Led Zeppelin / Vienna 1973 / 4CD

Led Zeppelin / Vienna 1973 / 4CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria 16th March 1973.


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Unlike the 929 and Destroyer and woe be the entire catch straight out of the textbook sound board recordings taken live does not exist, while visibility is low among the general ZEP live fans, the great Naru popular among ZEP mania 73-year European tour, which boasts. Around the Page and Bonzo, the golden age of crisis approaching play unfolded literally. Munich also in our shop, Offenbach to Hamburg, and although we have released an item in the condition, such as recent years appeared in Lyon, had been asked a lot from the direction of the mania was the voice of “Vienna?”.
In in the time that astounding great performance by the former reason is mass production, Vienna performances of honor High March 16 days of the great performance of the knobs. The splendor of the stand out performance of course, this day was also a very live the item has been produced for a long time by the sound quality of a good audience recording exists. It does not sound board recording If you listen to one? Surprisingly on sound image as become likely to illusion. In the course 73 years European tour is the quality of the special, the goodness of the sound quality is assumed or even greater point me convey the tremendous performance of the day to scrupulosity.

Such 73-year European tour is a strange phenomenon that has been left many sound board recording that has been recorded from “Dazed And Confused” and later occurred. Again this is I can only imagine that it is a result of intention trying to record the reply of intense inter-play of Paige and Bonzo in this tour worked, but this tour was higher from the previous evaluation between mania, of them would be the fact was further heightened by the advent of sound board recording. “Dazed And ~” the way from the sound board recording the recording button is pressed in will also exist with respect Fortunately Vienna performance. For the audience recording multiple exists, LP “WRENCH IN THE WORKS” is too great sound quality of the familiar “source 1”, and the like. Items that have been configured in “source 1” and the sound board recording from the fact that a sound source such excellent sound quality there is now a lot produced is it.
But the surprising thing, ever made a hybrid has been the title is the whole there has been something of a drawback. By combining a plurality of sound sources “source 1” as it was good also up alone soundboard supplemented the portion not be recorded, deviation of the pitch of because it combines a plurality of sound sources, to further standardize the quality such as equalization, which had been subjected to, I hybrid content was having a lot of late of the problem. As further was also such items to edit the sound board recording part mixed. After all, is not steadfast superiority of the sound board in order to constitute the entire live as a “source 1”.

The most evaluation was high in mania in such hybrid item, rather than the number produced the items, may have been surprising that it was the familiar “WINSTON REMASTER” on the net. The secret is in the point that has been combined while maintaining the natural texture of the previous two major sound source. However, evaluation of the best version was higher “WINSTON REMASTER” is also essential as a start to “Dazed And Confused”, in the part that corresponds to the handsome of the disk had to stand play the pitch is different problem by sound source it was a big drawback. And when release release of the more than anything (remained high despite evaluation) also considerable time has elapsed from the appearance of the “WINSTON” version of this limited press CD, thoroughly this problem brush up on. Thoroughly adjust covered with a such as “Dazed And ~” in occurred connection of roughness “source 2” in the example. If the person of the mania that has been Ai聴 the original “WINSTON” version, definitely longer be overwhelmed by the sense of stability on the listening reborn enough to say to another dimension!

Further, in this time of the release included on the comedian and four sheet of the disk the full-length version of the was used as a supplement personnel of “WINSTON REMASTER” “source 2”. Here even as the audience recording of 1973 an amazing turn on sound image, but what to say the sound of Paige of the guitar even if those captured by the balance of the strong force. Also not balance on the listening is enough to become a saturation state, not a roar, such as, for example, 69-year Boston Tea Party That said. The balance basis are those who excel much, even being overwhelmed by the force of Paige of the guitar, yet enjoy a strong performance of ZEP of this day, very appeared recently an attractive alternative recording master recording from. And adjust the pitch of the increase that this also had been left at the time of appearance.
Anyway so this day Paige of guitar playing has earnestly sharp, reverberates to this exquisite recording balance is also very attractive. Live the first half of the “Over The Hills And Far Away”, further “The Song Remains The Same” around is amazing the word. Etc. For those who underestimate his guitar playing, I want you to listen to this day absolutely. Certainly the subsequent 75 years playing touch seemed While go roughened is a fact, but that’s why 73-year European tour flash Paige is showed in the exceptional. In “play” and “play rolled” lukewarm. “Playing defeat” Paige is here! Of course, since you also scattered cut place in the “source 2”, there has to compensate for the other sound source. Among them, “Dazed And Confused” in switches to the sound board recording the moment the “San Francisco” has begun, “Whole Lotta Love” in 17 minutes stand the second half of the Mise was supplemented with it even the loss of a moment, no discomfort far from listening to also adjust the first time.

And drumming of the day Bonzo that another of the main has showed a spark in the same way as Paige. His play has been heard in this tour, it is sore beating that was exhilarating over the wheel to the usual heavy groove. Yet unrivaled it amusing because he spree Dokadoka and texture. Also in the “I Can not Quit You” Part of the slow “Since I’ve Been Loving You” and “Whole Lotta Love”, such as make prime violently the part that you do not play is Paige, is breathing the first time of Aun with him Anyway great.
The moment that they deserve the very climax with the call was Noboritsume at the apex of this day, probably it is “Dazed And Confused”. But just great performance even was the “Dazed And ~” of this tour, which is mass-produced, played here should be called the vertex. It rolled dull the drumming of Bonzo and from the first half, where I show the deployment of startle with Paige and two people, even to say that what is vertex has finished playing bow. Also a sublime is bargaining also play defeat Page and Bonzo and, from there always to be back scene of thrilling thing deployment. No longer an exaggeration to say that the work of Takumi, the best of the inter-play would be enjoyed in both the sound board recording and best audience recording, the ultimate great performance 73 Vienna ultimate title finally appeared. I just do not miss absolutely!


そんな73年ヨーロッパ・ツアーは「Dazed And Confused」以降から記録されているサウンドボード録音が多く残されているという不思議な現象が起きました。やはりこれは本ツアーにおけるペイジとボンゾの強烈なインタープレイの応酬を記録しようという意思が働いた結果だとしか思えないのですが、以前からマニアの間で評価の高かったこのツアーが、それらのサウンドボード録音の登場によってさらに高まったのは事実でしょう。幸いウィーン公演に関しても「Dazed And~」の途中から録音ボタンが押されたサウンドボード録音が存在します。複数が存在するオーディエンス録音に関しては、LP「WRENCH IN THE WORKS」などでおなじみ「source 1」の音質があまりにも素晴らしい。そうした音質に優れた音源が存在することからサウンドボード録音と「source 1」で構成されたアイテムが多く生み出されることになりました。
しかし意外なことに、これまで作られてきたハイブリッドなタイトルは総じて何かしらの欠点があったのです。複数の音源を組み合わせることによって「source 1」とサウンドボードだけでは収録し切れない部分が補われたまではよかったのものの、複数の音源を組み合わせたが故のピッチの狂い、さらに音質を統一すべく施されてしまったイコライズなど、ハイブリッドな内容が故の問題を多く抱えていたのです。さらにはサウンドボード録音パートでの編集が混在するアイテムなどもあったほど。結局のところ、ライブ全体を構成する上で「source 1」とサウンドボードの優位性は揺るぎません。

そうしたハイブリッド・アイテムの中でマニアにもっとも評価が高かったのは、数多く生み出されたアイテムではなく、ネット上でおなじみ「WINSTON REMASTER」だったというのは意外だったかもしれません。その秘訣は先の二大音源のナチュラルな質感を保ちながら組み合わせていた点にあります。ところがベスト・バージョンとの評価が高かった「WINSTON REMASTER」も肝心の「Dazed And Confused」を始めとして、二枚目のディスクに相当するパートにおいては音源によってピッチが違う問題を放置プレイしてしまった大きな欠点があったのです。そして何よりも「WINSTON」バージョンの登場からも相当な時間が経過してしまった(にもかかわらず評価は高いままだった)今回の限定のプレスCDでのリリースリリースに当たっては、この問題を徹底的にブラッシュアップ。例の「Dazed And~」で起きたつなぎの粗さなどは「source 2」を被せて徹底的にアジャスト。元の「WINSTON」バージョンを愛聴されてきたマニアの方であれば、もはや別次元と言っていいほどに生まれ変わったリスニング上の安定感に圧倒されること間違いなし!

さらに今回のリリースにおいては「WINSTON REMASTER」の補填要員として使用した「source 2」の全長版を三枚目と四枚目のディスクに収録。こちらも1973年のオーディエンス録音としては驚異的にオンな音像を誇りますが、何といってもペイジのギターの音がド迫力のバランスで捉えられたもの。とはいってもリスニング上のバランスが飽和状態となってしまうほどのものではなく、例えば69年ボストン・ティー・パーティーのような爆音ではありません。バランス的にはずっと秀でたものであり、ペイジのギターの迫力に圧倒されつつも、それでいてこの日のZEPの強烈な演奏を楽しめる、非常に魅力的な別録音を最近になって登場したマスターから収録。しかも登場時にこれまた放置されていた高めのピッチをアジャスト。
何しろこの日はペイジのギター・プレイがキレまくっていますので、この絶妙な録音バランスも非常に魅力的なものへと響きます。ライブ前半の「Over The Hills And Far Away」、さらに「The Song Remains The Same」辺りは凄まじいの一言。彼のギター・プレイを過小評価する人などには、絶対にこの日を聴いてほしい。確かに75年以降プレイのタッチがが粗くなって行く一方だったのは事実ですが、だからこそ73年ヨーロッパ・ツアーでペイジがみせた閃きは別格。「弾けてる」や「弾きまくり」では生ぬるい。「弾き倒す」ペイジがここにある!もちろん「source 2」にもカット箇所が散在しますので、そこには他の音源を補っています。中でも「Dazed And Confused」では「San Francisco」が始まった瞬間にサウンドボード録音へと切り替わり、「Whole Lotta Love」の17分台後半では一瞬の欠損までもそれで補填してみせた、違和感のまったくないアジャストぶりも聴きどころ。

そしてこの日もう一つの要がペイジと同じように閃きを見せたボンゾのドラミング。このツアーにおいて聴かれた彼のプレイ、それはいつものヘビー・グルーブに輪をかけてスカッとした叩きっぷり。それでいてドカドカとキメまくるのだから愉快なことこの上ない。スローな「Since I’ve Been Loving You」や「Whole Lotta Love」内の「I Can’t Quit You」パートにおいても、ペイジが弾かないパートを激しく盛り立てるなど、彼との阿吽の呼吸ぶりがとにかく素晴らしい。
正に絶頂と呼ぶにふさわしい彼らがこの日の頂点に登り詰めた瞬間、それが「Dazed And Confused」でしょう。ただでさえ名演が量産されたこのツアーの「Dazed And~」でしたが、その頂点と呼ぶべき演奏がここに。前半からしてボンゾのドラミングが冴えまくり、ペイジと二人で驚愕の展開を見せるのですが、頂点は何といっても弓弾きが終わったところ。またしても弾き倒すペイジとボンゾの駆け引きが壮絶で、そこからいつもの展開へと戻る場面のスリリングなこと。もはや匠の技と言っても過言ではない、最高のインタープレイがサウンドボード録音と極上オーディエンス録音の両方で楽しめてしまう、究極の名演73ウィーン究極のタイトルが遂に登場。今回ばかりは絶対にお見逃しなく!

Audience Source 1 + 2 / Soundboard

Disc 1 (57:02)
1. Intro.
2. Rock And Roll (Aud Source 1) 3. Over The Hills And Far Away (Aud Source 1)
4. Black Dog (Aud Source 1) 5. Misty Mountain Hop (Aud Source 1)
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You (Aud Source 1) 7. Dancing Days (Aud Source 1)
8. Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp (Aud Source 1)
9. The Song Remains The Same (Aud Source 2) 10. The Rain Song (Aud Source 2)

Disc 2 (73:57)
1. Dazed And Confused (Aud Source 2) & (Aud Source 1 / SBD Matrix)
2. Stairway To Heaven (Aud Source 1 / SBD Matrix)
3. Whole Lotta Love (Aud Source 1) & (Aud Source 1 / SBD Matrix) & (SBD)
4. Heartbreaker (SBD)

Audience Source 2

Disc 3 (57:03)
1. Intro. 2. Rock And Roll 3. Over The Hills And Far Away 4. Black Dog 5. Misty Mountain Hop
6. Since I’ve Been Loving You 7. Dancing Days 8. Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp 9. The Song Remains The Same
10. The Rain Song

Disc 4 (73:00)
1. Dazed And Confused 2. Stairway To Heaven 3. Whole Lotta Love 4. Heartbreaker

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