Led Zeppelin / San Diego 1975 / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / San Diego 1975 / 3CD / Non Label
Translated text:
Live at Sports Arena, San Diego, CA. USA 10th March 1975


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Among the ZEP items released by our shop this time it is correct that the word “overlooked nationwide” is perfect. San Diego performance on March 10, 1975. Speaking of San Diego in 1975, it seems that the impression of the 14th soundboard recording that the EV discovered is strong, but in reality it has done live before that, and noticing the San Diego performance during the mania again I wanted to introduce that it was a sound source on the 10th … but now it seems to be overwhelming majority who do not know the sound source itself on the tenth day before that. About 20 years ago from the sound source of this day, the item “SYMPHONY IN A THOUSAND PARTS” was released quietly. It is also a paper jacket item from old-fashioned TDOLZ.
There will be no manians who listened enthusiastically to the San Diego performance on March 10th. In addition to the recording condition that I did with Mokomoko, it was not possible to get any mad pitch. However, the audience recording itself was a stereo sound quality, and it was also a mysterious sound source that clearness was surprisingly kept for musical sound quality. In the latter half of the 1990s, even though the existence of the 14th sound board recording was unknown in the latter half of the 1990s, Kore is a sound source that can be heard, but if the sound quality and the pitch are stable a little more … “SYMPHONY IN ~” Some of the geeks who got it would have felt that way. However, it is too old item, and it is also true that there are few people who remember Kore itself.

Under such circumstances, the 14th sound board was unearthed, and the performance and the sound source on the 10th have been forgotten. Under such circumstances, this quietly ten-day sound source upgrade appeared on the net in 2012, but that fact was also forgotten. In this time, the unknown upgrade version comes in line with the limited press CD release, but it is suitable for calling it just upper state.
The version that appeared in 2012 is the one Susan Hedrick published in 2012 and the state of the sound source is 2nd generation. It is also known that “SYMPHONY IN A THOUSAND PARTS” used the sound source of the 4th generation copy due to the appearance of this sound source. In other words, “SYMPHONY IN ~” used so-called Geneski copy. It is hard to hear it without any reason.
In that respect this time we are using a sound source promoted to 2nd generation, so its upper feeling is already clear. While recording a stereo at a precise time, the sound quality that was a feeling of muffled was eliminated to a great extent, and the stereo unique clearance was extruded more. Also, the balance of the vocal of the plant surprisingly clearly heard in such a place is interesting, as the sound emission itself of the venue is a fuzzy balance about 30 minutes after the show began. Of course, this unique balance is playing a role in ease of listening, and in the beginning, it seems that the balanced appearance in the plant is transmitted.

It is the plant that clearly transmits the best condition coupled with the balance. Thinking about it is a show on and off from Dallas on March 5 (which is also familiar from the soundboard), and it also points to the appearance that he showed off and stretched out unprecedentedly. It’s been as good as I thought it would be in the top three even through the US tour as well as through 75 years. “In My Time Of Dying” is the first masterpiece that combined with such a wave of his good. From the next “The Song Remains The Same”, the sound balance of the venue gets better and it makes it easier to hear it at once. Furthermore, “The Rain Song” changed the lyrics of the beginning to “this should be springtime of your loving”, it has plenty of room (such as having to change the lyrics of “The Song Remains ~” in later Seattle) .
Both the long “No Quarter” and “Dazed and Confused” play both page and bonzo. In the second half of each song, the performance of the two people is incredibly glowing. Their fierceness and lightly surpassed the 14th performance. Also in “Trampled Underfoot” sandwiched between these plants, although the plants are momentarily making mistakes in composition of the song (very funny), this is also wonderful because Paige plays free phrases in the second half. And Bonzo that hits aggressively until the middle of the guitar solo of “Stairway To Heaven” is also the best! If I think about it, the next day is that Long Beach, and that moment when cum in the US tour of 75 years will start will be San Diego this ten day.
At the time of this release, although it was improved than “SYMPHONY IN A THOUSAND PARTS”, it was thoroughly adjusted the unstable pitch rise remarkable from around “Moby Dick”. I was reborn to be in a state that is not comparable with the original state, and the sound source that was showing the superb upper in the beginning was finally easier to hear and it was contained in the press CD. Although the roughness of hiss noise is still a bad audience recording, still it is suddenly “suddenly heard” by upper upper. And above all, the performance is overwhelmingly wonderful this day!
今回当店がリリースするZEPアイテムの中においても「見過ごされた名演」という言葉がピッタリと当てはまるのがコレではないでしょうか。1975年3月10日のサンディエゴ公演。今や1975年のサンディエゴと言えばEVが発掘した14日のサウンドボード録音の印象が強いかと思われますが、実はそれより前にもライブを行っており、なおかつマニアの間にサンディエゴ公演を知らしめていたのは10日の音源だった…と紹介したいところですが、今となってはそれ以前に10日の音源自体を知らないマニアが圧倒的多数ではないかと思われます。この日の音源は今から約二十年前、「SYMPHONY IN A THOUSAND PARTS」というアイテムがひっそりとリリースされていただけ。それも懐かしのTDOLZからの紙ジャケのアイテム。
コレで3月10日のサンディエゴ公演を熱心に聴き入ったというマニアは皆無でしょう。モコモコとしたこもり気味の録音状態に加え、何よりもピッチの狂いがいただけなかった。ただし、オーディエンス録音自体はステレオ音質であり、こもった音質の割にクリアネスは意外と保たれているという不思議な音源でもあったのです。まだ14日のサウンドボード録音の存在すら知られていなかった1990年代後半、コレは「聴けそうな」音源なんだけど、もうちょっと音質とピッチが安定していれば…リアルタイムで「SYMPHONY IN~」を手に入れたマニアの何人かはそう感じていたはず。とはいってもあまりに昔のアイテムであり、コレ自体を覚えている人数の方が少ないのも事実でしょう。

2012年に登場したバージョンはスーザン・ヘドリックという人物が2012年に公開したものであり、音源の状態は2nd generation。この音源の登場によって「SYMPHONY IN A THOUSAND PARTS」が4th generationコピーの音源を使用したことも判明しています。つまり「SYMPHONY IN~」はいわゆるジェネ落コピーを使用していた。どうりで聴き辛い訳です。
その点において今回は2nd generationまで昇格した音源を使用していますので、そのアッパー感はもう歴然たるもの。せっかくのステレオ録音ながら、こもり気味だった音質が随分と解消され、ステレオならではのクリアネスがより押し出される結果となったのです。またショーが始まって30分くらいは会場の出音そのものがファジーなバランスであり、そんな中でプラントのボーカルは驚くほどくっきり聴こえるというバランスが面白い。こんな独自のバランスが聴きやすさに一役買っているのはもちろん、当初はプラントに偏重したバランスだった様子が伝わってくる。

そのバランスと相まって絶好調ぶりがはっきり伝わってくるのがプラント。考えてみれば3月5日のダラス(これまたサウンドボードがおなじみ)からオフを挟んでのショーであり、彼がいつになく伸び伸びと歌ってみせた様子にも合点がいくもの。アメリカ・ツアーだけでなく75年を通してみてもトップ3に入るのではと思えるほどの好調ぶり。そんな彼の好調の波と合わさった最初の名演が「In My Time Of Dying」。次の「The Song Remains The Same」からは会場の出音バランスもグッとよくなって一気に聴きやすくなる。さらに「The Rain Song」では冒頭の歌詞を「this should be springtime of your loving」と変えて歌ってみせるなど、余裕もたっぷり(後のシアトルでも「The Song Remains~」の歌詞を変えていましたね)。
長尺な「No Quarter」と「Dazed and Confused」では、どちらにおいてもペイジとボンゾのプレイが素晴らしい。それぞれが曲の後半において二人の演奏が凄まじく白熱しているのです。その激しさたるや、14日の公演を軽く凌駕。またこれらの間に挟まれた「Trampled Underfoot」ではプラントが勢い余って歌の構成を間違えてしまう(非常に微笑ましい)ものの、これまた後半はペイジが自由なフレーズを弾きまくるからお見事。そして「Stairway To Heaven」のギターソロの最中までアグレッシブに叩くボンゾも最高!考えてみれば、翌日があのロングビーチであり、75年アメリカ・ツアーにおける絶頂がスタートするその瞬間がこの10日のサンディエゴなのではないでしょうか。
今回のリリースに当たっては「SYMPHONY IN A THOUSAND PARTS」よりは改善されていたものの、「Moby Dick」辺りから顕著だった不安定なピッチの上昇を徹底的にアジャスト。元の状態とは比べ物にならないほど安定した状態へと生まれ変わっており、元々が見事なアッパーぶりをみせていた音源がいよいよ聴きやすくなってプレスCDに封じ込まれたのです。まだヒスノイズの粗さが玉に瑕なオーディエンス録音ではあるものの、それでも俄然「聴き込めてしまう」ほどのアッパーぶり。そして何よりも、この日は演奏が圧倒的に素晴らしい!

Disc 1 (53:57)
1. Intro. 2. Rock and Roll 3. Sick Again 4. Over the Hills and Far Away
5. In My Time of Dying 6. The Song Remains the Same 7. Rain Song
8. Kashmir

Disc 2 (53:31)
1. MC 2. No Quarter 3. Trampled Underfoot 4. Moby Dick

Disc 3 (61:39)
1. MC 2. Dazed and Confused 3. Stairway to Heaven 4. Whole Lotta Love 5. Black Dog

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