Led Zeppelin / Budokan 1972 1st Night / 2CD

Led Zeppelin / Budokan 1972 1st Night / 2CD

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 2nd October 1972 TRULY PERFECT SOUND(UPGRADE)

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Among the sound sources that captured Led Zeppelin’s second performance in Japan, the first day of the Budokan was a classic that noticed a firm position since the beginning of the CD era. It is a stereo audience recording with outstanding sound quality, and even after nearly 50 years, the charm of amazing freshness and clearness has not faded at all. As I mentioned earlier, many CD items have been released, and it is a famous sound source that has spread to many fans starting with “DANCING DAYS”, but for a long time I wanted the definitive name. I think it was the PATRIOT board.

Fortunately, even after that, this special recording continued to produce items from master tapes that were not already copied, and four pieces that coupled both the original and the remastered version in “BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT”. When I released the group, it was sold out in a blink of an eye. After that, if you re-release it in a two-disc version with only the original, it is said that this is also very popular. Classic strength! It reminded me of my thoughts. However, five years (early) have passed since the release of “BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT”, and it may be time for a new release … This release was planned.

Speaking of the first day of the Budokan in 1972, it is unwavering that it is the sound source of this time, but it is also the reason that many items have been released so far. Therefore, this time, we not only released it, but also edited it aiming for the longest version that compensated for some cuts that occurred from another sound source. However, this is not the first such attempt, and it has already been released, for example, in the “THE CAMPAIGN” box of EMPRESS VALLEY.

However, what was unexpectedly overlooked was the interval between songs from Angkor “Heartbreaker” to “Immigrant Song”. It is presumed that the recorder was stopped from the viewpoint of tape preservation because the time until the band returned to the stage was unexpectedly long. This was completely overlooked in research journals, etc., and was not completely complemented in the previous EMPRESS VALLEY set (one place, there is a sudden connection). Of course, it is a place where the clapping for encore is continued endlessly without suffering from the performance, so it is a fact that it is not a big damage, but this part can also be compensated as “Documentary on October 2, 1972”. If so, shouldn’t it?

Fortunately, by making full use of another source of the day, it became possible to completely reproduce this Angkor part. One of the other sources used for compensation is the newly excavated sound source “HARD TRUTH” released after “BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT”. The fact that this sound source picked up various conversations between encores that lasted longer than expected made the enthusiast feel relaxed, but by using it for compensation here as well, “(Because ZEP has not come out yet) … I’m tired. You will hear a pleasant exchange of “ta”.

More than that, the stereo sound source that used only the finale “Communication Breakdown” in the nostalgic paper jacket title “WILD WEST SIDE” played an active part in this compensation. The cassette, which became the masterpiece of this precious separate sound source, is used for compensation. At the time of this release, this sound source played an important role as a compensating factor, but it had the great merit that it was recorded in stereo as in the main story. Thanks to this, there is almost no change in sound quality when editing between songs.

For the parts that are still lacking, we adopted the nostalgic TDOLZ red paper jacket board. Although all the places where the cuts occurred are between songs, I wonder if you can understand that the editing was more precise than ever.

And, as mentioned at the time of the release of “BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT”, this day is also a great record of “the starting point of the ZEP transition period”. It was also the first day when the songs from the later released “Holy House” were released. Still, it is also the starting point for rhythm improvisation by three people other than the plant. This is also as I mentioned before, but when I ask again about this release, the song selection of the “Whole Lotta Love” medley at the end of the live is quite interesting.

At this point, it is still dragging the development until the summer of 1972, first “Killing Floor (or” The Lemon Song “) appeared, and even rarer is Elvis’s” My Baby Left Me “. Plants occasionally sang in the medley in 1970 and 1972, but only on this day in 1972. In this way, the medley development is rich in variety compared to the following year, which is unique to 1972.

This shows the fact that such a development was possible because the voice of the plant was still young, even though it began to decline. Under such circumstances, this sound source is also the reason why he was singing with the same melody as the record in the new song “ZEP” or “The Song Remains the Same”, and the scene unique to this time is heard with wonderful sound quality. One of the factors that has an attractiveness that does not fade.

The announcement after the final performance is not recorded in the main source, but for this scene, it was supplemented with “THE OVERTURE” released from the nostalgic SANCTUARY, and the finish was thoroughly particular.

In addition, the main source has corrected the sound image localization that was previously stiff to the center localization, making it even easier to hear.

The best version is perfect!

★ The main source is BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT (= the source familiar from the Patriot board)

★ The main source is not EQ-processed with phase correction and a slight limiter applied (there is no need to EQ the original super high-quality sound).

★ The sub source is supposed to be Source 4, and it is a stereo Aud source that contained only one “communication” song on the old CD “Wild West Side” (Zoso’s Company / ZE-310 / 20).

This is not from the net, but from the cassette tape of the time. It is slightly inferior to the main source, but the sound source is quite similar, and the point is that it is stereo.

★ The parts that cannot be covered by Source 4 are covered by the TDOLZ board and the press board “Hard Truth” several years before LH.

★ Between the heart breaker and the immigrants, the source of the compensation has eroded considerably this time, but this is because there is an inter-song cut that has been overlooked just before the start of the “immigrant” performance. (In specialized magazines etc. , This inter-track cut is not checked.)

レッド・ツェッペリン二度目の来日公演を捉えた音源の中でもCD時代に入ってから確固たる地位を気付いた定番が武道館初日。音質が抜群に良いステレオ・オーディエンス録音であり、50年近い歳月が経過した今なお驚異的な鮮度とクリアネスの魅力はまったく色褪せていません。先にも触れたようにCDのアイテムが数多くリリースされ、「DANCING DAYS」を皮切りとして多くのファンに浸透することになった名音源な訳ですが、長きに渡って決定版の名をほしいままにしたのがPATRIOT盤でしょう。

幸いなことに、その後もこの別格の録音は既発コピーではないマスターテープからのアイテムが生み出され続けており、「BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT」にて原本とリマスター版の両方をカップリングした4枚組をリリースしたところ、瞬く間にSold Out。その後、原本だけの二枚組バージョンにて再リリースしてみれば、こちらがまた高い人気を誇るという。定番強し!の思いを再認識させられたものです。とはいえ「BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT」のリリースからも五年(早いものですね)が経過、そろそろ新たなリリースがあっても良いのでは…という中で企画されたのが今回のリリース。

’72年の武道館初日と言えば今回の音源であることは揺るぎない訳ですが、これまでいくつものアイテムがリリースされてきた訳でもある。そこで今回は単にリリースするだけでなく、いくつか生じていたカットを別音源から補填した最長バージョンを目指した編集を敢行。もっともこうした試みも今回が初めてではなく、例えばEMPRESS VALLEYの「THE CAMPAIGN」ボックスなどで既にリリースされていました。

ところが、そうした中で意外と見過ごされていたのがアンコール「Heartbreaker」から「Immigrant Song」にかけての曲間。再びバンドがステージに戻るまでの時間が意外なほど長引いてしまったせいでテープ温存の観点からレコーダーが止められたと推測されるこの個所。これ関しては研究誌などにおいては完全に見過ごされていて、また先のEMPRESS VALLEYセットにおいても補完しきれていなかった(1箇所、唐突な繋ぎがある)という。もちろん演奏に被らない、アンコールを再び求める手拍子が延々と続くだけの箇所ですので、大きなダメージではないのも事実なのですが「1972年10月2日のドキュメンタリー」として、この個所も補填が可能であればすべきではないかと。

幸いにも、この日の別ソースを駆使することで、このアンコール・パートの完全再現が可能となったのです。補填に使用した別ソースの一つは「BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT」の後でリリースされた新発掘音源「HARD TRUTH」。この音源は予想以上に長引いたアンコールの間でさまざな会話を拾っていた点がマニアをほっこりさせましたが、ここでも補填に使用したことで「(ZEPがまだ出てこないから)…疲れちゃった」という愉快なやりとりが聞かれます。

それ以上にこの補填で活躍してくれたのは懐かしの「WILD WEST SIDE」という紙ジャケタイトルにフィナーレ「Communication Breakdown」だけが採用されていたステレオ音源。この貴重な別音源の大本となったカセットを補填用に採用。今回のリリースに際しては本音源が補填要因として大活躍しましたが、それは本編と同じくステレオで録音されていたというメリットが大きかった。おかげで曲間の編集における音質の変化もほとんど感じられません。


そして「BUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT」リリース時にも述べたように、この日は「ZEP過度期のスタート地点」の偉大な記録でもある。後にリリースされる「聖なる館」収録曲が投入された最初の日でもあった。それでいてプラント以外の三人によるリズム・インプロ志向のスタート地点でもある。これもまた以前述べた通りなのですが、今回のリリースに際して改めて聞いてみると、ライブ終盤「Whole Lotta Love」メドレーの選曲がなかなか面白い。

この時点では、まだ72年夏までの展開を引きずっており、まず「Killing Floor(あるいは「The Lemon Song」)が登場、さらにレアなのがエルヴィスの「My Baby Left Me」。70年や71年にはメドレーの中でプラントが時折歌っていたものの、72年ではこの日だけ。このように翌年と比べてメドレーの展開がバラエティに富んでいるところも72年ならではというものでは。

これは一重に衰えが始まりつつも、まだプラントの声が若かったからこそ、そうした展開が可能であったという事実を物語っています。そんな状況の中、新曲「ZEP」こと「The Song Remains the Same」で彼がレコードと同じ旋律で歌えていたという、これまたこの時期ならではの場面が素晴らしい音質で聞かれるのも、やはりこの音源が色褪せない魅力を持つ要因の一つ。

最後に終演後のアナウンスはメイン・ソースに収録されていませんが、この場面に関しては、これまた懐かしのSANCTUARYからリリースされていた「THE OVERTURE」にて補填し徹底的にこだわった仕上がり。



★メインソースはBUDOKAN 1972 1ST NIGHT (=パトリオット盤でお馴染みのソース)


★サブのソースは、ソース4とされるもので、昔の既発CD『Wild West Side』(Zoso’s Company / ZE-310/20)に「コミュニケーション」1曲だけが収録されていたステレオAudソース。


★ソース4で補いきれない箇所はTDOLZ盤とLHの数年前のプレス盤『Hard Truth』で補填。


Disc 1 (74:23)
1. Introduction
2. Rock And Roll
3. Over The Hills And Far Away
4. Black Dog
5. Misty Mountain Hop
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You
7. Dancing Days
8. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
9. The Song Remains The Same
10. The Rain Song
11. Dazed And Confused

Disc 2 (57:28)
1. MC
2. Stairway To Heaven
3. Whole Lotta Love
4. Heartbreaker
★曲間カットソース4と既発LH盤Hard Truth補填
5. Immigrant Song
6. Communication Breakdown


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