Led Zeppelin / Detroit 1973 2nd Night / 4CD

Led Zeppelin / Detroit 1973 2nd Night / 4CD / Non Label

Cobo Hall, Detroit, MI, USA 13th July 1973


Play sample :

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A few months ago, Detroit’s “Recorder 2” was unearthed in 1973, and the culmination of “DETROIT 1973” coupled with “Recorder 1” was released, but this time Detroit’s two days. The eye “Recorder 2” has popped up and is making maniacs around the world turbulent. Until now, there was only a sound board recording that captured the end of the show, and the whole picture was shrouded in mystery. This is called “Recorder 1”, but since this was a recording from “Moby Dick”, like the previously released “HOUSTON & DENVER 1973: JOHN BONHAM’S MASTER CASSETTES”, only the final part was requested by Bonzo. It was a sound source that was likely to be PA-out recorded on a cassette. However, this time, “Recorder 2” recorded by the audience was unearthed, and finally the whole picture of the second day of Detroit in 1973 was revealed.
It is said that the generation of this precious sound source is unknown, but the condition is so good that it is hard to believe that it has slept for more than 45 years, and it has a very mild texture. The sound quality gives a sober impression compared to the two types of sound sources on the first day, but it is still surprisingly easy to hear as a newly excavated sound source. The secret of ease of hearing is that the voice of Robert Plant is captured with a fairly large balance, while the sound image makes you feel a little deep. I get the impression that the sound of each person’s instrument is deeper than his singing voice, but this also improved as the show progressed. As I will explain in detail later, the performance is wonderful on this day, so it is Erai that you can hear the bass line of Johnsy, which is the backbone of the performance.
It seems to be the most vintage cassette recording, and there is hiss noise, but the original sound quality is mild, so it is also good that it does not sound sarcastic. In fact, we decided that there was no need to modify the sound quality at all, so when we released this limited press CD, we only raised the sound pressure and did not add any equalization. Furthermore, I am surprised that there is no pitch deviation that is common with this type of sound source.

It was the second day in Detroit where the whole picture was finally revealed, but at the opening “Rock And Roll”, it can be seen that Robert is in a worse condition than the day before. It’s almost reminiscent of the first day in Chicago. In contrast to such vocalists, the musical instrument corps is doing better than the day before, and each one is trying to play firmly and politely. There is plenty of room for Jimmy to finish the “Rock And ~” guitar solo with a different cutting than usual. Also, the solo of “Over The Hills And Far Away” seems to be playing very carefully.
It’s clear that Robert also rested his throat with long songs such as “Since I’ve Been Loving You” and “No Quarter”, and from “The Song Remains The Same” he sang powerfully as if he was showing his true character. ..
The “Dazed And Confused” that was unveiled in the last time all the engines were in this way is already the best. Bonzo seems to have been screaming and gimmicking from the beginning, and if he thinks he’s been attacking hard in the “San Francisco” part, he turns around and hits a simple blow as the bowing section approaches. It is reminiscent of Europe a few months ago because of its slowness and speed.
However, when the bowing was over and the band returned, it was unusual for the three players to be out of breath, and there was a period of about 18 minutes when they were listening and getting confused. However, the inspiration of the three people from here is tremendous. Just as Bonzo was waiting, Jimmy responded with a quick play as well. You can often hear the sound of Johnsy, who firmly supports the thrilling bargaining of these two people. By the way, a weak cut occurs at 21 minutes.
The thrilling bargaining so far was as good as 73 Europe, but it’s been a long time since the last song part was over. 73 No other take in the United States has been extended to this point. Apparently, the three players signaled “Let’s do a little more”, and at the end Bonzo rampaged and the spectacular performance of over 30 minutes ended. 73 This is definitely the best day on the second leg of the American “Dazed And Confused”.

“Stairway To Heaven”, in which the plant that has regained its tone sings enthusiastically to the end, is also a wonderful performance. It is regrettable that this song and “Dazed And ~” were not captured on the cassette from the PA out. However, the audience recording this time will become easier to hear when it comes to these songs, so the dynamic of thrilling bargaining and the singing of the plant echoing in the arena can never be conveyed from PA out “Recorder 1”. thing. The unique charm of this sound source makes you feel the power of the performance realistically.
When asked through the second day in Detroit, it made me realize that it was a day when the MC “Yesterday was very good, but today is better” that the plant issued at the beginning of the show. It is also clear that it was not transmitted at all from “Recorder 1” only in the latter half of the show that had been on the market so far. That’s why “Dancing Days” was finally shown specially only on this day as a work that can afford to be able to perform more satisfyingly than the day before.
In the PA out recording, it ended only at the beginning of the performance, but when you listen to the full version with this sound source, you can see that Robert was about to sing powerfully from now on. Therefore, I recorded the familiar “Recorder 1” on the fourth disc, but I made up for the missing part of this song with this “Recorder 2” and made it so that I could listen to it until the end. The definitive edition of the second day of Detroit, which includes not only the best recording of newly discovered sound sources that are popular among enthusiasts around the world, but also “Recorder 1”. Above all, the performance is outstandingly wonderful … This is a great performance!

数か月前に1973年デトロイトの「Recorder 2」が発掘され、「Recorder 1」とカップリングされた集大成「DETROIT 1973」がリリースされたのは記憶に新しいところですが、今度は何とデトロイト二日目の「Recorder 2」がひょっこり登場して世界中のマニアを騒然とさせています。この日は今までショウ終盤を捉えたサウンドボード録音しか存在せず、その全貌は謎に包まれていました。これを「Recorder 1」と称しますが、こちらは「Moby Dick」からの録音でしたので、以前リリースされた「HOUSTON & DENVER 1973: JOHN BONHAM’S MASTER CASSETTES」と同様、ボンゾからの依頼で終盤パートのみカセットでPAアウト録音された公算が大きい音源でした。しかし今回はオーディエンス録音による「Recorder 2」が発掘され、遂に1973年デトロイト二日目の全貌が明らかとなったのです。

こうして遂に全貌が明らかになったデトロイト二日目ですが、オープニング「Rock And Roll」はロバートが前日よりも不調である様子が伺えます。それこそシカゴ初日を彷彿させそうなほど。そんなボーカリストとは対照的に楽器隊は前日よりさらに好調で、各人しっかり、丁寧に演奏しようとしている。ジミーが「Rock And~」ギターソロを締めくくる際にいつもと違ったカッティングでまとめているところなどは余裕たっぷり。また「Over The Hills And Far Away」のソロなどは正に丁寧に弾けている感じ。
ロバートも「Since I’ve Been Loving You」や「No Quarter」といった尺が長めの曲で喉が休めたのは明らかで、「The Song Remains The Same」からは本領発揮とばかりに力強く歌ってくれる。
こうして全員のエンジンが前回となった中で披露された「Dazed And Confused」はもう最高。ボンゾは当初から煽ったり仕掛けたりとウズウズしていたようで、「San Francisco」パートではハードに攻めてきたかと思えば、ボウイング・セクションが近づくにつれて一転して朴訥とした一打を重々しく叩く。その緩急自在ぶりからして数か月前のヨーロッパを彷彿とさせてくれます。
ここまでのスリリングな駆け引きがまた73ヨーロッパに匹敵する見事なものだったのですが、最後の歌パートが終わってからがまた長い。73アメリカで最後がここまで引き延ばされたテイクは他にないはず。明らかにプレイヤー三人が「もう少しやろう」と合図した様子が目に浮かぶような展開で、最後はボンゾが大暴れして30分を超える壮絶な演奏が終了。73アメリカの「Dazed And Confused」セカンド・レグでは間違いなくこの日がベストでしょう。

調子を取り戻したプラントが最後まで熱唱してみせる「Stairway To Heaven」も素晴らしい演奏。この曲や「Dazed And~」がPAアウトからのカセットに捉えられなかったのが惜しまれるほど。とはいえ今回のオーディエンス録音はこれらの曲になるといよいよ聞きやすくなってくるので、スリリングな駆け引きのダイナミックさやプラントの熱唱がアリーナに響き渡る様はPAアウトの「Recorder 1」からは到底伝わってこないもの。今回の音源の独特な魅力こそが演奏の迫力をリアルに感じさせてくれるのです。
こうしてデトロイト二日目を通して聞いてみれば、プラントがショー序盤で発したMC「昨日はとっても良かったけど、今日はもっと良くなる」一日であったことを痛感させられます。それが今まで出回っていたショウ後半のみの「Recorder 1」からは全く伝わって来なかったということも明らかに。だからこそ前日以上に満足な演奏ができた余裕がなせる業として、最後に「Dancing Days」がこの日に限って特別に披露されたのでしょう。
PAアウト録音では演奏序盤のみで終わっていましたが、今回の音源で完全版を聞いてみると、これからロバートが力強く歌い上げる…という手前だったことが解ります。そこで四枚目のディスクにはおなじみ「Recorder 1」を収録しましたが、本曲の欠損部を今回の「Recorder 2」にて補填し、最後まで聞けるよう仕立ててみせました。世界中のマニアの間で話題の新発掘音源をベストの状態で収録はもちろん、「Recorder 1」まで網羅したデトロイト二日目の決定版。何より演奏が抜群に素晴らしい…これは名演!

Disc 1 (65:14)
1. Intro
2. Rock And Roll
3. Celebration Day
4. Black Dog
5. Over The Hills And Far Away
6. Misty Mountain Hop
7. Since I’ve Been Loving You
8. No Quarter
9. The Song Remains The Same
10. The Rain Song

Disc 2 (46:40)
1. MC
2. Dazed And Confused
3. Stairway To Heaven

Disc 3 (57:52)
1. MC
2. Moby Dick ★20:00 – 20:21 SBD補填
3. Heartbreaker
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. Dancing Days

Disc 4 (57:52) ●SBD音源

1. MC
2. Moby Dick
3. Heartbreaker
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. Dancing Days ★1:23 – 最後まで AUD補填

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