Led Zeppelin / Pontiac Silverdome 1977 / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / Pontiac Silverdome 1977 / 3CD / Non Label

Translated text:
Live at Pontiac Silverdome, Pontiac, Michigan, USA 30th April 1977

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ZEP The tour of America in 1977 results in a misery of forced termination due to the misfortune that occurred in the plant as a result but the tour itself is very popular, ZEP american incidents that came after 1975 came in successive tickets Sold Out, their It proved that popularity in the country had reached the peak. In addition, the tour schedule started from April and it is a long-term thing that goes around the US until August, and there were plenty of offs between them, and it was a tour full of the stately style of the champion. Among them, the April tour, which was the first leg, is like a break-in to the stage after a long absence, and it follows the ZEP pattern since 1973 at this point that it goes around the conventional arena.
However, a concert using a huge venue as if to prove the popularity that had reached the apex is done as the closing of the first leg. That is Pontiac · Silver Dome on 30th April. At that time, indoor stadium which was able to attract different guests was opened in the latter half of 1975 when ZEP was inactive during the live activity, and it is familiar with the professional footage image at this time as a big artist and group It will be used as a rock concert venue. In the case of Fu, we recorded a crowd of 75,962 people, but in the case of ZEP we realized a tremendous mobilization of 76,229 people, which exceeds that number, and we record the number of the most visited attendants of the rock concert at the time. ZEP himself, who had made the largest record by realizing the mobilization of 56,000 at Atlanta during the 1973 tour, updated the record with a mobilization that was slightly above that day on this day.
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Even if you listen to this day with an audience recording capturing a historic night, the presence of spectacular spectators mobilization is clearly conveyed. Originally ZEP after 75 years there are many distant sound images of sound images from the evil that live performance of the big hall became commonplace, but if you record live at the convention hall where 76,229 spectators were thrusting from the audience seats, The sound image will be far from far away. Because of that, there are only items “HOT RODS IN PONTIAC” released by the old TDOLZ label up to the present for items containing this historic convention venue concert. It is unexpected that a particularly important day was not recurred over the course of 20 years even in the early stage of the 77 year tour. Moreover, “HOT RODS ~” should be said to be sorrow of the 90’s CD item, not only the sound quality became muddy due to the recording from the genetically erased cassette, but also the CD was made with the problem that the pitch was low throughout It is.
With this, in 1977 Pontiac was as good as being stamped as a “mania limited sound source”, but in recent years a copy of “2 gen” notation appears on the net. Although this version is not dramatic, the sound quality improves more than “HOT RODS ~” as expected. The pitch is normal anyway to it. Compared with the old paper Jacket CD “HOT RODS ~” it was pretty easy to hear. The appearance of this version served as a trigger for this release.
What is overwhelmed by this sound source is the amazing stereo presence that the big audience packed at the Silver Dome as mentioned earlier. Even just listening to the sounds, the atmosphere in which 76,229 people got in was clearly felt. This is a completely different feeling from audiences recording on the other day. Although it is an audience recording that was carried out just as many people crawled, it is only a miracle that there were no noisy people in the surroundings. Actually it was said that the venue and the security side were wary of the confusion that would be caused by the number of people gathered, but the recording proved that the show was proceeding smoothly indeed surprisingly . Although the sound image is certainly far away, it is surprising that still details of the performance are caught unexpectedly.

As compared with “HOT RODS IN PONTIAC” the generation became more warmer, and the pitch became more accurate than anything, so that the performance could be heard much more. It is ZEP’s best time of the day that comes from there. In the first place, what was done before Pontiac was two days in Cleveland. Yes, it was “DESTROYER” and “DESTROYER II” show. Both of them are the day we released the best versions, but as you continue to listen to them, ZEP gets in the mood on Cleveland’s first day, the engine is fully opened on the second day, and the band explodes in Pontiac well. Also this day is the last day of the First Leg, yet it is also a mammoth concert that realized the highest mobilization of the past. There is no reason not to rise their morale.
Among them, Robert Plant stands out. After this day we have been waiting for two weeks to be waited for, and powerful singing without generosity is heard everywhere. It should be said that the first performance is “In My Time Of Dying.” It’s a lot better than usual from the singing outright, and on top of it it’s a great way through the songs. Rather, starting with this song, the violent but powerful song of the plant is fairly solid with most songs. Even in ‘Kashmir’ will you be in the best 3 during the 77 year tour? I shout very strongly that I can think. Seattle in July, famous for pro shot video is like a different person. Actually, it is rumored that there is a pro shot video for the hall screen venue for this Silver Dome, but it has not been excavated yet.
Furthermore, the band is also in perfect condition, and the long “No Quarter” is also wonderfully developed. The version of “The Nutcracker Suite” jumped out 28th “DESTROYER II” was also a nomination, but this day also has not been defeated. Wild deployment centering on Bonzo is wonderful from the middle, but when it’s around 20 minutes it will come to a thrilling scene where Paige sets in and Bonzo fights. It is no exaggeration to say that this development is the same as the LA Forum July 23 that will be released at the same time this time it became an apricot for the performance. And it was powerful enough for a rough performance with strength, including Bonzo of “Achilles Last Stand”. However, although the firecrackers are ringing in the first half of “Stairway To Heaven”, members who continue playing and doing the work are reliable. Conversely, the only happening at the mammoth concert was this scene.
It is true that sound recording is distant from the sound source for maniac surely. But it is also a fact that it became easy to hear clearly in this version, and may be surprised to be surprised to hear it unexpectedly. And above all, ZEP’s performance is top-notch. Was not it a concert in front of the large crowd at Pontiac that it could be called the arrival point of the sound which they might have aimed at the beginning of the tour in America in the year 77? From the first leg of America tour in America for the first time in 77 years, its long-awaited performance appeared as an upper version of the rare sound source that can make mania beat a long time!

(Remaster memo)
★ Angkor only fine tuned the pitch.

ZEP1977年のアメリカ・ツアーは結果としてプラントに起きた不幸によって強制終了の憂き目をみることになりますがツアー自体は大好評、1975年以来となるZEPアメリカ来襲はチケットのSold Outが相次ぎ、彼らの同国における人気が頂点に達していたことを証明していたのです。おまけにツアーのスケジュールは4月から始まって8月までアメリカを回るという長期的なもので、それでいて間にいくつもオフが設けられるという、正に王者の風格に溢れたツアーでした。中でもファースト・レグであった4月のツアーは久々のステージに対する慣らし運転のような様相を呈しており、この時点では従来のアリーナを回るという73年以降のZEPパターンを踏襲したもの。

歴史的な一夜を捉えたオーディエンス録音でこの日を聞いてみても、壮絶な観客動員の臨場感がはっきりと伝わってくる。元々75年以降のZEPは大会場ライブが当たり前となった弊害から音像の遠い音源がいくつも存在しますが、こと76,229人もの観客が押し寄せた大会場でのライブを客席から録音するとなれば、どうしても音像が遠くなってしまう。そのせいか、この歴史的な大会場コンサートを収録したアイテムは現在に至るまで懐かしのTDOLZレーベルがリリースした「HOT RODS IN PONTIAC」しか存在しない。77年ツアー初期のステージの中でも特に重要な日が二十年もの間に渡って再発されなかったとは意外。また「HOT RODS~」は90年代CDアイテムの悲しさと言うべきか、ジェネ落ちカセットからの収録によって音質が濁ってしまっただけでなく、全体を通してピッチが低いという問題を抱えたままCD化されていたのです。
これで1977年ポンティアックは「マニア限定音源」の烙印が押されてしまったも同然だったのですが、近年になって「2 gen」表記のコピーがネット上に登場しています。このバージョンは飛躍的とまではいかないまでも、さすがに「HOT RODS~」よりも音質は向上。それに何と言ってもピッチが正常。古の紙ジャケCD「HOT RODS~」と比べるとかなり聞きやすくなっていたのです。このバージョンの登場が今回のリリースのきっかけとなりました。

「HOT RODS IN PONTIAC」と比べてジェネレーションがよりロウなものとなり、何よりピッチが正確になったことで、はるかに演奏が聞き込めるようになった。そこから伝わってくるのはこの日のZEPの絶好調ぶり。そもそも、ポンティアックの前に行われていたのはクリーブランドでの二日間。そう、「DESTROYER」と「DESTROYER II」ショーだったのです。どちらも当店がベスト・バージョンをリリースした日ですが、これらを続けて聞くとクリーブランド初日でZEPが調子を掴み、二日目でエンジン全開、そしてポンティアックでバンドが爆発したことがよく解ります。それにこの日はファースト・レグの最終日であり、それでいて過去最高の動員を実現させたマンモス・コンサートでもある。彼らの士気が高まらない訳がない。
中でも際立っているのがロバート・プラント。この日の後は二週間のオフが待っているということもあり、出し惜しみなしのパワフルな歌唱が随所で聞かれます。その最初の名演と言うべきが「In My Time Of Dying」。ここでは歌い出しからしていつもよりテンション高めですし、それどころか曲を通して絶好調。むしろこの曲を皮切りとして、ほとんどの曲でプラントの激しくも力強い歌が冴え渡っている程。「Kashmir」でも77年ツアー中ベスト3に入るのでは?と思えるほど強烈にシャウトしてみせます。プロショット映像で有名な7月のシアトルとはまるで別人のよう。実はこのシルバードームに関しても会場スクリーン映写用プロショット映像が存在すると噂されていますが、未だに発掘されていません。
さらにバンドも絶好調で、長い「No Quarter」も飽きさせない展開がお見事。「The Nutcracker Suite」が飛び出した28日「DESTROYER II」のバージョンも名演でしたが、この日も負けていない。途中からボンゾを中心としたワイルドな展開が素晴らしいのですが、20分辺りになるとペイジが仕掛けてボンゾが応戦するというスリリングな場面まで登場。この展開こそ、今回同時リリースとなるLAフォーラム7月23日のような名演の碇石になったのだと言っても過言ではありません。そして「Achilles Last Stand」のボンゾを始めとした力任せで荒々しい演奏も迫力十分。ただし「Stairway To Heaven」の前半で爆竹が鳴らされてしまいますが、それにも動じず演奏を続けるメンバーが頼もしい。逆に言えばマンモス・コンサートにおける唯一のハプニングがこの場面でした。


Disc 1 (66:15)
1. Intro 2. The Song Remains The Same 3. The Rover Intro/Sick Again 4. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
5. In My Time Of Dying 6. Since I’ve Been Loving You 7. No Quarter

Disc 2 (46:28)
1. MC 2. Ten Years Gone 3. The Battle Of Evermore 4. Going To California 5. Black Country Woman
6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 7. White Summer 8. Black Mountain Side 9. Kashmir

Disc 3 (59:51)
1. Over The Top 2. Guitar Solo 3. Achilles Last Stand 4. Stairway To Heaven
5. Rock And Roll 6. Trampled Underfoot

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