Led Zeppelin / Chicago 1973 2nd Night Master Cassettes / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Chicago 1973 2nd Night Master Cassettes / 3CD / Non Label
Translated Text:
Live at Chicago Stadium, Chicago, IL. USA 7th July 1973

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In 1973, the American tour was a long-term tour divided between two legs, but there were plenty of sound sources anyway, and the sound source was excavated at many shows from sound board to audience recording. Last week when I released a new final version of “Bonn’s Birthday” which is the final performance of the first leg, it quickly became Sold Out. As the popularity of “Bonn’s Birth” has shown, there are also many famous performances left. However, in the 1973 American tour, there is no such show that the word honorable honor and famous sound source fits perfectly.
This is the Chicago performance which was held on July 7, which will be released on press CD of this time only. Speaking of the Chicago stadium in 1973, the performance of the day before is famous in every sense. On the day when the second leg was started, although the soundboard recording with good sound quality is left, the plant where the feeling of rest holiday is fully open is inconspicuous. I was caught firmly in the soundboard until the first time I had no voice.
On that day, Chicago is a relatively new audience recording that was discovered in the 21st century. Beginning at the end of “Celebration Day”, I am missed that some cuts have reached the performance, but the quality is quite high quality. Whether the first half of the show reflected the PA balance of the day, the sound image of powerful gauge of page is conspicuous. Still, clearness is also superb, and although it is monaural recording, it should be ranked to the top without complaint as an audience recording of the United States for 73 years.
Besides it is a vintage sound source but it also combines amazing points that the pitch is accurate over the full story. Considering that the audience recording which captured the concert of the 70 ‘s aged together and the pitch is likely to go wrong, I can see how carefully the tape was kept.

While some cuts are scattered, two press CD items are made when they appeared nearly 15 years ago, as it is a new sound source in 1973 when the entire show was recorded. Unfortunately, those items are released with some drawbacks. “UNTOUCHABLE” was equalized as if it reflects the society of the time when it was released, it was finished far from Natural. On the other hand, “In The Windy City II” was not excessive equalization, but mysterious editing that the happening from “Misty Mountain Hop” to “Since I’ve Been Loving You” totally cut is to be missed It was done.
Whether there was only such an insufficient item because it was disastrous, since the release of the item on the second day of 73 Chicago ceased Putzri, this good sound source and nomination was completely overlooked It is. It is said that this is an unusual situation in the ZEP live tone generator where the release of past sound sources has repeatedly been repeated. That means that the show itself was overlooked without the definitive version being released.

73 The second day in Chicago is not only goodness of surprising sound quality, but the performance is wonderful than anything … except for the plant. Regarding him, this day is also quite disappointing. It is painful to sing a song that kept the key down from “Rock And Roll”. Since the tone quality is good at all, even throughout the show, the fact that this day’s plant continues to retreat is realistically transmitted until it was shouting. Compared to the day before the most extreme disorder stood out, it was still in a good condition, but it is a fact that there is something that predicts discontent in later Boston.
In the stage of 1973, when falling into such a state Paige and Bonzo had more than usual atmosphere that was proved by various sound sources in pre-America shows. The jinx is reproduced again here, especially the appearance that Paige is playing with the condition he got on board is clear from the opening. In “Rock And Roll”, a bargain with the usual Bonzo has appeared and makes me feel soothy.
It is interesting that the first time Johnsy stops the flow of the show for the first time before Johnsie starts “Over The Hills And Far Away”, contrary to the motivation of these two people. But even in the ending of this song Paige plays a phrase with more sounds than usual, and it has been as good as ever.
However, when shifting from “Misty Mountain Hop” to “Since I’ve Been Loving You”, Paige started playing his own solo in spite of the other two being breaking the performance, “Misty Mountain ~ A very unusual laughter happening has occurred that the riff of ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 This is the scene where the word “momentum surplus” fitted perfectly. This is one of the things to listen to in the first half, and there is no body and no lid after cutting it.

And the best performances on this day are “Dazed And Confused”. The game of 73 European gold pattern which Paige and Bonzo trying to cover the plant in disorder will revive intensely. From the time of the intro, Bonzo is rolling out a little unusual for the United States in 1973 and from that there will be a fierce interplay of Paige and Paige until the “San Francisco” section is reached.
Even in this first half alone it gives to those who listen to a considerably intense impression, but the two who finished the bow playing part have developed a thrilling bargaining that is exactly reminiscent of 73 Europe. Among them, such a scene where Paige overlaps the passages Bonzo repeats, and the two phrases overlap, the grandchildren that the goose bumps are no longer going on. Let’s assert that it is the best “Dazed And ~” in the US tour in 1973, the second leg.
Things such as where Paige plays a phrase like “The Rover” for just a moment when finishing “Whole Lotta Love” at the end of the show is thrilling again. On the US tour in 1973, unknown day that Bonzo attracted the skill that he and Bonzo fascinated has been released for a long time as a definite discount board. Anyway, please listen to “Dazed And Confused” gigantic performances of this day.
1973年のアメリカ・ツアーは二つのレグに分けて行われた長期ツアーだったこともあってか、とにかく音源が豊富で、サウンドボードからオーディエンス録音まで多くのショーで音源が発掘されています。先週もファースト・レグ終盤の名演である「ボン誕」の新たな決定版をリリースしたところ、瞬く間にSold Outとなってしまいました。「ボン誕」の人気が示したように、名演も数多く残されています。しかし73年アメリカ・ツアーにおいて、これほど隠れた名演かつ名音源という言葉がぴったりと当てはまるショーはないのではないでしょうか。
その点二日目のシカゴは21世紀に入って発掘された、比較的新しめなオーディエンス録音。「Celebration Day」の終盤を始めとして、いくつかのカットが演奏にまで及んでしまった点が惜しまれますが、音質はかなり上質なクオリティ。ショー前半は当日のPAバランスを反映したのか、ペイジのギターが目立つ迫力の音像。それでいてクリアネスがまた見事なもので、モノラル録音ながらも、73年アメリカのオーディエンス録音としては文句なしに上位へランクされるべきもの。

いくつかのカットが散見されつつも、ショー全体を録音した73年の新音源ということから、15年近く前に登場した際には二つのプレスCDアイテムが作られています。しかし残念なことに、それらのアイテムは何かしらの欠点を抱えてしまったままリリースされてしまいます。「UNTOUCHABLE」はリリースされた当時の世相を反映したかのようなイコライズが施されてしまい、ナチュラルとは程遠い仕上がりとなっていました。一方「In The Windy City II」は過剰なイコライズこそ無かったものの、後で触れる「Misty Mountain Hop」から「Since I’ve Been Loving You」にかけてのハプニングが丸々カットされてしまうという謎の編集が惜しまれました。

73シカゴ二日目は驚くほどの音質の良さだけに留まらず、何よりも演奏が素晴らしい…プラントを除いては。彼に関してはこの日も相当に不調です。「Rock And Roll」からキーを下げまくった歌いぶりが痛々しい。何しろ音質が良いのでショー全体を通しても、この日のプラントが一進一退を続けながらシャウトしていた様子までリアルに伝わってきてしまうのです。もっとも極度の不調ぶりが際立っていた前日に比べると、それでもマシな状態ではあったのですが、後のボストンにおける不調などを予見させるものがあるのは事実。
1973年のステージにおいて、こうした状態に陥るとペイジとボンゾがいつも以上に雰囲気するのはアメリカ以前のショーにおける様々な音源が証明してくれていたものです。そのジンクスがここでも再現されて、中でもペイジが乗りに乗った調子で弾いている様子はオープニングから歴然としている。「Rock And Roll」でもいつもと違ったボンゾとの駆け引きが登場してゾクゾクさせてくれます。
そんな二人のやる気満々な調子とは裏腹に、「Over The Hills And Far Away」を始める前にジョンジーがベースのチューニングを初めてショーの流れを止めてしまうという呑気な場面が面白い。しかしこの曲のエンディングでもペイジはいつもより音数が多いフレーズを弾いており、相変わらずの好調ぶり。
ところが「Misty Mountain Hop」から「Since I’ve Been Loving You」に移る際、ペイジは他の二人が演奏をブレイクさせていたにも関わらず、自身のソロを弾き始める代わりに「Misty Mountain~」のリフを一人だけ余計に弾いて取り残されてしまうという、非常に珍しい爆笑ハプニングが起きてしまったのです。これぞ「勢い余って」という言葉がピッタリと当てはまる場面でした。これは前半における聴きどころの一つとも言え、やはりそこをカットしては身も蓋もありません。

そしてこの日最高の演奏が「Dazed And Confused」。不調のプラントをペイジとボンゾの二人がカバーしようとする73ヨーロッパの黄金パターンが強烈に蘇りました。イントロの時点からしてボンゾが73年アメリカにしては珍しいほどにちょっかいを出しまくっており、そこから「San Francisco」セクションを迎えるまでは彼とペイジの壮絶なインタープレイが繰り広げられます。
この前半部分だけでも相当に強烈な印象を聴く者に与えてくれるのですが、弓弾きパートを終えてからの二人は、正に73ヨーロッパを彷彿とさせるスリリングな駆け引きを展開。中でもボンゾが繰り返すパッセージにペイジが合わせて二人のフレーズが重なる場面など、もはや鳥肌が立つほどの壮絶さ。73年アメリカ・ツアー、セカンド・レグにおける最高の「Dazed And~」だと断言いたしましょう。
ショー終盤の「Whole Lotta Love」を終える時にペイジが「The Rover」風なフレーズを一瞬だけ弾いてみせるところなどがまたスリリング。73年アメリカ・ツアーにおいて、彼とボンゾがずば抜けた技巧を魅せた知られざる一日が久々に、しかも文句なしの決定盤としてリリースされます。とにかくこの日の「Dazed And Confused」壮絶な演奏を聴いてみてほしい。

Disc 1 (27:28)
1. Introduction 2. Rock and Roll 3. Celebration Day 4. Over the Hills and Far Away
5. Misty Mountain Hope 6. Since I’ve Been Loving You

Disc 2 (55:54)
1. No Quarter 2. The Song Remains the Same 3. The Rain Song 4. Dazed and Confused

Disc 3 (72:41)
1. Stairway to Heaven 2. Moby Dick 3. Heartbreaker 4. Whole Lotta Love 5. Communication Breakdown

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