Led Zeppelin / Cardiff 1972 2nd Night / 1CD

Led Zeppelin / Cardiff 1972 2nd Night / 1CD / Graf Zeppelin

Live at Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, Wales, UK 12th December 1972
Live at The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 13th June 1972

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Live at Capitol Theatre, Cardiff, Wales, UK 12th December 1972
Live at The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 13th June 1972

Promoted to press board!
From the UK tour at the end of 1972, on December 12th, a live performance in Cardiff was recorded with a monaural audience recording with good sound quality. This live was once recorded only once in the nostalgic Lemon Song CD “Detroit Rock City” a dozen years ago, only at the end of the live as a bonus track, and surprisingly, it has been completely converted to a sound since then. It hasn’t been done, so it’s been a while since it was released. In terms of sound quality, there is a lot of hiss noise when you listen to it compared to the previous one, but this title is clearly clearer, and the natural and thick sound peculiar to analog recording, the real deep air of the venue. It is a sound with good freshness that you can taste the feeling, and if you listen to this, although the existing title has less hiss, the sound processing that is flat and has an equalized feeling is applied, and the main board is clearer. High quality sound. Also, in terms of the recorded content, like the already-released titles, it will be recorded only at the end of the live, but it is characterized by the fact that there are parts where the pre- and post-song cuts are recorded longer than the already-released titles. A new mastering from scratch has been applied to the press board, the phase has been corrected, and it has evolved further than the gift CDR.

In addition, an excerpt from the Philadelphia performance from the US tour in June of the same year is included as a bonus!
Although it is an excerpt, it has not been made into a sound board at all in the past, and it is the first time to make it into a press board.
The sound quality is harsh and there are small fluctuations in the pitch, but in addition to the Bring It On Home that was performed after a long time, the performance in heaven is also quite wonderful, and it is a good performance that makes me realize that the United States in June 1972 cannot be underestimated!
In dadgad on the net, the song order is strange and Bring It starts after tuning the guitar before playing Since, but Bring It seems to be the last performance. Even in some literature, the description about the song order seems to be gusset.

1972年末UKツアーより、12月12日、カーディフでのライブを音質良好のモノラル・オーディエンス録音にて収録。本ライブは、かつて十数年前に一度だけ懐かしのLemon Song盤CD『Detroit Rock City』にライブ終盤のみをボーナストラック的な扱いで収録されていただけであり、意外な事にそれ以来一切音盤化されていませんでしたので、久々の登場となります。音質的には既発に比べ一聴するとヒスノイズが多く感じられますが、その分今回のタイトルの方が明らかにクリアーであり、なおかつアナログ録音特有のナチュラルで太い音、会場のリアルな深みのある空気感を味わえる鮮度良好の音となっており、これを聞けば、既発タイトルの方がヒスは少ないとは言え、平坦でイコライズ感のある音処理を施しており、本盤の方が明らかに上質なサウンド。また、収録内容面では、既発タイトル同様ライブ終盤のみの収録となりますが、既発タイトルに比べ曲間カットの前後を長く収録している部分が随所にあるのが特徴です。プレス盤化に際し改めて全面的にゼロからの新規マスタリングが施されており、位相も修正され、ギフトCDRよりもさらに進化しております。

音質は厳しめでピッチの細かなふらつきもありますが、久々に演奏されたBring It On Homeのほか、天国の演奏もなかなか素晴らしいなど、やはり’72年6月のアメリカは侮れないことを痛感する好演!
ネットのdadgadなどでは曲順がおかしくSince演奏前のギターのチューニングの後にBring Itが始まるような変な曲順になってますが、Bring Itは実際は最後の演奏のようです。一部文献でも曲順に関しては記載がマチマチのようです。

Whole Lotta Love Medley
01. I) Let’s Have A Party ★カットイン
02. II) Heartbreak Hotel
03. III) I Can’t Quit You Baby
04. IV) Going Down Slow
05. V) Whole Lotta Love

06. Old MacDonald Had A Farm
07. Immigrant Song
08. Heartbreaker
09. Mellotron Solo ★カットイン
10. Thank You ★曲中カット

Bonus Tracks : Philadelphia 1972
11. MC
12. Black Dog ★曲中カット
13. Since I’ve Been Loving You
14. Stairway To Heaven
15. Bring It On Home ★曲中カット

Graf Zeppelin. LZSC-1212EX

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