウンドボード音源ならではという部分もあるだろうが、初日ではその全貌がわからなかった「MOBY DICK」が、ここでは28分に渡るロングラン・プレイとなっているなど、メンバーのノリも尋常ではない。そして驚きはアンコールの最後に演奏された「DANCING DAYS」である。この曲が演奏されるのは1973年北米ツアーにおいてはこの日のみというレア・ナンバー。なぜここで披露されたかは不明だが、このような素晴らしい演奏をサウンドボード音源で聴けるとは特筆に値する。


01. Rock And Roll
02. Celebration Day
03. Black Dog
04. Over the Hills And Far Away
05. Misty Mountain Hop
06. Since I’ve Been Loving You
07. No Quarter
08. The Song Remains The Same
09. The Rain Song

01. Dazed And Confused
02. Stairway To Heaven
03. Moby Dick
04. Heartbreaker
05. Whole Lotta Love

01. Communication Breakdown
02. The Ocean

03. Moby Dick
04. Heartbreaker
05. Whole Lotta Love
06. Dancing Days

Wendy 2017. WECD-180/182/183

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