Led Zeppelin / St Paul 1973 / 3CD

Led Zeppelin / St Paul 1973 / 3CD / Non Label
Civic Center, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA 9th July 1973

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Led Zeppelin has released so many live sound sources, but while famous sound sources continue to release items many times, there are also sound sources that have been completely forgotten. A good example of this is St. Paul in 1973. More than 20 years ago, it was released as a paper jacket CD “COMPLETE PERFORMANCE IN MINNESOTA” from the nostalgic TDOLZ label, and there are still no other items.
In a sense, it was a title boasting an unusual long-term administration, but nowadays there are almost no enthusiasts who remember items and sound sources. It was a typical vintage monaural audience recording with a sense of distance, and due to the pitch deviation, it could be called a typical B-class item even during the 1973 American tour.

Although it was such a forgotten St. Paul 73, a version recorded by the master suddenly appeared on the net last month. In addition, it was dadgad who made it public. The master drop of the 1973 sound source, which was overlooked even among enthusiasts, appeared.
Compared to “COMPLETE PERFORMANCE IN MINNESOTA” in the cassette copy era, the upper feeling is clear as a vintage audience, and the problems such as roughness and distortion that were worrisome there, and even pitch deviation are wiped out, and it is for enthusiasts. Even though it is a sound source, it has become much easier to hear. Of course, it is a monaural recording, and the sound image has a sense of distance, so the sound quality does not look good with headphones. It is also a sound source that I would like to recommend playing from speakers.
Even so, as expected, there is only a version from the master, and not only the previous problem, but also the freshness and depth of the sound are felt in the upper. Again, it’s a sound source for enthusiasts, but it’s really easier to hear than the nostalgic “COMPLETE PERFORMANCE ~” paper jacket CD.

On this day, the performance was a series of highlights … or rather, the performance was so fulfilling that it would not be an exaggeration to call it the first masterpiece in the second leg of the United States in 1973. However, at the beginning of the live, Robert’s condition was tattered due to the flow (in a bad sense) during those two days in Chicago. He lowers the melody line and sings.
However, the band itself doesn’t care about such a situation, and Jimmy suddenly starts playing the intro of “Dancing Days” in front of “Misty Mountain Hop”. It’s strange because it seems to me. In addition, Robert suddenly demodulated from “Misty Mountain”. Even if the firecrackers were ringing from there, they were singing without rotting, but rather they woke up from sleep because of the ringing. I can feel the spirit.
What is even more surprising is “No Quarter”. This time Bonzo awakens and hits him strangely violently. Speaking of the development that Bonzo stands out in this song, it reminds me of 1977, but unlike that time, it is very rare that Bonzo played the drum so violently in the performance of the 1973 version with a short basic scale. ..

In this way, the first half was a slow starter on this day, but obviously the band’s engine will be fully opened in “No Quarter”. “Dazed and Confused” was a terrific performance that did not disappoint. From the theme part of the first half, Bonzo exploded at this time, which is unusual for him in Europe a few months ago. It’s terrible enough to think.
The bowing section by Jimmy was over, and the development centered on the rhythm section was completely their own. The development that Jimmy cuts into there is reminiscent of Europe a few months ago, and it reaches a spectacular peak around 20 minutes. In addition, Bonzo exploded toward the ending, and a tremendous performance of almost 30 minutes was unfolded.
After this, the performance was so hot that I thought it was a different band from Chicago’s two days, and in the middle of “Stairway to Heaven” where it was regrettable that there was a cut, I chewed a strong shout that I could not think of Robert at this time It will give you, and the development with “Heartbreaker” which has not recorded the intro is also the best.
Jimmy is in great shape this time, and he pulls the scene where he should switch from the same song to “Whole Lotta Love” (laughs). I thought that the song had finally changed, but this time Jimmy played more solo than usual in the 73 famous “Let That Boy Boogie” part and extended the performance. And the finale “Communication Breakdown” has a strange height of tension from the intro, and Jimmy also develops for a long time. At the time of “COMPLETE PERFORMANCE IN MINNESOTA”, there were many enthusiasts who could not feel the awesomeness of such performance due to the roughness of the sound and the deviation of the pitch.
In this way, Jimmy’s feeling of playing after “Heartbreaker” is really spectacular, and the expression “lost masterpiece” would fit perfectly, the overlooked maniac sound source 1973 St. Paul is finally upgraded!

これだけライブ音源がリリースされているレッド・ツェッペリンですが、有名音源なら何度でもアイテムが出され続ける一方で、すっかり忘れ去られた音源というのも存在します。その好例と言えるのが1973年のセントポール。今から20年以上前、懐かしのTDOLZレーベルから紙ジャケCD「COMPLETE PERFORMANCE IN MINNESOTA」としてリリースされたきり未だに他のアイテムが存在しないのです。

さすがにカセットコピー時代の「COMPLETE PERFORMANCE IN MINNESOTA」と比べるとビンテージ・オーディエンスなりにアッパー感が歴然としていて、そこで気になった粗さや歪み、さらにはピッチの狂いといった問題が一掃され、マニア向けな音源とはいえど格段に聞きやすくなってくれたのです。もちろんモノラル録音、なおかつ距離感のある音像ですのでヘッドフォンではまるで映えない音質。そこはスピーカーからの再生を推奨しておきたい音源でもあります。
それにしても、さすがはマスターからのバージョンだけあって先の問題だけでなく、音の鮮度や深みすら感じさせるアッパーぶりは流石。繰り返しますがあくまでマニア向け音源でありますが懐かしの「COMPLETE PERFORMANCE~」紙ジャケCDと比べて本当に聞きやすくなってくれたもの。

ところがバンド自体はそんな様子を気に留める訳でもなく、ジミーに至っては「Misty Mountain Hop」の前で突如「Dancing Days」のイントロを弾きだすなど、むしろご機嫌では?と思えるから不思議。おまけに「Misty Mountain~」から突如としてロバートも復調。そこから爆竹が鳴らされようとも腐ることなく歌っており、むしろそれが鳴ったことで眠りから覚めたのでは?と思えるほど気合が伝わってきます。
それ以上に驚かされるのが「No Quarter」。今度はボンゾが覚醒して異様なほど激しく叩きまくり。本曲でボンゾが目立つ展開と言えば77年を思い起こさせますが、その時と違い尺が基本短い73年版の演奏でボンゾがこれほどまでに激しくドラムを叩いてみせた場面というのは非常に珍しい。

こうして前半はスロースターターだったこの日ですが、明らかに「No Quarter」でバンドのエンジンが全開となります。そこで迎えた「Dazed and Confused」は期待を裏切らない凄まじい演奏。前半のテーマ部分からしてこの時期では珍しいくらいボンゾが炸裂、それこそ数か月前のヨーロッパの彼が乗り移ってきたのでは?と思えるほど凄まじい。
もうこの後はシカゴ二日間とは別のバンドかと思うほど演奏が白熱、カットが入ってしまうのが惜しい「Stairway to Heaven」の途中ではこの時期のロバートとは思えないほど強烈なシャウトをかましてくれますし、やはりイントロが未収録の「Heartbreaker」での展開も最高。
今度はジミーが絶好調で、同曲から「Whole Lotta Love」に切り替わるべき場面をひっぱるひっぱる(笑)。ようやく曲が変わったかと思いきや、今度は73名物「Let That Boy Boogie」パートでもジミーがいつもよりたっぷりソロを弾いて演奏を引き延ばす。そしてフィナーレ「Communication Breakdown」はイントロから異様なテンションの高さでこれまたジミーが長めの展開に。「COMPLETE PERFORMANCE IN MINNESOTA」の時は音の粗さやピッチの狂いのせいで、こうした演奏の凄みを感じ取れなかったマニアが多かったのでは?

Disc 1 (67:34)
1. Intro
2. Rock And Roll
3. Celebration Day
4. Black Dog
5. Over the Hills and Far Away
6. Misty Mountain Hop
7. Since I’ve Been Loving You
8. No Quarter
9. The Song Remains the Same
10. The Rain Song

Disc 2 (45:08)
1. MC
2. Dazed and Confused
3. Stairway to Heaven

Disc 3 (49:54)
1. MC
2. Moby Dick
3. Heartbreaker
4. Whole Lotta Love
5. Communication Breakdown

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